HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 6t RICI3SIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1971
BY NANCY HILLS �, 205 points. Dave Mcly rAlad 10
On Wednesday, January 13, Dints, Casey Wildgep give, John
the school band travelled to Moore four, and Dave Patterson,
Dresdah.. Last year. ;. our Doug Fisher and, Ron Willis one
overnight ,host during our two point each.
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�. wJ- talk .mia 1r hockey
•I r
with two, and bonald Elliott. The victory evened' the Flyers' 'Pommy ti'incher and Miehael' League Leaders, Beacom, tied. the score and Paul. WITH JACK CUMMINGS Kentky Fried •
1'' Kentucky 'k cord at one win and one loss, 'Y"`""'�" ewes( addition to •the
Did you know Minor Hockey Dale Duncan and Neil Sager while the Bedford team suffered ,Monday, J January 18, in Le
W� i Canada commences were the goal getters. their se4gnd straight setback. Blyth, the Legion � Squirt
For n c y FriedChicken, re Chicken, will play host to the MacKay, n,
'on team. team, eg-i,.stered the •Winning
• goal. It. Moody 'picked up -two
EE WEE• ALI. STARS assists. Then Saturday night
week Lion Pee Wee against Zurich, Godepich was
tars worn .two games in the • really' flying as they defeated'
.A. schedule and' are now , them 9-1. Scoring three goals
January 32 I didn't and neither' The Mites. record so far this In the second game Saturday All -Stars defeated Blyth Squirts LION
anu ry In...the second
did the Goderich Minor Hockey season stands at six wins„ane tie morning, Goderich Electric won 3-1. Gary Peters got two goals 'Last
Executives as they were and only one loss. their second game in a tow over and Hugh Hanley the other one, All -
unaware of the dates, This Thursday, January 2'1, the ',Legion Sailors. Steve* Sager Future games - Friday,
h Beings only informed about
day . tQur was.Flesherton. This . Wingham pointgetters were this on • Monday, Ken:Crawford,
year • in reciprocation we will be .led by Black ,with 12, Brown 11►dent, is trying, to line up -
playing host_to their band from , and Johnson and Tervitt five some e�,chibition•games and more
the° Grey Highlands 'Distriet apiece. ice time;
High school on Friday, Apil 16., Against. Stratford; John ' Trusting it isn't Coo late to get
ate. twq . ,'(lands will 'ba ; Moore 'was, high score!' for the: some .exhibition 'pines against
presenting a .music ni . ' The Vikings with 12' points,•�'followed ,London or Detroit, etc. ,
Q nigV. t D Don't send' takes” ou ' bob..
an•, Mem. `N(i'th.ei h , w.,ti .,_.
roc .',Fill :la�� d . 'sated,». •;� 'W g �
p segs rise .x . ..
o. c. bee ,.band Fisher 'witba tve; o W P*M {, Sea
�� iri . �e�, �+'?�'ew,.7al�u��i3�' nRz'..rSvw�t*,-
camp this summer. . M two and Dave McIver• with one • play,
'April 28-29• will be •our point: „,�' '
It keeps' kids off the
thiswill • be Orangeville with 16 were the leading develops better citizens, and -
What does Minor Hockey ,d0?
overnight band tour Our host Dietrich, with 20, and JasperP streets,
they will meet the Gardiner's got the first two goals for Legion teazel, travels to Hensall
Dairy team, of the Squirt House 'Goderich Electric.., and , Mike' and then play again Saturday
LeagAel,,,.at 6:30 p.m. Paquette got the other goal. against !Huron Park in Goderich.
• The Mite All -Stars were Legion Sailors lone goal was by 1
honoufred at a meeting of the !Allen Rivett, SQUIRT HQUSE LEAGUE
Legion Auxiliary cast' week for ; Minor Hockey Week in January . 16, Saturday, in the
their performance in the Exeter . Goderich starts January 23, but first game, Kentycky Fried
Christmas Tournament, where would stiggest� the parents.°carne Chlcke 7 won -on a goal .late in
they won' the .trophy- for the • out Friday, January 22; at 5:00 the third period with only 2
,itiost 'gentlemanly• team -.ort:- tzd�'�,.,. . •
t�rfi:;"se�e' Ma�Dorra2d-hhuririe, play ,�Qonds�r`.ema;�ng�,ac�X.
