HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 7..rr•04e, • ,„„ • • enister's stud* 4,•1 North Street United Church REV. RAYMOND RAYMONT It's incredible • It seems strange to rne why teensfind it neceisatY to sk-up • their own culture. How Often has a parent said to mc, "I really don't know* 'what Ie thinks" ••, There was g time -hen adults and teens had fun ItOgether was th$1.-lestr,-.Argeg-4,40a., ' • - ac-companied' your teen to a dance? In their Cloths, their language, their music, and their • entertainment, there has come MO being a culture distinctive from that, of the adult society. Is it an expression ofojection of our style.of life. You will not , have to search ,very long for an answer if yon_en_gage..in a simple little experiment. Ask some of your friends to write dOvvn the values they try to teach theii• children:Then ask them to rate these values according to a scale of most important to least important. Now as a fairly objective observer apply this written scale of values to your friends "daily lives. •You seei• they simply do not.,live in the value house they .preach to their .,• • , • children. Are we adults really -so ashamed of the values we ivorship in our daily living that we cannot even speak them? ', What about the,man who spends a vast majority of his time at hir.. job. Does he, say: "Material' gain 1.41*„.4;349,tige-ate.;41494-%014qs^, for me."? Does he say: "The home atmosphere is unbearable or meaningless to me."? No - rather, "I do it$or my wife -and ,children." The- credibility gap between our speaking values and our living.values is simply' too great for the teen tito bear. You see - he really thohght we lived where we spoke. The shock of discovering the credibility gap is just t66'""great,•"'llia-soltition - create another culture. The,,,(een culture can be a veyy creative influence' for us. If we listen to their protest we will ask ourselves, "what are, our living values"? We might then discover that we can't live with them either. • The time is now - what are your living values? OBITUARIES 1' 4 ... ',.. OCIDERWItSIONAti"P'S,Tilt, TittlitOPAY,4,441404ti:44::4:ifii 7 • - ir?' • i 4: r, t • r.,' • 4.4 The smiling goodloOking girl who appears with herlbeby On this yar's Ability Fund posters is no professional model. She's Mrs, Sarah King who had polio and whose rehabilitation was made possible by the Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled which runvthe ' Ability Fund, formerly called' the March of Dimes. Chief Marching Mother this year is Mary Fincher who is , - • " ,•-•• t, shown at right viewing the new poster with Betty Rogers, Huron' County Chairman of the fund. Mrs. Fincher still needs volunteers to help with the blitz which' will be held Monday evening, February 1 and interested 'people should. call. Mrs. Firicher-at 524 -7206. -Staff Photo,. , Tax collections discussed by Huron board BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER „ collections four times a -year," JohnTaylor said members of .school board amounted to about stated R,..p. B. Dunlop, the board of education'must live $115,000. In • 1970. 'When . , ' ERICB. GARDNER Home with Rev. G. L. Royal . . officiating. . ._ ' Eric Blakely•qqa •-'i er2of__9_ - 'interirierit' -Was' in. -Maitland - " -collections were, made twice, , interest paid by the bpard° . - -amounted to ablilit $85,000.V4 . Krug St., Kitchener, general. Cemetery. Pallbearers were Les manager' of , The Record since 1944,4died -of a heart-attack,late; New Year's Eve. He was 61. He was born in Colborne Township, August 22, 1909, a son of the late ,Mr. and, Mrs. Samuel B 'Gardner- A graduate • Of Goderich Institute, , Shaw , Business Schools, Toronto, and the International Accountants Society Management Control. Mr. Gardner began his business career in 1930 in' the accountant businessmanagement division,of General Motors. • He was a member of Irwin City Masonic Lodge No. 509 and a- member of ' St:q'aliieS'' Rosemount United Church. He. • alio was director and treasurer of 'many -organizations. • SurviVing is his wife, 'the former Luella Martin, whom -he-- , Married June 4, 1938; two sons, Barry of Montreal, arid Gilbert. of Kitchener. • .