The Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-30, Page 1f.fq!.9.P!'fff'f,..*!ffOV,F!PFf""fR!aiffff^ffrf7.iff,.,;+F,nffvtmftoe.ifaveo.niawno,frmfnfvn.mr,. VOL.11. •••••••••••••=••••••..1•46•VVOi•nr,anntrnM.6111161•11V6•rnrOff •06•611 The Moisons Bank. (Clharterea by P3rlittinent,18.05.) Paid iip Capital • • • • $21000,000 Rest IflllLd. , „ 1,1.00,000, Head office /ion treed. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Geing URAL MANAGER Money advano . 4v l .0'arm0r'$ on their own notes w..l. one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Dean every lawful day from jO a. m. to 3 p. DI., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m A general banking business transacted CURRENT RA.TES w ed , f o r mon- ey on Deposit Reeeiots, Savings Bank at 3 percent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager, •••••••••••••••rnwirals11V•••661•4461.666.6.•••..••••••••11616I.Y.. THE exam g‘brocatle, Is published. every Thursday Morning, at the Offiee, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBL [BRING COMPANI TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 4,1.30 if r.ot so paid. 23-a-irert5.zil1-la Mater.. OM. .23.1nZliCa- ticZY.I. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.. Advertisements without speeifie directions will be publiShed till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for tran.scient advertisements inserted for long periods. E•yery description of ,I0B PRINTING turned mut in • the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers • &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be rnad.e pa v a ble to Sanders & Dyer PROPRIETORS Cliat reit Directory. TRIVITT MEHORIA.L Cilunon.-Re v. E H Fatt, Rector, Sunday Services, 11 a. m FL LIC1 7 p. Tfl . Sabbath School, 3 p . in, Holy Com m union , Is t; Sunday o f each n, on th at Morning Service. and in months of five Sun- days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of the month, Holy Baptism on 2n11 Sunday of each month a t morning service. METHODIST Outirtnn-James-st , ROY. A.. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. in, and.6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. W. McDonagli, Pas- tor. Sun.:Lay Serviees, 10 30 a. m. awl. 6.30 p.m. Sa.bbatli School 2.30 p. 111. PRESBYTERIAN CIIITRCH.-BCV. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11. a. m. and 6.30 p. m, Sabbath. School, 9.45 a. in .,••••••••••.,••••,..•••••••••,,,m,•••,...„,,,,,,...,•••••••.••••••••••••...••••••••••.,,,,,• Professional Cards. ii.RINsMAN,T,D.5,"Fanson's Block two• doors north of Carling Store XAlli STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth withont pain. Away at Henson on 1st Friday; Aliso Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday. and Zurioh on hist -Thursday of each InOnth, omt7.cr.f.fsmffr.**comecomemenzwmfrecoma ri 11. II.TGR.AM, Dffivristr, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons, successor to 11. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold Fillings as required. •aars 11ag, Medical 0•1160¢121•1•••••••••,•••••••••••.•.,196Salax•lals lemr••••••••••••••1”. D11., 3. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST - Residence -Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. "nn. T. P. MoLAUGFILIN, MEMBER OF the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A.ccouch- eur. Office, .liashwood, Unt. DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. 111, Member of' College of Physicians and . Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of' Physicians amd. Surgeons Edin burgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of 'Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Follow of Trinity Medieal College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's for- mer residence. cormaxaormourainfm.twom.ssousx.• 1) II. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 1.1•• 011, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LII...DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public:40n- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan 011100-Panson's Block, Exeter. IL•66666•,•,..64.