HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-14, Page 7G�derich wins confrenc --In ;lI•luron-Pert0 ° .Conference activity. 'here last Friday, Goderich emerged victorious in all four events against Central Huron of Clinton,. In boys' basketball, the three Viking Teams won: the Seniors. 57-49, the 4unibrs 31-18,, and the Midgets 22--17. In virrspstiing, Goderich y. defeated Clinton 37-21.' tn^? al (Go rich) decisioned 13oyco, titIe° cases, the matches- fere the first ..4-.-2; 8--2; - of the regular schedules." ,• 140 Pounds, Knight (Clinton).---- •• \\\. pinned Clinton).-- pinned Barker, 2:43; .. SENIOR BASKETBALL ' , • 14 pounds, Bowman J (By udy'McGuire)., 4 (°Q�, erich-).'--clecisioned ''_ G. y At.c ,ihald, 9-1;" .Thee C ,inton 4 Senior '•�' ' • 1i► N.,u+ids, Aiken (Clinton) Basketball team. travelled"-C;6;�a . y' decisioned Johnson, '4-L-27 Godericla',(:or 0, first game or ' 167 pounds, . Rea burg..; t (Goderich) decisio•ned ' Gas very" closeand•exc'itirahropshall, 8-- ry � 17 7 iriaus,.t'irnes Wring the game , pounds, Sternp ,fist quarte ,the -score:.„;, (coder h i ed W eel ,rr od�cl b,.'Ctitrton., 7. 'III' 1: r . - '. halt time�it, as Goderich 28,., .193 pounds; Rya•n f±G;ode icli) • ' " 4won b forfeit; -Ci .on 18. Goderich kept its y " h�eaw Read and went on .to win Unlimited,- ' D r e n n a n the game by 8 points with the (Goderich) win by, forfeit. ' final score, Goderich 57, 'Clinton , The GDC1 wrestling team is 49 coached by Ray Donnelly. ' The Goderich victory was due to the good shooting from the floor- . players' with a lot of good shooting, talent, such as Dyne Carruthers 23. points; • '"'"-"" ' 'i„°"''"�"""" -` ''em,"'"�' Warrens .. (Wonder) 'Watt, 12 points; Brock ' Stimson, '1V - ire, .. points. Blue Goderich toume e, also had good y defensive work'' • . by Brock . . Stimson, , Brian MVlackenzie, and •° p' ��irr Al Pirie. • • •Clinton''s high scorer was Pete The annual Blue and White Cameron with 29 points, He is Junior Basketball- Tournament the only, player to hit double ,was held here in the G.D.G.I. • figures. ,,. " ^,,;:.14 - gyms. last Saturday, with eight The coach Mr. Cammert, says ' tearhspar-ticipating., the team- still needs more ' .Lo'on's Banting • Broncos practice••on, their passing. He felt emerged as champions „for ' the .� that there' were too !any bad second year in a row; Enroute to passes in this game, and there the championship, they defecated were also .too many foul shoots Clinton 68-37 in the preliminary missed, but " the team has round, and Coaeh," Frank - iinprovedr+ - greatly over its MacDonald's Goderich Vikings pre -season ,performances':. 66-49 in the semi-final. _ ,. . � .,�.. _444._.r. .,r..�..:. _�.....�,...�_ �..� JUNIOR•BASKETBALL , The"gamerith Goderich 'ryas In the Junior game, John Moore led the Goderich scorers with'43,points, followed by Dan Demers with,,, eight, ' Dave Patterson with,, four, Dave ---- Mclvor , with three, _ . Casey ' Wildge'n with.' .twwo and. Ton}, O'Brien with one. ' ' the, closest _c f the day for the Broncos, as they -then went on ' to defeat SarniarS,t,., P,ats.6 . ;6; ilt . ,. the final. Goderich qualified for the semi-final by --,beating oneof the pre-to•urnam°e•nta'• favourites, London Medway, . in the rbr,;G;hnton, ..R. •Cariipb'ell. and__ preliminary A �, round '•.48-43. Dan "tel emei Tedi local team: `'in this R. Riehl' Kao, five points each, while D Colquhoun- and F. ' one, with 23' po)nts,' while Dave. 