--• He was predeceased by one brother, Keith, in August, 1951. _ The funeral service tookplace. Monday, January 4- at the 4 Ratz-B,echtel - Funeral Home, with Rev.. Dr. Charlei L. ,Lewis Riley, Jim Sheardown, John McGraw, Walter Sheardown, Harold' Chambers and Percy LeBlanc. r.,35;tre: conducting the servie. • Burial was in Memory Gardens, Breslau. •, The annual question of when snperintendent of business in the, same coUrity-- as The . • "Gl to collect school._ taxes....w.a.:affairs, "And so does the municipal councils and it would --,discussed-'at-.-Monday..,-.-everting*.i.,-takoityer,,,, - • • --,---:- , -be- : -good pi-blie--"retations " to ' "It • is cheapest fox':.*I concerned if collections are,,, .9---' February 1. • ' a difference when' -calculating payments to the board 6f made four tithes a year; stated meeting of the Huron ,County • . He said it made. no difference. a s c et t a i n. -, when the Board of Education and a .when ,the municipalitit§s—rnada- mmun icipalities wouldr-nrefer to decision deferred until Monday, their collections but it did make make, tax collections and make tl' •44 iYIEM'ORIALS-MARIKEFIS & CEMETERY i„enrERING Goderich !District Representative Frank Nicilwain.' ..t. 524-7861 or 624-9465 , 200 bibliiinS Si. Reg. J. Bell . 45 Cambria Rd. S. 6244464 PRYDE AND SON Clintori-EXeter-Seaforth "As far as dollars and cents interest " when payments for `edUcation. are concerne.d - we education benefit from purposes were made. •• "How much does goodwill cost 'us?" asked pr. A. Barry Death?. • Dunlop said he had no firtn figures e)-Tabt :to say thaL in 1969 when tax collection was made oncevinterest paid by the this Dunlop. "Definitely." 11 • GIVE...n so more will Iiv HEARTFUNI) • ; ' r. 44,4, , • ", 44 Enquiries Invited --- 444 1969 CADILLAC DeVilie Convertible. Lic. No. J60056. Very low mileage. This loal, perfectly maintained automobile has q11 of Cadillac's fine standard features piuS the comfort and Convenience of full autornatic air conditioning. Factory warranty. Thit is, your chance to own a frl00,1 automobile at greatly reduced brice, • Arriving Ahis week — 1970 •CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham four door 5edan. Every power option conceivable. Spliefront seat. AM/FM. Air conditioning. Positraction. Padded top. Extremely" low mileage..Listed.new at $.11,000_ Terrific ._ savings._ r• • McGEE Pontiac - Bukk HAMILTON ST., GOIIERICH • • • 524-839i • ,31',434,7 ,• „.- ,t's1 /Sof, ‘' (41(11:44(14;14;:iit':;:0 Mk46 Si ii" ' S)1;11 ')14."01,44/07 e'40, (Baptist Convention.of Ontarioland quebeci MONTREAL STREET near The SqUare - • " • $(I1- VVI • • CItrtVilitiirirk viv't'l)fr?11):() 10:00 a.ni. -- Adult Bible Class and Church 11:00 — Morn i ng W o rship. Supervised Nursery) • UNITEp1101.1NE5, CHURCH 62. Cambria Street North • • SUNDAY, jANUARY" 24th° ' t.( 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL.: 11:00 a.m:—W9FSHIPSERVICE 7:00 p.m. — EVANGELISTICSERVICE 7:30 -- Wednesday evening —Prayer Service. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU"— -- Pastor:. REV. 0. H. LEE PHONE 524-6887 Winners of the Southern Ontario 1.adies Curling Association bonspiel' played at GOderich last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was the Walkerton Club. Left to right ,are 8kp ,Mrs. Wheaton JOHN CUTHO ..•ERTSON Thompson; vice -skip Mrs.. Gordon' Totton; second Mrs. Bruce Jaklin; and led, Mrs. .Jules VanDeVyvere. The team now prOgresses to the District Provincial playdowns at Glen Briar John C u t h ber tso ii, Waterloo February 22, 23 and 24.staff phoo) `, . _..„........_ Huronview, died Thusday, , -' . . , t.• .• January 14 ill. Clinton Public , Q0013 SIGIS . Hospital. He was 80. Here are two actual road He was born June 16, 1890 in signs, reported by the Ontario Kilmarnock, Scotland, to John Safety 'League: and Agnes(Taylor) Cuthbertson. NOIL-ALL TURN. In Atlanta He came to Canada 66 Years ago Georgia. . . and has been a resident of SLOW. NO HOSPITAL. At Goderich for the peat 38 years. the outskirts of a small town in Mr. Cuthbertson worked, h.s a Oklahoma. ,- pairiter and a decorator until his ..