HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 9"IA • 1 • A. A) A , I • 5. TO RENT THREEED0011127-apartment on the Square now available. . Phone 524-8124. - 47tf • - GO ',NOW1VIOBILING MC, Little Inn, tiayfield, $6.00, per hour, $30.00 • per day. Bring your family and friends. .7- 51tf 8. HELP WANTED Public or High School TUTOR . . • Wanted to teach Spelling and Math for student from foreign. Cotietry. 'Phone 524-8168 or 24 175 • ' -THREE-BEDI1,00,M, two-storey 0$04,,,?.-PUIttem4,:n4 • -• -latcheni dinette and "rec"rbeitn. Available immediately. Rent $140,00 monthly. Apply H. W. Shore, '524-7272, 56 Newgate Street. -- 4-9tf • • T -WO -BEDROOM downstairs apartment, newly decorated, 'resPonsible tenants only. $65.00 a-fnonth. Phone 524-7014. - 51t1 8. HELP WANTED •49, EXPERIENCED sales personnel for Goderich Motors Ltd., applicant must' have, management potential. Very attractive pay plan, including corripanY etr. Call. Clayt Amberey, 524-7308,- for apPointmen,t. -3. 12.1ENDERS WANTED • . ONTARIO " PUBLIC WORKS MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:015-45.rn. TIME on A , • THURSDAY, I • 5 -§ . ' • FEBItUARY 11, 19'71 DR IVCR.$ ,N,gEbED • • A, • — BUSINESS offices at 38 Hamilton Street, Goderich, for rent. Ideal as offices or for small business. Heated:- $80.00 per month. Apply McGee Pontiac- 45tf , SKI -D00 rentals and ski-booses, hourly, daily, weekly, • from $5,00/hr. - $25.00/day. Special Monday to Thursday, rent for 3 hours pay for two. Call Paul Baechler, 524,7968. -1-4. • FOR -MAI: WEAR RENTALS Dress right for all occasions We are agents for Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD,- • Clinton Goderich • CAR EEROPPORTLINLTY Dominion Automobile Association, Canada's largest and 'most progressive , Motor Club, has openings for • male and female representatives In your area_The successful applicants will be fully trained, receixe top , commi-ssions, guaranteed renewals on your own business, group- insurance, plus other benefits: For a confidential interview and an opportunity for a good income, write Box 47. MAKING A LIVING FROM.8 TO 5? You can be a ,success from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.1. It is , that little extra ambition that can'make' • the difference between being average or out in front. A second job enrolling Ontario Automobile Associatio-n memberships may make the " differenc „ for you. Find edit how, rio?abligation. Contact -Ed WANTED: a copy of the old Bauer, Wingham, phone revised version of ' the Bible. 357-3805. - 2,3,4 „ Phone 524-7207. -3 8. HELP WANTED • f A th •• .6 4 f or- e e nstrue o a 1,V, ,nd -Heating Piping • local and over the,roa.d. Diesel or Distribution System, Stage ,2 Psychiatric Hospital,, Gacleri Ontario. ' Tender Documents, • may be obtained from the Department of Public Work, Custodian of Plans & Specifica • rks,Adorn NW -1167, llth Floor, erguson Block, Parliament uildings, Toronto, Ontario,. (Telephone No. 365-1270), or.'may be viewed at the London and District Coststruction Association, Loriabn, 'Ontario. A $9,000.00 Bid „Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment,Bond will be required as specified. • A Deposit of $25.00 MONEY ORDER,. or CEI,J.TIFIED, CHEQUE, made payable, to the •Treasurer of Ontario, will be required ----per set of'tender documents which will be COMPLETE household effects refunded if documents are or small lots wanted, Call C. & returned in ','good condition F3. Furniture; ,524-7231. 