HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 88 GODERICH SIQ111AtesTAR, THUR.SHAY,-JANUARY 2c; 1971' 11111164,214."- 4 • 1. ARTICLES .FOR .SALE 1, ARTICLES FOR SALE ,AUTOMATIC '. Toilet Bowl T ' Clean .ix, Removed rust, limes,ap t NINETEEN little` pigs.' Phone. biiin'eralldeposits. Sirnply•place in 524.70.80• - Inc ° the 'corner of your toilet tank.-" ; :A,jvaiLa�le._ , 'at. vs, Hoffrneyer : :uric frk,,:s ..blower selling at :, Plumbing •algid'°He itt'rfiz ; t' iiz`; . , a ••--i4P,- tYPe,-:- Phone. ,CStrttet Goderich. - 14tf Lloyd . Lounsb,tirry,. RR 5,a ' Goderich. - lac • • HYt iENIC •supplies. (rubber goods) mailed, postpaid in, plain, sealed envelopes with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.09. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91,, Hamilton, Ont. -- 1 tf -TORONTO FURNITURE SHOW SPECIALS Just arrived in time for our January Sale Bunk. -Bed Unit - Wagon Wheel- Quilted Mattress and posture Boards. Sug. List $5<�•95, Only $119.95. Lloyd Baby Carriages. Sug.' List $111-.95 and _. $99.95. Only $74,50 and $79.95. Lloyd Stroller Gold Plaid. Sug.' ' List $51..50 Only .$ 39. 5 0. Lloyd . •.Winter Stroller, Navy Blue, Sug. Lift $48.50. Only $34.95. Dinette Suite by Cambridge -` 7 piece with large 72' t.abl'e .f -' 'E -herd. -. co.l,�r�-�•'.•L st;_ $235 00 Only:.$195.00. Other large 7° piece suites from $129.00. Sklar.. Colonial 2 piece Chesterfield.. Suite with high back, spring edge, covered, 'decks and arm caps in a heavy good wearing •tweed . cover Stig. - List $499.50 Only $399.50. ,'y • t�tie"r Show Specials in. piece Suites from $189751). Y 'BLACKSTONE FURNITURE h •a WEST STREET EAVESTROUGHING, AND LIGHTNING RODS NEW INSTALLATIONS • & REPAIRS. Estimates Without Obligation Contact . R. E..RUTTAN Wingham"- Phone 357-1077 i ntf CRYSTAL Lake Mobile --Homes• featuring 1970 •Glendale Mobile .Homes, Gold Falcon 'Travel Trailers and Truck Campers at Meneset Mobile Home Court, Oo•derich's'" fully - serviced" Mob'i'le" home court..,•planned• 'for the entire-- family. -Location - sl;raight 'through on Airport Road,RR 5,,_Goderich. Display homes' open ..for inspection at you. convenience, Reduced prices on demonstrators. ,Phone Goderich 524-6638. -27tf COLLIE pups,..Pho.ne 524-7080. ONE Findlay ' • coal and wood ,stove; white enamel; good oven, utility drawer, 33 inches wide; also 'kitchen buffet. ° Phone 524-6498. -3 ,LARGE size„Mens ski, boots and stretchers, good quality; , Phone ,524-6831. -3 y 1952 8N FORD •Tractor,, good rubber, new engine arid.' `paint. $559.00. •Phone Bayfield 565-5261,,-3 ' • HARDING "'Wool Broadloom carpet, • 30 square yards, spice beige, excellent condition. $4-.00 per square,' yard, cash. Phone 524-7284. -3t • DEADLIN FOR TAKING • SSILEAD.: .DSM(.04,012. 2 Q'LOCK SHARP '• TUESDAY` . ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTECS' AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT, WEEK'S PAPER 1. ARTICLES FOR' SALE 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE •REGISVR D polled Hereford bulls ° o1' serviceable age. Excellent 'gain on limited feed, quit", halter -broken. T. Edward Powerll, R.R. 1, Wingham. Ph ie Gerrie 335-3893. --3 3, DEAL ESTATE FCR SALE 3,,, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , 3. , REAL' ESYATE FOR SALE 3. REAL, EST,ATE'FOR SALE W. J,. HUGHES Rear Estate ,lnffice 524V-8100 38 EAT.,STREET Commission Rate' 3% on Houset in Goderich. