HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-23, Page 8°AbSupEiS ETJIIIEL
-----•-1'i"as 111t1ri(lle-•�,,=.
sTA, '1(I 'A'rRRY,
FANCY .,1( ;t; DS,
rnL.�. CN'M�. S•�JSS .0 •Sn'VZi �. '•'3.''' �,
�d . 0-11y
Wednesday 29th,
Thursday 30th.
.'Will be ,t4ecept-
,ion days .at
:a trL1.
You are invited -to a firet
?lew by this newspaper mew
ton just as Oats -LA -1i we sent!
you a personal request to come!
You, will be most welcome.'
The new Styles! Ttie new'
Trimmings!! The new Mat.,
erials and Colors!!! Are ,all,
interesting, but word; here
'annot describe the new loveli-
.szess—we ask you to come and
for.yourselves. ° �'Jel v
On the
evening tof: Wednesday 29th,
there wilL•berti'speci.al illumin-
ation and prtgr etade at the
"'Bigg Bankrupt lila Store to i`vh itch
,t very. wan, ,woman ..and child
' t Exettr'and vicinity •aret l'i-
w.ted. Remernbaif-;yo'aI iss
-[cti7 .t lil.11llnJUW y l
..:11.11(4,''pi V111-
enade, you will miss one of the
best things of the season. So
we say, come and see for your •
selves. WELCOME, again
we say, welcome.
J. ,A.• Stewart.
Mr, A. J, MeTavish St G'a's general
,s oekeof•iiry goods, groceries,' o'e, etc.
will be drsposell of'by Auetiou le Icon
dorr.ort Mandl»
•logits two dollar biitls are in cir4ula
tiozi. Solna of diem .'be+ar tha wards
" iarovitiee of C.anada:','iustcnil of ;".Go
•miction of •Cat•iada," t
Dtiti't forget the spt+.cirri illttntinatii>it
and promenade at the Big I3aukru.pt.
Store on Wednesday evening, 29th
rosy. Come---ev e ryhody come;
Mr,.Ricli. Davis wishes to tender phis
thinks to the tilemeu anti citizene of
Exeter, for their very activnaud ardii-
,nus sere el,•-s.dorulr the tiro oft Wed
mosdii,v of last week 10 saviug the non
-Nuts of the htirl,ing house.
Look out for black knot. The dis-
,c.atie is spreading evervcvhere ou plum
and eherlyltree, Fruit growers be-
ware. If ire+ighbot•5' trees are atl'aeted
ctrl -1
theia attention, and if necessary
.notify 0 countable. The matter i$ too
-serious to trifle with,
R1e•tiaid Piekard & Sons spring mil
finery opening -will be the eveut of the
-season. They.are showing novelties
-imported direct by themselves from
Europe. Every lady should ,call and
nn•lpect stock. Opening days \redoes
day.and Thursday ilex., lllareh 29th
i -anti 30th.
Don't forget -to attend the grand
,coneert which .will be held in Drew's
Opera Ilouse, under the auspices of the
Revel 'I' iinpla:rs of Temperance, on
Monday cyening, April 3rd Ev
kern batty tome and spend a pleasant
evening. Single tickets, 15e.; two
tinkers for 25e. Doom open at 7.30,
Asoeiae! arad eoteiiitiunteut, uncle
the auspieees of the "Epworth Lean,'u
of Christian Endeavor" of James S
Chumeib,,wliti be •ivem on Good Frith:
eveal 1tg. Doors open at 6,30 p• rd
Adtuatssinn 14,cts. hr all
'W. 11.. Parsons, Aihiy Gill.
Presideeit, Seca' tar
News has been received of the death
of 191x, Tilos :Mace:, of Melbourne, for-
merly, of Exeter, who died Monday
ast of ectaas,ulnption. She leaves a hus-
bai,d and t•wo•small children to mourn
ler demise. le.r'remains were brought
here on last evening's train aad will be
interred in tiie,StatTa, cemetery today
Jud;:e Rose, in ()penin? the Pti th As.
,sizes, said that Olt •was right to edue
orate the people to <bhe :idea that sherd
is no difference between ,por'erty Niue
cnieoe, then it was aria ht to .keep tht
poor tin jail. The Perth ,county jrrit ,a
,presnut holds twenty prisoners, r€nee,
teen .of whom are yagl'allts- ;Sonre oaf
the ;ages re'pi esented are :03„ 83, SQ.
and, 73 years.
