HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 122Ar►n l,Cli agliAL,STARI THU ,SDAY,- r1uARY 21, 1971 from the i ��a��' ;fide trigon X71 looks good, Nudging from the advance notices about - p Trigon',•'71, it would seem it . will be an evening of excellent drama for folks who enjoy that sort of thing: a There seems to be'plenty of variety in "x:"' 'the: 'type of plays- ei"hg performed this weekend during the event. It would ,eppear: there is' something for everyone. A .well,' the east sof • players ,seems to, be representatirie of almost every age, level at z w QCr, another :point in favor of the whole. ' Tcd ce fi of -the Tri pn advents 'e.---::-,ttr,ou : ' .�� r rt p g, ..�..._.e'?f,�ienderfi`�1~r�a�°'ve��t While. the actors and actresses "vvTttt" undoubtedly gain'the greatest amount, of praise and attention , because of their on-stage Performance's, there 'are many, manw talented young people involved . behind the scenes whom audiences -should remember to appreciate:- As 'ami avid theatre -goer must realize, the lighting, the staging, the costuming and alLthe other background work necessary to "produuce o 'play is all:important to the success_, of the production. Of cow's* a specialword of commendation must go out to Mr, and Mrs. Warren )Robinson vvho take such a tremendous interest in this event. Performances begin. at 8 p.n't. Friday and Saturday evenings this weekend in the a;uditorivani at. GDC1^.:1'he program -Hs great and thmour1t of wQrk and'extr.a effort Let's, make the oin.0.1 thing worthwhile' for the GDCI students and their teachers With our presence at. Trigon '71. That's the best way to show appreciation for teenagers who use their time and their talents in a way the whole community can apillaud,:.and teachers who hav,,e faith in the abilities of their students. Last week I told the women of Goderich and area how one particular Goderich"woman; Mrs. J. W. Wallace, was -promoting a closer liaison betw'een;'th'e board of 'education in -Huron -County,. and 'the i teachers and educators of the province,of Ontario. This week I have news' ,of another area woman, Mrs. Warren '(Marion) Zinn; also a member of the Huron County_ Board of Education representing • Woman to Woman nth , Shirley, • clearlyw�.._.defined, but it is. understood that she does the Work normally expected of -a • man. ,.Her employer seems to be _satisfied with Betty's efforts. noted that some people accuse Betty of taking away the job of a • breadwinning husband, but ' Schwari';z doesn'tabiiy that. , "If she's taking away the job ,.of a man," he,saysr•"then how come I can't 'get any mento work for me?" Schwartz said that men come to look over the job, stay -for a , couple of days and then leave', because of the "cold weather". .' Now to be sure, Betty may be somewhat unusual.' Not • every woman would care to work with men on a construction sit!. Yet the . fact remains . that ,if Betty Wants t� do it and is sat sfy lig her employer in . her duties - , there -is is no real reason why she should not 'be 'permitted to continue on 'the job. And whatys more, I believe that Schwartz has openly told 'the story as it really : is .. '. and 'perhaps Schwartz has unwittingly taken the lid off a very, nasty kettle of fish, as far as the ' male of,,, the species is concerned. ,For years now, North American women have . been considered ' inferior as laborers doing ' hard manual work. Frankly, I prefer' it that. way. I wouldn't want to swing .a shovel, '''all, day on a construction site . : or climb the rigging to put steel beams in place. And what's more; ' I doubt that there are the townships of Ashfield and West Wawanosh, who is really . doing something about closing !aa _•gat?.. ?.9, C, 11.'the 'board and" 'the ratepayers of the county: ;i Mrs. Zinn last week, began writings . , a column ' for The Lucknow ' Sentinel , regarding affairs of -particular 'interest to Brookside Pli'blic School; North • Ashfield . Public School, F. E. Madi.11 Secondary Schooj and the Goderich :District Collegiate institute; 'The column will appear.:13i-inofrthly, likely to coincide . with the regular meeting ' nights of the Huron County Board of Eduhation. ., The first column,, I noted, included answers to, sortie questions 'Mrs. ` Zinn has no doubt,' been' gathering from the y folks she , represents on the board. It was s a good column and one' which the people who read The Sentinal should appreciate. There islittle doubt in my mind. that Mrs.. Zinn's literary effort is the -first of