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Custom built • 3 -bedroom bungalowwith large ultra -modern combination kitchen dinette, 4-pce. bath, good size living room. Buy now; have choice of broadloom. Price , $19,750. Call Deb Shewfelt. FOR SALE or Trade - 1970 ~ski -Doo 640 Nordic Electric. Phone 524-7968. -3. ONE -• pour cycle engine lawn Mower; 4"one annex stove; one 0 used 2 pc, chesterfield ton set' Of chain. falls, Phone suit -524-6394. -•-3--1x 2 i overnight bags priced for - • 3 roams, `? pc, chesterfield set, 2 A1A , erguson '�u'- gas lamps, 3 ttables, r.5 pc. bedroom tractor, industrial Loader and suite, complete with box spring--- Cab. Phone 524 17. 7-4x and mattress, also 5 pc.4kitchelt Rl;'G, ,, „good IcOndition, set all for only $665.00 •mushrc.)ona,.,,,,,sb.ade., 6,,, ft, wide x Hampers, clear out $9.95,10'= ft: long. Phil e 521.7568, LODGE FURNITURE ---3 ES.T.STREET • .,1NGODERICH • QUALITY„HOME Spacious- 3 -bedroom pustom built home. Living room plus dining area, , large cheerful kitchen with lots ,of cupboards, broadloori`ied throughout, 11 baths, basement fully insulated. OVERLOOKING LAKE Ex.ceite-n-t location - this 3 -bedroom brick home rates high on our list. Many extras include broadloom, family room with walk -out to welllandscaped garden, 93' frontage. • Mortgage at 714%. Call Rita Allen. "Rural Ontario Specialists QUT OF TOWN, PRIDE AND ,PRESTIGE can be yours in this quality built 3 bedroom Ranch Style Bungalow. An impressive anglestone fireplace in the large living room: Mealtime ease is assured in this Hanover kitchen. Broadloom throughout, Full basement, electric heat. Huge lot 84' x 260'. Overlooking • Maitland River. Now prieed • to "sell -$21,900.00. HENSALL - Are . you looking for a 2% storey 'solid -brick 8 room house? .2 baths, double garage, extra lot. Now priced to sell • at only $11,500.00. Immediate possession. RURAL HAPPINESS for only $500.00 ,down. We now offer you this '1y2 storey 3 bedroom , home just 10 minutes • from town. In,, addition, this property includesan° • attached garage, small barn, 11/4:,acres.and a creek., Where else can you,buy all that for such a low down payment? BAYFIELD - This ,delightful 11/2 STOREY TWO BATHS nearly new 3 bedroom bungalow rte. :--.meets __..V.L.A, 'qualifications. ST Be'rna`rd- 1�tt.R''tS. lle�� le.:._hl 1_.bed>+oo les . den, West, . end . _, _. SNOWMOBILES In Steck -' 1971 32: 30, and 25 H.P, RUPP �' USED MACHINES 1971 BOA SKI, wide track, 350 miles, 25 h.p. Twin" -r- S9501 ' 1969' SKI ;DOO, wide. tract: -, 5645 • SMI.TTY'S SPORTS CENTRE Highway, 8 Opposite Shaeffer Pert 524 71"3 So you've been hearing rumours about Goderich Motors. You.may be right. Come in.and see•;o•n'e of the FORD BOYS and . we'll set you straight! We'll also give you the LOW-DOWN on our - •. hone 524,-8143. -,`3x • home in immaculate conditi n. 7.1 ' Immediate possession. COINS LAKEVIEW HyQME Attractive 2 -storey completely modernized. Broad -loom throughout: -'A-i 1al family home. in choice west end location. ' BOUGHT, „sold, exchanged. V,` Pope, - 87 Ki'agston St:, 524.7359„ -3tf .'1970 Boa. Ski Caboose in new IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 'condition. ~119.95. See it at W. ik�n't wait