HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-14, Page 16M1 • 44S a OPgRictt St.0 NAL -STA ,, THURSDAY, J.:NUAAY 14, 1971 (•, . DAYS CHILD -BY HIEN A4,LLEN `TOOnto`Teleg{aml kale Ann Landers Dump. the bum • • .= • � -.. ..................III:uuuuuuuuutdu11111111111111111i11I111111111111111111111111 Cook.:ar .a nurse- just carr Snaky Thank goodness for w'orlt'and routine, They're the best BEAR Alitt''. LANDERS: I the house that I exp.eriehce these minutes I discovered the' entire therapy there is in the nieurot- have been going with' this man. maddening frustrations. It article had been- torn out. • is world we live"in. nearly -dour years. Every time'"' I happened twice -Friday-1 had Don't people realize these The highly -touted •"holi- mention .Marriage he looks.at me an appointment with the dentist... magazinl$ are. purchased • for. day season" - .,should be enough to make a great many like,1 am, out' of •my gourd.' While waitttig in his= reception everyone s pleasure? Why do . -� room, L. became ehgrossed in a people agree with'° me. • i"ams years old "'Iivitig with same folks behave - - like Looking bade,• I predicted _ my parents, ani they think Mae magazine article. After reading inconsiderate, pigs? - STILL - a quiet ho►iday. And it start-, is great. 1 run an office for three the first page„ seovered a nice SIZZLING • ed out all right. Kim came Physicians and make enough to ` rip where the story should have DEAR SIZZ: Some people home frb;m college a couple keep myself inclothes and a car. • continued.- 1 -_was • furious. That behave like inconsiderate' pigs of days early, quite. happy,' I..e->?en manage to save a little on same day 1 went to:the beauty , because that's what they are, just like her old self.But each the 'side. Mac makes twice as shop and picked up another Well mannered, considerate folks, day her' face lengthened. as much money as I do but he is in magaiine. I wanted .to read the ;'don't rip things out of magazines', . hock"°up to his eyeballs• He owes_ artieie 'promoted on the .cofer. r•' placed in waiting " rooms for the 'me', personally;;$3Q0. 1' told Mac ' .After : searetung for a,, fa, teti enjoyment of everyone • . • • as astdill:R 4 4,LZDA 41'44,1410GC:1k:.. him another dime until' he pays me what , he owes, so today he Went to see my dadathis shop' and put ( the 'bite on him, for $100. All of a sudden his aurin Montana needs an operation., I think the REAL reason is, that his horse in the• fifth race had a heart attack:- , I{ I want to callit quits but my 011.s are, on his side, They tell mel shouldn't be so hast And get this - my mother said, "Yon, aren't exactly Miss America." According to Mom I have put in four years with Mac and I should be pleasant and sweet, get the ring - and change him later. • vl ' I told my moth'ery 1 wouldn't have Mac . now if he was gift -wrapped. "She sa4'd, "Write to Ann Landers. She is . a practical .. woman. She will tell you I am Davey has just learned to smile,'thpugh he wouldn't do it 's•: been '-right."`So, .Y am writing. What,do a,:for>�Che hotographer.-mor. ail- f` h s.lour-.months he P,.-. youtsaSo, NOT FUSSY JUST rather a sober boy, but the smiles are. coming- More often REALISTIC and are worth waiting for. ,• . 'Dave fooks like an East,... d ian• baby. His background DEAR DEAL: Sorry', y is' really West Indian and Anglo ' = xon. He has straight. silky , disappoint, your mother bu my hair with a tiny bit of curl.at .the. back, beautiful big dark advice is to dump the bum. Any eyes and light tan skin. ,.., woman who marries a'' man with n He to �•to..ha e.. th idea•,that,she-shrill-change.;hin 't stro g �...� ::l _: - � .. :and;: � �....�_.__.. '�- - •� 1ST h�ii "�.�tIY'e out.. ' . his;"-leg's'"free-so-.he...,,c.atr kick and he's fascinated by'llis own later', is a fool., - Tli~ose-. hands, which he .finds- snore interesting' than any toy. You after -marriage changes are . " � _ �� � can see"his eyes are fixed en his his hand more than on the' usually for the wo camera.`,, DEAR ANN LANDERS: I •/., Davey is easy to,�;look after because hes a good eater would have liked'L have read 1a and sleeps right through" the night. He likes to be cuddled• rebuttal to the letter -from, the ' _and: he loves attention, but ddoesn't demand it. This baby will be a` ffne -son--for a '-coups -wanting to woman who demanded sex from her husband and declared she ., share' as many milestones as possible with the little boy, was too young to' forget it To inquire about adopting. Davey please write o' Today's .Der final line was a threat - if.