its kind in Huron -County .. perhaps in the whole of Ontario. ' - I suppose•'that Mrs. Zinn has • taken this Bourse of action most particularly ,because The ;Lucknow Sentinel carries very little school board news.. Being on the, q'order°o,F°ifuron County as Lucknow is, it is difficult tp carry all the news which affects many women who would have the appetite for such work, Yet" I'm convinced that a • determined woman one who wanted to do this type of work — could accomplish the task"as all, the readers. Editor Don well as alb man. Arid if the W�45.)1,.e p1.Qyers, of this nation cannot ro Wit• of hayuxg ioon^:•intr' news for his newspaper on many' are willing .and able to work, occasions. there is no reason under the sun ' Mrs. Zinn, l expect, will write why the job shouldn't go to' a ;^t a condensed Version of school woman. , board, -happenings which will suit In short, if men don't want to, the needs of :"The Lucknow be men and do the work for Sent>iril by p'e'rfecti'on and at the , ,which men seem to think. they , same time, Mrs. Zinn has. made are most . suited, then .wilting herself very available to the women should be engaged to ,people she represents. "She is to , complete the task. And they be congratulated for , her should , have all the company endeavgars ... and it is certainly benefits, they should be one more .proof that women are admitted' to the various unions capable and highly concerned •and there' shouldn't be, one members of elected boards and whisper out of the -men because councils. of it. centres. .. I. Qiice• knew a woman who Speaking of women in what's built a house -She did everything .. feel there are many women • supposed to be a man's 'world I . she dug the basement by , who would like. to have a; family ,'want to share with you some V ' and, she put up the basement, but do. .not::'.have.."t'he financial thoughts I had following the alls, did all the carpentry work; ‘.security they need to go ahead. reading of an article about 'a all the roofing, all the plumbing, They generally continue to work Sudbury woman. 'all the plastering, all the finish' away from . home .. frustrated It' seems- that Betty Burnett,. work, all the landscaping ...' the- by the • fact that they cannot, ,. 26, earns her living as a cocktail whole bit. The only Work -she afford to have a baby and'' at the _ night didn't _, _ was the ..�;.�4..:...,, same -time holding down a job which is needed by some other T() M V' GROWN-UP SOA''.°1ND DAUGHTERS 1/►' hands were btusv through the duu / c7icllt't /,ar'e tltuc•h tituc' tct /)lc{v 4 I'/e little Mantes t'ou u,ked lite to, ' 1 didn't ltur'r'rnuc'h tune for 1'cw. i',1 t►•ct,lt 1 i Stu' c;k # sew and t'c,ok --kilt- when you'd bruig,your j)ic ttlrc' 1)01)k ,111 ,l,k ju' I)Ie'Use to share i' -our full I ',1 ,a , ".1 little .later; wit: :I'd (Auk Ion in a/rsajc at "refit . 111,/ he ur your /.)rul'e'r, tarn (llt the light • /11(11 !Ii)tc)c• a(f(1)'to!/�c't/OOr t 1,/l,1114)(11:1' l,'d ,tlll'c'd at /)l1IHltc' llt<rrrc'' short, the 1'c'urs. rush past, attar +u i� 'i lki v 1ti� 1'ru.1 Sko .)6403 p'i i§,,,6,4v.0 xteszo, li er IN he ut.It tlr• sick' :/lis precious secrets to confide. 1IU ph' titre' hooks are put ctll'a.t' 1 '/t L) t' ar•c'11 't any l' ganl c's to /)lay \o go, )(Might kiss, no prayers to (tear` That ct/l 1)c'lcaigs to •1'L',tc'rt•ciir. My hands onee'b'ttsy. stow tic stiff The clays are long and hard to I ►wish 1 might, go back ;(lief do Thu' little things you asked,nte to! • Mother . • HoirnesvIlle UC meets " aWednesday, January 20th with ctostia '.with singing �-'. Forth In. The Janiary, meeting was pot luck dinner. Thy name, followed " by prayer..; conducted by . Mrs. Marry PresbyCerial meets in Mitchell, Lunch was serried and a s+rciai �,,,Cudmoze and her group. The February 17th. The meeting time enjoyed. ' the*of the meeting was Live ..._., " Abundantly, .After singing ---of . steres 1, 3 and 4 of di'n 'gat .. . the Portal, Mrs. Cudmore led in a praYer for 1971, Psalm 90 was read by Mrs. Wm. Townsend and Mrs. C. Tebbutt read the. meditation. Mrs. A. Mowatt read` letters from `four missionaries . - the - Hudson's in '-South- Arnerica, the Bayliss' in Korea, the in Japan and the Canipbells in Kingston, ,Jamaica: She then . led, 'in prayer for missionaries. , Mrs. , ebbutt read an. ,�. articl•¢' ;,t,itled 'Ph.e. Bible To -day. Mrs. Cudmore :read an •arficle by Mr., George Goth �' Crepe ' hanging, won't save the 'world. The roll ,call — A New Years resolution or an ambition for. 1971 