•••••••••••66.6.64 66 6,,•••••••••••••••• • •• lil LLIOT & ELLIOT, B.A1IRISTE1IS,SOLIC- ..124 itors, Conveyancers, &c. B. V. ELLIo'r. FREDERICE ELLIOT .0.ff f•••• Auctioneers fl BROWN,Winchelsea. Licensed A.tict . ioneer f.or the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of TJsborne Sales promptly attended to anC1 termsreason able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa, •••••••rn•ut, ars .6,•••••••,•••e•t6e66•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••morne.6••••••• AJ. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licons- .ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. E. BeOiSisSANI31EictRoYA eHreposral.blii0en(!jaorttioiiersiioci Huron and Perth. Charges moderrikite and satisfaction guaranteed. EIRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land 12 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. EARNEST ELLIOT. AOHNT VCR The WeStern Fire Assurance Company,. ' of Toronto, The Pluenix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England The Alliance Vire Assur.Co'y., of LonclOn, England. Offiom-Main-street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel...... $0.63 to 0.65 Barley ...... . 80 to 88 ......... 29 to 30 PeaS...... 55 to 57 Lard. •ei•• •ii4i 11••••• I 10 to 11 Eggs „ . • 1..1 •••••• •1016 20 & 20 • Chicken per lb Ifil•••• 41111•11•• if 5 to 6 Clover Seed , , .. 8 00 to 8,00 Timothy. - , 2,00 to 225 Alsike 7.00 to 7.00 t Perk . 8.15 to825 Potatoes per :nig ....., 50 to 50 t 1-Iay per tOn 6.00 to 1,50 i 176 9•116•1•9619•11 EXETER; .ONTARIO, TIITIRSDAY,,A/AlleFI 30, 1893, , NO 303 1 Assement Mr rtrvell A .11 The Year Our History, Kil IA ASSOClatiOne Galb11/1', . _ ss Syetene, , , — ' - . ' }')' t , . or 1 ecom , ' . )'0'9e ie.- ----, ' 10 4 L110.111951.-prosporous So Thunders Forth , i D. '• , q P a_ lvinnY Ra -- . - • Benefit • , . ' Tie:- ...I, • dnfilaILVION I , .' m . . . .1 • . B”, Line. " .. ' er.110,... ,, , g , , ., ... . , .., , 1.. , . :‘143,:s1)11;ter'171111.1tri'll.sr v‘aR•vi[cinriLl';'r'-e T•Viciti'le,i; '' ' •...r ' • ' — ' - Suttee was visitinoehiS parentsin ayic Gilli'vraN 011 811111Iy lasea--Onite a ,, , - ' ' • ' '' . number of the yeting folks of . this eyi, <,tith,v attended. 'LSO eial '0-iitherino• '.at ..., . e, . • e . . the residence_ of Mr. F. Aliens on ' Fri des, evenino- .• lest . It becomes orir ' ' k h , . painful euty . this, wee. o hai e to chronicle the death of Miss .Bertie Lac- ' i r' ' ' ta, who died very suddenly' at . her ' - father's resideuce on Monday, forenoon P ' . . ' of last week, Deceased ecaltracted. a • seyere cold about a week tirlor to her • • : death, but nothing serious was a.ppre heeded teleateeeetwo days ' before tier . , . death The' beet medical aid was sum- . • . ' , , In011ed, but 0f110 avail.. ,Deceased• Y't,. just budding into eyother,e.00d. being ahem 1.4 years'of age, beloved'ancl re k e - p, • d b .11 ,i epeete .y a NI io newler.l' Her le. mains were, interred in 'GI -mid Bend cemetery on Wednesday last week, followed by a large concourse, of frieuds . and relatives, We extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved' parents. ,,, 'otephen. The following is,a eorreet,.re.port . of s'. s','• l'N10 .2, S.te.',1')Iletl, foe the , month : of ' • * . P Zurich,p'p p -.. , .' • Dr,' ., o ., ,. w ore; is a an esen . tl'ni .'.'guF:se't.- t.iff IThies paYren-ts..---.- A4.. G' 'e• or'get:I 'ver' 1 APCATitills • • — . In,Usborne; on .the : .. ' . . C'A'TVII---1 04", ag'''d. 82 . °' 's y al March. The: unmet; :of . the nurals' in • -, . , ... , . e e .. , each elase are in order.of arieritte, • ' , , ,e, .e., le , . .. ' . ''''t' ' '''-- 'a Ldn' .• du, IVe-Emnia sinas, Geo. Satter,. . .' . • . ' • •. '7Le Ilne Lawson' "si° Flauag•an, Sarah ll lauaomu ,'' ' • 9 1I[. -Annie Spencer, Geo. Law- - ' R. soli Thomas Edwares Lillie Lana mut. - --.' • ; . , . - t , 1, Ju. - III e-). izzi.e 'Lawson Wesley '. ' ' ' . . ' • - I -hazel 'Bella . Sims, 'Urban Essery, ' . Herbert Clark,.C10,nse Salter. , . . ' Sn. IL -Katie elanago.n, Ruby .Es • . . .. . . e Lamport,John serY,John Suris,.C. Charlie Ella Lampert Mary Lampert Lizzie Sims, • ' ' 'SE. PT. 11. -Mary Lawson, Joseph • . • Sons, Cora Lampert, Pearl Wilson, Pat riek Flanagan.' 