'Cameron had four apiece. Mclvor had 12; John Moore. 10, The `'`1uniors: p" :played ,.., Wingham"'Tuesday and travel' to Stratford to play' Northwestern tomorrow (Friday). This"one• paid off! Goderich Junior Basketball Team had a hard fight ori their hands -during the annual Junior Blue and White Basketball Tournament held at GDCI last Saturday.- A• strong Lpndon Banting defence kept the Goderich team to 44 points, not enough to match their, -own 59 point effort. This- the, his ones however, hit the net for two points on a bit.of high work ' near .the Banting net and an unsuccessfyl attempt at blocking, by a London player., Banting tn./on-46e .Grand Championship again this year, their second' in a row, 4y, defeating Sarnia Patricks 63-31. Staffi-1 hoto The -annual Blue and White.Junior .Basketball' Tqurnarnen.t was held at. GDCI last Saturday with teams horn Goderich, London,,, Clinton, Medway, Sarnia, Glencoe and Stratford 'taking part. .,., .. n,•...,.. •..:•. Shown during: the �Eonsolaton Semi -Finals are Centra! Huron. Secondary School, Clinton" arid` Medway. Medway won this u, -round 61-33,; but, were defeated by Sarnia Northern 52-48 far . the Consolation Championship. - Staff Photo Nick Sager 2, and Tom O'Brien ' 1w n In; the -loss t� Banting, Demers again was, , tillxi? -man for joderich, With 19 points, with In wrestling, the results were.-- • Moore getting 11, McIvor 7, as follows: 4 • Dave Patterson 6; Casey, Wrldzen1 .. ;89 pound's,'' Chisholrn 4, and Sager2 (Goderich) "decisioned Swan, Sarnia' Northern .won, the' 10-3; . •' consolationfinal by defeating . f 97' pounds;Craig (Clinton) Medway. •52-4$. decisioned Naylor, 7=-2; ' 'Other teams cori'ipet11fi'g•"'We-re n 10-5 pounds, • ` Moore Parkhill' and; Stratford (Goderich) won byrforfeit; Nbrthwestern, 114 ounds 1-IulIe (Cinitgn• I..h4.4 vrtvw>" q "pinned''Blaisdale, 3:57; a• 122 pounds, Corbett MORE :GDCI' NEWS (bodericli) •' pinned Shepherd, 1:26; ON" PAG E 8 129 pounds, ' Broughton , i r.r„ Goderich Junior Basketball Team met last'years champions ,n a tough London Bantingdefence as is ,show -n-' here � vvher�_, the annual Junior Blue•and White Basketball Tournament held. ;,,.-,tondo ..,defencemen "stand • off a lone Goderich: attacker. Saturday, at GDCI •anti --were defeated 59-44., ..The 'G©d tth Banting also won. the Grand Championship again„this=year,-:. mow.. team_.pressed every advantage, but were' hard put to.,get”"through ',defeating Sarnia St- Patricks 63 -31. -"Staff ... �.. 44444.4444... u d Students have da of science .The Fact sly of Science .at the University of .Waterloo' ' will. .�,:,„,.,4”, !,g c,cgoe 310 ' senior 'science • -'students from Scarlewt,,l,,,,,,,,,,l;e,ights -CA.; 'Weston; , Mayfield .Secondary'School, Brampton; . Sir Sandford Flemi;ig . S.S., Toronto; , South Secondary'" • The • * S c i e nce. ' Waterloo,, School, London and Goderich ,,..