HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-14, Page 14°.000t, UC SIG AI TAIt;TMtJRSDAY, JANUARY 1'4, 1971
,nom th-+ __� rstt'ff Side
Resolved! Educate
Women are wonderful people. They are
sb vitally interested in So many -things
' icier ar)S-eveirwithout realizing it) that
women are and always have been,
-:-fascinating creatures admired and idolized
by the males of the species.
One of the attributes which keeps
.women so' interesting and vibrant is their
'inborn, desire • to mother,•' to protect, to
as isi. Who would argue that a happily
' Married 'Woman with a growing family is:
non 'the' most active .and, thoroughly
.,,•„ _,Years ago, the ,contribution women
Made. to society .cQnsied of • vli,tf i•P,„,,rpo.re ,-„
than . child rearing7Tho•ugh 'times'.. have.
changed and more and more mothers are
working outside,1 their''hor'nes, their ;most
important ftrncon still . is' ,to'tend their
families with the gentlewisdom Only a
,woman can muster.
That's why the, miomen's pages of any
newspaper or. magazine .mlaust contain
Tore then the local happenings of the
society circle and the church
organizations~, Today's' vital woman wants
Carolyn Little led
b know more •and more about nutrition,our Pack
t intq the new year by receiving
about money management, about mental- her Golden Hind, on F-riday! As
and physical well-being, about child care you know,,,P,that's the highest
etc° etc.. The ,list of women's interests and award••-a.'Brownie. can rn'.and•
concerns seems,endless- ' ” ”' . since Carolyn's hard work
bled our Brownies to start
iscuss flag
It is 00i -sincere -hope that throughout enabled
1971 in such an excell zit ay
1971 we may. help to„satisfy y that hunger we ' *ere ria a in Wthe
happy' to p
u ,, •
in the 44-area,s , modern
vVolman fob'"^ d P' h
$lowniew ., ori Pin on
� : vrt ell ,then n.ye
n`--,. .. Y1i o � `
1..n;Qi'tvt.edg.e that will be of benefit for.,'t~h n .
• ° to. ed' thingsr gtuf°';;kith a ve
t I d "' for her' approval' more and �an howl• :-
more . iirticles that.. wilt"•" be 'ryentertarntng--•_-awarded . to the following six
o inc u e' Art Appreciation badges were
The Tenderfoot tests have'a11
been tried• successfully by six of
the girls and Mrs. McCreath Wilt''
be at their meeting next week to,
enrol them into Guides. (Ttie
parents are certainly invited for
the important occasion.) We'll
tell yon the names of the girls
next week and possibly • a bit
about some of the things they've -
had to learn as well..
We'd like''' "to. Welcome e y
meeting last week. . ,.,
-while at the same' time educating her and- Brovinles: 'Carolyn ,Little, Susan
00 . win, Lynda _
:Heather Brander, Roberta
Wheeler and Kimmy Brady.
sin her for her role as wife anal' , G d i L d McIntyre,
better fitting
If ,any of you have•a,special problem or
-"interest about which you would like more
information, don't hesitate to°contact this
office. We will -do our utmost to be of
servibe to you.. — SJK
Roberta Wheeler became the
new "Sixer" of the, Leprechuans
and received her stripe from•
their retiring Sixer, ' Kimmy
-Brady. ' The new Seconder is
Laura MacDonald acid ,she was
given her stripe by Roberta in
her first official duty.
Tracy Nelson received her one
year service °star. Our Pow Wow
was pretty long but we enjoyed
seeing quite a few Christmas..and
birthday gifts before it was time
for a game and our closing with
the Swedish Prayer and Taps:
Our January 5 meeting began
with a game , of "Bear anir the
Honey Pot.", t
After this, the Brownies were
surprised when Brown Owl
brought -forth some new. flags to
be used for. ,ot,ir Semaphore
work. While the older Brownies
practiced for their Semaphore
testing, the newer ones learned
how to use the flags and learned.
the signals for four letters.
Following this, ' the Packyie
discussed the Canadian flag with
some of the Brownies and then
helped them make tiny flagsAo
Sigma .Phi plans
Chapter in Clinton.
On Juary 5- a - meeting of
Beta Sigma Phi was held at the
home of Sue Gower•with' 16
members present.
Two thank -you letters'ywere
received by the chapter - one
thanking the . group for its
participation in the Santa Claus
Parade; and the 'other for the
work done :for and theassistance
.given: to' its needy .; fainly,,, at
• Chrristmas.
