HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-14, Page 184. 9 41,A PODEMOR SIONALATAR,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1.41 19,7r ••• , og : .- h 0 .0 • fctontinued Horn Page One.? put a great deal of workinto this formliirthey normally attractive house, brought here as preferred a method they had logs and reassembled three years ago. Selected antiques conform 1 brought, from- France, in which shorter pieces of dressed timbers• • to the interior as t had • were morticed into the grooved uprights of a stout timber frarne. always been there.. There is a huge flourbin with a rolling tray tbp, a little old---tcreir,-- a • ,This_was_ealled entre potraux.pr • en ,cOlturibage, John Hindmaish venerable ox -yoke, and a has noted that"the -fireplace'under construction, for •, ,, • which Mr. ,Ladd is using stones French-Canadians, instead of t taken from the foundatiO; scoring it with flie broad. -axe--, used a power auger (Windmill or which was placed under the • hOrtepawer.) and , batedholes house in .egiborne township in owning 1880s. The hose has been d a11i line then the 'can still see- the marks of the e ectrically„ but it is .equipped represented now in the Zurich ,. area. Oldest log house in the Goderich area mu be on the Sully place, Highway 21. It is of roundcedar lop, not hewn, with .great saddle joints. It - was anciently an Andrew house, but has been made into a garage, and with the door -open and the'walls_ coveted with trumpet -Vine it is hardly recognizable as a log - building. • 34;:. Con. It of Goderich town'Ship, settled •Fol. Octogenarians e , ... . '; ....r....' 0 0 '4; and those !older , The God.erich Signal -Star is pleased to extend happiest birthday areetgs . to the . following new member of the Octogenarian Club: , , ' . MRS:MINN I E JONES, Dungannon, wifti will mark her 91st •birthday January 21. ,.. •. It lyou know of someone •Who will be celebrating an 80th ibirthday or better in' the nearfuttire and would like to 'hal:re-his ,or her name mentioned in this coluinn, please telephone §24-833,1 giving the 'name, address, age and birthday of the • - iefebtanit, There is abialutely no , charge for this service and we are. pleased to hearfrorn all of yoo. Twenty girls active 1.• Womtin. to -wonian Continued from_page 2?!o. newspapers thwughout Hupp County and I'v'e; heard the *same .thirig said ibout all of them. And without fait the people who make statements like that are the very folks who refuse or ,forget or. hesitate to make any d news contributions at apyatifne. It rernOns fcir the newspaper editor and ,his reporter(s) to -hunt out the news from people who don't want to be mentiohed- ....and God help -the editor who blunders. Nice work if ,y_on_ can get if, eh? What I'm.leading up to is this: We.,have room in this, newspaper for your news. We are delighted ._,4,40.4t...147„.w.auf41244.57.K140tti- , - • ' : • ‘.:, t **"..--T::"'-- - ,Ap print ,y Our rtewt. We want t'ci h and family from northern °silt a ..can s npers.' 0 heir frorn you about yourtews: auger at the Wheeler house and with •a stove of appropriate age, Ireland, there was built in •J850 alsc Dr7Stewart's at Lobo.” more likely to be a cedar log house of two storeys, The Ladd house is 24 by'34 with a verandah! in :front- and . The wood used in original log • feet. In general, the dimensions -aldlig the Sotith-Side, and with • houses normally came. • from of all these log houses have to be four bedrooms upstairs. In it , timber near the settler's pretty much as the original were born nine daughters and dwelling. It might be rock elm, builders'decided upon more than one son, of whom none now beech, hard maple, butternut' a century ago. survive, nor are there any cherry, but in this area cedar; _descendants. The little log sometimes. raund_logs, in other • "1 believe the odd one has houses squared. The Picot house been cut down," . r. Ladd said, , house, Scarcely noticeable from, , • pa ehts,,at the hospital. They co-operation and understanding. If hwa 21 amongmodern farmhospital at - a variety Of Work