4n.inEsserY' PT. I.-Gareet Sime, Garfield Law _ . • ,...„,. Sims, ._ . ., . Lousm 1 laeovran. sell, vv llaaul . e Shoelloo- met. with 1 •'? painful 'ace), . e f ,), I, p. .. dent while atteudino. to ' his- horses ; , • ' ' , ee ' '- Mrs. 1 rank Ore.ssweller. , of : Du kith, was"th 7.errich .on Saturday' . Sheis at, preeent the guest,. of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs, Peter Douglas of Blake with whom she will visit for ;eine time'. Mrs, C. \APRS at one time a' resident of our , • , , . r . burgand she has e host of friends here e ' . • ' ' - .. arid around her old home who wilt be .. . . • pleased to ienew old acquaintances . . . durnesr her visit.. Mr.' Dave. Roweliffe who has been in the employ .Mr, ' Williams, rniller, for seine time left for Exeter ou Monde' v. While Dave, was one of us; his genial good nature', made him 'very popular amono- the venire' • • folks, especially. by some crf the fair se;, -Master Garnet Seinbach was in Ex 1. vDeeyler h. o.Goa.urueestt of emte:r lastD, e . ---- '1„),Trs.•-.T 'h.°B. '1:1;lein''g'' e° ?1, tht T,i1.,..,,oss is_e,aelly acco ')y tot, arrival of a teunound II°, 13- pallghts,Jr;' is exReetir shortly for the'evest His mo wish hhil 811eUe'88, and lioN 1 . ' ,. caange, of air ancl ecenery w him, and make him able tO hills 0" his reuhri"7-Mr• ' B. Clinehey, has ietut ned :ham . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' The„Misses ....1.`sler have gone apolis after an extended visi FA= P 'LTA E ' ITAC S D., ---Mi, D has .purchase,d the farm Of 1 bor, Mr. Abraham Snider,' on conceseiou of Stanley. The 1 arrchret als" da in its Seventeenth 7e3.)... takes rank With the largest and best Life Insurance Corpora,- tions in the World. . ' ------ Record and Financial Stand' • mg. 42,000 Policy Holders, .. , $100,000,000 Insurance at risk, $7,000,000 paid Policy 'Holders, , $28,859.250 pew Insure (written) 1892 $1,000.000 'Total Assets, $850,000 Surplus over Liabilities,' $250,000 Bi monthly Insurance, Over $53,000 deposited for the In surance Department for Canada. Its Progress. The World esteem a prosperous institution much the sam e int it ti °CS kl, successful enter- prising individualand blesses it w*th reason- able patronage. Asseciation b as boon wel„ah- ed, tested by -the severest OVPlitS and stand . ards 9± ±110 times and bas never bee i 'found. wanting. The same public whicali passes julgement upon the virtues of 'tilers and taws, has re -viewed the merits of GUI- plant mud management and stamped '11 approval thereon. Our Association furnishes 4.:.030 witnesses to its prestige its standing its popularity -A record of 'brilliant, stril'-ing and significant results -An occasion fors ex:: altcd pride and „,,,,,ratification on the paa-t of every mom her. strong sou goon ,1 a8 Gib.ial- ter, safe as Uni ted States or Canadian Bonds and withal, economical and cheap. It bas no equal -it offers the best Life InsuranceLine, obtainable at tbe lo west possible rate, Mere approval of the plan. however. does not se- cure the benefits to be derived from it. "Von must h(tve the policy. For rates and further partioulars, apply to, L. D. VINCENT Dist, Gen'l Agent i ; Exeter, Ont, Farquhar. n r t s hbiseeeoorrnistinno, quito a chieken and rabbit fancier and g,wasoopure $:taii,5nos'09.1- and eelliFnnable gravel, hou . . The bridge011 the Thames road, op . • posite the farm of•Mr. Geo. Armstrong - . ' ' but is in a bad condition. • The centre - meld is leashed away and teams can . not possibly cross the bridge at present A new bridge ti; badly needed. --Mr. J. , E, Tom visited our. school on March 23rd . and imparted satisfactory, but . asks that an assistant be engaged af- ter summer Vacation. Promotion ex while in Exeter, seemed several very • .fine,.fowl. We w 18 11 him every success in is new enterprise. -Mr. J. Murner, " • visited 10 Toronto last week. -Mr. Geo Fossold and family left for Detroit, , last Wednesday, where they will make their home -Miss Edith Steinbach was . . . . . . visttitio- frienis in Hensel] one day e. last week.