HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-21, Page 1• 4 • 0 ,‘ • 0 Goderich couriciL faced a at the town hall at least 24 hours ' heavy agenda -Thursday evening before the meetings,. That would for its first meeting of, thegive a deadline for 4:30 p.m.' 1971-72 coti,001, • Town business 'and. the daYbelpre any meeting. correspondence that had piled In regular business, council up since the last cciimcil ended held over a request from the its term of office were taken care of and under anew ruling, Items not on the agenda were held over for one week. Wednesday of each week oF of '2 Btuewater Taxi Service for 'a hearing concerning ' meters. At. 'the suggestion of. COun. • Ron . Price, council will seek legal opinion on, the' matter before It also was the .firsf„meeting discussing, it at the meeting for new- town 'clerk treasurer • tonight. . • °s.' 14a• _tOld Walls. Working under the ' .0pmplued.A%-4,ciriafans,,IVIespbers ofpcounell.a,litit,theWks council -had few delays taking wives have beeh invited to a "get care of the businets. It was- at acquainted night" at the home the suggestion of Mr. -Walls that of Mayor Harry Worsell. ,T e councilinstituted, a new ,ruling mayor -suggested it would that all matters that are to be good way for council t� meet brought before council mast be the new clerk and, his 'Wife and get acquainted. in generallTe meeting, will be held following the regular meeting of coUnciP tonight.- ' A letter is to be sent to the Goderich Raeing Association thanking The association for "keeping its, end of, the bargain" ih repaying the town for money 'loaned for installation of lights at Agiictilteral .Park. ' Coun. Stan Profit asked,; if .there was any other agreetnent with the raceway 'f-dr'returning liMilbiPteVittAttrre for,tiltottstt Pf WC park and Was informed the town receive part of the money taken at the mutuals but no other agreement was in fotce for the use of the facility. The councillor suggested theraceway Was a business and p'erharis thought should be given to a At the sUggestiorrpf, the clerk Members of the club an future agreementcounth will consider instituting experiencing difficulty obtaining . , CounRon Pridrkaggeiteirthe an interim tax levy. Mr:, WallS ' rides to MacKay .Hall for. . town wait until improvement -said the idea w,..m.gaining support meetings, work is carried out at trfhepark in many municipalities, because, An application from Mr. and. , before negotiating for any ental of the amount of money ghat Mrs. Clayton Leddy for the r on the propertycould be,saVed by not having to position of daretakers at, the , Deputy Reeve David Gower borrow 'until ,taxes arein. The Goderich , Public ' Library was stated the town benefitted from town's finance- committee will, „referred to • the property thracewaystudy the matter and report to committee, The previous e , even -thotigh the council; caretaker resigned by letter the raceway is an industry "We A proclamation has been same night • should be hel in the indust • ir. • , people who had helped make it weir, fish pond end, lengthening possible.. . of the pavement' equipment and repotted a placed across?' a ieetion 4:4: the On the condition' of - its, was necesS4 for harrieia to be complimented the department committee , asked - coupe* if it machineforsharpening saws had island at •fliiiilltan, • 'Street, i and beecnoupriu.rcDhars.h chairman •-•-OI public ttiraks of the ,fire, -traffi6 and , $8fety Coun. „ Ed Gresbwht, '. Conn. Stan PrOfit, chairmen . • .:;,,: ewfelt reported from NeArtQn, to turn OP, 0, he Nelson ., which. allowed traffic'. fx.R111:2v.other..,grartts--*.*47mazie'iter'1.*- Court; Deb .Shew.fe.twid, -that, here," he said. ' ‘, . . - .' tit§e4e,yvde.bey,.. the nuryorEiro44)nlin0 . ;Reeve Paul Carroll reported Mawr -itiocker.RW'intft.,.- ' -- by-thek.vharbotor*ompeariec-tlor-ogon.401-• -----.,.,..,,,,,---.- .