Off the ice. the LegiionAuxili� evgion Sailors to make this 'a winning goal was Danny Boyce,
ladies have agreed to pay part' of successful week. Then," on with the ,assist going t6, Terry
th0, teams' entry fee so• they may Saturday; January 23, at 10:00 Kisch. Mills Motors' only goal
cojripete in • the , . Strathroy am, Goderich Electric vs ' was ,,by ' Tom Doherty. Final
year ranevi e , Tournament Burin the' school.
District ••Secondary High school. Stratford seorers.fi'._• teaches them the fundamentals gBedford 'Hotel -Motel ' and at ' score was 2-1. -Neil Sager was
Gymnastics Club: This newly The Junior Viking's record is of good sportsmanship. So we. holiday in March. 11:00 a.m. Legion Flyers \ take the other goal scorer for winners
formed clu1+3' is beingcancelled now two wins and one foss. ask you to support Minor MITE HOUSE LEAGUE on Caiiadiari Tire; Lem., - Kentucky Fried Chicken with
'Hockey, enjoy Minor Hocks Rick Hodge assisting. Second
due to a lack of interest and y 1 y Y, Friday, January 15, the Gardener's Dairy won
BY SANDY MAIZE and make it a family affair. See LEGION SOUIRTAL.L-STARS game,
participation on behalf, of --the • SENIOR Legion Flyers, coached by Saturday night at the 4--1. It was a great team. effort,
students, GIRLS VOLLEY EY 1 r you at.the arena. Richard Madge, defeated the
Bedford' Hotel -Motel _coached • Goderich Arena in a W"O.A"A..., as four players figured in the
BOYS' SPORTS The teams for -volleyball were - M1TE ALL-STARS - •- scheduled game, the Legion„ scoring, Donald - Elliott, Jim
BY T. D. picked before Christmas. The In, an. exhibitionams played by Ken . Bowen and . Mark Squirt All -Stars were down 3-0 Burbine, Larry.. Madge and Tom
g p y Lassaline, by a score of 5-1.
but came back in with four Sch m: The Legion- team have
Wrestlinggirls on the Senior teamare last Thursday, the Mite
The GDCI ' wrestling team Carol Willis,Captain; Barb Miller All -Stars, sponsored by "the
defeated Wingham 49-16 in aCo-Captain, - Sue, Duckworth, • Legion . Auxiliary, defeated he-
mat'ch: held in Wingham last " Gail Fritzley; Gale Mero, Shirley y'nKentucky Fried •Chick m,
Tuesday: , Morning, Anne -Hopkinson, Chris league leaders 4n the - Squirt
•The xesuits were as follows; 6'4' Vande Hevvel, Marie Plunkett
House League,. by a score of
89 pounds Chisholm h
(Goderic) Gerdy Potzel, , PeggyHanl
y. 3-2. The Mite All-Star' goals
Penny Udler, Ruth Melady. were -•scored by Ted Doherty,
by default;
97 pounds Anderson (Wingham) The first - Tournament. was ,
• pinned Naylor; _ . • held Wednesday, January 13 at
105 pounds Moore (Goderich) 9oderich. Goderich hosting
pinned Caslick; *Stratford Central and Seaforth
114 "A • pounds S. Reaburn at 2 p.M.. The results 'o ': ,this.
(Goderich) pinned lJeBruyn; game were Stratford Central
122 pounds , 'T,. - Corbett, beat Seaforth two games to one.
(Goderich) pinned Mathers; • , But ' Goderich. beat,both -
135 pounds D. Broughton Stratford Central, and Saforth
(codelTdfi) ied i ': •Grimm-,,-
_ ,.' ,,�. • . 'two garrles each.