-The'debate Monday even- . ino• 118t NY'LS well attended and very e' ` ` in Jt Is a cheap farm at this Snider intends . going to ' Steck le will soon be tete of tb land owners in Hui•on. Wit: cent purchase he will have ' acres in this viciuity. He is , . . . , . solving of the success whieh . attend him in all his underta Ms many frietids -.vitt hope a continue to go on and prospe - ' Brucefield. Many of our readers Will regret to learn that Dr. Elliott has derided to re- in we from Brucelieldeand intends go the' to Chieago where he will pursne the'' 'Practice of 'his profession, Dr. El. liot has been here for upwards of nine Veal'S, and during. that time his genial. '11 q -91. ming. mquner hes won him a 1 l' ''' 11 ' • - ; ' 1 I ; 1 I ; lartre circa; 01 Warm amees, wo,,e .ns skill as phvsician has secured him a ' • - s' praLtiee such as few practioners side outside of the large centres enjoy Rio int'et"18 Ong' to Chicago the 1st of Mav, and while all reo•ret his in - ' . 6 h tonded departure there. are Pone ut Will wish him continued success in the ,lich he i it mds eeteoeted snhere, Upon v, 1 , I A. ---- " ''' - ' to enter. Die Elliott's successor here • 11 b ' D • A - • os , a' a' tl wi e 1. i msteoti„, a e oune een e man who is not a stranger to our peo- pie as he is a native of the township of Stanley. Brucefield has been favored with a succession of.medical practitio tiers who have not only distinguished. themselves while here, but who have attained to positions of eminence in the profession after leaving here. We hove every confidence that Dr. Elliott ' ' . will continue the record in this r spect, and that he will have in Dr. Arnis rong a worthy imitator. , emination was held hms 011 Friday last, but results are not keown yet.- The "Patrons" -here have passed a reso- lution favoring the cath system, and • 0 colidemninte the toil system in milling Ho* is it that some of our so called strongest Patrons here .seldom patron •about ize the Patrons' store. -The family of Mr. John McDougall have been troub led with measleseseveral of the family •ei d'i ifienametion We ai now own with 1 , e . hope to see them out again before long, M • J I St* •t • • .„ , t °I L le o in I. ewer es in etea e ee . over the birth ea son. -We are sorry to learn that air. Geo; Monteith is on the sick Hoe -Mane/ people 'have al- ready.started sugar making; and now that spring has come the genial face of Mr. John Bray and others are again to be seen Oil our streets. terestino• We must coneTatulate , ' r,"' e some of our young men on the very excellent speeches made by them, The subject for next Monde,y evenince ' - e• iwill, li,er"Resolv.ed, •that more can b;e: triune ev wetting, thanby travelling. ., Some of our vouno- ladies will speak on the subject. We would like to see every young man in town there.- Mr. William, . Tiimm-117, of the Blind and Miss Cool- o. New Hamburg. were merried lest weel- -Mr D. Stein- , . ' . ' . s' ' bach IN having his millinery depart- ment enlarged. In this and in all oth- • er branches of his general merchant business, Mr. S. has enjoyed continual success and instead of making addition after ad lition to his present se'tore, it is ' much wonder to many that he does ' • ' • not put up a big brick block at once.- Our merchants are preparing for a Harpley. (To late for last week .. The roads are in it Very 1 time on account of swell d; baills. 111 places their is• ne wheelince or sleighing. -m. Sherronliad a wood•bee on last -Mie J. Croit.i.an. and. I took a pleasure c itt t, up to 1 on Friday evenino• last to e'... party at Mr. jar,. eorrest's a having a gmod time.-Mr.J.l of Parkhill, is at present ot farm pruning his orchard. - Iklt had a wood bee on Frid noon of last week and it ie that there is forty cords ia tt rtp.