HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-07, Page 1501- 411 • Ni••••,,,Yr Mmln Jo, • • • • To make t6ese "Apple Roll -Ups" finely chopped apples are added1 to a thin batter, similar to that t . used for French -Crepe's". When -the, thin .pancal.(4s. are_eooked the home egonornists of Canada -Aglicaltere- spread them - with sweetened sour cream and cinnamon t filing before rolling them. Plan on at least two per serving because When served warm they make delicious eating. 1 • dos:se:rt • •"-- ' • . made fromappFes • • 1•••••44,,,, • • shopping carts are carrying apples to the check -put counter these days. Because Canada's favorite4ruit is eaten "out Of .hand" as well as in pies and' puddings -most families usually litty an all-purpose apple. These may be Cortland, . •-DeliciouS'rGrave-nstWM-crntrTs`h * •..4. ••••••Y, and Spartan. Apples are sold mostly in 3-, 5-, or 10tpound plastic bags but are also available in -.4- or 6 -quart baskets, half -bushel or bushel baskets and in boxes or eartons. The qUaritity purchased will 2 cupimilk •• depend upan th me storage 11/4 .cups, finely chopped, peeled • available. Perforated iC bags apple • • ' of ap.ples should be -stored in the • Mix clr ingredients Co s bine and a sauce is poured over it before it is baked. When these desserts are served warni the, apples- aridk spice blend ..intek-a delightful 'aroma. • „11 From tite qxperts What does the od picture Bere are.some afi the preclicOns made by experts of the Canada Department of Agrieulyre. •'MEAT • There will be adequate supply of , beef availablewith prices unchaeged. it is expected. that per capita consumption will increase in the '70's. Pork will: continue to be: • plentiful untril next sunimer. it will be a good buy with mallY"- cetS offered at "special" prices, • '-:As,--ia-,:+result „pp________su lies _there will be 4 goodvarietY•fram Yq11°-1/4 .k.? „`,;, •A small increase in Canadian lamb productipn is expected but little change in total supply. ' POULTRY AND EGGS (Thicken brOilers and turkeys will 'b adequate. Poultry continu s to be a good protein Eggswill be plentiful but 41s,rre, ,,"•• • • 00 orecas - -Or 1 past • year -and supplies are ,very important crop and are next hriportattee td pLat"atdes and •tomatoes On a total farm look like for consumers in 1971? plentiful. , MAPLE There has been a -sharp reduction th the crop in the last ivy() L -years' - and supplies are limited until next spring, FRESH FRUIT AND. . VEGETABLES Sirice-Oe 1,979 apple "er6 was not as large, as previous prices may be slightly ,high.er by ,the end of • the -winter,. 'Phe potato crop was' dawn in' the Maritimes from 1969 but this • prices, are unpredictable depending on , policies • various ' 'poultry . and egg • marketing boards. • - • DAIRY Sale -s of, fluid milk and cream • continue to . increase _with a • continuing upward • trend for .•• partly skimmed „(two percent fat) milk. More cheddar cheese, • Canadian -'made_ specialty cheeses and cottage cheese will be 11/2 cups'apple juice- < ' 2 tablespoons butter, melted v ad ue bisis. Per capita consumption' is increaslng SC? fast, they • .may no longer • he considered a 114xurfr cit'ern--The .consurnption - 9f hothouse , vegetables Is slowly . increasing • Storage stocks of onions are much higher thati laSt year in eastern Canada. Pripees there may ontnue loW with a "passible increasein the next month or 'so. '• Some of 1970's supplies of carrot4e not yet accounted for w a's offset • kylan 111,1cte,9,se in the -c west and 'a larger, Crop ,in the produced • for • the domestic' market. Ie cream consumption • 2 tablespoons -butter • continues to rise: Surpluses of 1/4 cup br;own•sugar • 'butter and skim milk 'powder 1 teaspoon vanilla- • will be reduced. --- 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour HONEY 'uc APPLE ROLL -UPS 2-teaspo,ons baking pewder • • There was• a large crop this •• 1/2 