1,h J t�cr..yet
t retzerr:—S•
r .out'
hooting ou Tue'sdas Messes G. Bttu den
and G. Tudor shot two raccoon» wbieh
they espied in a tree a little outside of
the town. As the tree was surrounded
with water and the coons lodged in a
limb some. 85 feet from the gound they
returned home without their game4
tl'Ffie e„ons were secured in the after-
nnotr 69 i1r. Geon„? tianAlstine ,lvh,ot
131117. f tile.Dpt`I•`li o 1'h 11FPtl
haoah,• •
All kinds choice field and -garden
seeds at R. Pickard S. Sons.
Mr. Jas Carrot, Exeter North, lost
two. valuable horses receraky from
•depth. Cause unknown.
Richard Pickard and Son are selling
Men's, Boy's and Youth's reads made
clothing at Bargain prices.
Something entirely new and most
irecornrng in gents fine Nabs at the Big
!Bankrupt Store.
Great bargains in ordered clothing
.at R. Pickard & 81i113. See their black
worsted suit made to order for S15.
Nearly a thousand pieces of new
prints at the Big Bankrupt Store. 10c
fox regular 12kc. prints See them.
The SouCh Huron Spring show will
he held in Brncetield iuetead of Ba,' -
field, as stated in our last week's issue.
175 pairs of Lace Curtains per
eltased much below theirregtilar value
hit be cleared out at Richard Pickard
R. Pickard & Sons are showing the
Largest stock of Dress Goods ever
bought in Exeter.
itoubte width goods at 25e.
.A Humane, Society was organized
zn. Goderich for the prevention of cruel
tv to.animals.h
1 e,Sar/flat says it is
'a society that was needed."
"Nine dress gcods, stock all in 'and
m Tete at rite, Big Bankrupt pB, lu
r°,' pt Stott,
decal lines, special values, pure ,:,all
1' cashmi.lc, all
a shades, �a , cs, onit 2,4e.
The, Minnesota Legislature purposqs
taenact a law against the wearing of
hoop skirtb. Wonder how the state of•
licers will find,,out whether the law.: is,
Richard Pickard & Sons spring mil.:
liner, opening' will be Iteid on Wecl.nes
day and Thursday -next March29th
and 80th. Ali the ladies are cordially
ftivtted to, inspect our stocky
Br,aedou Sun .---"The spring weather
chat opened up so auspiciously a few
•days since has laid both field and road
bare. 11 will not be a great while be
.Earp seeding will commence.
Mr, E. H. Fish has doped his barber
show with a beautiful chat Of roper
And its rrrva.rd an
tularance. The fact that "Uncle" Geo
Oi , the efficient paper hanger e119 d0•
tog the tvokk is evident- that at will be
welt dont,
Other towns are clamoring for a
wood by law which would cause all
wood offered for sale to be measured
and classed by an inspector and than
sold in aeeordanee with such inspection
Such a by law would be a good thing
for Exeter, for under its workings the
consumer would know exactly what he
was buying and paying for, and poor
wood would then be sold in its value
instead of being -of %the sante price as
better graders.
For the past three weeks we have
been trying to i,trfo'rm our readers as to
where 11r. Ed. Eissett would filially
settle. First we:had him ou his way to
Dakota, the Sta,tz of (.yctoas and Sand
storms, next. ha'tvas going to Manitoba;
the Prairie Province of our fair Do-
next ihe,had decided to
to London, the "Forest City," and this
week we are ,pleased to state for cer-
tain that ic has located right among
us again. He has commenced the
right way by placing au "ad" in the
While people complain of the long
cold yvilater and continuous snow
storms, it has had its beneficial side.
Tehe good sleighing has given work to
all §tae teams 111 the country and ern
plovmerlt to many men who would'
otherwise have been idle, It has been
mazuw years since so much teaming has
beet Moire in one winter as in this. An
immense amount of timber has been
got out everywhere; and the receipts
therefrom have come in most fertun
ately i1 a year of short crops and low
Tfae1•det of h .
0C ascan Friends, an
American Society,•not being entitled
to register under the. Ontarb Insur
ance Act, will have to cease doing bus
mess in theprovince.'