in the 6th concession of and a few have en built of ig ., Y• are: Debbie Barker, Judy• Goderich township,: built by miscellaneous material, ' but in` ..., buildings, has been used for , Beattie, Connie Bell, Margo from helping to feed patients to ' If you want to- read George, Weston in 1836,.. is general the reassembled houses' "years as a storehojise-or granary. , Bettger, Jane Bisset, Barbara mne beds and amusing hometown news -in the Goderich constructed ' of cedar logs, have , to be of the original Mr. Hindmarsh's big house at children , in the paediatric &knell, Laurie Chisholm, Emily dep, C ent. i * paper then pick up your "except cv of ash," Mrs. Picot dimnsions. That is, exclusiie of Black s , Point is the on . , ly one Crew, SOitine Green, Joy , -,.. • • telephone,. or your pencil and --“,'"H-arrison, Jeannetta JohnsOri, Th.e_ unte is sponsored. by the. start .ifo'' coritribUte °''i promise said while still livfng there. The any additions; on this one of hereabouts thpt was moved .• joints are morticed, no saddle ours there had been a summer, without . taking down, but Judy Hospital Auxiliary \which McConnell, Paula McGuireyou,. the paper .will be more comers. • ' kitchen." . evidently thereitis to be anothsr. Terry. Mitchell, Sue Powell, Jane' supplies' the candy stripped interesting', to yon even if your Our 'editorial staff isn't large. There are 20'girls active in the We would be pleased to hear Weq,aren't onsall 24.hors a day Goderich Candy ,Stripers now at of any' new names, that are to be , 365. days of ' the year. We Alexandra Marine' and General added to •the list ai new girls appreciate • • being, , called in .. i• Hospital. . ' become active in the Jtospital ' advance of a happening (how We hayereceived a list of the, wprk. , •often does something occur in names of the girls Wilii volenteerCandy_ Stripers Are vlunteersGoderich and area which isn't a° from six to eight- hours of their -far days, even weeks, between the ages of 14 and 17 -1ie each week to help the d th ' t' -- t th ahead?). We appreciate • - The farm along the north side in the Mitchell area, and Itt 'uniforms the girls_ wear. :A of 111AA's Point- road • and - • • going out of tJe district - to Tevlin., Mullet Yake,, and • Pat hospital employee n•asists the; neighbor still insists there is Stanley youngblut for some' •Smith, Kim Smith, Mary .Ann ars entertained the• idea of , - • nothing to read. fronting on Highwafe2i (Lot 10, , .•Hamilton, of all places. It stands •we,suake. girls in their work. owning a log cottage; then, the , Con. 1) belonged in the 1850s to•on the.,.........Mitchell-Fullarton • Hon. G. P, Daly, whoever he opportunity came acquite a boundary, on the farm of R. F.,. may have been, later to Withampioneer„househ. in the St. Joseph Skinner, and wasprepared some, area,° -t, jclod rit . Hi n dma rts weeks ago for loading on ' a • Swaffieldand still later was . .. perm en e ,•1 s removalt ahh e Surveyed into 10 -acre lots. These .0 Parsons truck, but the moving Vresent site,. near the lake bank in turn have been subdivided' infor ,s jah has . been pOstponed until ,, • the Black Point area. He has Sprieg. cottagers.• • • _ been working on it for„tvvo and a , A few rods north of Illagk's • half years- and has cut a lot of . wood in- the thick bush about it , • • -Pit road stands Jack Ladd's, • . • DOING YOUR "THING" lo house in a little pine grove.' Althbugh sweet chestnut was wiped out long igo in this area bya windblown blight; it was available When this house was built, some time after, 1852, for Lucius Carey fr6m Guernsey. It was an a, farm Of 83 acres on the bank of the 'Maitland River,_in_. Con. VI of COlborne township. One.. son, Oswald F., oldthe. place. about 1885, removed • to Goderich-and after- a` time, bought the big 'Williams house, "on St.,George's crescent. Jack -and . Gladys Ladd have • ' Are you doing YOUR thing - Thebottom logs arick those,"7 th1:971? Whatever work yoti do, the main floor are cedar;' at home .. or on .the job, hemlock was. used in the top. remember that safety- is