T-4fl' poi -x franker-( Goderich)_ _ ..__ . - , . ',
decisioned J. Cronin; ThegirlsJon . he, tea
147 pounds C. , Melady` juniorrri
(Goderich) pinned Dewar; . .Debbie Turner, Bonnie
156, pounds Johnson (Goderich)' :.Westbrook, Sue Godfrey, Brenda
Brissette, ' ' Linda .r, Dorgherty,
pinned Dettrnan; • . - ' Tanya Palmer, Becky t;rawford; .
167 , pounds J. Reaburn Diane . ;Osborn, 'Carole
(CGoderich) pinned C•ashaette;: ' ,Cruickshank, Cathy ' Jones,
177•pounds„DeBruyn (Wingham) : Wendy Ryan; Sue Powe
• pinned -Stec -p; 'CI • Debbie Smith.
193.perunds M.; Ryan (Goderich)-,• The results • ,of. their' first _
pinned Seiling;.tournament were Seaforth "beat
•Unlimited ' A . Drennan Stratford Central two games to,
,. ("Goderich) pinned Scott. one: • Stratford• Central. 'beat
BOYS BASKETBALL - Gocierieh two • guiles' 'td one. ,
-The .GDCI boys,- basketball ' Seaforth ' took Goderich _two.,
teams-won,'three' of four games games to• one. Making Seafotth
played -in- thej last -wee k.• •,,. v ..•, ",.,..r , x the...winners..•„.•.,:•.,.,.,.....,, ,
Coach, Peter Cammaert' ` The coach for.the Senior team
Seniors defeated - Wingham is. Miss Lambert and Miss Cullen .
69-26 and Stratford North isxthe coach for the ju ior team.
. Wi %ern 68-=38. The 'Goderich ' - r '''`'• e
Juniors, under Coach Fra*k EXPERIENCE JS THE BEST
MacDonald, defeated Wingham .TEACHER' v
47-42. 'in overtime, but were BY JUDY McGU I RE,..
defeated • 59-2.8... by Stratford • The Students in the Business
North-Western: - and 'Commerce Programme will
All the games were played out, be gettinglurid nd experience
' of town, last Tuesday in in the business world during the
Wingham, ane Friday in , next two weeks. J ".
•Stratford. The grade' 12' students at
Against Wingham, , ' Dave G.D.C.L will .be going . to. • a
Calrruthers led the Seniors' with number 'of different businesses
16 points, closely followed by Found, Goderich to,; work and
Brian • Mackenzie 'with 1.5. Al see• just 'what goes on in these
Pirie hooped 10, Wa-rren •,Watt.
nine, Brock Stimson eight, Greg
Smith seven,', Mike' Tafeit two,
and Gary .Lounsbury and Pete
'Nicked got one each.
For Wingham, Roulston 'was
high man with .14 points while
Cransto-r"i"Ta t' ix. -
In their*, victory ' ov_er
Stratford, .,the. ,Viking 'offence
was headed by Mackenzie *ith
14', -points, while three players,
Watt, Carruthers and Lounsbury
had 10 each. Pirie had eight,
, Stimson six, Smith five while
Steve • Stringer and Tafeit, had
two points each.
North -Western's top scorers
were. John Bakelaar with twelve
and Ivan Coulthard with nine.
' The .GDC.! Seniors now have a' '"in the -Business - and. Commerce
recon of three wins and no Department at G"D.C.I This is.
Atip_1unn�, s, e.., . the • fourth' year for this
S..KEFr ".�aw,�t''''9 • ,VcY/•� }�}�-p�rn4c,"A°.L,"kr'fi.:i+`7'"•�I�'i`f'�... -'. ,.” �,�ct4JJNP.a�ba
-"their `"'next, action--lYerr� here-- The Students have ,two week's"
(Thursday) when they 'play -St..' x
Marys. 'now and two weeks- in the
The Junior win' over Wingham • Spring. Each Student is out for
was paced by Dan Demers with- 'one week. each time.'
There are approximately 3Q
- students in this Programme. ,
The students will be ' going • to
hospitals i municip Ice - • offices,
'professional offices and
industries. ;