-Miss A. Turnbull, of Bi spending- this week with M Jrat•SCE STRAYED. ' A. olie deg; age, about s or 9 months. et has been on my premises about 3 weeks. nwner will please prove property and pay for this notice. Tons McLorns _Brewster , . (To late for last week.) Mr, W. Whitetnore and, Wm. Jennison spent part of last week at Seaforth on business -Mr. and Mrs. Grigg sPent Simdav,.visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Curts The He'ndrick brothers have purchased the Vine farm from Mr. J. McIntosh of Btacefield.-Mr. It n O'Brien and so spent Monday in Seaforth.-Mr. S. Ross and j, pulled; aro at present visiting Wm, Jacobe is g,00d spring trade.-Carpe,t rag- "bees," seem to be all the rage at Presemt. It makes the town appear quite lively to see so mauy of our busy woman on the streets. Sometimes we think there is too rnuch gossiping and teasing done and would hint to some of our 'widows' no o attendany more. --Mr. s t t Louis Roedding, is now in the employ of D. Gottschalk,shoemaker -Landlord Grob • is making improvements to the Huron House for the convenience of the tray ening public. L. Sherrite-The dwelling h, ed by Mr, 4. B. Hodgies, of but occupihd by Mr. S. Poult are on "Holiday afternoon fro from the stove pipe and bit timely help of the neighbc have burned to the ground. - ton was away from home an, , .., . wife and hide thddrenia th, Mr. Joseph ',Coteau has been gaged for tI10 past few days up his &Teets preparatory to for the west. On Thursda Sale Register. ' Johnston's Mills. TnuasnAy Aram STIL-At Hod gln's Rotel, Central ia., valuable village property in Gen- trent: hal_ ,,na lots 7l, 79 and 80. Sale at 2 o'clock. W. S. Baker Prop.; John Gill, Aunt. TRTJRSDAY, APRIL sth.-Lot 7, Con, 4, TIs- borne, 25 dairy cows Sale at 2 o'clock. Phin Hunter, prop; H. Either. auet. "------------- DAIRY MEETING AT CENTRALIA -- A public 'meeting .cvill be held in Smith's Hall, Centralia, on Thursday evening, April oth, at 7 o'clock p.m , in the interest of the farmers of this section. ' Speeches will be delivered by J. W. Wheat- ••••13, D.A., Secretary of the Dairyman's Asso- dation of Western Ontario. and others. Ev- erybody is invited to attend, to hear of' the profits ana the great interest taken in dairy. togin Canada: JOHN PARSONS, C. W. SMITFT ,, President. 'Manager Centralia, March 20th, '93. MATRIMONIAL.—MISSMary Eicher,of 1 4 1 icession, became the wife of t ie 1 t i col Mr. J. Ramseyer last Sunday •-They will shortly depart for Michigan. -Mr. Charles Treffrey hes lately taken unto himself a wife in the persen of 'Miss Whitmore. We wish them every sac- „,,„ ,,,,- . Josephcuss.-Mr Spencer, 'teacher at Blackbush, has been indisposed for the . • ' last week or so, aud is at home at pres- eut. We hope that he will soon be ,.„ resume , his able"ee duties again -The thunderstorm which occurred last Fri day broke the ice on the lake in small pieces . A good many nets were lost, vhile others were made useless. -Mr. C. F. Hey, who taught this school last year, le,aves this week for Sebewaing, Michigan, where he will take charge of another sehool. Mr. James Regan, the present teacher, may probably move into the house vacated by hibi The Singing Scheele which had boen ng closed for a while owing to the siekness of Mr. Bechtel, has been re -opened with new vigor. We must congratulate I.'" young people of this neighborhood for shewino- so much zeal in this direc- 0 tion. -Mr. E. Hagan, tbe popula r teaeh• ' er of S .S. No. 12, Ray, has. discicsed the results of the Promotion Examine, ien held' last Friday. These thew that the echool is ifayorable condi n a very .tion. -The 'made are fast' drying. • friends in Forest. -Mr at present visiting' under the parental Dancing to be the order of Dashwood. week his Auction Sale, cent Mr. C. H. Wilson, auctioneer, ly roof. seems the evening at present Mr, Rob.t Taylor was in McGillivray Thursday o last tp. on business onf 1 week.Messrs Ross & Pollock intend Moving into the Commercial House this week where all visitors to the lake during the summer wiil find them ready and willing to supply them the hest (fish) the house affords. -A certain