for. Sprj•ngg. Move •J:4- Mills.. •-M'btor Sales Ltd- rig*ht. '' into... :this. '' rnod.ern 524.73-14. -3tf - l -bedroom brick bungalow with " • ,,pacious recreation room. _A 1970 .,\foods - .rSii,owrnobile quality home • which .Irrust be Trailer - ne'�;.value i~179.J5 ' ,,e:eh tt be -appreciated. - �; EgGE FOR SALE Our Price 8119.95 - See it'at W:". Land is -the wisest of all J. ,Mills Motor Sales L'td:, • WEST END 3 -BEDROOM • r investments for yourself now, X24.7 314. -3tf' . Morey red brick home in f • immaculate condition, _stone' for your children in the future. rt place, ' sunroom attached TWewph. ave1and 00 acres in, Goderieh condition. -Phone B"OOK•EN D bred .1 doilble 524-,S09. _ar'age: A good solid hone" Colborne 1 wp•, - - priced at only $125. per acre. 50 e. need at• 6 000 90 and Ultra modern kitchen and dining room, spacious living 'oom. Why notpend your Golden Years in. this comfortable home. Open for offers. GENERAL PURPOSE' FARM, Only minutes from -town, Solid brick : 8 room ,home.. Full basement and nearly new furnace. Barn set up for pis. �7 acres,. of . choice level land. Best -buy of • the'' month as owner has reduced the listed :price by $2,200.00 -'with excellent.terms: -;3-.1q. • MORE profit with Meat' type hogs for crossed breeding. Duroc and, Hampshire =breeding stock, all ages': `Serviceable age. boars and bred. gilts. Weight and probe figures with good indexes, Phone m '95,5,276. -3.4 • 2. .. CARS, .TRUCKS. FOR, SALE VOLKSWAGEN e Quite .frankly,_thesesix. cylinde-r cars have been here too long and are costing -us too much 'in overhead!'We would take them to the auction in Toronto and get wholesale prices for them but we feel it, is better business to offer these'econo'my cars to you, our customers,' at real honest to goodness discount prices, Here are the cars and here are the prices. So came on in and let's work out the details! r., 1965.- FAIRLANE two ,door,„:„ 19Af5 PONTI'AC four door, 6 .6 cylinder, standard , cyl'inder, standard transmission,,gold..Stock No. transmission, white. Stock 71 G6$.•' NC bea(ty, but No. .70G34A. Only 26,000 safety checked. original miles on this. a •',' 'S- -- 'i,'''' 1.5'12‘,V,v0.10.0rA vr v‘,,, ,,,,,,,,, 3 1965 FORD CUSTQM••••tWi5 door, 6 cylinder, standard, •tr-a-nsm-issior aqua: Stock No. 644.1p60. A. good sound car. $595 1965 FAIRLANE 500 four door,' 6 cylinder, standard transmission, aqua. Stock No. 70Tj,•&A?'--F,Iean and reliable. $b95 1965 METEOR two door, 6 c I i nder, standard transmission, blue. Stock No. 70F18B. Clean economical and.full,size. 196'6. FORD CUSTOM 500° two door, 1`6 cylinder, automatic, blue with white top. Stock No. 69G41 C 1965 FORD CUSTOM four 1966 FORD CUSTOM four door, , 6 'cy,linder, standard door, 6 •c•yliiider,• augmatic; 'transmission, radio, gold. maroon. Stock No.:76G27B: Stock No. 70F7A. $795 r-- 5 FORD CUSTOM -500 two door, 6., • cylinder, standard transmission, white. • Stock No. 70G29B. $7.95 1965 PONTIAC 'four door, 6 cylinder, automatic, green. Stock No. 70M 10B. ¶7.45 E895 1966 FORD.. GAL'AXIE• 500 two door H�t'RD, .TON, 6 cylinder, Sttandard transmission, aqua. Stack No. 70M5A. A real special car -•- ' wire wheels, interior trim package, original Presidential" Blue with black vinyl top, wide oval tires. 