23tf within . days of above closing date, otherwise forfehed. ' NOTE: For further i» -formation regarding this tender, please call Mr. J. Elston, Department of • Public Works, Toronto, Ontario, (Telephone No. 365-4751). Tffe lowest or any tender not WANTED necessarily accepted. T. R„Hilliard Deputy Minister -3-4 gal experience helpful but not necessary., You can, earn over $4.00 -per hour after short training. For applicatidn and interview, call 416-362'400.2, or write Safety Dept., Transport Training Systems of Canada, Ltd., 207 Queens ,Quay West, Tororita 117, Ontario, Canada. -3-4 10. WANTED (General) ROOM AND BOARD, best meals, free TV in robm. Phone 524-9485. - 50tf HAMMER mill drive belt, 75.ft. ' long, 6 inches wide. Reasonable price. Henry Teunis Kolkman, phone 524-63567A- 2,3 • , 1 r•r•••••• - WAITRESS - Part-time Waitress. - required, 25 to 30' •hotirs' pet') 'week „during.•day. Good 4. workin condition's ;and „,,wages. ApPlY- in •Per•Son •.to • The- Chill : - Grill, Kingston Street. - 47tf RETAIL SALES PERSON - Long established store requires the services of an ambitious, courteous sales person, with retail -Hardware experience and the ability to. assume respon,sibility; advancement to assist in ripnagernent of . ,the appliance and , television departr,ent. $110.0Q-$130.00 per week to, •• start, five day week, plus bonus', and fringe benefits. Opportunity . for the right person to participate in ownership of busies after 3 years., Reply stating :past years of employment and -marital 'status, Egan Bros. Ltd., 29 Queen St. Bolton. Phone 416-857-2211. - 2,3x r 4 TREASURER for Public Utilities Office. State age, experience -and salary expected. Application to be in writing by February .4, 1971, to Chairman Clinton P.:U.C. P.O. Box 52Q,Clinton, Ont. 11. EMPLOYMENT LAP;will do sewing in her own. hone. ,Forinals considered. Phone 524-6929. -3• • 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE • USE them SHARP! Saws, skate's, .cutlery, lawn mowers, etc. C. H. Homar, Huron. Road, opposite 'store. - 1,2,3,4x PROVINCIAL COURT . A (CRIMINAL DIVIION) Part -tine clerical position available (futt-time during summer vacation). Variety of general office difiies, Quick, efficient worker 'essential. Shorthand preferable. For appointment telephone 524-9342. Mrs. Mable L. Gray, Curt Administrator 14. SERVICES64VAILABLE • SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION — WORK ' SPRAY PAINTING • 'ARNOLD •-Pone 529:7403 • 'for estimates ANDERSON'S APPIJANCE SERVICING 186 Miry St., qoderiFh 524-6144 • Domestic Refrigeration Electric Washers,„ • Cori/en, Stoves 41tf • •1 • BUY AND TAKE DELIVERY OF YOUR NEM/ 1971 AMERICAN MOTORS CAR BEFORE FEBRUARY 28 FROM GRAF'S AND GET AN -- ...."'""""*"""'"'• ;'........7•'••••'•••••• • ;it -TOW 41,11 ' • als Ka A, att; • A, Mr A TELEVISION 114 A miNIMMOMORMMOMMI IIIIIIMMIIMIMIMOMMor IIIMINNIMMMMIMMI MINNIIMMMIINOMMMINM. MMIMINIMIIMIIMMMIIIII Eliirinrarin: 1 MMMMM IIIIIIIIIIMMIIMIIII IMMIIMIIIIIIIIII MMMMM 11111M1MMIIIIII MMMMM III IIIIMMOI 1 111:11""=1:10 :::::r MMMMMMMM :c..., ......i •,,..... 1,....• MIIIIII•1 11111! MAW MUMMA MUM= .0aImPf :::::::::: iiiiiii1111116, ME 1 1 IIMMIMM MMMOMM MOWN MUNN! IIIIIIMMS I NIIUUN 1111111MMI MIIMMIEMM MMMMM MI MMMUILIMMIIMMUMMI I MMMM NUMMI MMMMMMM ! URI M ;11711717=1 PIM MMMMMM MN MMMMMMMM MUM" MIMMIIMMOM MMMMM EMMA You. I I be' as ke'd to pay. 'oh I y ,sma amountfor hand I ng -.and • $5 for the black *and white, $15 for the colour set. AAP •COme to GRAF'S FINA SERVICE for the most exciting new car deal anywhere'. You choose the car you want from our great 'line -Up of Matadors, Javelins, Hornets and Gremlins.:.we'll make the -best deal possible...and then to top it ofryou'll receive absolutely free RCA's new B&W Portable Television -a- compliments of American Motors. Make a deal on Ambassador Brougham and you'll receive an RCA colour T.V. Ambassador Brougham: AirzConditioning, V-8 Motor, Automatic Tran,smission, Individual Reclining Seats', and -Colour Television all for one low, low price. That's all there is t� it. Come on -in, pay the price you want for the car that suits you best and American Motors will ship , your TN: right to your home. You'll be asked to pay only -e, small amount fiir handling and shipping. $5 for )he ,black & . , white -LOA, $15 for the 17" colour set. But hurry.,This great offer -ends on February 28th- 1971. A SELECTION OF MODELS IN STOCK INCtUDING THE AMBASSADOR *BROUGHAM GRAF'S Fina Service NEW & USED AUTO SALES 1111')I /\'-' II, Pk )1,, • 0.