Baeehlex,, announced that'•pledge
training would begin in two
;weeks time. '.Training sessions
take'home. The other.girls spent
time discussing the work theev
are doing towards their 'Golden
Hand badges:
Rita Lassaline and Donelda
Smith"' -each' brought a plant
which they had grown at home
from a' bulb. , They explained
how they cared for their bulbs,
how the' plants grew and
produced blooms. The blooms
had fallen off by, now, but the
leaves :certainly 'were tall and
healthy -looking.
During the ."Squeeze" we
thought of our Brownie friends.
in India. Our meeting closed
with our prayer.
will= be held prior to each regular
The 'Ways and Means
&airman, . Ellen Connelly
announced that the cookbooks
"were selling very well and that
she Would send -a-$60 ,payni$it
to International ,to be applied January 12 "at --:Which'' tune the
against the total owing...>Gor the aims and purposes of sorority
Cc) 'Ellen also will be explained to -them. 'They
...that a committee . will then attend one of they
ld be , held,, at herr ,
me�eyrtin}g� ywotyllaD y chapter meetings here and then
a•.tl holai"l�.x++o2L •7+.Gdimbe»i�.+alt°FC1,1fi.xtv,'�'i'toy,,,lCiki 1 , a 4;v'
die . corrrl'rrt t ileho ,rY?f etet,
The . So'cial .committee with thein ixi February. If they
are still- interested, their chapter
date se will be formed then.
Country Club on May 29.
13a11. It will be held at . the , The meeting concluded with a
very interesting and informative
She also announced that a
talk given by Verna Kane on the
snowmobile party will be held subject of antique glass. Verna
January 23. Final plans as to collects antique glass herself and
location and lunch will' -be so was able to demonstrate to
announced at the next meeting. the girls the type of Mass she was
Dues were collected and a describg by :passing- around
discussion held as to whether the lovely -pieces from her °oven
girls wished..,.. _to bold _.. their• collection..
Meetings at Victoria and Grey
Company. It was 'decided that ,7-..
the chapter would have a,couple
meetings there and see . w they
worked out as to •size a e lunch—
etc. ,
The new pledges were placed
ou„various committees and plans
announced for, the Friendly
Venture Chapter in Clinton.
Margaret Craig announced the
names of twelve girls she had
contacted in Clinton about
joining a .chapter there if one
was organized.' These girls will
meet with the executive at the
home of Mrs., Pr., Addison onz'
chairman announced+ • that the
Woman to» Woman
The women of Goderich
fact, the women of Huron
County can be proud that
Mrs. J. W. Wallace is a member ,
of the _Huron CoUrity„-•Board • of
,. Education. "
° The lady isn't what one could
call the most informed memb-x
'of the'board . .. and before you
shudder and shake • at such a
statement, let me qualify it by
saying that Mrs. Wallace would
be the first ,(but nbt the only)
board member to admit it about
-herself. -
You see, the °, matter ' of
education is rather complex
these days, acid to be
knowledgeable' in "ah facets '"of
. that •field• would.', be . quite
amazing. There is a great• deal to
be learned about 'education . ° .
andjust as soon as you have
learned it, the whole system has
W the 3Tiirfiey-J.:...KeI1 er.
Meeting that if teachers were ' birthday this month and we are
invited to board' rneetings,,•`the' delighted to hearof it.
sessions could be reduced to a The -Octogenarian -Club is
half hour for airing 'pet peeves • • designed -'to . give. ,ADVANCE'' -
rather than sticking entirely to .notice - of: --upcoming birthdays
the fundamental issues., of of senior citizens in the
education. - •. ' community,, Many, many of the
Undaunted, Mrs. Wallace senior citizens ' f know- are'
contended that `the board must pleased' to receive' birthday
do something to' become more 'greetings from friends 'and
aware of the needs in ,Huron',.relatives. They like'•to_.get cards
Count and she saw meetings and • telephone calls in
with th teachers as one of the recognition of their birthdays ..'
foremost steps towards that -end. . even though many of them are
She 'won her point. Beginning :- past their,`prime'. It makes their
Fright• iawa., a half-hour in each day for them• and gives them a
meeting will beset aside for such great -deal of happiness to be
in-depth studies into education remembered. ,
as • Mrs. ' Wallace thinks -are • 1 know there are -some- folks
important. I, believe the entire who Believe the Octogenarian
county should applaud her for Club column is an insult to our
senior ,citizens because it draws
attention' to ' their • age. These
people somehow feel that old age
her efforts in this direction.
