HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 344 ' '" ' " , • , '4 • 4, • Focus on Fitness is theme "r• ,, . , 4.,„,, ofA_. ... ement , . ...4 • MRS. ELEANOR BRADNOCK was the „skit put on by Tiger 4 -H 'IL Homemaking Club .Dunkap I. members from tips district Katherine Taylor commented attepded the AchMemenDay ' on,•-thse exhibit of Tiger Dunlop t 2, ."1-jazards in Your Cupboard". for Focus on Fithess in, Clinton .• iat 4 .day,• m. c th ••ne „, Handcrafts Are Fin' Clinton 2's exh4t----Was corriniented on Hunt,' hot)* Economist assisted by Mrs. ' James Axtinann of ° by Louise -Lovett. • - The 'highlight of the ' day's lathing the, morning the girls Walton. • ,, 4 .4, Prog?arn was -the presentation of . ° identified .' traffic '':signs, ' had a prOvincial honor pins and safety place Mat quiz., a,44-1 quiz. certificates •to, Helen ,Good and artdjudged-first aid kits and gave ridraWise, County '' honors , •"7 -4 -•.i's.vrantri-"feasons•... 4t14.44, P10044440 4%.,4,4f4P41*,!, .4,0104,497,0,..R.Wer.b4T2itgattet4,14ta q.,*144li.fx?, Doreen McCiinchey, Sherry , • 4 ' The, afternoon session began with' a, skit by, Dungannon 2, Plaetzer, Wanda Plaetzer,. Rhea • First Aid in the Home, with all ,'Hamilton, Kathleen Macreath, , members taking part. , ••• - • , • .• Brussels club gave- a .demonstration, "First Aid in the Home" with Nancy Adams and Karen Hemingway doing the demonstrations.' Auburn 1 Club gave a skit;" "Posture Plays its' Part" with • Joanne Hickey and Sherry • Plaetzer taking the leading roles and all other members taking r , , , Auburn 2 had an...interesting exhibit "Six , Books we have Read" with Linda Jefferon as commentator. "Using Your LeisUre Time" was an interestintskit•brall.:the---- . members of Goelerich club. Janet Ginn commented on Holmesville I's exhibit, "Handrafts are Fun". • Holmesville 3 gave a skit on "Posture 'Plays It's Part"- • and Holmesville 2 had an -exhibit • .."1-lagards - 'your- Cupboard" - 'Sandra Wise co mented on- the exhibit. - Londesboro I presented • ."-Safety on the Highway" and- broughtout many points on safe • ciriving.` Loridesboro. 2, had an exhibit,. "Safety "in the Horne" with Joanne Snell as commentator. "A, Craft"for Leisure. Time" part. • • ' • s Naney Porter., Janice.. Sowerby, Lynda Anderson, Judy Howatt, Janet Rodges, Vaughn Hunking, Shirle.y Watkins, ne. 'Brindley, Marjorie Taylor, Louise Lovett, and Karen Tyndall. Leaders and assistant leaders were presented with badges at the morning session. They were Mrs. .Donna -Hayden:, an Miss, Lexie MeWhiriney, Dungannon 2;' Mrs. C. Bishop and Mrs. C;, exhingwvy-,4).41 me%) Bradnock and Mrs'. l Raithby of Auburn 1; Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs..Donald Raines- • of Auburn 2; Mrs. 'Alia Porter and Mr. Stan •-McIlwtin of Goderich; Mrs. Eldon Yea? of Hohnesville ' 1; Mrs. John Westbrok. and Ais. Edward Wise, .,f Holmesville 2; ,Mrs, Eileen Itodges; artd"'"Ms gffie Yeo of Holinesville Hattie Snell and Mrs. Hazel WaPirs of Londesboro 1; Mrs., Akice Buchanan' and Ms. Josephine' Mcbregor of Londesboro 'at--; Mrs. K.. H. Oernig and Miss Helen 13rind*r"""""'' of Tiger Eiunlop I; and Miss Kathy Taylor arid Miss Karen T k• of Tiger Dunlo0 2., •• ' ; • ' ,,. •-• • . • , • 44‘. • ,e • • • ..,.,8414$10A4;STA$*Tfl, 444 ' ,‘• ' Sandra 'Wise(left) and Helen,'Good of Clinton received provincial hohours • certificates on Saturday' at the achievement day held for the -4H coursg FoCus on Fitness held at Central Huron Secondary School. Presenting,the certificates ,was Miss Catherine 'Hunt, HurOn, County Hcime Economist. *2 • • ,• • ,..ett..1 Eight girls from GOderich and Clinton areas received cOunty honours on Saturday at the achievement day for the, FoCus. on Fitness 4H course held at Central 'Huron Secondary School in .Clinton. Among thOse r6eiving honours were ,Marjory Taylor, Nancy Porter,. Janet • Rodgets and Norine Brindley, all,„of Goderich,, Karen Tyndall, and Louise Lovptt of Clinton end JaniCe Sowerby of Goderich seen here with Miss Catherine HU(lt, Huron County Home Economist.,., • Girls from Auburn glad Londesboro were among' those who raceived bounty honour cekifitates at an acqievernent day 'held in Clinton on Saturday. Among them were (front row, left to right) Judy Howatt, Londesboro, Doreen McClinchey, Auburn, Vaughn 44 • McCOlcheon n0:flied. co-ophead, Bruce McCutcheon, a 49 -year-old beef and dairy, .farmer from the Dundalk area of. "Grey, county, was elected president. 