-.11. flivio Id 11(.,1(1 .11 Stroll 524 51411 in * Keep Our Stock - Vet *iiring,iluir ale Pentad, We Will Atticipt ANY REASONABLE OFFER ON, .USED CARS s • . • ! 13: AUCTION SALE ESTATE . AUCTION SALE W ITH ADD ITIONS of •Valuable household. furnishings, good., appliances including • some .exceptional European Antiques (most of Netherl'ands origin), „diodes, sterling, , china; curios,: ,soine jevvellery' 'Wad Coins, "Dutch, 5 Guilder Gold 1912, 1.0:;Guilder Gold 1875. Atthorized. for The Arthur Landman, Estate, R.R. liffofd, • Ontario , by his Executorsand being held at:, • ESTATE • MARKETING SERVICES Auction p entre , WINGHAM, ONTARIO •SATIJRDAY, JANUARY 23rd 11:00 a.m. Note: A severe weather advisory for the Huron Bruce Region. through "official sources" will automatically cancel auction one week. Tune' CKN X. Please arrange to preview the - entire offering before sale; Wed. 20, Thurs, 21, Fri. 22 from 1:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. , Jack Alexander, Auctioneer Crawfdrd and Mill, Solicitors for the Execotors Directall inquiries about auction to Estate Marketing Services, 20 Water Street, Windham, Ontario. "Serving Mid -Western Ontario with an established, and respected Auction Service". -3. 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE HOME REMODELLING Kitchens, bathrooms, tiling, etc. Call 524-692,1";"4--1-4x A I Think i fig a bout , " • 'building a , • --ts MILK HOUSE - or • DRIVING -SHED? For free estimates call: ::RAY LAMBERS Clinton 4132-3306 WANTED - Dead ' and disabled Cattle and horses, highest prevailing prices paid. 4 - 24how service,- 74ays- a week Fast, Efficient Service C011ect Brussels 877-9334 'BRUSSELS PET FOOD • ,Supplies VA miles south of Brussels 0.0,PgRIC,j1.010PAtf;sTAAMI ftatiA1441144„ _ ,..op••••4r4404 4 14 SERVICES AVAILABLE ,14., SERVICES AVAILABLE Acia RAM end TV 00 Prank Wilcox, 50 Vinton. 8$. $. Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7171 40ti FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. tf TRI -TOWN' ' BOOKKEEPING SERVICE . • INCOME TAX ,Complete rec,ord preparation A. and maintenance. • LAWRENCE•BEANE , Brucefield' 02-92,60 - 4-16 ORAHANI ELECTRIC Copleto Electrical Service '• Residential — Commercial — • Industrial 155 'Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich; Ontario. ' )SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED , MODERN EQQ.IPMENT WORK'GUA1ANTEE0 Writ* or. Phone Harvey 'ClinteT PHONE 481,3320•27tf 4C- 'CA -LL • FRANK TUTT; For all -your flooring needs. Bu' your carpet anywhere. 20 years' installation experience. •- ,Freewneawrernents, OTt4.BV The.,family orth late- e POin ish. to, exjress •the_ir 'OP thinks And a OtV01ati011iVQ1 • who offered'gOrAPASICOS sympathy with flowep. and cards ,.during our ' • recent sad bereavement. SPecitil thanks to, all who assisted in any way to -_,.comfort and help us during this trying time. TIPERT:1 want to thank all of, •, my ,,,,frienclir who were thoughtful while* I was Alexandra -Hospital.' Apifa SPARKS:. , would„ express r4r sincere thanks to my relatives. . and 'friends' for • .4; 524.-6804 'visits 'arid • treats and all• beautiful 'cards I received While.' Goderich. • was a Atiatient in the Alexandra ' —tut. 15. NOTICE toCREDITORS or, HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone -524-88'92, Goderich. 51tf DAVE FARRISH Plumbing; Heating : & Air -Conditioning 'Remo 0,011 ing and new installations -for all of your plumbing ad heating needs. Presently situated at Esso 4-lorne Comfort Depot, The Dock, Goderich. Phone before six p.m. 524-6631 after six 1-291-1382., -2tf Sewing -Machine • PROBLEMS? Servicing 8, rvicinguAselld SalesMaks, N Alex Reed 197 Bayfield ,Rd., Goderich 524...8465 C. & VI Salvage 205 Nelspn St. Now BUYING ARS For Strap ' et their' yard • . CALL 5249514 .