teaspoon salt Mtishroorps are becoming but supplies appear t,p .be larger • than -if year: ••Prices hover advartc.e fluxing the early -winter. • progressive indust • G011.1)011 .T. :WESTLAKE Pbone565-5333 Bayfield SUN LIFE AUL/RANCE COMPANY OF' CANADA • I. .,••• rtv,• MOst-ethe'niOney invested in Our high interest paying Guaranteed Investment Certificates has a priority immortgage., loans we make in the...same area. , • - Your investment in Victoria and Grey ---Cefti&-a-tes-not only -helps yaw, it -helps r , your community to grow and prosper. •A' • k, • The senior T'titt.q Company devoted entirely to serving ihe people- of (Mark).• -4 CTORM.and GREY TRUST COMPANY SIN1C--• 1,889 9:00 5i00 Monday' to Thursday ' • 9:00 to -6:0Q Friday • Lealand Manager EJgii and. Kingston Streets, Goderich 524-7381 • fted-alFptirpOse-flour _ • - . , '1 tablespoon baking powder - - 1 teaspoon salt . • 2 tablespoons sugar - .1 .14r teaspoon cinnamon 4,2 beaten eggs 2 " • tabesoons butter, melte d--- - - -refrigerator. Baskets •or hampers. ' eggs,- blitter and' milk.„ A ' of apples should be covered with dry' ingredients and stir q • : •perforated plastic and stored in a until mixed but stilllump • coal • room where • the 4/1 appic.. Pour small amo " ' temperate is about .40 degrees batter (2 to 3 tablespoon) onto F. , • ' ' ' ,lightly 'greased i hot griddle artd • Warm . desserts made,0, -With; ; cook until bubbles form on ' apples fitquite naturally into .'cgurface (about 2 minutes): Turn - ,- -------", . fall meals. The home economists and brown other2side (about 2 . • •of Canada AgricultiJfe offer two mitiutes)...-_-_Spread each pancake• ' recipes using apples with a with a tablespoon of filling and d to ickly . Stir nts of • • batter. • • - roll. Sprinide with icing sugar.. cie" • c, •1/2,Cupseedless raisins . '- 11/2 cups diced peeled apple • •.•-Combine.•brr, own suga'•gpice'S' . and ap'pl juice.. To make sauce,• add to melted better and bring' to boil (about .mintites). Cream,: butter And .brOwn sugar: Add vanilla. Sift dry ingredients. ''Add • dry ingredients 'and,•rnilk 'alternatelY,.......a,.......third at 'a- time. Fold -in raisins arid apple. Spread batter in greased . baking dish, -.CoveiWith sauce. Bake 40 45 • minutes , at 350 degrees F6 " -serVings. • morele'19thiaction about Canadialc-,apples arid recipes• for using. thernr-send for your free coPy not -"Apples" • ptiblicatiOri 1402 -from Information Division, Canada---- Departmentof .Agrieeltnie,. zOttawa. ' • In the 47A . pp -UP tl• s . Makes about 1,8 pancake ' . „ batter ds• --t in like a• franc - .- To make the fillin: CoMbine • g • , - - , -.. . . 6 - . , in small amounts on 'a greased cream. . hot griddle. When the pancakes ' are done, they are spread with a. - , •• sweetened sour cream and - # QUICK APPLE cinnamon fillirig then rolled: RAISIN PP,DDI NG • Each person will \Want several of . •-- • these..• - • .,• 1 / 4. cup brown sugar • . The -"Quick-. Apple and Raisin 1,1-, teaspoon einharni on . • .--"A-- Puddine"-has a cake -like batter. 1/8 teaspoOn nutmeg • • Finely chopped apple is added 2 tablespoons -sugar, -'441 teaspoon' Lowal to ti)e.' batter before it -is poured cinearbort and 1 cup crairy saur recipe -s • • YEAST RO,L LS - A tin of salmon'. ' 78 dalorieS per roll • ,„ ,<- ._ .-c- • • . 2 dozen rolls , . ..,...,.....:-....,,,,.........,.„.,.,.., makes delicious dips es'ykieraristMilk. • , , • "'" ,,,, ', -• .• ' ••- 1 tb':suar •• * *- , TANGYALMOP, spg,KI- DI , SALM ON -"APPETIZERS:•-• '• • Perfect to serve with.a tray of . ,. Nice 4and--tasty hot 'bites.. 4 ` 'fresh, appealingraW vegetables ---' .-••(Nice and -economical, if you're celery- and carrot -sticks; small, , _watching the, fpod bud'ge'too. ) ° whole • Mu „ Shrooms,__: radishes, • • • cubes of cucumber, cauliflower *1 can (33/4 oz.) Salmon • florets. (Weight -Watching' guests, 1 cup corn flake crumbs 1/2 teaspoon seasbnedsait, , 1 can (73/4 oz.) Salmon . , , - 1 Medium egg, beaten 1 cup creamed cottage cheese', - ' -...2. teaspoons sweet greee -relish , Vs cOp.chopped celery •pickle . • - % 1/4 euP Salad dressing -7-,-.