HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-14, Page 11l h• °po p $ GN L• STA 4..SERVICES :AVAILA►BLE ,'Y 4 ' .8. HELP WANThD, S. HELP WANTED ARE you interested" "rn sainrig�- extra money on a part-time basig,„___Major London based Company requires year round „ supervisors of delivery personnel Goderich,.' No ' selling •'or canvassing: The successf4il applicant • must have, a., car, mus b_e iriite-re..ted; ' in`� vIning'' work_.. For further inforniati4i ' write Bozo 43, Signal -Star. Al;2 WAITRESS --- Part-tinie,waitress •req,uired, 25 to• 30, hours per ' • week during : the da�y.»4 Good 0, working conditions and, wages. • Apply in person to' The Club Grill, Kingston Street. — 47tf WAITRESS — Full° -time night waitress required. Five to six nights, per week. Experience required. Apply. Club Grill, Kingston Street. ' 1,2 R'ESP•ONSI.BLE. a rsen, red to. do general housework, part-time. Phone 5.2;4-8391. - 2tf - WE ARE EMPLOYING Arhbitious representatives who ,"crit •.a- .good job, and- an opportunity, to earn a• good- ineoine "U Association.. has openings for s'erious minded career -'rerpres'entatives who would like a" better future with greater income and security, in the direct sales field enrolling members. Representatives employed will be fully trained on the job. If you would like a better job, write or phone: ;1 • Mr..Karl J. Pedersen,. 263 Shuter Street, Wirigham, Ontario. (� Phone —' Wingh.am 357-3539. giving full particulars on . your' desire to succeed'. - - 12. TENDERS WANTED --MAKING A LIVING ' FROM 8 T 52;4 You can be a success frdm 6:00 to ' 9:00 P.M.!' It is that little extra ambition that can make the difference between. being... average or' out in front. A secpnd job ,enrolling Ontario Automobile ' Association memberships may make • the ' difference for you, Find otut. how, no obligation. Contact Ed BauerW i n gham, 'phone 357-38'05. .. • PERSON' • 1sevlees t�ti?�arta •t o 021.e�:,, ersct�' as , � , k . . e Hai-alit/are ` experience ani the ability to assume r'esponsibili'ty. Early advancement " 'to assist ' .in rnana�gemen.t of .-,.the... appliance and television department. $'110.00-$1:30.„QO;.,,_;per week'. to aart, -five day week, 'plus bows, nd fringe benefits, Oppo'rtuhity for the -right ,person to - .participate in ownership of '� business. after 3 years. Reply stating • ," "past years oaf employment and, marital status. ,Egan Bros. Ltd., "29. Queen St. Vii., Balton. • Phone 416-8572211. — 2,3x SALES PERSONNEL REQUIRED RED For HU.'RON COUNTY'S LARGEST ''Public or, High School FORD DEALER training provided, usual ) benefits Contact furry Sr�r 'e, Motors' ' Ltd. EXETER, 235-1640 TOWNSHIP OF - WEST WAWANQSH TENDER FOR .F1UEL. Tenders will -be received by the, undersigned until 6:QQ p.m,, Janua,Fy 30th, 197'1, ford the supply' of diesel uel•, grease'.and oil. Tender. to state, price ''per gallon. on' fuel, -and-percentage disco r3p,'t on 1 grease' and oil, Suecesser 'bid' er ,to- (/ a nr« .. .tu.,d. galionr.: (Tinqimun'; un'd'erground tanknd electric pump. , - lIaap�vey Colbert, Road Superintendent,. ' RR 6, Goderich, Ontario. :'COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR TRUCKS SEALED TENDERS r on forms 'and in enuelci'pes available from the -office of -the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p,m. on:. Wedne sday, Fe�HY'iiar�r Y �)th;. Y,J`� 1 for the 'following: HC -71-10,1 — 1 —'/s ton pickup truck HC -71-102 1 — 3/4 ton van HC -71=103 1- -- 27,500 GVW truck HC -71.10.4 — 1 =- 35,000 -GVW truck - -Tr =hra 1'll e ol'1'ered'"ori --ea. •i: new unit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted:, " • J. W. Britnell, P.. Eng.