I This society.
claims to haveu large membership in
Untario, 'It is unfortunate for ite rneni
Vers Many of them for years having
pawl. iiit'o the beuiliciary fund of the
order, thinking that in their old age,
their families would be ,;protected by
this insurance.' They now find that
they were resting,on an ineeeure found
?tion. We understand
t there' is a
lodge of the'above named soeiety in
3xeter of about two years standing;.
News Re or ,--
Our horsemen in
Clinton'Ihffve been ivited by Exeter .to
a three Minute race for horses owned
in"Huron county only, to he trotted at
the Brussels summer meeting. Now,
as we have several likely trotters in
town, among thein being Lack Ken
nedy's two colts, Joe Copp's. John Bea
aom s and Mr. Doherty's fast steppers,.
we would advise Clinton Turf Club to
arrange at once, a stallion race and a
two and three year old colt race, for
Huron horses only. Entries to be made
April 1st; with a Small payment, say
935, and the balance when the race
takes place hi August, Let there bo tt
move made at once.,
Silas Stanl,ake ace/4040Y '£ell from ?�r;
load of hay ou Monday and: fraeturesl
throe ribs,
This Editor' in Gliief Jtas been happy
all week anij..all owing to a little ,lo,tt:
in the Anvsle, ttia ollaee en Friday _ ,last
John Ger)rinbard,of :Ray held, slated
froniltt �••.
Bay h4.lei to Gode.ue.►r, on the lake
lV'eduesdav, last wet k, in an hour and
forty lnintttes,•
1rr. `I'lras. 1landford, of Centralia,
who left that Thiel) some ti.rne ago with
tt load of ho'rsee fors the Nortth•Wept, re
tui'ned on Titi'sdai�, end reports ofa
ha vilag 110(1(1, profitable sale of his stools,
Tlie Whir Cry tells of a Salvation
Amoy lassie who walked into [l Perlin
(Out.) saloon, and le answer to a r re
quest agreed to take a glass of beer if
the loafer who male the offer .would
buy a •WarCry." She took the ;,lass
and e_tnptied-,ts contents into a spit•
Order your spring snit at the. Rig
Bankrupt Store and save money. •
seaforta nye Works..
All orders for the above Dye 'Works
can he left with E. H. Fish,
Ploy 'Wanted,
A good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office,
ratan for sate.
The undersigned 'has several first
class farms for sale'Oileasy terms.
J. SPaexarait, Exeter.
Don't forget to att9nd E. J. Speck-
man 4 Co. Millinery opening en Wed-
nesday and Thursday, Mrireh.29th and
30th. Come everyboC•d,y.
E.J.'S AcnnAN-& Co,
cola Bath.
'While Thomas ':Briumeombe was
engaged in cutting dee ou the mill pond
00 Thursday last he accidently slipped
in 0 Vole from where theTicetbad been
taken. By timely assistance from 0th
ers he was extricated from his,unpleas•
ant predicament.
At3linrrJ' Openings.
Mrs. D Spicer wishes `.o announce to
the ladies of Exerer and surrulin-ding
country that: her show room .will be
open on the 29th and 80th -o'f March
and following days, where may bes.en.
millinery in all the latest styles and
novelties. Every lady invited. Prices;
to suit all,
Miss Horn wishes to announce to the
ladies of Exeter and surrounding
country that she will•hold her spring
opening on Wednesday and Thursday,
March 29thei d 30th, showier an at
tractive display of all the !-hest patterns
,and novelttes'iaa head gear. A cordial'
invitation .is.exteucled to all to call and
,i,nsp et the stock
/, pkreattated worn. Violc,atx;e,
Rea. t
G, gtrl•
4£ .whose
parents died
Mitcheil,serne few Iyears &vet end
you take
Generally caused by exposure to cold,
wet feet, sitting in a draught, coming
from hot and crowded places, in thin
dress, or wearing damp clothes, stock -
Lags, or any other cause tending to
check suddenly the perspiration. The
result produces inflammation of the
lining membrane of the lungs or throat,
and this causes phlegm or matter, which
nature tries to throw off by expectora-
x ectoration. In many cases she is unable to
do so withoutassistlulce, and this is
you use
Three Size Bottles,
2 5'e., SOC., $1.00
New "Ails".