-- ---- ,4 ,,,,,_corri,,.cia4e il_ittl b,s . , • • . • 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel . butter„.7„zi,,,,4. _ ..„, _ ,.,,•, ________ . • , 1 tablespodn• fresh' lemon juke .41,,,,, ,,, ',..e•••, :•-;,•."....714.:NISpOhnat.r.,Liiii41.C1 -Frartr-Valindh with • juice, - ,......„,., • • 'A teaspoOn salt . removing bones. Mx vvit" h corn ____261emp_austigulp_mer_____-,_-_:_flake crurnb-S-,Thrid seasoned salt. • Drain and ' c flake . salmon. Blend' egg and pickle. 'Add to • Combine well with remaining -minion mixture. Make into 1/2" - ingredients. thill. Serve with N''.balls. Roll ballsin mtg. flake -T. -Ifftifeiaw vigelabre-sTpr filling „ crumbs_ Chill. Fry pi bkitter until •for celery.: - . even a spread for' golden. Serve hot on toothpicks. crackers. Makes approximately 2 • Makes approximately 18 , cups. • appetizers.- - -'. .rill appreciat,et) , • • 4lbsp.lAitter 1 Lip. salt or les.v-z- 1 egg Well beaten 3 eups flour • • •nn 0 • ; • Scald • milk.„., -Add butter-r-c..,•c- sugar and - salt. Cob! .to lukewarm. Cruinble yeast and soften titi a little lukewarm • water, -add a little --Sugar and let sand a few minutes then add to milk miXtttre. Add half to flour,'" beat to a smoath-elough,Md beaten—egg. - 'Stk..: well, add': remaining.'flour to" make a soft. „ dough,. Knead about 10 minutes.,, ,..Place in greased bowl, cover and let rise in a Warm place -un double in bulk. Then. shape int tolls. Place '-orr-gieased pan,„ Brush vitt-1'a little .rnelted,1;utter.,' ••• Cover and let, rise until double in sizea again.' Bake in 400-425 degree". tempefature alNut„20-:25" minutes.--- 4•4•11. , ••• • GodOrkh • piStrkt... • 611:0gitife: '7.Institute • • 0 todiscuss your son's and/or daugliter's progress wthtritlathers, would you . please telephone the.. school . office' 5.24135, and 'arrane, an appointment during the following hot:Iry - • r • ••• ••••••••01.••.••••••••,• 0.“•••••••• " I January 11 to 15 -3:30 p.m. to 5:15 prn. January 13 and 14 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • V.I.*, ot. IP • •'\ .0. • Jo • c • .„ „, it.401,1 • I 01101.,1 111.1.,4•44••M464111 -t:4 AA, • • , 4. 1 ' . .. • • ".. -7:When itoU connect your hot water tap -to a." Natural" • Gas water heatdr, equipping it tohancile all t'ke-reettrin-ent-s-e-f-ti-y-e-414-e421-er•n4p4I4 sinkfull of dshes: ho,t showrs, iauncfryijes 'all in a mornings -work for a NaTural Gas Water heater, That's because Natutal. Gas'hat§c4,7ter• ;ciUici<fy.apd boenoesiba&tO • • heat moe'. And a Natural Gas water heater will continue to do this long after others halie given up., • ••,,--- Add to all this,-t6taikat N.§ural Gs is . a always. there, on tap':,...ust like .your water supply, and . . • " , ,„ _•1, „.4,tr4-6-e„e-why-,44144.-p-e-o-ple-s-w.ila4-teLb•41-twa„1...,G-as- water than to any other sySternv ' ' • t : 4 ' 11yur hot water tap isnq 'measuring up' to the d mands of your family, connectit to a Natural .Gas water eater. -11',c1an. It's dependable. Its econMiC.,01. fact, Its gotsll the ri"ght connTc ions. _ .., 01. • •• ..• 1, • •1 - , • • • • • ••••.+.6 Vommunimiliiimm• , • • • • Vs.ttsoe..e.:••• • ^ • • ,<, In I „ • , 4,4 •A• • Ira CXCITI ws for all residential_customers of Union Gas .that do not lise• nartiial gas lar4ater heating, homes withan inactive gas service aro homes adjacent to an existing gas -Main Which has lieen installed . -4on-that-stredititrti-peried'oVerv41e. ydarres-Of Attril 1,110. .• ••• R, k 4. • as sure • and as pure• as the suh.' You could qualify for a credit • ° 0 • • 'Iron thepurchaseor rental of a gas wateiTheater Zt•ZM • • • This offer good enlY from - January 1'; 1971 to and includinaltLarch Cap yourgs •• appliance:dealer trUt1161fG4-§:"-- • .6 • 44. 1 •