young man from the north, finding the weather too cold for him to stand it, takes a trip to our warmer climate two or three times a week to get warmed up -Mr. R B. Bailey, one of the oldest settlers in these parts, removed his fa,m ilv to Michio•an on Thursday last where they intericrto- locate ,permanently. -- The people of Brewster extend their Mr. Mrs. Jas Mr. Silas Desjardine happened with the misfortune of gettieo• his leg brok- en b a 1 0. • llino• ni ''working • Y 0, to , o t while in Mr. Yager's mill -yard on Monday last Mr. T. P. McLaughlin was immed lately summoned and set the broken limb. He is progressing as favorably es can be expected.-elr. H. A. Hart man left this town for Manitoba .and our citizens wish him more prosperity in his new home and wish to meet him egaiu when times are better. -A nice . lt ttle social party gathered at the resi deuce of Mr. Cook on Monday evening to spend one more pleasant evening with that family before their departure to their new home. After a pleasant social, literary, and musical feast that happy party found it a disagreeable well attended and articles very good niece. He intend in the vicieity of Indian -5 , son Alfred having precede( that place some few months other day, while Mr. Stephen companied by 'Mr. Jonath was driving along the road t petted to be some water rune the track at which the tic fright and making' a sudde landed poor Jonathan into of the freshet, giving him a expectedly cool bath." -Cal " haye been chasing one alma this neighborhood for the r and have paid. some very ge for cattle. Pity farmers cou horns on the horses at the pr =von. unrneerecetrama mum 'ft-Ts:mutant., .s.cre*nr.f, That eure of Geo. W. Turner of Gal way, N. Y., of scrofula, by Hood's Sar- se,parilla, was one of the most remark- able on record. . Paynesville "News". -Will a mer chant who is wise, ever cease to ad- vertise? Yes When trees grows up side (limn; when the beggar wears a crown; when ice forms under the sun; when our "Johnny Gets His Gun," when 0 -old dollars frets too cheep. when 6 c b . c ' the women secrets keep; when the rob- ins nest weadie when the girls 0-o' back , , on gum, when a small boy hates a drum, when no politiean 'schemes, when mince pies makes pleasant dreamswhen it ifun to break a tooth , s when cold water makes you ' drunk . . , when you like to amell a skunk, when the drummer has no brass -when these - - things cometo pass -then the merchant who is wise may neglect to advertise, 7" cil°Fora ..eare• Rev. Dr. Talmage, in an interview at Toronto when in 'thVat city recent!, , was ask.ed: "Don't you thiok the chol era is corning ue.xt .. summer?" --"No this cold has been sent to kill the germs I have not the least expectation that there will be any cholera. ' Cholera a1- ways starts in one place -India. It doesn't make any difference where it stops; it always stertseigain from In dia. ' I think we are going to heye ono if the healthiest Ser18011Sthe world has sver seen,because the fright has caused ittention to sanitation.It io an histor cal fact, though that cholera has .el- yays originated in. the filth._ of . India. 3e.yeral times it has reached England, tnd people said, next,it will., eome. ,to , .. • krtierica, but neirr..came.' ' , .' ' heartfelt sympathy to and • • ' . Latta in their sad bereavement at the loss of their daughter. Bertie, by- death, duty to bid adieu to esteemed friends Mr. and Mrs. Cook and family. -Mrs. Ifittp,r to Mr. D McGillicuddy, - - ' Mrs. Geo. Turnbull who has been visit • • • mg friends in Port Huron during the past two weeks has returned home. C.3inter is yisiting friends in Cleveland Ohio. From another source, On Monday evening Miss Ida. Cook 'Toronto, Itlare h . MR. D. MCGILLICUDDY. Editor "Signal" Go( Greenway, • --- (prior to her leaving Dashwood) called .a, number of her most intimate friends home her S1R:-In last week's issue I notice that pay The Female Crank andtbe President Washington March 27. -Mr. Cleve , an s re, 1 o 0 y . . i d' ' •01 t t• 'th• Presidenc was die plated to -day .by Mrs, Thurston, an