• . Also handling all types of new • and used steel products, IN ' THE ESTATE OF 8 TANLEY HAROLD PREvwrr, LATE OF THE TOWN O. GODERICH, IN THE COUNT OF PROPRIETOR., All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, bn or before the 30th day of January, 1971, after which date the'assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, . B • t , 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor s for the Etate. ,1,2,3 Marine and General 'Hospital. -Special thanks to Dr.. Wallaee • Dr. Flowers Rev. RoYal, Leal •'1863, and the nurses, and staff. Also for the company of my roommate Reg Ryan, -Ross A. Spa! s. BEAN: I wish to thank Dr, J. W. Wallace, nurses and staff, those 'who called, sent cards ancl fruit, while I was in Alexandra Hospital, Dave Bean. -3 19. 'LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Ladies wristwatch in West end of town. Owner can have same -by identifying--and paying for ad.,Phorie 524-8198. 20. MIiSCELLANEOUS VYe do all types • of •” STURDY: I would like to thank my many friends who remembered me with.cards, gifts and visits while 1 was a patient in Alexandra Hospital. I also thank • the nurses and staff on first floor for their many kindnesses. Special thanks to Dr. G. F. Mills, Harry L. Sturdy. -8. FULLER:. to thank friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits, while I 'was.. a patient in 'Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, and Victoria Hospital, London. Edith' Fuller. -3x FITZPATRICK: I wish-tipthank all rhy , relatives, ,friends. and neighbors who were so kind- to me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London; also mspecialaynaitahna. n. Nand Rev. Father,, ks t " m Nancy Fitzpatrick. FkraitbzoYasittrtieerks., JF.WELLERY.REPA1R -3 * Ring Sizing ' * Claw Retipping -* Watch Repair . • * Acutron Repair , • ANST.ET-T JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton; Seaforth and Walkerton 12tfn.. • .1 , 4 Oif11 . ' • SIGNS BY WEBSTERt ' SPECIALIZIND IN: * Bulletin boards * Plastic electric * Truck lettering Silk screening *** Commercial designing of company trademarks * Snow cards * .Window banners, , ATI Sizes & Types of Signs . PHONE EXETER 235-080 'ANYTIME HOP APPROVALS 2n(and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Home' - LOW cost. Yon Can tall toll p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt C6Lt.,33O Bay Street1 Toronto: Call collect, 36-9586, EVGS., 231-8146 • • • tenence tf • , - • GoDERicH TAXI Taxi Stand At , ' • Blhewater Service Station 80 Victoria St. 524-4594 24 Hour Service Bill Swan, Prop. 21. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • 4' • FRANd g-43!*4 • " r AVAILABLE The above -ground and in -ground swimming pool business • is Canada's fastest growing •btisinss. A small investment will estab1is4-your own profitable business.. For further details,' apply:to Box 46, Signal -Star. • A. BIRTHS DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S • • Goderich, - ' Phone 524-831.- - 19tf MMMM BRECKLES Authorized SALES 'it SERVICE 138 ELIZABETH ST. Goderich . -.524-7144 • PELLOW: At . Woodstock • General Hospital on 'January 16, • tp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pellow (nee. Mary Jewell) W„oodsiock, a son ern Decorator • NOTICE to CREDITORS PAINTING 1 1 .1,. SMITH: I ' wish ,..ts21,extehd a sincere thank you to My manry:. friends, neighbours and relatives whosent flowers, dards, gifts and , visited To all who offered assistance at honk both times while I was a patient at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich.Special thanks to Rev. E. J-.