Since we - are discussing the
changed andyou can begin the Huron County Board. of is something of which should
learning process all over. Education; I mustsay that I was be ashamed:' ' .' - -•T•^--
• But Mrs.' J . W. Wallace feels it gratified , to learn that a Instead, ° this e. n wspaper
is the ' duty of every board committee of„'two,'",, Chairman . believes • that old age .-
member to 'be informed about Bob Elliott and Vice-chairman particularly- to attain the age of,
what is going on in' education.:. John Broadfoot Will make a ' 80 years or better ... is a fete of
. and she as promised to 'be a visit to Huron County' Council, which anyone could :,be .mighty
thornthe side `of Chairman maybe Wig month: Itis about , d. And wefeel these-peoplep
. 1n y prou
Bob Elliott until the board time these two groups got shotild receive public acclaim for
begrns7-to make time for study together.. , , their accomplishment. Let's face
into the educational system in Pam 'rather pleased ' to note ' it readers. Only "a very small
Huron County and 'Ontario. that the board' of education is number of our total readership
'For' the past, two „years, the 'making the initial move, fa11S into the- , octogenarian
• Huron • County Board 'oaf Althought there• was a'br of bit - category.. It- is a very ' select
Education has gone through a of discussion at the last meeting' group: "•” " ' "• ' •-
kind.,_of orientation period . , ..a of_Huron County' Council So if you know of someone
time of decision making and concerning the, possibility of a • who will celebrate his or her
policy building There didn't ' closer liaison betwee county 80th birthday (or better) soon,
seem to he opportunity, to council and - count §ihool •ve,us' a call and let us know
delve into the mechanics .,,of board; there was no dee' ion bout; t. •There..�is no charge for
education. 'Long, long meetings reached concerning i '. r s anctwe•are pleased to
A- were required simply to get ' It seems- to me that the olr you. -
through the routine business mAst,��established.�.'.'l?o• 1 �F.p ..tri).rn'e'antime, ,if you see.
matters„.:`.'pressing items which county `- ' county courci ' e : he i iv of a friend listed in the
though,seemingly trivial to' some -'should have made the fits column, villi r°not send a card or
board members, set the-edtire approach but not so . . : it was plan a visit at the time of his Or
base for the . bb'ird to build the younger; more` unpopular her birthday. It is ..a wonderful
make u
group' who eventually ' came way to let_ these old friends
..,... w ent 4ears;--rrres -forth. w h°a':^ckec srt yr wPor ail `°” 'fitriow--t rare'+-sti}•}- ;},veer-�aml
• the asie purid•ations-haave"leetr° ° ;Mbr -the --ie .. ° -appy stl-Ir 't<he-rornrn#xnity.
laid ,,, . and Mrs. J. W. Wallace • County Board of 'Education has * ' *'' •
m. has begun to a.insist ' that the been• faulted by Huron County The life of a newspaper
Huron County Board of Council for misdeeds (and there reporter is seldom as exciting as
• ; Edifeati4le become aware of the have , been times when this • television paints it'tobe. 'MV st of
,happening n education, today reporter; heard some pretty blunt; it is just plain. work : with a
so the members can spend the Statements in county •council °•.,whole heap of unkind remarks
, taxpayers' money more wisely-. ' chambers `-about the school ' thrown in for What they are
, I believe most of the board board) this should certainly' worth; , ,
members are in total agreement show the senior group that the
with Mrs. Wallace that their yyo' ngsters' -tdo make some The office manager here has a
• business. is education' . . y and 1 •sen.4ible moves for the °: sign over his desk which reads
• that each, one of them" should be betterment of the, community. something -'like this: If I do
triis' It will be interesting to note `:something right, nobody
Informed about it. But - it a
.,.,, •..•, .. •., ,,..,, •.•.,.•.,•...,,..,,•.,.,�........................remembers;:.,.If.•....L.....a,o.•.,,•so'm'ethng.