- -- Child, Department of :Social anti Family Services, Parlia he didn't' take care of her sexual went Buildings, ' Toronto 182. For general adoption' informs- needs, someone else would. tion, ask' yopr"'Children's Aid Society, "'''` Why didn't you tell° the lady. 0 r y1.4”"buil'P�+rn�,.uYL!=1Smf70.Y.�1.1Ynk4k�JP�bn�VII,� A she sorted the Christmas mail. ,Nothing, for her. Day, after day: ••, Her secret „ desire, of By Bi l Sm�°re y. This was all very good for my wife's nerves. Combined with the, general slbbbiness of t the young people - they all smoke akings and there's tobacco 'WI over the floor; •t„hey eat"nd drink coffee in a • continuous process for -24. hours and never wash' dish; their clothes are draped all over the house; andthe hi-fi goes at a brain -shattering decibel count °- all this made "" her come" down with' what seemed like stomach 'flts but to me was a break -down. She threw . up reg • ' •All ,Malt,��tt's wonderful to ' She couldn't eat or sleep:' She.„d had no '.energy. She ' snarled. ,.. ''he back to. ark, k,"cm.n+n�.+ew-�'�.•.wxl.a.w.:,, ,�„��r��.��; eouxsa was a •message from ularly day to escape front people, read, -think, sleep. The only privacy 1 had was when 1 locked myself in the "bathrooM,• and then. my Wife would be shrilling from her bed, " Aire the dishes done? Who'd gog to vacuum the, • rug? The Thad are four loads. of -7' washing in the basement!" The only other private moments were when 1 went - shopping.. And baby,' t didn't , hustle •fL ough• the supeermar- ket% 1 strolled like a tired tor- toise, enjd�ying 'every volup- "'y tuous oment of it. 1 E NExr yd U ... E-A . MAYBE 1UNIOI2' -13641-10 M, orTll� STAIRS • 5' -ALWAYS • OR Doo1zS To ,.�: ".......... ... .. . ..S w. wcySirg ..sem Ot = H0t'ME511E7 .Eff•ectivMonday, January 11, 1971 The Land Fill' Site At Holmesville Will Be ,OPEN FOR THE WINTER SEASON AS 'FOLLOWS: 9:00 o'clock a.m. to - 4:0 O oclock p.m. SIX DAYS A WEEK (Except Sundays & Holidays) ALL PAPERS MUST BE PROPERLY PACKED IN BOXES OR , BOUND AND SECURELY TIED Containers May".Be,, Purchased At Site LAND FILL COMMITTEE • ' that's no. way to geteresults? A , man cannot perform,on demand • in • fact, threats and recriminations will turn Off -may.. male - 'even one •Whe was keenly • interested to beg xith-.Mpod is . of the utmost importance. , And, the cyclical aspect must not be - ignored. Men have, cycles, just as women • do. ' Their . libidos fluctuate -' at ''regular' intervals. . "General health is important, too. So is alcoholic •.intake. Liquor releases inhibitions but it can kill. a performance.- And._ don't overlook _the arousal factor about which many women know absolutely nothing: What it 'silt $oils down to is , this: There's an enormous amount of , ignorance • on the subject' of sex, and this is rather amazing wh4n one considers_the importance . of sex to the health and welfare of,.,the..>hunian rade., What's they answer, . Ann Landers? A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY OF MAN - • DEAR MAIC Wdlication, _• DEAR ANN LANDERS: I sympathize with flopping Mad Dad who fiiiifi holes' in • his newspaper:, His wife rips recipes; his mother-in-law clips the stock market returns; his daughter, grabs the horoscope and.his son tears out your coiu'mn. - 1 have no sdch ' problem at home, it's when I get OUT•of .acN ft:R/... , , - NT1ON -r.,;bGODERIC+h%RFA �tll?}r,N,e�.�y,�„7a•-a: �i ^•VT�'s7a9':Y w. James'Richardson 8. Sons .Lt Serving `The Feed Dealers of Western • Ontario PHONE 524.13388, GODERICH "d.,.... v .. =«-,',, l--StT.�11 w-tlidN'.'�]!UM.4v11-, T=Yfi--,t.f;WW M,-;1- w` the loved one, who is spen4 ing the winter up around Hudson Bay ' sonehere:: Nothing. ' She .alternated ;be- tween reviling ' him and glooming about the piece. The day before Christmas, it carne - long letter, so personal that she would read only bits to her avidly -interes- ted mother.. And the thing that ,really k' ed her was that in. thesame,..' ail She received an equally, a dent letter from a young man she's been see- ing at university, "Just to pass. the time until Joe gets home." She chortled at the irony of itall:- `• "t. - Gentle grandad arrived'and , we settled in to spend a quiet Christmas Eve. All serene. Then Gomes a -phone call from .son Hugh, from some god-foresaken village in deep-. est Quebec. He and a