Mr.' Youngblut, Farr-1iCredit everybody's thing. January is the manager . in Goderich, is novo start of a year-round drive to cut- buildin a 'fireplace.. . . accidents being sponsored by the, • This house, 24 by 28, came Indtistrial • Accident .Prevention from Lot 16; Con. XIII, kay . Association. -This, group of • • township.. The land titles record 53,000 Ontaricrfirins.aims to cut • irididates that. it "was built,: for '',. accidents , by urging everyone to _ Henry W. berstein about 1862. make January an accident -free At .the time of gale. -..to Mr. month. So start the' year right: Youngblut Waigwned by Ivan make safety YOUR thing in L. Kalbfleisch., the Durstein 1971.. YOU are the key to • family does notappear to be safety. ' . • . . • • ... • • , • , . • v , Oft. • TIME CHANGES "MUCH. -L-Thomas Elliott bu'ilt this house (top) of cedar logs on Lot 34, Con.'11, Goderich township, in 1850. His sonWilliam, his wife and 7 • -.three of his nine daughters dre ijisible in the picture taken by R.:` R. Saflovvs in the 1890-1900 period. The verandah along the south side long.agd disappeared, and the siding -covered house has, heen used as a granary and storehouse as can be 4 seen in the lower photograph. • -' • ' • • ..... . PORK LOIN QUARTER Cut Into PORK CHOPS' 911 Chops in a Package No Centre Slices Removed • , cir Please, give !he a call when something of special interest brewing in the comMunity.if it . is simply, routine, take -a half hour or so to int down the major happenings at a party, at a church meeting, at'a shOWer, at a dinner seminar ... whatever it is and ,,send it in to the local newspaper. 'tau won't be sorry, I know. r •••• 12:304o: 7 p.m.„ . (CLOSED ON MONDAYS) • YUESPAY TO SATUROAY'- OPEN 9.A.M. fp 7 P.11/1. or. '4,,GRQ.C.ERIES-,*TAtitA'aPD,MEAT.S,~,.#6., DAIRY PRODUCTS **BIssgrs ICE gREAM GULF -OAS Al\P OIL • , LITTLE. 'POINT MARKET Highway 21, 4 Miles North Of Goderich, 524-6362 WE-. FEATURE ,SCHNEllAfi'S MEATS_ • 594„ RED HOTS KentBACON WE STILL SELL. GULF 1 Ib. Pack 1 lb. Pack GAS FOR LESS 6941 q FRESH PORK ROASTS sBUTTLean SHOULDER ROAST 1133 i/3A‘ lb LOO/(AT NESE PRCES Heinz TOMATO: SOUP 1O-H-oziin 1 O5 Airst'ral.• di 1,441-0,Z $711 ;00' • _fruit Cocktail' 4 . Parry Shelf, Crushed, Siced, Tidbits • PINEAPPLE- 10409-Thwitim si Ready .,Cut Macaroni, -Spaghetti„ Mac Shells, R. C.. Spaghetti,'Juniorettes MacarVni • ” • CREAN1ETTE$ a' C;•.k- Oi , • n'n Page, Tomato : KETCHUP • 15 -n -oz 6t275ii, • •t1 Serving Hot.Dogs Burnt Brand WIENERS 24k VACUUM • •la PACK - 199 All d.rices • in this ad guaianteed efftctive • through,LS.ati.t.rday;._ - January -16th, 1971. Centre Cuts Ib 825t . „ • Boneless ATwin Tied) • . RK L IN.End lb CutsA Mary Miles, Sliced, Rin.dless, Side . • . • - 1 -lb BACON_pkg. • „„„..per -Right Quality, Sliced • PORK: .11 schne,der, SAUS• Ib • 1, -lb pkg Shoulder ° • BUDGET 'PRIM! ANN PAGE, CREAMY, SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER $1.19 3 -LB JAR StOTT Stothwide. Sale! —.Racial Tissues . „ • SCOTTIES 5c Off bealj 20r—x2491 d5 PIY 0 •'Tolef tissue., All Ciflours, • (3c •Off Deal) • LADY. ,SCOTT, 3 pkgs 012 rolls - $1.00, CCutRite , WAX PAPER . 3 100-6 rolls $1 .00 Jane Parker, Daily Dated . Jane Parker, Spicy, Raisin Rich Cake SPANISH BAR ‘19' -oz cak$1.0° Jane Parker, Daily Dated, Sliced SANDWICH BREAD it'°:5 9 9fi Hamburg Buns or Me' nertolls Jane Parker pkg of 8 29c Roan, Pink or White, Seedless, Size 48, •/- • pEFR California, Ilk: '1' Guide, Large Size :.E LE STALKS Scott, Alt Cour TOIL[T-- TISSUE Paper VIVA TOWELS' Nothing Betts' the Bean _fa - 'CLOCK COFFEE/ .pkg of 1 rolls 53 pkg of rolls 4 9if •so op • • # , 4 0 1 -Ib. bag bag.io2.31 r No finer Coffee in any package -- at any price BOKAR-COFFEEI-Ibbag 93 fi• '." (3 -lb bag $2.73) MIX OR MATC1114- SNYDER VEGETABLES Fancy Small WHOLE CARROTS, French Style Season GREEN BEANS, Choice WHOLE BEETS, Choice PEAS AND CARROTS each •,;•••,..,.•e•ifteret•';' • 1.44:#1,....!."4,•• •-•'• :N uric area roura 0. ono , an. at•Black'sPOiht. • $ stands on a t y wo • ‘« : vi 1l,' • , •' area Atal• muctrige. • • • • 4