was answered by 21 members and'one visitor: factory- ANI) fed and tended four active, healthy, .normal children , while she built the house'. How about that? * * * looks as thonglighiS column is going turn into a Women''s Lib effort so I guess I- might as well go all the way ,and mention June , Cailwood's address ----at f arshawe College last week. ' I°•don't know too much about June, Callwood, I understand &be was in Goderich a year or so ago and it is possible many of you_ know the lady personally. At Fansha,we College•,', June took a swing at social workers and probatiorr'officers and such like. ,N Said June, "These'' people really: consider- themselves taller than those trey, are supposed to fieTp.'= Well; without. hearing what was said before„and after that statement I feel I shouldn't - ,really pass an opinion, on Miss -- Callwood's observation. I do ' have opinions of ' my own, however; and I am ' inclinedd agree that some persi5ns employed in the business of advising other persons sometimes have as many - maybe more hangups' than the people they are counselling. "Competition . , in sports, education, well 'everything, ...-is a single word: brutal,” continued Miss Callwood:••.. Again it is difficult to decide just what - it i ::.that Miss Callwood is saying here without knowing what she said before and- after this statement, but I can't really agree. I think I know what she means — competition can be brutal if, you have no taste for the - competition .,in Which .you - are entered ; — but I. consider most competition° at school, in sports, and through business healthy, vital and There are always exceptions to the rule, of course. 'But take away competition and you take. away one Of the reasons fox, living. Do You agree? • There was One p`Ortiorr-of Miss and- that. was her feeling- on Miss Callwood suggested that women who want to have children should 'be given as much 'support as possible, whether financially or through day care lOtinge songstress Yon aren't having a black° t, This gal a husband but he woman wlic; perhaps has a .. dear reader. That's just what I didn't fa If asp,a man . family and would like to find said. Betty Burnett works in who could stand ha brk. So work that would get her out of construction gang and even , ,hubby loafed while the little -the-house. ' Now ihere are , many - holds an international woman did all the sweating and arguments against working Ironworkers Union Card. ' straining, and ,the house still . 8etty is eniployed 1357 tV. H.' stands today as a testimony that mothers , . . but I'm quite toahtfitqwpzen.morothreontooverottiospowmatotom4s_,....,,,, who would develop deep-seated fleeting Steel for a multi-purpose male refuses to do it. 4 '17zAr'efflgike#SWORMIPilatheYsilitivsolagel warehouse, Betty's vIcact duties That same 'woman, by the tr .' A U. i t li , the company were not way, herd down a job in i k hwartz and Sons, a a woman datfdo a,xnan's work . . certain there ate many women During the bnsiness periodthe ,group decided to sponsor a girl from Christian Childrens Fund in the-Cameroons, West. Africa, to do sewing and knitting fors1,,, Children's Aid, collect, baby. itiems to send to Kong Kontk. - 'One of the -ways. to 'raise moneys, a fun thing, Hobo teas in May. Congregational meeting' `' 12:3910 '7 tcLosED ON MONDAYS). '4 4' GROCERIES.* PACKAGED MEATS: [MIRY PRODUCTS* BISSET'S,ICE CREAM EAM19, SIZE PEPSI with $3 GAS PURCHASE' Free HOCKEY 4.P1.)bK-, to every customer maling- -7-- minimum $1 purchase (Only, (rot per customer).• (Limited Quantity) LITTLE POINT MARKET Highway 21, 4 Miles North Of Goderich, §24-6362 GREAT -WAY TO START T1HE YEA GER119 BABY FOOD 4% -fl -oz larl All Meatless Varieties, Strained WAX -BEANS 'GREEN BEANS --H-a-ppy 'Vale Brand 111 • V. ft' LIMA BEANS 14-fi-oz tin 1 '4441.0z ti4fi s DOG FOOD-- 1::i-flioz tin .14? SPAGHETTI PEAS— - 14-tkoz tin 1 Chtelli. - 15.41 -oz t'in 114,1_ • 541, 41. e care All. prtees in thi's 'ad guaranteed •effeotive • through Saturday, January 23, 1971. • .Ontario GrOwn, Canada No. 1 Grade Canada �IMo.1 Grade/. Ontario , Bradford Marsh Grown R— a■� ■■�tti . Guarantees! Good Eating NO FINER MEAT SOLD ANYWHERE Packed By Alid) bag RK LO UARTE .9 to 11 CHOPS, '1%1' ,0 CENTRE SLICES • CilEt7( NESE' CASH SAVERS ! • f.me-elte-444-oderne., 2 -pry FACIAL TISSUE Rorryi MACARONI Or.-SPaghetti' Tomato. or Vegetable -.AYLMER SOUP '. ARCTIC 'POWER Bonnie 101i DOG'FoOD' Sliced, D'aily Dated king size, 5 -lb .79 Raiiin Bread 2 16"" 1"."5 5 5ffe 15 -oz tin