gruelling' job for sortie who, may school board is received. Will it g, y
Of course), if, yout do
be more concerned about' thebe any more than a cordial
business end of work ., . . so not hand -shaking 'visit. -which is -in something wrong 'when you are'
writing for newspaper it is very
everyone- seems as eager as reality nothing more ,than ai difficult to keep it quietw The
Goderich s .Mrs. Wallace to social' .call for the sake of good
i begin, , public relations' I don't ,know, I whore town knows Susi" as soon
Mrk•. Wallace advocates that do know it is a much needed
as the newspaper hits'the street •
a teacher's should, be invited to step in the right; direction , .. and you are pestered with all
board*.meetings so that members 'and i$' was taken. by'`"the' most kinds of to lephone calls, letters,
cit, the board can know first p"rogressive'�•.••elec.ted bo'dyz., thin threats, jokes epic, etc. It takes a
whole heap of. courage to be .a
hand exactly, what is being county has seen in donkey's , newspaper zniri`er, that's for sure.
taught In the• sphools;:how the years'. Personally, l can take most of
-••p�bjeet matter ie approached and
* •* * y,
' the battering -that a newspaper -M
Whether or not the -board can be - ' I was reltt �3s week to
w!r• v z^ Mr f::
'Le 't rear:.Pontiac Safari Station Wagnn,,,Centre: Pontiac -GT 37
Ftrght,.,r'%i'PZuisk..C'Yi'nt..,:..,..,n:,F'Ot7" :11rmrtirnitlt'rrp• 'F'ort'g,r.ourrd:
If, you're hajpy our'71_s are rolling again, think of your
Pontiac -Buick dealer. Happy? lust ask him-! .
- It's been .a long wait for all of us.
So right now, your dealer's all set to make it really
worth your while to come~in and talk deal.
- You see, he is practically out of used cars. His
-Salesmen, not having many '71 models to sell, have bn
.selli.ng•u ed cars with great success,
Some 'of the equipment illustrated or' de)orl is ,iliainnril n'I
Hardtop Coupe.
,P"ontiac Parisienne Brougham Hardtop Coupe,
So your car is in demand.'Riight -now!
"Wh _t that means to,you is a generous trade irra —..•
power front
with as standard equ
And they
'Of design that allows for much
more glass area all 'round. Greatly improving visihilit�'.
The new double-pandlloof also helps -make our errs
even quieter.
Newness.is everywhere. For instance, all 1971 etvilleS
t have been designed to operate efficiently on the nein'
- no -lead, low -lead or regular gasolines:•°ln addition to th'i,
lower exhaust emission§ attainable with this engine/1ur1F\ y^
combination, there are benefits in longer life fo•r your
allow'ance and the earliest -possible delivery of your new 71. sparer plugs, exhaust -system wand-cother•engirre parts•
u want §'deal --an a new car-t.~'at wa4 wort
or, come on in to. our on lac- arc er s.
' '1971°' Pontiac and Buick full-size models are new
But what angers me are thethe-groundu
,of knowledge of their teachers section when there hadn't beenframe,1 d`beauty, 'de fillip with a'#ap deal on a new "71 Pontiac, nick or
�arrd anther experts in the any names serif in far sometime blanket statements like there s-
nott�hin 1 i ,,..twi ggistuipa a t " as !�.,, ., •�
cin sphere trhet"r f Huron - fth►1t 1 "d, 'hen me tt '" s tri Me ' STY to
educate ,.� ..,, • , . ;; " � +� ; ' }.�'t
a chart for the future"cif Huron though, we received the name of - , p n You' 1 'M� 1 f41 -size rsize Pontiacs an snow come �e
news a er:" ' .
G'otinty �+rools t a senior citizen from the I've worked at several .
lr(i (1,1
of any assistance in furthering , note that the Octogenarian Club ,type expects. It is part of my r h And thet s,only the beginning of the great news tot lg;�
personality,_.I guess,.•tn_shrug off,
I f you accent
"' the success• of programs in the has not lost its populari y:wi h the nastycomrrtents and cherish . y P t` B kr l You 11 discover, again and agafn,.that the is f<lirly
county schools. Ihe'feaders. I was concerned that
'waiting f 1 ,
the few — oh so very few — • and squarely on value.
Asiiwell M d .g on, thn wealtl>� 1 dornergrowti tired. of the I I i s,..
Wallace feels .the , headers had compliments. • . See
board should r n ktt ain , the women's from p New suspension system, new body, e your deal day Start Pak1 ng uli for your lri, t
--,1nc u irl new e'u , xns�
1_ new new everything g y _._ ;
e 'cdncerli rnr'ag voided at the community who is having a - -' .Please turn to page 6k ° .