-. , . retirement 15 Years ago* lie was WILLIAMS a veteran of bolh World Wars"' • and was a member of the Royal Canadian_ Legion Branch 10. ...,,-119,1•WW5‘,Ank.144W-MAgt&M, EMETER Ida ,Naegele- whp-predeceased him: in 1968. Surviving are one daughter, Mfg.Trandon (Luille) And Inscriptions Brooks, Goderich; two sons, ' StratfOrd -- Ontario Gordon, North Bay arid Lionel,- •-- - - • . . Rot•CMcCallum Guelph; nine grandchildren and ' nald, one great grandchild. • ' Representative , Club in Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacte Afiiiiatect4vith:the Pentecostal Assernblies of Canada -CORNR 0 F_ELGIN.,,W WATnE,F31,99. STS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastu: THE FiiEE-METrfODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor • SundaySchool 10 a.m. • Worship Hour 11 a.m.• Evening Service 7 p.m:, WELPOME GODERiCH FROSTED FOODS • 0 es HAMILTON • STREET .. - — — scSLICED ,Ititt •,.7..45.11DIFp0 Funeral service was Saturday, 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich January 16 at McCallum Funeral „Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 - Licence Plate Inttaltation-- 41, (Mounting Screens Extra If Required) JANUARY 21 to FEBRUARY 27 A CornPlimentary Service of Canadian Tire SERVICE IGNITION ,4104.414 WORK MAJOR AND MINOR ......... TUNE-UPS "1;1•11`: ...kik?. AUTO PARTS amnia AUTO PARTS DEPARTMENT cnniann TIRE -.• DEPARTMENT EXHAUST ---- BRAkE,. RELINE COMPLETE 1RARE SERVICE EQUIPMENT MUFTLERS AND PIPES INSTALLED SOCI-13TE STORE in-141,4„%,LtsPattrimVorots OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 41 PORK LIVER 13U(17 C1-1012$ HALF OR WHOLE FRESH HAM McCAIN'S JULIAN FRENCH FRIES '31/2 lb. Bag 794 . • . 4 DETERGENT -24 oz.. MIRAIQUID. • ROASTED 6cOFF PACK 1 lb. NABOB Coffee AYLMER CHOICt. -LIALITy - 14 oz. CREAM STYLE CORN OCEAN KING BRAND - 7% oz. Int.itifitiaTh7.101" 1V- 01,031"rraltriatfrOw.... • • 2.°694 89 2i374 • SNDAY, JANUARY 24th 10:90 a.m. —,SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.r. ,-- WORSHIP SERVICE. 7:00 p.m.-- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 b.m. — 'Prayer and Ilible7-Sti!dy.,. Friday;"8 YoUngi-People's Seryice7, ST. 'GEORGEl CHURCH rd Sunday after Epiphany January 24, 1971 Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Rector's Cjass at 9:45 a.m. Morning Prayr, and Sermon at 11:00 am. (Nurry) Church School --at• 0rg4nistChoirmater: Mr. Paul C. Baker, F.R.C.O, L.R.A.M., A.RC.M. . Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSg4.4.134A.4-Bran-, BTFitLitiROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A .FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" (ALL US IF.YOU' NEED A RIDE! • 524-9565 0r524-6445 10:00 im. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.- MORNING WORSHIP • SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th "THE INDWELLING CHRIST" .Ftgular Evening Service - 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday,48:60 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNeTH J. KNIGHT ..* THE RE“. G. LOCKRART ROYAL, BA., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise .'UNDAY, JANUARY 24th 10:00 am. — SUNDAY SCNOOL 11:00 SERVCE OF WORSHIP. Serinoro "THE CHARISMA OF CHRIST" 'Nursery and Junior Congregation)* v4÷-r-orurJu Victoria Street United Church HOUSE bF FRIENDSHIP. REV. \LEONARD WARR 10:00 Bible School For All 'Grades. 11:00 - WORSHIP SERVICE. •• Sermon: "BAHA'ISM AND SCRIPTURE" 13ENM ILLER UNITED CHURCH • , 1:30 p.m- - Worship, Service„..an4413i6le School. TOC ALPHA REPORT with Brenda More , — W -E -L -C -0 -M -E Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir b irector Mrs. Leonard Warr .Benmiller Pianist' & Choir Director North- Street United --Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT • SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th ANNUAL. CONGREGATIONAL MEttihd 7:30 p.m. 9:45' aTin. - Grdes four- and up. I055 am. Baby's t� Grade 3'. 11:00 a.m. - Morning Woiship. Scripture: ST. MARK .3:7 • 5:43 Supervised Nursery • Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. '-"gtrtitst' and Choir. director • Phone Churchpffice and Study — 5214651 "'=?O•iiint1941SOMPON.010/14`trWS.„=- rr; Et, • . 1. 44