Al. J. Bissett, greet ries,
Dry Goods, -Soots and Shoes.
Rollins S: Williams, New Milling Co.
E. J. Speckmnn & Co. Dry Goods,and
groceries, MILLINERY, Boots and
Shoes, Ready Made Clothing.
J A. Stewart, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes MILLINERY and
Ready Made Clothing.
Personal Intention.
Miss Sarah Blackwell, of Hay, is at
present visiting relatives and friends
in Exetor,—Miss M. Sweet, who has
aeon visiting relatives and friends in
Hensall and vieinity for some time,
returned home on Friday last.—Roby,
Richardson anct S. Powell were in the
county seat, ,last week.—Mrs. (Dr.) Rol•
ilius, was a guest at the Methodist par
e, Parkhill, [i
Addle tact eGt left for 00141r> list Sat-
urday, where she has accepted a post
tion as dressmaker.—Airs. Digory
three of whose ,broChe%s altaQ4ll Reye iBraund who went to Detroit, Mich. last
has been threatened withpei•so i s1 vir�ie� ,v e Tinos, IBissett 1 ft1foronda 'wta h
lence by the natives'of China. A,uoth ate,-
er Canadian., Rev. Dr. Smith, hats iia •
associated with hitt?. They. have Cteeetl
working hard In Homan for some years
but the i1, ttve,s (tae very pzucit oppc"sed I lIr`'ei, `•,'tom'.• n Tuesday morning ae
6s Qht'istiirt)tty n•tt4 ni-Wipntiraes, Irtte- comp•, -;ii d by Eobt. M[•GwhIllrie •, of 1
ly they resorted to violr11ee
_te mks./ fit: nd nb the `Vetttutry College at To•
ilutoiias re'turllattand is again with E.:
A. Tennant - Miss Johnston;of St. Marys
formerly of Exeter, who has accepted
a situation as head milliner at Wr'oxe
ter visited here Monday on her way to
that place. --Mr. John Hawkshaw spent
Saturdaylin Parkhill—Mr. Cronyn Case,
teacher, of Phessa4'on, Algoma, was
called home tl11 account of the severe
and hopeless state of his father, Mr. Jos
Case, London Road.—Miss E. Hy ndman
who is visiting in Port Pe-•ry, acted
the par,bF bridesmaid in the marriage
of Mr. L G. Duff Grant, of Loudon,
Eng., and Miss Edith Donaldson Brown
of the above place,' which •took piaci;
Wed 15th Inst.—Win Dayis carpenter
has accepted a situation at his trade
in Mitchell and left for that place last
week. -M r. D. Tait and wife, who has
been reeidiug in Ridgetowu for some
time, are visiting friends here prior
to IoaWtn„eP
'for St. Paul Minn.—Mr.
Chomet Trivitt, who has been very ill
for some limo, we are sorry to state, is
not iililproving —Mr. Thos. Willis is on
the -Sick list.
halal,,,, on Monday.—Wm. Dinnev w ;o
has los ,spending a portion of ilial
wt?siter wife! Iris parents, left for Park
sionarics have 1)lly`c.�,..sed
but a mob attempted ie'iilolish ft and
made attersunpleasant. .Xlf•
fairs amre in a c'. tical state, as the tat -
Ives ai'O 11p,posed to the missionaries
taking' possession of the property. The
mae'istrates of the country favor the
rioters, and it is difficult for the Caned.
ians to get justice,—Mitchell Advocate
7rt:roke its Thick.
On Monday last as Mr. Donald Me
Innes, of Usborne, was driving home
from town, accompanied by two other
parties, a peculiar and fatal accident
happened to his `horse. They were
crossing• the iron bridge at the north
endof the town, whish is completely
void of snow., when rhe horse became
choked with the breast collar and as if
strangled, st a.ggered to the north east
corner., where the cutter became
caught in the railing. The animal
they. made astruggle a ci freed itself
from the rig, after which it staggered
against the fence at the approaeti to
time bridge and rolled down the em
baukment, breaking its hack, which
caused2almost instant death. 'rhe an
inial was valued At $140 and is quite
a loss to Mr. SleImnes.
Streit Chivalrous Words. •
Rev. Dr Talmage, lectured in Toron-
to recently on "The School for Scandal.”