old lady who Considers herself as -owper, not only of the United States,, but also of the Eingdom.of Great Britain. Mrs Thurston' was among those who ,shook haeds With the President at the public reception this afternoon ' When • her turn came she grasped Mr. Cleveland's fingers in a firm grip, and poured forth her taleemuch to her obvious embar rassment. ' Mrs.' Thurston said she wanted Mr. Clevelandeto 'take charge of her possessions under a deed of trust to be handed over to her when she 're, ceived her annuity of several hundred thousand dollars, 'whichewill enable her to live in a style : befitting, her rank and posse,seions.e Her importunities for a.priyate audience.to arrange . details were politely parried and after keep ing,the line .waiting.for fiyeminutes Mrs. Thureon moved on with the part- lb& remark that she would return b . .. . Mr. Wilson Eagleson sold a fine horse last week for the''M Manitoba market.- ., ,„ a . SUDDEN DEATII.-Another of our Citi - zens has been removed by death. Mr Peter Goodin, a yonno• man about 20 years old, died Monday'7Marith 20th af ,ter an illness of two days with material fever and infiammation of the lungs His 'brothel -Dan is rick with the same 'disease butis,slowly recovering,. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of their neighbors in their sad affliction, Miss Jenuie DiCkson, of .Clandeboye,is visiting among her 001191118 in this vi- cinity.-Mr. Sam Eoglish left here last week for the North-west where; he in tetids to work during the summer.- Mr. Jae Brophey had ht8 pony weighed at C. H Wilsons' last week., He turned the. scales at 1,000'. pounds. -The - Bos ton Methodist' church were entertained,. at Mr. C. H. Wilson ' sr,,' last Friday evening and treated to taffyand, pick- les. They report having a very sweet . . -- time. -,Mr. Earnest McPherson found. a large live frog in the woods last week. Mr, J. M: Wilson killed the first :snake of the season last Monday.' At a meet ting• held in the Town 'Hall last Satur-, day eveleino' to organize A .foot ball club. , Mr. Geo. A. Foster was .appoint ed. chairman, and the following officere Oected:-Ilon Pres. Jas 13rophey; Pres. Wm. Bol'; Sec. Treas. Jos Foster: Cap ,..,, .. tail) WM, Meng: ass't Captain, W. Belt; Committee 01 theriagetnent, Chas CtirtZ .17 . ' Wi 'tt s'de This .club W. Belt, Samuel n )..1 .friendly will be, known AB . the Boston eleven and aro MAY &Men to receive h• chat, lenge from any other 11 to play a friendly game, Arrangements can be Made .by torrespoodlog with ow setrd, together at the of parents and geve them a party in which every - ' one seemed to enjoy themselves in roya.1 order. Miss Cook has been a resident of the village from infancy and is a general favorite with young and old; possessing all the qualities which go to make up a true lady; be, ing kind and true to all; . always wit ling to help in anything and eyery- thing for the benefit of others and last but not least full of fun when in a po- sition where fun is required. Your de parture from among us Ida is felt. by all but we will not forget you. Miss Cook and brother, being officers in .the Voting People's Allaiauce, their young friends availed themselves of this op- porttinityand gave them each 013013(1- some present; and the following.address 03 81 slight token Of their services in .the past, ' ' . ' ' ' To /nee'. e'i•in iurerox come. , , . pn,ta FiticSns,-..,,Ir.Yiemrayour approach- ing d°ParturC fram arr")11g us ' ". "slte tc). express our sincere regret that circumstan. cos will not permit yen to remain much long- er. with us, al ale: to, cenveyo..t0, you lour realfrreelst=l'e gimilves.t. v. thankeyln yerykindly for so b 0 bly Ag the offices you G. lircejlalinioiNtsVotillfieedi, ager:illaiiras you ve,y mimh, but wo know that our loss ill be othera gain. We wmild ask to Zedept these .presents in hope that thyottey' may sltv3: °Iran. tie, yi,ent(n) line. iledtrist=, - ,, 'go S'ra' te c7f1P1. tl!'ve martilir be enabled. t'O' iuovo oo war and upward till were:lob that heavenly home where eartings aro ne blot°, We