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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-14, Page 15
'Tr Jo Johi (Betty),uxton had an unusual project this year and it was completed in plenty of r W time for the Christmas season. Mrd: Ruxton, with the .. µ assistance ofher three children n } (and a muititudee ,of ' aS$9. ed, r.'.,, �, 1 neighbourhood youngsters), built 'a candy house...and except for its size, it resembled the witch's ;:cottage in the tale of Hansel and Gretel. "I saw the instructions for it ,., 'in the Weekend magazine 'Some time ago," , confessed.Mrs. . Ruxton, "and•' I decide,..th'at ' 'sometime:'1 w uld try to make a �r self." F1.r_ft- , r .,'"` a,t r'S3<,.rd(, `', a •e;, I. ,:..: Rl.«-C°Wf'v-r, Y$»»,: + •.7W'andy ho tly for wy , - t yy:. e+:iwv�uM °»M'f,N•�SSM'VLII,Cr ay,- ;:i>b.' ° xuY9uJ✓d,:jj � . o �xl„„ ti _ ;nd this =wars the:,year.i'it tot* y, V • 4X1, N -. ! "�, r; , 25 hours of tedious work and y k • y 4 about seven pounds of A)wandy ,rte ���'"'” . , � rr • and fpu'r pounds of ,cookies, but, ,:.:' ¢ . 'a , the. candy house stood in the livingroom of the Ruxton home Md. ' on Mary Street,jur everyone to admire. ' The biggest job, according tc-) Mrs. Ruxton, was building the base out of cardboard. It took several hours„,jst to cut . -out and assemble the "basic house before any candy cement could be ' applied to hold the candy and cookies in place. ",i'�� f ,�- The candy cement was made of beaten egg whites, cream of • tartar,and sifted icingsu ar. Mrs. to ar,an g Ruxton would beat up' a batch raisins and imported` -Holland Edam 'cheese combine 'in this delightful. - and nutritious — recipe. ' 'of•'' ''cement” and, ' with. the . They are also welcome asa dessert, or'anyt'ime treat with milk or coffee. "" assistance of any number, of •' I children, she would; stucco the • % ' ' - cardboard house with all kinds ._ ° ,sof colourful candies and cookies. treat;' a��� � ��� Yes, (here were candy canes on the corners. And .the roof was made • entirely of cookie `shingles`."" 1 • The _sandy house, when Here's a tasty gem which will add variety to your cookie tray when guests are expected. Apples, Here's a tasty gem which wial" ahyt4Ji�:me.� treat ' -with ...milk.. or .. dxY=: vary =to-= �u�r cook bra � 3{ ' when guests are expected. .. , , Apples, raisins atimported ' "" `MITCH DIAMONDS Holland -Edam"cheese combine 1/2 cup butter • in this , delightful- — and 2 cups shredded imported nutritious — recipe. They" 'are • Holland Edam cheese 'also welcome as a dessert, or 11/2 cups, aII-pi .pose flour ' 'CHICKEN CASSEROLE -- :4 servings "-cup white meat —of—Chicken,""..' cooked ' cup cooked.:st'ring beans .• - 2 stalks cele frco©•ked...„-.. „ cup' cooked rice - 1/2 cup chicken broth ' 1 cup mushrooms .4 -small onion 1/2 cup, diced, cooked carrots " ,Mix all, together, and bake in • casserole 1/2 hour in, 350' degree - oven. �-. 1 largehead lettuce 1'/ 'cups -cottage cheese 2 tbsp. diced green pepper 1/4 cup, minced celery 1/4 cup minced radishes__ . ____ 4"^ . , Remove core of lettuce. head leaving- fairly large cavity, and crisp in cold water. Mix cheese, onions, pepper, ° .celery and radishes: Drain lettuce head then • fill• the cavity with the mixture. Chill an hour, crit head in • wedges and, . serve with low calorie french. dressing or ooi1• • dressing. 1 teaspoon baking'powdcr ablons sugar- -+ 1 teas`oon salt "Cream together butter and ,cheese. Sift dry ingredients and rub into the creamed mixture.: Press half into a greased 8 inch x 8 inch cake pan. Top with apple -raisin filling. . Grumble, remaining cheese i ixture on top and bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Cut in. diafrio'rids': Serve warn ' or cold. Makes 4 to 5 dozen. completed, (attracted a great deal of attention. Many children (and adultsl. too) cavae to inspectthe I vely work of art and .to lick their lips in anticipation of what the little +house would taste like if part.,of it came loose, Mrs. Ruxton noted there had been some snitching (a few Bandies removed from the back • of the house).: -but it was quitea