.In the course Of his eloquent remarks
he said, among many other -good
things which malty people in Exeter
may profitably take to heart: "If it
were bad to' damage a mail's tharac.
ter how much worse to rain a woman's
reputation! Many a good virtuous
woman has been whispered out of kind
ly assoeiateons and whispered into the
grave." And then came this strong
sentence: "If there be no hell for such
a despoiler of female virtue it is time
some philanthropist built one. Where
at the people cheered andlaughed
immensely. lir the next portion . of
his entertaining lecture the Doetor
sidered how war should be made on
this scan ialrratia
t . rn :which d1s ratter
every cornet unity in • Christendom.
`i'Iie first method he suggested was by'
refusing to lieGyn to tattle—to believe
everyone innocent till 'proved guilty..
Said he:, ."'1' here is only one person;
worst; than the tattler, and that is the
one Who lis •I
tc, ns, • The feet is you hold,
the sack while they fill it. (Laughter
and applause). The slanderer and' t11'e
man who receives the slander -'should
both be hunk -the one bar the tbnc„ue
the other by the ears." Theon„ estiote
vas a hideous ome, but it was laughed'
at all the same. Another piiect of'ad,;
V i E; y''
(. was . DUtI t'
retail slanders 'and
whispering* don't be gutter inspectors;
drat '•:
+ A
a wrt.11c` , lln your duty, and God
will take eare of your reputation, Was
another special point urged, 'then
said the Doctor, "I make a plea to-
night for the merciful treatrneilbof the
character of Others. If we knew What
he or she had to contend against "we
should not be so severe,
its E.3:Spa6Nm8q &
Wednesday, d
es a 29th
'I'h,ursda• 30th
very Ladyin-
e to inspect
o lu r Spring
paclin & Co.
Plenty of' them. The Iatest
and best assortment, full up
in, all grades and styles.
0 -0 -0 -Q -0--0-_.o
Grand S oO 'or fincl
1 just what
9 Few can meet and none can
o beat our prices. Quality and Grade,
6 high in all that we offer this sea
6 son, right and righteous prices oma..
® all things. Never ,were sounder or
0 surer bargains offered in Groceries,
0 Dry -Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, Clothing and Gents' Fur-
nishings. Examination will show
0 That our Stock is especially strong
° in variety and thoroughly reliable
o in style, to this we adcl the strong in -
6 ducement of low prices. >r iF aro f'rodtuoe
cArtLiNC nos.
Large Stock of
The Spring tithe is that Season of the year
when everybody should take TIME by the
forelock. This is just what we have done
i ow we are able till all orders for seeds
of any kinds and in ally quality. This is•
the only way to secure good, reliable seed.
While: you are in do not fail to see our new
Spades, Hoes, •
Rakes. ' rtr
, *hovels
In fact eyerytbiug in
way of Garden Tools.
r a
o l to
Eatu Ethti Agoloy
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town, Property
Borrow or Land Money
Collee'tolas Make
Call at 1ar.11no. Spa c'kman's
Real Estate Agency.
Business Transactions strictly con-
fidential. intending purchasers will
receive the best adyice in selecting
land or town sites.
Also agent for Allan Line.
and State Line Steamships.
Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont.
BON 4'4
'1' h e undersigned
have opeticiI out anew
Stock of first-class
Sprues and Summer
suitings,lin Canadian
and Imported Tweeds
Worste s, which
tis e te.,
we sell at tight prices,
Tweed Pants'$ . and a waren
Tw � 3 p ,
Worsted do 4. do
Tweed Suits 10. do
Worsted do 16. do
Over Coats
Call and -examine bF#ore p g
elsewhere, We guarantee a gooct at.
Syrup at
We Forder our goods often,.
and I'keep our stock always
fresh ai1:d clean. Parcels de-
livered free in any part of
Frallk i.
One Door South Nora Hal.
Co.,of r.
Millin Exe��
Have opened an office opposite the
Town Hall, and while build-
ing the: ..
Will keep constantly on band a full
/ OF
stock of the ITEM( CS B 5
1 V
FLOUR; also all kinds of mill stuff and
Farmers and townspeople will find it
to their advantage to call and see us.
Creech & Bissett RoLLINg & WILLIAMS,.