- H "dal 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE 14. SERVICES':;AVAILABLE SANDBLASTING DEmoutiON ,WORK SPRAY. PAINTING • ARNOLD ST:OT..ERS Pho9 7 ne 52483- - . for .estimates . ANDERSON'S, APPLIANCE SERVICING 186 Mary St:, Goderich, 524-6144 * Domestic Refrig ion • Electric Washers Dryers, Stoves 41.tf .11%, PAILY CAR RENTAL R`ea5Qnable Rates McGDE'S .Goderich Phone 524-8391 , 19tf STURDY: At, St, :xoseph'a Hospital, London, onanttrr8,. } 1971, ta rs Boss' 3. Sturdy, 38= Devonsll-ire Avenue, London, a daugh°iV1~ic; ' Ruxierly' Dawn. ,.y..„.--e±r,•rl•.nr 4444 Ut4h:� i•• ‘10 41.Si1,44 7.'�, i.... .f ...1.. I/h0r'I tit, 1'12,'h11'11 111 !„U' •1 ,p DAVE FAR FfitH - Plumbing, Heating & . Air:.Conditioni'ng • Remodelling 1 and new installations for all of your plu'Fnbin9 and- heating, needs. 9 Presently situated at Esso Home Goderich. Phone before six p.m. 524.-6531 after six 1-291-.1382. —2tf • •�6 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease .in meat • S I, N S B y prices we are unable to pay for .. any farm stock. We , offer fast,. efficient, courteous, same day service. 4 H y� Cp�y /�(� ,,,,,,,g-4,:libur„,Ser �Ny4y�;i�.17,.tr1,�u ,ar;.7�\'4,Week WEBSTER SPECIALIZING IN- , ' 1.11.1 \1.\MI\.1.1r1"\.,1.(\.N.r111�\lr\lrvlul.r lralr\,r\1.11r, 1.v\.Y\rv1.11rv1. B,u etin boards * Plastic electric *' Truck ,lettering *'Silk screening* Commercial designing of of 'company trademarks * • Show cardS. * ;. Window banners i All 'Sizes"&TypesLof Signs. PHONE .EXETER -235-0680 ANYTIME uron County: Engineer, Court House,,,. Goderich, Ontario. • - ` 14.:SERVI`ES AVAILABLE 10. WANTED (General) WANTED A baby sitter from Monday to Friday in'my home. Phone ,52C6042: "-6042: — 2 " USE them SHARP! Saws, cutlery,.lawn mowers, etc. Hornar, Huron 'Riad, opposi store. -1234x WANTED ROOM AND.,, BOARD, best Dead ~and 'disabled cattle and meals, free TV in room. Phone horses, highest 'prevailing prices 24 hour service —7 -days a week TUTOR 0524-9455, - 50tf ° *anted 'to teach Spelling anti IVIWth •''fo'r Mid eht frons' fermi& Country: Phone 524-8168. or 524-6175.. :C LASS A. H.ANI• 1 ,E,QL,I R E D d1tiLtd: .HAMMER mill drive belt, 75 ft. long, 6 inches wide. Reasonable price.' Henry Teunis. Kdlkman,'' phone 524-6356. _7-7-2 ,3 „ • • w _ • COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. 'Furnitur,e, 524-7231. ='23tf THE','BOYS 'that • ,were seen taking, 9hristrtias` lights. off. the :trees Sunday �'hi:ght at '140 (Gibbons. Street please return them: 2 " Fast, Efficient Service . Call Collect Brussels 877-9.334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD ,Supplies ' 1h mites south of Brussels Lica No. 273-e-70 " 4.Otfrt Thinking about building a MILK•HOUSE or DRIVING -SHED? For free estimates call: RAY LAMA3ERS - 'Clinton482-3305 , 24 HOUR . , APPROVALS . 2nd arid 3rd Mortgages Arranged in' the Convenience. Of Your Home LOW cost.' You can call to 11 p.m. today for 'helpi"ul courteous • service. Prompt Investr"ne'nt -Corp: Ltd., 330, Bayo Street,, Toronto. Call collect,;° 366-9586, EVGS , 231.=8146" w, • erie'nce•d • D��r!t�r AND , .WALLPAPERING FREE ESTIMATES • • CaII 524-6667 W Pedersen 101 VICTORIA ST. Cali ACollect482 9811 .