1395- All Cars Are SAFETY CHECKED - •IAC Financing , Available SALES & SERVICE Imperial Esso 'Prpducts Don Taylor Motors ttfIL;- Main St. South, Exeter 235.1100' - 19'64 CHRYSLER. Saratoga, Bucket seats, all power, radio, rear'window defogger. Excellent driving condition. Must' sell. Terms 'available. Phone 524-6101 after 9• p:m. or ,before 9 a.m. - 2,3. 1°960 ENVOY, excellent brakes tires, new clutch ''$125.00. Safety checked Cali 524-6445. .3 rhe �.r....: -•,, 1967 CHEVROLET'_' Impala Convertible, fully equipped,. one owner: Phone 524-13513. =- 2,3x GOOD selection Of used cars in A-1 condition, fully reconditioned • and guarantee trade-ins accepted and terms available, Rouse •'Auto Electric, - 19tf 1970 DODGE 'Challenger, ,RT 383, standard, 9,000 miles. Will adcept trade. Phone 52-4-7264 .after5p.m.Tltf . 19623 , HEVROI,.ET Biscayne; six -cylinder, '.autgmatic, snow , tires, good condition. Phone Gary -L 'unsbury, 524-7080. - 48nc COUNTY 'HEADQUARTERS taftr: w° Oust Bedside, The.11"edfor Hotel) " 524,7308 SEE THE COMPLETE UNE. OF 191 " Datsuns 1200's'-- 1.600's P I C, U -PS -and Starting As Low As $19.75 ' DATSU'N THE MORE " F OWO U R MONEY `CAR 2zrz SUPERTEST SEE.,THIS ONE. , Pride of 'ownership is yours' in. this., 'compact home, bright cheerful kitchen. • All in i•rt'imaeulate condition,. Close to Square. Immediate possession. NEW LISTING Stone front 5 roam bungalow�in 'excellent condition throughout, dining room, finished basement well landscaped. .-West , enc'* location _..--.._.. __. DUPLEX WEST •END Solid•• , brick- construction, spacious 4 , plus - 5 -bedroom -. apartments with fireplaces, 2„ - „and 3 baths, desirable 'rental_ area. Excellent mortgage at 8%. RANCHER 45 ACRES 'River, frontage, '3-bedroorn, •12 miles from Goderich. Broadloom throughout. Double. garage. acres p $ , , 100 acnes' for $6;900.00-: -100 acres of river property at Income . property situated - on a $3, ALEXANDER AND CHAPM'AN REALTY LIMITED • ,. PHQNE'524.9662• A new three-bedr.aoxn_,_,home, large living 'roorn, dining area, modern ,kitchen, four -piece bathroom,.- Eullx ,broadloomed, .electric -heating,; full • basement, underground wiring and low down payment. ;,New brick three-bedroom home on landscaped large lot. Modern kitchen, dining area, large living roam, full basement, electric heating • and mortgage arranged: red A well maintained three-bedroom brick home, west end. location. All broadloomed and' redecorated. Recreation room with -bar; landscaped lot; and qualifies, for full mortgage. This two-storey - red brick home contains living room with fireplace, separate dining room and .large kitchen, two 4 -piece bathrooms, four bedrooms, full „.„,,,,These. and many more similar basement .: with recreation room -:* properties should be inspected in and gas heating. Separate garage. , order to appreciate their value. Close to shopping and schools. 5,2'WEST ST.; GODER'ICH, PHONE 524-6991' ATTENTION ALL, VETERANS HAVE'wYOU USED ALL YOUR VISA CREDITS? IF NOT; INSPECT THES--E PROPERTIES. - - 8 room brick home Ion 50 acres of land 10 miles from Goderich. 