temptation to children, after all. The waiting is over now. Mrs, Ruxton bas given permission fgr the.;. ,c,andy house to be-- .eaten.:,and the Ruxton -Boys, .Steven `�David 5, and, Ken 1 year, are,inviting their friends in ' -for a'g a nnyiea r ors :'e • Next- year, ' there will le_ another .candy house at the Ruxton 'home if Mrs. ,Ruxton has her way. She, has learriedu•---- quite;. a few tricks 'and she, ekpcct° the next attempt will go much faster and much easier. "The children got such a kick --out, of it," Mrs. Ruxton concluded. Who knows? A candy house ' fdr Christmas at the Ruxton; residence may become traditional. iso SPROULE'S SELLING OUT SALE IRISH SODA BREAD (tried .and proven 1',`isp. salt - pt. buttermilk FILLING - ° 4 apples, peeled '>° eup raisins 1/8 teaspoon cinnarrion 1/8'teaspoon nutmeg • " 1/3 cup sugar 12 cup, water ' ' Cut apples into wedges. Simmer with temaining ingredients until raisins ; are plump and sauce thickens, about 12 minutes. Yield —'about 1 cup ,,tilling. Sift flour,''bak•ing soda ar d salt 'together. Mix to a soft -dough with the buttermilk. Turn onto a floured board and knead lightly. Form into. a round about 1 -inch thick and 1,..put on ' a ,floured tray. Bake 20 to , 30 minutes in a moderately hot oven. 70-13 MILLION AND ONE' 2 tsp. plain gelatin • 1/2 cup non-fat'dry milk (powder) / cup liquid (water or: fruit juice) artificial sweetener fruit and flavoring 3 tbsp. lemon juice if water ,is used as the liquid Soften, gelatin in 'a small amount',of the cold liquid and add just enough hot water, to dissolve the. gelatin. 'Add the remainder of the cold liquid and chill. Add dry milk and beat at high speed until it. ~- is the consistency of' heavy whipped cream.:. --Add sweetener to taste, and fold in fruit which has been .,..crushed.w,T u wRs SAF peaches which ' ' have • •beery. sw eetend-'ovith`sucaryl:-•-Use--t-he-- juice for the liquid and about 1/2 'cup of the fruit. Applesauce is good folded • w in. Crushed CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524.6253' Goderich, Ontario , ti ditaiiikaric I_ , 141 ESSEX ST».GODEi mCH :O110741t10. Available ,For PUBLIC 0,R PR IV ►TEjARTI ES • � � aA BINGOS • CONCERTS *. , DANCES" CONVENTIONS • COCKTAIL PARTIES Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building A1I of you' know Mel as ,our Esso Agent: And now he will be able to take care,, -.of all your- needs, be -it Esso Home ' Mel Bogke is a fully ,.qualified licensed burner mechanic : and Imperial :Orr. Ltd.. certainly.' feels that with this new, concept of one ' phone number'- 524-7502, you the customer will receive the service you requtre and deserve., „p{miSry Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes 1 Huron Fuel Injection,.., r= Equipm&nt Bayfield Rd., Clinton -482-7971 OPTOMETRIST. straw,herries or pineapple chunks BANQUETS, ETC. Special attention t'o•weddings ' are delicious. Cherries, plums, PHONE 524-9371 or 524.9264 .'just about 'anything. Chili and eat or pour into freezing tray and freeze until hard, and beat until smooth and creamy. A little almond flavoring 'and .a little green cake coloring are good with the peach. A little lection is 'good with the _ applesauce • and whet' strawberries: are used a little red WM' 'adds- itat"ereet.-1.S., Don't 'make up too much of this recipe_ or you will ruin your calorie ., eount..foL14k1e�a�Yy,.: 4 -� -. Yes, if you start right,nnow to Rut 'a fixed amount Ie .1-11arlY in a Victoria-Tfnd Grey Trust Compry Guaranteed lnvestment Certificate. You not only get 8' i % interest on your Guaranteed investnient.Certifi- Cates - —which is high—hit your investment goes right onumulating, •NFxv'.°, �`7'�djily�''A�..4✓.''1.'=1's��•M.,42:+frC:lN�!L�•�:T�1�C`XUAix n"s,lv�.. ,S. �`' �T. „„)K«t�.-,.A'..,..,1 .�i1..9F.t�dkK"�^•"{�. Alii F• qtly' sed.` = fts o wn grt�w't See .us today at Victoria and Grey. The Square n . 524-7661 y1 -The seili0r Trust Company devoted entirely tai serving the people of Ontario. WITH- THIS CHANGE, MEL' -IS OFFERING' AN UNTIL JANUARY 20—ONLY. emF'SA�'i�?*%v}. 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