-.,1,,r` ,,,..,,--'--- • - ' :*, 100k- t,i,tesk --§ trOVIdt'e.'"'" k starting JantiarY' 23 'aS.:,) :applications are,being teeeived ' . Poem. Shewfelt is chairman of was necessary, ..4O: goniettilit, wa,atmeriTruglehatit:i , and t,, thesewage.. pSatbiutsahibrealt,e,,t'Ape::0.07‘ ".4:::::e.P.:::::':'. treatment plant had been fixed. with trAtt.1.6,,;',: ' .,,09.,,tiitetl and it .. kin.:.'llrOfit;.4Will' ‘. [ ' Coun. -,Frank -Walkonc-the the town but suggested the A. request frtint;the Goderich • :dock'sPafs:, raceway "poured money into Senior ' .-Citizens-',,010,4Q&.-. for ., The recreation board hasan town's representative to the A bYlaiv that would restrict the town." ' _ COun. Reg Jewell said the to meetings for members was :Judith dooderham Park, Reeve. Authority reported $25,000 will - wn was table tor Oif0--week. in town of Clinton charged rental referred to the Recreation and Carroll ' reported and also be ,spent - at' " the " Fails der to give council „ time to and did well from it. Coinmunity Centre Board expressed tanks to all the Conservation area this year for a .- 4ty it. ' . - .. . , _ - assistance in obtaining trans,Port °Pen ice rink in operation at :Maitland Valley Conservation kuriping 'of atiSP wastes in the.;, ...5'.: . ,.....g. , s . • , 4 • F--- 124th YEAR = 3 , jiaktar ..,,,-, SINGLE -COPY”-, IS' 1 . ' —TitURS,DAY, 'JANUARY 21,' 1971 . . , wiumminommummummainumitomiwimumooniulloomommoomistimmummiummiummimmumommiloommmuniminoimmtimuniniummminmommommiimilimonommommuommommummtimumnimuntimmimmimmouna , e 1 , *,. 4 • . ., • 11 • ' 1,1 • „ • . • .,„ . . . The ladiis- of the Alexandra Marine and Genditirlfospltal 'Auxiliary have, proved themselves a . worthy group again.. The .auxiliary last week presented an orthdpeadidtabieGthe hospital which .,.„ ..,41. ' • noW will permit,thestirgeons to carry out orthopeadic work' wbIch .previgesly.wasSent 'to other ' ' centres. Fron the left are Mrs. J. W. McLaren, treasurer; Mrs. G. CND/I-lite, president; Dr. J. Michael , .. ' Waits; surOdorvarid Hospital. Administrator Tim Elliott. The presentation of the cheque was made , in the operating room and the tableis shown imthe foreground. 'The ladies were thanked by Dr.. - ' Watts for the efforts which he said ' were helping the hospital Operate more efficiently:In the past 11 years ;the auxiliary has donated $15,453.38 . to the hospital. This donation .Was for $1,375, -Staff Photo . . . ,. , • Student ia proval needed I V.1. Two Masons honoured a‘ for iockerinspection Robert Chamney, 85, of • -Principals • in Huron 'COunty.. have been advised that students', • lodkers shall not be opened without the knowledge of the student involved and his being cot present 'at' the time of opening the locker. 11 . ' The -ruling was made following a "complaint to. 'the board by Charlesza-Thomas ' During:. the two-week period - 'teaching staff will be sharing their Aims and Objective with „.„. • ,,.the program consultant „ atOin February the Director- of• 4 Education and his academic staff • will spend 'a day interviewing the progranr-empultants, 'providing. , •an opportunity for' mutual observations and follow-up, in s-ihools. reeve ofGre Ylbw hithat 1 , • ' • -Students and several ratep,a rs have approached him to indicate . their annoyance at 'school °Staff • vvithotit their knowledge. " In future, if it becomes. • necessary to open a locker and, • studentis not available, it, shall be the responsibility of the Principal only tb , open it in company with one other staff. • meniber. • ,.•• The board 'also learned that the entire staff of 22 program • consultants from the regional - 4 office of the Department of Education has been made - available -to Huron County for - the, period -February 1 to 12. -- , The Se Set -tikes --be- concehtrated in Area C schridis • but provision -is being made for , , specific' personnel fo visit other , schools hrthe county. • This " will be' a Self-analysig - experience for all thoSe in‘raved in' the educational process in the schools. The consultants Will observe classroom histruetion, • and follow up by pehanal and group discussions withjeachers, department heads,' principals, ' _ superinten den ts_a_nd_the lareclor_ of Education. P• '• Support -Minor ,_,ilockey :Week la§ditiM tarts actuary ' • Auburn and Hugh' Hill, 863 184 Picton Street, Goderich, were honored recently by Morningstar Masonic Lodge No, 309, Carlow. ' The two men represent 110 years of MasOnic service. • Mr. Chamneyreceived )tis 50 -year jewel and Mr. Hill was awarded his 60 -year jewel. Mr. Hill is the only member Of the lodge., ever to • receive a 60 -year jewel.' lexancler elected Huron Warden; oderich Reeve Carroll breaks tie The 1971 Ward of the _..ourityf Huron s• Jack' Alexander, reeve of the town of Wingham. Warden Alexander was elected on the second ballot, a,2_QV vote between him and Reeve 'Elmer Hayter,,. , Stanley Township. The tie was broken in • favor of Alexander by Reeve Paul Carroll, Goderich ' The first ballot showed 14 in favor ..,pf Alexander, -16 , for - Haytero and10 for Reeve Hugh Flynn, the third,candidate in the' race: Alexander listed the official plan for the :County of Huron; the problems caused ,by the 4.ailproaching closure of -CFB Clinton, the appointment of a new Medical _Officer of Health in Huron and the county. roads. *stem' ai,the priority items. The Wingham _businessman ,promised to devote himself to the,job of Warden .for 1971•and to "work hard to keep Huron County among the leaders in the prO•vince of Ontario". In his address to Huron CoRinty Council, Elmer Hayter • said the Jest warden from Staley had been Fred Watson in 1944. He noted he had spent 11 •• ye s on municipal council, five it • as !deputy -reeve. And three as aychives,, for direction -and, he He --tilled -all members of envied county councillors their,' council ,to ' "co-ordinate and opportunity to "make4history". bring- together the facilities of „ the•countyh. "That's. your duty," he told the----htemberS. 'The difficulty '-- reeve. - , Hugh , stated his ainbitipn to •"scomeday become warden of. Huron County". He cited conservation, -reforestation, pollution control,- regional governMent, welfare plan.ging, amalgamation of health services • and the CFB closure as the. prime areas for concern this year. • , "If we dan't stand up and take •a stand we're going to be 'told, what to do," said Flynn. Judge R. . Hetherington, ,administered the ,oath of office to the new warden-. He said in • his „business • he found it -nessary to go back into the comes----in- Don't let focal interest too bacilyi, .„. RevGarwood Russell of St. Xiiglican -Church-- . officiated • for, , the inaugural 'devotions. His Worship Mayor Harry .Worsell brought 'greetings rpm.f Iietown. of Goderich with • , "mixed feelings" saying he was, pleased .and -proud to represent the town of Goderich as' Mayor " but stating he was sorry to see an end to his association at the county level.' , Outgoing WardenRoy • Westcott of UsboiYhe ToWnship- 'drew attention_to • the presenCe. - • of the new county councillors. , . , J Winghain Reeve Jack Alexander Was elected Warden of Huron County Tuesday afternoon on a second b llott vote. Goderich Reeve Paul Carroll left was calred upon to break a 20-20 tied vote, that el ted Reeve Alexander. Reeve Carroll and Goderich Dewy Reeve Dave Gower ; right, were a ng their first meeting of county, council since elected to office. -Staff Phote cicKay Hall jo get • d d face lift .• , Goderich council agreed last week to let the town's property • committee. proceed with • renovations to MacKay HalL to a maximum of $5,000. • Coun. Ron Price,'chairman of • the c-ormitittee,- asked- for approval for the work which would include rewiring, renovations and' re -decorating Coii Price said council was aware of the condition of the • wiring at 4te hall which had :been condenThr4 last year. He • said' the groundwork had already-Fms • been done by, the previous ' ' &Committee and the objea asking for permission to proceed before budget time was the, safety factor involved. • '''sOtrietoartt of the . • ° At the 'annual "OYsttr treat” held in con unOtiori with the reiW January me MTritarMa�nWdgi