6 room insul brick home, 34 acres of land on main highway. All modern conveniences, large bank barn, driving shed • and. implements ' b 6 "'room red brick home, moderns conveniences, situated on 3 acres of land 5 miles from Goderich. Modern 2' bedroom home, 1 acre of lar l in village of Auburn. COUNTRY HOSME -: ..:_:: , . = �, z `- o'orrr h'Qme'' on 'r acre of One -storey two-bedeoorn brick - home, large kitchen, attractive 'living room, attached garage and priced to sell. . -, River view property situaftied on a large lot. Three -bedrooms, living "room, dining room and kitchen -• T w,p fireplaces, ' hardwood floors, modern, bathroom, detached garage. Immediate possession. Hill Terrace - this prbperty is in Bayfield overlooking the river, on a +large treed lot L' atg living land close to Goderich._ Living room with large' stone fireplace.. Kitchen with many cupboards: Electric - heat.' Wall to wall carpets. ' Beautiful 3, bedroom home in new sub -division. . Modern kitchen with stdve-frige-washer .and, „dryer all included in purchase price. .•Low down pay -Merit with excellent terms on existing mortgage. - ' ' - ��4 Large red brick home -in, good', condition with good "' garage located• close to schools, room, 'good kitchen, two - playgrounds and shopping area. bedrooms, dpuble garage: Every• reasonable offer shall be. Equipped for summer and looked into with sincerity as the winter living: Immediate owner would like to get a smaller home as soon as po'ssible.. possession 4 bedroorri home located close to the -square and has beep completely renovated andpriced for quick sale. • Iinrriediate` possession. Good lot with• garage. " 3'00 00' y lot 104 x 104 with three 1, bedroom apartments, one tw o -bedroom apartment. Heating" electric. This' property shows a *good return on money OWNERS' LOSS is your gain' invested. when you buy this 2 storey redo,Three-bedroom home on 1/2 acre •brick home featuring double lot, priced reasonable, low taxes." GODER ICH HOMES • 3% Commission .•- odern- kitchen anal dining room, Tri and 4" luxurious bedrooms. Truly ,, .50 -acre •. farm in,.. Colborne • a fancily home f or anyone township, 5 acres bush the rest desiring the lest in living.' ' ° drained and .productive. • • RENT . FREE when ,„-,y.ou ppurchase this luxury Tri-plex. at -140 acres on Highway 21 North with well equipped 2 storey 22 Wellington St W Two 2 -bedroom apts. and a Bachelor brick house. •, RAN, A 0 N RU'T-' VAN DER MEER--- Res. 524-7875 BRUCE RYAN.`- Res. '524•-7762 WARREN ZINN, 'RR 2,, LUCKNOW Res. 5209-7350 B. R. RO 'INSON, Res. 524-6905 apt. Monthly income $350.00 4. REAL ESTATE WANTED a ° Owner relocated and will assist, you in owning this well cared, low maintenance brick income Contact Ebb 'Ross on this one. home. - '` OWNER TRANSFERRED- MARY ST. .- Owner wishes See this 3 -bedroom home ultra smaller ,place and has listed this, modern kitchen, close.t'o schools, family home for quick sale. and shopping, Ideal location. No . Large kitchen, 4 ,pe.- bath and reasonable.bffer refused. • spacious living room with 2 , • • bedrooms on 1st floor. Upstairs WATERLOO STREET. s, are 2 large ,bedrooms. Basement "Close • to Square, 4 -bedroom, 'With gas furnace and nicely 2 -storey ' brick horde with -11/2 landscaped lot. " baths,' fireplace, utility room. Good terms -available. AND MANS' _'SPECI 0% down 1 ou n k1URON ROAD mo - into lied Ow r r'1 confider tnprtgage � locat. • on Inc ' t. Wall J 4 n.7�n : 7 . t, -1u a-. - i;' 3 -bedroom home, large living 11 m room and dining' room, family kitchen, 11/2 baths. Lot ,•$2'..