friend ..,,jiadx,;been...in._a_car_.accident. The car was a write-off, but they were both alive. (They weren't even supposed to be coming home for Christmas.) They arrived t'h next day, all racked up and bruised and d. abrased And - cut. The only tiling _u that hadn't been —damaged' iii-" the "accident,;' if` seemed, was their appetites. . , They got through abouteight`- pounds of our nine -pound goose. -Then there was a round of X-rays of •chests, calls to in- surance adjusters, and confes- sions that sore people had six essays overdue, that others, had an , exam right, after the holidays and hadn't done a •'tap of studying and that others were out of a job: As a result, ' I •was busier than the proverbial one- .,.,.,.- ar~rned,mpapOrhanger. , Talking to Kini about her love life. Assuring Hugh that he would- n't die, even though every time he coughed it was like an arrow in the chest. Calling the_. doctor. Getting ,Alex in. touch with insurance people. Telling my wife to get off her tail and give mea hand. • . And, 1 cooked everything from the Christmas goose to • the New Year's ham. And washed dishes until 1 couldn't • bear a TV commercial about the beautiful hands you have if you use Ivor)/ soap. And didn't have time to watch TV anyway, And, wou,lil co:me down in the morning to -read ,my pater and find that the young gentlemen had seized a section each and were. immer- sed` m it and their third cup - wo.coffee., ... . ,.>,�C,.�.,. - But the worst thing of all was the complete lack of pri- vacy. I am not anti -social, but' I. do need an hour or .two a. P , 11 PROSOP/IN ems,: 114e47-70 MANSr.; 77/ EFINZA aNIyESANDS, ropes rof TN. YE1 ` JOE'S BP Service Station ,- and Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich, 524 -sad 1 ti FIRE INSURA See or RNoee MALCOLM. NATHERS w ,I�,NERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46' WEST -$T. , ' 524.9442 • , 1 UBLE PASSES, 70 THE PARK THEATRE -------- Th;;N�hes' Of .fine. Signal -Star Subscrib-To BeFound In One 01Thesi.Ads. • OWflQWIfl. SEE REGULAR AD FOR DATES AND TIMES.,. .. j STARTING WEDNESDAY, „JAN.' 13 •FOR, 4 DAYS ONLY * FRIGIDAIRE * :WESTINGHOUSE * G IBSON HOOV.E.R Sales and Service S. Bullen 184 Gibbons'St. swagen THIS .IS ` AN OPEN 1 T'1ON I N i�' �.A fo"r you to' take advantage of our service aniT sales department. ALL NEW CAR ;WARRANTIES will.be,honoured and ndthing,but.the highest quality. of service will be. . offered. FOUR LICENSED MECHANICS to serve you. Also COMPLETE PAINTING ands COLLISION REPAIR service along with the last DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT. - (Adult EntertainmeltLf r 'y. wtuFi t. fol rl - *P'7 74 .. k.,tl saltV, ZliiMfNV r, XlIL .erJ.-aud;.Ihuts._aL_ .r_�„Q,�•P,! 1, Friday and Saturday LJ. et 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. JEWELL, - r7 'ROMER'S' -,EHILIPS' PHILCO , Mrs. Etta:Blake 107 Wolfe St. Colour ,Television p ALES and ERVPCE 524-943,2 • RtIVE 'T'S TELEVISION, -'RADIO 34 The Sgeare Goderich • as Pleasant Surroundin, and Good Food THE r.. .:GCDERICH• RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN APPLIANCES i& TV LTD. The -Square T- Goderie'h DOUBLE' ASSES Air ttErs PARK tRE4i 1M 4P 1 w AS AN INTRODUCTION WE WILL GIVE YOUR , CAR A FREE LuBRICTICN ON YOUR FIRST VISIT CALL' EXETER 235111 AND ASK FOR GERALD .GACKSTETTER OR DON TAYLOR FOFR SERVICE OR SALES. TAYLOR MOTORS LTD. ,.Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business careE,r � Goderich Business 'Co1l eg e ,.. Cards FoA.. II Occasions * Gifts 4"Ooks *. 'Stationery Supplies; ” Y Records ANDERSON'S:., For Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial , .524.8521 Res":5221:8732 BOOK CENTRE 33 East St, • Groderich Mrs. Dave Bean RR 5, Goderich FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mrs. Jean Chambers ROSS SHOES WORK BOOTS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD The Square Goderich Donald .McM Man EXCELLENT SELECTION Regu lar or Safety Toe 14 Differerlt Styles . DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. 2254100- iVIAIN ST. SOUTH, EXETER HURON COUNTY'S LARbEST AND MOST PROaREiSIVE DEA;LERSHiP * 524-8383 -cc*rrsEsir RuLE Each week -the names and addresses of 6 tubseriberi will - appear in the Business Directory. • -Look for your name add address in the ads. -Take the Business Directory and suitable identificetien to the advertiser in whose ad your narnetiPpearod and -Pick up your passts by Saturday night closing.