Carlow, on January 13, Masons from as far away as Windsor as well as from throughout Huron #iid Perth Counties gathered to honour Right Worshipful Brother Hugh Hill, of Goderich and Brother Robert. Chamney of Auburn. Mr. Hill is the first merriber of °mini Star Lotte e'veribleceive a jewel' marking with 50 years of service. Three ofhis sons, Bud, RR 1 Auburn; Nutt 'Ed. Giesbrecht, the former committee Cha man Coun. -,Frank "Walkom, both • mernbeis -of the present property - GER AtD'illfHALENi sirr out much Money had been spent • • • on buildings .fQr "young people • but nothing had been done for cflairman senior residents. and • • C. CLAYTON AMBERY Acquires Goderich M• otors The Estate of Stanley H. Prevett is pleased t&announce' that C. Clayton Ambery has • made arrangements for the purChase Goderich Motors • '.0t, been owned and operatedrby tle , late Stanley H., Prevett since - • 1937i M. :Aritbery has taken over , active management of the • company and extends an invitation to all of the friends • and. customers Goderich Motors Limited to visit the dealership. The *sent staff of Goderich Motors deserve a great Veal of credit' for their efforts in, carrying on the , business since Mr. Prevett' passed away. ,They :took forward to ser'tirig friends and customers their. new management. 'As for the future particular emphasis is- being placed on very close attention to each customers particular needs and requests. ' „ Mr. Ambery 'has long been associated .With , Ford -of Canada. having , held a number' of positions. in the -Sales Division in ' Windsor,* Oakville and Bramalea since • 1947. He Moved to recently been employed -as 'Sales Manager for Huron Pipe Limited and aeted- as Clerk Treasurer of, Colborne Township at the-sartie_ time. He will now be devoting -all 4.; 41. • ;• • Coun. Giesbrecht reminded .•„-- -., council part of the ,costs would . At the regular meeting of the • . „be borne by. the Goderich Little Goderich Public Utilities Theatre Comp -any who wanted Commission on January 12, to move a lighting panel to a Gerald , Whaley was :elected ' - better position. - , chairman and Bruce' 'Ryan vice , agreed with the work beingdone--11j' Their term of office 1 '• Reeve Paul Carroll said he wil,' be for 1971 and 1972. Mr. ... and suggested if the property - committee could get the amount Whaley has been a comMissioner ofwork needed -completed for for ten years and was vice • $5,000, they would have. his .chairman for the latter two blessing. • , • years. He is also president of ' , Deputy Reeve have Gower • local 1863.lAy. Mr, Ay(an has I said he disagreed with ,,the been a corninisiiiiner•Toriseven , property committee spending years. ,.., • • $5,000 on MacKay, Hall before , ' • I , the budgets were in and Coun.: Heads libry ar . Price gigigested there were .1 .). - • -in an apartment in the building. Brussels busine S. istem ssmen.' and a eon, extenuating circumstances in . condemned and a Woman lived. George 'MCCutch • ' kl. l'r . thig' CaSe as the Wiring had been Steviart, RR - 2i Auburn , and Herman of Windsor were in d e. Shaft, are, :from Iffirrdtr-WilliWrCirainner- Worshipful Master .of Great Western Lodge NO. 47, Windsor,'a grandson of Mr..Chamney; Brother Robert Chamney (Auburt); Right Worshipful Brother Hugh Hill, Goderich; Right, Worshipful Brother Bryce Skinner, RR , 1 Mitchellm"district deputy grand master of South Huron District and Worshipful • ,, Deputy R eveGower said he farmer warden of Huron Count — imoillfLagregAitil th-P-w_211-0300 , was .eleeted—ehairmum_ done but hoped it wasn't going Mid-Wbstern Regional Lib councillos bringing to set a precedent with 7-, in work: Tystem at the board's 'regular meeting January 18. z t before budget time. ' Mr. McCutcheon has been a " Councillors Reg , JeWell, Deb member of the bbard since Shewfelt and Stan Profit agreed March 1967 , I F 'ttftainitaider&iii*NdetaMSOW**°- . Carlow. -Staff Photo. making the vote unanimoua, • „nee-chairmalili Paul Bauer, Waterloo. Pc•'A• , of his new enterprise.