--B74-Prrion, I . A: C. W. Members of St. James Middleton Church, Drs. ' W. N. Watters, J M. Watts, R. G. LXI'mar', -, A*7-1r."7" Deathe, also nursing staff on 2nd floor East4„- Wing. Mrs. Marion Smith; =3 G. COMING ENTS CROKINOLE • PARTY at Benmiller United Church, Friday,January 22, at 8:30' LEM.' ,-: Ladies please bring lunch. -, 253 4 4, -rPRIGON evening of one act plays by the G.DC.I. Drama club. January 22 and 23 at 8.:00 the,G.D.CT. auditorium. • Tickets available at Craigie's and Carritibell's. Robert dines. BOYCE: At Alexandra Hospital on January 15, 1971 to Mr. and Mrs Dalton Boyce, 212 Eldon St., Goderich a baby boy, Jeffery Scott. :Ice Nicks '71 will be presented bY the Goderich Figure Skating Club February 19th and 20th at Goderich Memorial Arena. C. 'BRIEFS • THE 60th Annual Meeting and Banquet of The Children's Aid, Society of Huron County will be Tug CP & T Fund Committeeof held Ontarip, Street 'United Goderich Oddfellow, and Church; Clinton, on Wednesday, Rebekahlodm- have Wheelchairs.- February 3.rd-;19.71.; 'Tickets *, and "other „equipment for loan, $2.50, are ayailable frorn Staff • free of chrge. Contact Amos or Board Members and must be Osbaldeston," Park St., phonepurchased by January 29th, • 524-9623 or 'Fred Fritzley, 1971. The Public is cordially Wilson St., phone 524-7217. -3 invited to attend, -3:4. mossaminimsmi D. IN MEMORIAM,, ---1000**ve.-,A1111N,G. •. • BOYE: In -loving memory of a Every Saturday "Night • dear father William Boye, who passed away January, 1956: - We often think of days gone by, . AND IN TH._„,,_, ,aTATE • OF . When we were all together, - BERNARD TN. TIPERT. A A shadow o'er our lives has cast, ' ALL persons having 'claims Our loved 'one's gone forever, • . Startig Tiine-8:30 pan. • 1 WALLPAPERING. against the estate of Bernard • Always remembered by family, ' .FREE ESTIMATES3 , —'x FOR—SALE . . Attendant,' late of the'Town of , . ' Call 524-6667 . • Goderich died onabout in the County of E. CARDS Of THANKS ,. Huron,' who , or . • ' the 12t1i day bf Nivember, 1,970 . LEGION HALL ° W. Pedersen - 101 "VICTORIA ST.. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL are requested to file the sarne with full particulars With the undersignd. by the 29th day of Januay, 1971 as after that date the assets of the estate' will be. distributed. DATED .AT GODERICH this 11th day of January, 1971. J. KENNETH HUNTER, Honking. -3 • — — }JUNKING: I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for the lovely TlZrers-Tta anaards that were sent to me while 1 was in hospital. They were very much appreciated. Mrs. (Don) Myrna 30 North Stret, '-• • GODERICH, Ontario. • 2,3,4 CUTHBERTSON: We wish to express our . thanks and -IN THE . ESTATE OF FRANCIS JOSEPH CURRY, LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON• GrODERICH, IN THP COUNTY OF HURON, PROPRIETOR. Dile' to the decrease ,in meat All persons claiming against prices we are unable. to pay :for the above Estate are tequired to any.farm stock: forward full particulars, of their We * offer 'fast, efficient, courteous, same day service. claims to the unclefOgned, on or -before the 30th day of January, 1971, after which date the assets- • -24.41tvar Setvir*--r-7` NNE L & triaJWAmSagia441mAlat12?tk A11140 Bar istersils •-• 4cense No. 237-C-70. .—atfin, • Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 1,2,3 4.m appreciation ,,to our friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness and ' sympathy shOwn t6 us during our tecent bereavement in the loss of,a„dear Father and for -the many flpral tributes and donations to the Cancer Society and Ontario Heart Foundation. •Special thanks to Doctors J. M. Watts, C. F. Doorly and V. M. Newands, nurses on -first floor Clinton Public Hospital, stliff of Ituronview, Rev. L. Royal, rAilWA*46444030111014dAVOLV egion and . AuXillary, also McCallum Funeral Mme. The Cuthbertson Family- —3. 1948 TOYOTA CORROILA 9100WELL, MAINTAINED • CAI,J. 524,6682'