{;program " began in' the Goderich; • on 4 nday, 1969 ` and- since that time January 15.. - thousands of ;science„ students Tbe�? _.will visit the University have- .had ' , the opportunity to; to participate ' in • a Science spend a day learning first hand, • Water-loo:day. - •- - ----what .s'cience- at the ''university' ' lie student visitors ' will - level -is: The. program is 'a'l'so attend • regularly scheduled a designed to enrich thed' '13. gra classes filling, in empty seats in science program. and. to bridge . the lecture- rooms. A chbico. of the . b tween high school and a�p<• e 1rfie�p,21n1rg'es''atid3at? on,unry �i icy' ` science `-an.d earth sciences is. " Professor D. E. -Brodie of the. , available: They willperform experiments arfartaVe horac the data they have collected- for' further interpretation. Students interested • in optometry will -have ,an opportunity to mee.t'a. faculty. member school.' 5 The new ice surface at Judith Ctooderham Park bas proved to tie, an instnt success. Members of the Goa -Crick Volunteer Fire, Department gave their time to flood the ice fpr the Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board.- Loo'1"residents have - also•'fFeiped out, notably cord Walters and family; Mr. and'Mrs. N • Curly Young; Bruce Cr�ejvjG�{' acid fancily; Fred Salter and family; l � mmi z 11 L �E[,ll��y yt , �,�3 71E1lnER' . Goderich PUC has het up ,lights for the° outdoor rink and benches' have 'been set, up -to, provide seating for skaters and a •4444 4444 4444.. ,.�....,,. 444 r.. ,.�._. � ..,,�.pw, ..,...... „, ._ fence. to divide the ice so that young hockey players can set up s;e� lhlpromptu, gashes. They are asked to 'keep to the north end of the ice anduse sponge pucks -when passible. Th ecr"eation • board would be pleased if parents would ask their 'children to followthis Sinall rule,and also be oil..their-way -_homeby.9'.p,.m,m, This w"puid also.leave the ice' free for the many adults who have -- beesTiowing up,. fpr a skate. Vern Smith who has the concession at Agricultural Park" hes agreed to place a sine', The first dance of 11971' will • --44.44 university's Ph sres` partmera General activities__: BY-NA'NCY,HILLS , •- BAD TRIP On Wednesdayt January 13, the school band travelled to Dresdaai_ -High `' School. This., concert. was`"the debut --for our new stage -band singer, Jennifer Cook. GYMNASTICS CLUBS On Sunday, January' 1,Q, ,the IA Was open for the use ' of the hi. scJ of studerits:'The. gynr will be: ope,rr --from now on, 'all day Saturdays and Sunday 'afternoons. , -Because,, `oT' the ' many other school sports which. continually ' use .Ohe .gyms•; the Phys. Ed"• '4classes are 'about the' only times during which the students can, use the gymnastic equipment. the club has been formed to allow the §tudents more time to work on this ef{tipment. ' ._ L�ANG1= ' - is Chairman . of the Committee which organized the program: 1.1' • In gB V, .,ate,.. ��`� ais��t!Az��, available on weekends. Shown' in Thr',photo are Mike Priday; January, 15. The O'Brien, Donald Bert MacAdam and Jerry Denomme. The‘ -egseraet from. Toronto will .be effectiveness of the firemen's reflective _Jerry 9d' coat is shown in " our muni r I ec mpani-ons and the the top `photo. - Sniff Photo.drop,- dress is drop, not casual. is+rTheik, 1 i , r� rl ..tri r.{, ..�. .ti� r ,.y v�r ��, �.,� 1.* . ifs of � circ met ar�ia�l ar�ie�dn the wrestling mats; Goderich 'Went down to a 31--2n defeat. It wars the 1 Ith time but for --the arhia',• wrestl6rs, 'Goderich-has been --on the mats only twioe this year. Some of the prilint'it try warm up work by Sarnia shows what a mess these fellows pan .get into by tying themselves in knrits. The pair i'r till top photo were merely trying out their kicks, naf trying to-do a'nythirig trio serious. Staff PhOlO ; .v, • nq :+1