Wish yott all the doinplithents of the Sea- see tegothor With a vow. plomact.Joutuoy to your Dow -home aud a Speedy re urn to gilt° viSit. • Sistiod in behalf df the Minute. • ' ' • . miss "litr 81grol'3era, „Ilia:di:taken_ sonowb0 by:Iroise Atos ' 23VgitaVtibiloeipiteZ gvAkling :ill ags.orea thora that She WOUld 1.10Y.40t.. fOr paper, you a,ble attention to my report, to the Grand Orange Lodge West, and to myself person, have also made a number of i therein, which are absolutelt without any foundation. H; in view I have consulted erni authorities and are advised that the article in question i; ten, that I might ,find it . d prove it sufficiently libellous recover damages and cot, I fore constrained to proceed u ent manlier, and will 110W r the following proposal: - "That the article in questi mated to three, gentlemen ' conduct an enquiry, into its falsetY: mid in the event of : mg the correetnesS Of your. s I' am prepared to pay the co kid inquiry. andalso hand. BLIB1 Of fifty' 411ars ($50) to,: itable institution, narried bYt town . of Goderieh. ' On the cc they tind . that . your .. state: false and malicious, than yoi the•cost of the -enquiry, and ; e apolonrrou an aniplthrough . ..". . , .. jour of Velar nel." As I am the person, tradvic case, I think 1± but fair that have the right. te name the , Of enquiry; and would there ,, . His Honor, the judge of the X1urn the present War& ... . - ,5,., t f . II ' • ' " d h Uoun..,, o - uroti; an - t Mayor of the towie 6£ Goderi Waiting your reply andth of this letter in., the next isstt paper, . I atti Sincerely Yonra • - ..i . .. .ritsh Grain ',Trade, B — ' London, March 27. -The 'Mark Lane , Express, in itsweEikly. review, of the, 3titish. grain trade, sayS:-Eliglish Yheat selleeat from 22s to 288 .per pater in the western and north-west-. :rn markets. In London. the :price ,is l88 1d... Foreign wheat is little chang td. , The red Sorts ave. Id in ,, buyers' • . avor. Both California anti . ordinary .ed wheat are saleable in London for nore money than in Antwerp. Rtssia 6 now sending to Groat Britain 1.00.. 100 quarters' weekly.' India. is likely' .. . , . o send as Much after Easter... There wore V10,000 quarters of wheat On he passage On. March Z. Corn is- firrh , .:. A St, Marys Hotel Gritted by Vire. .. ' St, Mary's, Onte.March 27. -Fire oc,- curved at about five o'elcek this .mern, mg in the British Hotel, Owned by, . W. Cosgrove, The building was ., wilt' brick, and the Main portion of it has been gutted. ' It was insured in the Royal for $2,400, whieh will coyer the IOSS, . . ' : , tkilled. Neat' Iiiittichillt , .. . , 'PAticuitt, Ont., March 22td,-,A, man thought to 'be P. Tobin", fornieriv of St 'MOTS, but lately foreman in the Thotiford flax Mill; WAS killed by a, tralo tivo Miles West Of P,arlthill . thiS . . .,. niorning 4'66, With Obi le,fear , 5th inst., untenance tinted for bov.-Mr. g to leave I.),V friends that the 11 benefit ilitub the obert Mc - Michigan, o Minue- t at home, B. Steckle is neigh - the 13th arm con (lased for auk barn se on it. rice. Mr. Ohio Mr, largest los re - over 500' well de - seems to king, and at he may r. ?ad condi- ep snow-- ither good Joseph Saturday . Hag -an illsgreen attend a nd report . Hodgi as t on his Mr. Johu ay after - estimated 10 pile put ewster, is iss Lottie USe OW11.- n,caught a spark for the rs would. r.Poul- only his house. - busily en - packing starting of last rolled by was fair - brought a s locating ad. His him to go. The Webb,ac- an Stone, here hap - u g across nes took n plunge the midst ether un- tie buyers er around ast week od prices Id not put esent time. Goderich. 5th, 1898. erich Orli; of your consider • prese n ted f Ontario illy. You tatements false and tying this nent legal by them so writ- ifficult to so as to am there. 1 a differ- -lake yott n be sub - W110 wili truth or o u pro ve• tatetrientst ts of the Ych ettahre- hem,in the ntrary if flirts are Shall pa.y ISO make 0 col nines ed in this I should committee ore name, County ,t`.1f 11 of the present o h. inSettiMi of yOtit •