• License No. 237_C-70 ` -411fn ACE RADIO and TVt Ser 'Prank Wilcox, 60 I'icton St. Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7 =TIT .• BRECKLES Authorjzed "SIMPLICITY” SALES & SERYICU 138 ELIZABETH ST. Goderich 4'-'524"7:1444' . '15. NOTICE" to, CREDITORS IN THE , ESTATE OF FRANCIS JOSEPH CURRY, LATE' OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY 'OF HURON, PROPRIETOR. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to fdrward full particulars of their claims- to the undersigned, on or • before the 30th day of January, • 19.71, after wh!'ch date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, Barristers, 18 The Square, Goderioh, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 1�2�3 1•v1•vl•rF\F�.jJI".Ir\Ir vlrvlrvlj,�IEYHY1rY1ryF�ij�rY�.,Y1 r�y�v.�jv1. N.,\r r1. 1r�rF.11r BERNARD WILLIS TIPERT. - ALL persons having` claims against the. estate of -Bernard ,Willis Tipert, Hospital Attendant, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County' of Huron, who died on or about' the 12th day of November, 1970 ar-e,reques•tedl-torzfilet4he scone, with full particulars with the undersigned' by the 29th day of January, 1971 as after that date the'"asets of the estate will be 'distributed. DATED AT GODERIC'H this 1,1 th day of January,' 1'971,~ J. KENNETH HUNTER, 30 North Street, GQDERICH, Ontario. r II'n°'fr�i 14 I • HOME REMODELLING Kitchens; bathrooms, tHrng; etc Call 524-69.21.-- 1-4x • FOR your Antenna Sales and: Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. tf TRI -TOWN _BOOKKEEF ING SERVICE - INCOME TAX :7 -Complete record' preparation and maiiatenance. LAWR'EN.CE IBEANE Brucefiel ,51 412-926 1-16 • G.RAHAM„ E LECTR IC Complete Electrical -Service Residential — Commercial — Industrial 155 Keays Street - Pho'he 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. 27tf • • IN THE ESTATE OF STANLEY HAROLD PREVETT, LATE , OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN ,THE • COUNTY OF r HURON, PROPRIETOR..—. AIL persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of'.'their claims 'to the 'undersigned,, on or before the'•3,Oth day of January, 1971,, after which date the-assetswill be distributed,', • DONNE-L•I Y & MU•RP Y, Barristers„ 18 The ,quare; :' Goderich, Qrrtiiirr '. • COOKE: At Nevtrnnarket General Hospital., on Standay, Januar r. 1971, to Mr, • and Moi. ' Robert D. Gooke l(riee Beverley -,"'"Anderson) of Aurora, Ontario, a r444,4 414 ! #? E The farm late Mr . J.oh W Newcon wish • to. express . their .sirteer. -041,4U-414-0 happrec[ataion,t'o,'thld t who' : offered o aressions o' sympathy with flowe ►,nd card's d ur iaang our . recent sad.. -' bereavement.Spegial thanks 'tb l who assiste r in any •.way to! comfort and h- 1p 4,030'1011* '. trying time. son. . . , "CRAWFQRD: • At, ;Alexandra Hbspitalt, Goderich, on' January '6, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crawford, 197Bayfield' _Road ,Goderich, aGregory.. .rdon. • D. IN MEMORIAM IETRij: Til loving memory of Charles K: Petrie, who passed away one year ago, January 17, . 1970. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell 'Of the loss of one we loved so well. And . while he sleeps a peaceful • sleep His memory we shall ,always keep. — Ever remremb'ered by... the, family 2 E. CARDS OF THANKS GOOD:' I would like to thank the merchants of Goderich for gifts for the first New Year's \•••Malay. Also relatives and friends who sent gifts, - flowers and cards. Special thanks 'to Dr. Doorly,' ' nurses and staff on second east. — Mrs. Reg Good. 2 • Mr. and : Mrs,W. u McWhinney, Dlun.gannpit Ontario, wish to announce;"00 fort,5coming -Marriage of their, daughter, Lexie Anne, to, Mit. .Kenneth John Muarch.,son of ;Mr, .and ^ Clinton, Ontario, The Wedding,: 6, 1971, at 3 p.m, in N Nle °United Church, Nile, Ontario. G. COMING EVENTS A RECEPTION for Mr. and` -Mrs - Henry Kolkman knee Suzanne MacLeod) will be held at .-Saltford Valley Hall, on' Saturday, January 16, 1971, at 10 p.m. Music: by -the Country. Boys. Everyone' welcome; 1,2 .,1 KNIGHTS OF • COLUMBUS dance, • Goderich • 1VJ,eniori'al Arena, Friday, January 1'5 -• . .197.1, Bluewater Playboys, dancing 10 p.m. to 1 a.m., •$r0,0 per . couple. • Foil tickets phone- , 524-7184. 1,2 HOSPITAL Auxiliary , meetin Monday, January 18, at .2:30 p.m. at the, Hospital. Visitors most welcome. - 2 McKNIGHT: I • would like to thank ' all my kind friends for card s=,ri s.., ete- a1<1,411 4. la14s ,. girls in green and Candy Stripers on first and second • .'floors for their kindness while in Alexandra Hospital; also Dr. J. W. Wallace;,North Street and Nile Churches foraremernbering me.7,— ` -Mabel McKnight.2x BRINDLEY:" L would like to thank my many Friends, relatives and neighbors- for'cards, flowers, .HAVE your .. -rugs' and ch irs , cleaned by dependable cleaners. a Solicitors for the Estate4 ,., ` 1'2'3. Call Superior ?Maintenance, •: PERgONAL phone' '524-8892,-Goderich. - •`51tf eWongk•Nlahlne' • PROS EMS?: Servicing. All. Males New,; ,Used Sales ... . Alex Reed - • 197 Bayfield •Rd., Goderich 524-846.5 C\ 4 W Salvage 205 Nelson St. NOW BUYING CARS For Scrimp -- their„ Van!, crap,,`°'th,eir,,.Xa, CALL 524-9514 Also,' handling all types of new and used, steel products, 'tf 4444, $5 fo-r the, black and white. $15 far, the.colou set.,4 Come to GRAF'S FINA SERVICE ftir the mopt excit ew a eil,anywhere. You choose the car you want from our great • litie-up of Matadors, Javelins, Hornets' and .G renilins...we'll Make the best deal possible—and then to top it off ybu'll re,ceive ,9bsolutely free RCA's new B&W Portable Tplevision complimentS of Arterica'n Motors. Make a deal on Ambassador Brougham and yOull receive' an RCA colour T.V. Ambassador Brougham) Air -Conditioning, V-8 Motor,. Automatic Transmilsion, .1ndividual Realining Seats, and Colour TeleviSion all for one low, low price. cod Thal's all there IsTo it. Come on ln, pay the,,pfice7you--want,forithe car that suits you bescand A•merlian,MOtors your T.V. right to your home. You'll be asked to py. only a srr1.1 amount for handling and shipping. $5 for the black & white set,.$15 tar the 17" colour set. B, Lit hurry. This great offer ends on February 28th, 1971. A SELECTION OF 'MODELS Il\l""litiCK INCLUDING THE AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM Fina Service .apour‘A,fi & AJTO SALES iNicwitt flovfivirl Rodd Botinvil Street 524 8411 GODERICH Taxi Stand At Bluewater •""S'entice Station • 80 Victoria St. 524-6594 24 Hour Service Bill Swan, Prop. Wb.F2K GUARANTEED' Harvey Dale, Clintbn Iiimmanumwmamimmiumum CALL FgANK'114117 Porlaii your flooring needs. Buy your cat4pet anywhere. experience. Free measurements. INTERESTED IN CoVples required for evening mbied l'eftgue bo gifts .'and visits, while I was, a patient in Alexandra Hospital. . Special , thanks to' Dr. J. 1V1 RECEPTION. `for Mr. and Mrs. , Bob Wood (nee Brenda Schultz) ” it Dungannon Agriculture 6.11 - on Friday, 'January 15. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. ••. Everydne • welcome. Lunch"served. — 2, WEEK OF • PRAYER ° 'for Christian Unity to be celebrated ,. by the Goderich Churches on• Monday, January 188, at 8' p.m.' in, the ' Pentecostal Tabernacle. We of the Goderich Ministerial' strongly urge"everyorie to`attend this service. - 2 , CRdI<LNOLE PARTY at • Benrniller • United Church,, Friday; January •22, at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. — 2,3 Watts;, Dr. A., B. Deathe, Dr. N. C.,g Jackson, nurses and: staff second east. — Carman Brindley. —2 . m., McWHINNEY: L wish to thank relatives; friends and neighbors •, for flowers, ,cards and visits while I was a patient in' Alexandra -Hospital. 'Spec'ial 'thanks -to;J. W. ' Flo,wers, » • nurses and staff second • east: • -- Harold sincere thanks to Dr. Wallace, nurses, and- . housekeeping on first floor 'eaSt, receiyed. Also 'to my relatives 41,,10 frienas and ,thv.-- Machinist and visits while I Waltei- NURRAHl. I'M A GRANDPA" "FREE CIGARS" • 19. LoSt AND FOUND wristwatch at Mills Garage, with leather band. Phone 524-9459. 20. NIISCELLA,NEOUS We no all type_ JEWELLERY REPAIR, ROSS: We 14h to 'epress Our sincere' thanks. to neighbors. and ,relatives*for their 'kind- - acts of thoughtfulness 'during •Pur recent bereavement tthe , beautiful floral tributes, cards and donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. Special thanks' to, Rev. Royal, Dr. Leitch, the nurses .and staff 'of second west, the,kitChen staff and the Metallum Funeral Horne. s, George, David and ResPiratory Insufficiency'.!' will be shown in the AukiliarY Room, Alexandra Marine and General' Hospital, •on Thursday, 'JanuarY 21, 1971, 7;30 mn. Alt persons suffering "from 7 "breathing"• diseases will be interested.' The film was madeat , • BRINDLEY ': We wish to eXpress our' Sincere thanks to friehdV neighbors and relatives for their ' kind acts of thoughtfulness • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton 101.11 21. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Distributors for your area -- latest equipment in candy bars, snack machines, etc. 'No To qualify must have bar, , references, $1;000 to $3,500 cash. A few• hours weekly can -- net excellent incom, inbre full-time. We establish all routes. :4For personal- interView write, including phone number, -to: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED - Box 68, VValkerville Postal Station, WINDSOR 15, Ontario... FRANCHISE DEALERSHIP swimming pool businesS , Canada 's fastest growing business. A,small investment will establish yohr--oWir—pliifita b le business. Obriletkter details, apply to liox 46, Signal -Star. 2'2. TO GIVEAWAY PUPS, German Shepherd, beautiful kloral tributes, cards -Society. Special thanks• to Rev, , Wallace, nurses and staff 0.f., first floor centre, the 'Stiles Funeral Home, and the Wornen Of Nile . ChurCh; and to all, thoSe who , SELLING OUT 'sat cards and" gifts. and helped,: out during long illness. and Mrs. Mabel Brindley. — 2 !ALE Margaret^ Brindley and- .family., '41 be ' sponaored ,Pafents Of' asthmatic children LEGION .FOR SALE A 1968 TOYOTA CORROLLA 1100 WELL MAINTAINED 4 WHAT'S'. OUR CHOI:tE? Milli; Ot., Maxii We Have A 'Quantity Of Parts: Oil & ,Accei-Poriet-.1h „Stock PROMPT SERVItE GUARANTEED SPORT MACHINES ' Pgul Betties Ron HOrtOri 524.7224 „ 6/4417.7 HObRS