•x 132': ` ' CLINTON DUPLEX Central location, spacious grounds, ample,' parking, private entrance.• Open for offers. .5 APARTMENTS CENTRAL One ah41 two-b'edroom apartments frilly rented, well maintained, Plenty 'parking, extra lot. Could expand to ten apartments. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY East Street, store plus 2 apts. Property in good condition. Ideal fa a ilrnew business. TROUT, COHOE, PERCH from •the. front ,door, this 3 -bedroom 1'/i storey house an fully furnished cottages ar ated on 1 acre •of len on approx. 2"UO Vit, river at Port Albert. Close sandy each on Lake Huron. Shown h�appointtnent only. yo e, pro d to wn A. J. ALEXANDER -524-7836 , ' B. L,.APAINE-524-8957 - -' WANTED Private Purchase L- PENTLAND-524-9007 Home ixi'-. Goderich for cash • $10000 Co $15,000. Preferably G. GLENN,=529-7924 brick. Write Box 44, Signal -Star. _ 1,2,3,4 3,: -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Moving, local and long distance. Excellent storage available, Phone Eric Walden, Wingham, collect, 357-3221. 44tf DRIME BY 136 Eldon St:, and then make an appointment to inspect this remodelled home, 4 bedrooms, loads of • kitchen cupboards,- 2• --baths, plus , garage and 8'S"'" x-16.5' lot make this an ideal family home, • YOU WILL, LIKE THIS 11/2 storey. fully insulated home. Large. kitchen dining room, bright living room, 3 pc. bath. Basement offers laundry, 'room, shower and.., partially finished rec. ` room: Garage-worksh'p; `F';fleld `stone Bar -B -Q and plenty of space for garden. Warren St. Steps 3-b d 2 e, Ibc d . frontingof theto a1 �.Sh FARMS 25 acres,'" Highway Wwithin town ti mi ts. w ' Rita Allen 154 Essex Street 199 Cameron Street 524401 Ebb M. Ross 92 Newgate St. - 524-8786 '1 7 Main St.' N., Seaforth 6211010 GLENMAItK = We have just" listed 8 adjoining lots ,next to this subdivision on Sunset Drive and Rich St. Price includes a home, which is presently rented. Ideal "investment property. Act fast. Make us an offer as choice lots of this type are•scarCe. 0. PAST few weeks we have experiencedan increase in SALES, We need LISTINGS for waiting clients for HOMES. Free frontage, appraisals chow offered. The market was never better. For the MOST see HOLST. • JACK CUMMENCiS l_�524.9624_ , �T�7'"". �"i:kmn�a 1Li 43 WEST ST' EE1` w • GODER ICH 524.8951 tTAiv.,yrs`ab.. w :451P10242:-.414,74';; !T 4 V! x� •P's i.".x �y .tJ!' i� r • � c � MOBILE HOME S A L Ontario's Biggest Mobile' Home Selection -PRICES - SLASHED ` quality mobile, (comes at ,low, low prices, wide home on display onl'y- $9950. set y furnished' built 60 X 12 with expando in room, 1'o 95. 5 used 12 X 60 in A 1 condition. 20 nevtr q r Big' Doubleup, c6mpletel Custom b nly, only $84 Used trade, -ins: THIS WE 'S SPECIAL, 1 used 12 X 50, 2 bedroom`completelycarpeted and 'furnished ready to move in. Only $4995 full price. 1 used 10 X 48 -Only $2995. " All trailers will be delivered and set up free. Buy now and save thousands. Everything must be sold. Small 13' travel trailer ,has stove and frig, sleeps 5, trade,in, - only $695.'Can pull with small car. - 1 " HIIito.p Mobil�,_Homi.SoIisttd. ,'. ONTARIO'S BIGGEST DISCOUNT DEALER Hwy. 2 South, bet ween London and Lambeth' Phone 652-5343 -- Res. 4335091 Will take cars, boats, furniture. anything of 'valua. in trade payment:: for down paymen- +d' 34.5 • • it?vd!b1 1r' 4