'of United Co-operatives of Ontario at a bard Meeting held at p.pop SHOWCASE '71 in Ottavya this week..., tle succeeds Robert McKercher,Tha beef and poultriY' farmer from near Stratford;.- who .; served-- two one-year terms. Mr, McCutcheon, forrherlr vice-president, was r -elected as zone diiector for Grey and Bruce counties at IICO.'s 23rd annual • meeting, held' on Ttiesday.Three, other .directors were alsO. ,re-elected: Allan Hunking, Auburn,, (back row) Wanda Plaetzer, Aklva Ball and :Sherry Plaetzer all of Auburn and Shirley Watkins and Lynda Anderson of Londesboro with .Huron County, Home Economist Catherine Hunt. McIntosh' representing the eastern countie; .Ken masho-; the south qentral. counties of Middlesex; Oxford, Elgin and-, Norfolk; and Gordon Jack, of . Chatham, a diretorar-large. Follo,wing the zone elections, a meeting of the 12 -man bparC,,,, was held I -elect the executive., In addition -to Mr. McCutcheOn, ,Tyson Langinan; from Hawkes(one, was elected first v ice-Oesident* and Harold Stoni Baden,second " vice-preident. The fourth member Of the executive is automatically thepast-president, Mr. McKercher. Some ,360 official voting, delegates attended UCO'S' meeting. • Com herbicide • introduced:. new,. . non-persistent • herbicide .for corn, -Bladex 80% °1 -Wettable • owder, ' inroduced- W theeCanadian farm, :„...rnarket this '''montInCY Sfiell ,_•-.„.„.qarrada . • 'tiadex Provides t exellent brit ro of crabgrass, oneof the corn *grower's most troublesome weed problems. In "addition, the "prodmct is• also effectNe against a •nurriber of other anntial• grasses and broad -leaf wegds. Once Bladex has done its job of controlling weeds it dissipate's rapidly in, the soil,, residue hazards if a crop othe44- thari2 .. corn is planted ,the follavving year. • Illadex is applied, either band or broacast, before the crop has emerged, at time a planting or soon after. Mixing into the soil is nt. normally. - required- •• an , N • important labor-saving. featur.„,., One -halt inth ofrain is needed within 10 days Of application for best result, •to ensure that the Max is absorbed by the weed's root system. The safety Characteristics and, effectiveness of' Bladex have been investigated by government_ regulatory.,z.authorities and the' produtis'approved fOr use .6n corn. Bladex Works well on ,• light -textured soils but is not reeornmended for use on heavy clay or soils with high organic, patter, • • IFREIZIER FILLER SPECIALS . Frontsof BEEF i;,.4844 Hinds of BEEF Sities of BEEF ib574 GRADE IN P,,, RK' WHOLE OR HALVES 113354 PORK OR BEEF LIVER 311.99' • PURE PORK orne Made SAUSAGE ab: 99. Fresh HAM ROAST 11,49 , ``. , :...„ ....... BOX livigisiERs 2.84 PORK LOIN ,c1t.41OPS TO LBS. OR OVER 113.59' PHONE 39.5-19611 44 •RIPLEY MEAT MARKET ` For Your. INSURANCE " see or call '11111isclEwan 111111acEwan 44 North St. - 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwan . Peter S. MacEwan, • ••:. M. CAUCHI " ' • 4 wishes to announce , to ', his • patients th—Tmj I A , establishment of. his 'own .private prattice in Gojderich . on Napier . Street (opposite the Assessment Office). The date ot opening of. the new location will .be announced' in the Signal -Star. Until theehe will continue to see hi's patients at , ........_. the Church Street Medical Centre, . , 4,4,1""Ir-...11.e*rt44:PQ4 .S.7470V47447= ' • . WE'RE OUT .TO R.EDUCE OUR STOCK! NO REASONABLEPOFFER• WILL BE REFUSED! WE GUARANTEE YOU CANNOT BUY SIMILAR' QUALITY FOR LESS! 4. . ,P4. • yor 4 11,1 .sx,".....4011,1EINLJEVAIIIING1614.1r.4611001LINLIMILIESIOL*wai. moomstrowtopaottmon, e". 8 ALBERT STREET C INTON PHONE 4829521 r••• • V. . 4. • r L4° Z .;