HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-07, Page 3••• I
Frorri the
Minister's iittAdy-
It•ntt;«, tot,'
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United Church Genera! vi
1 IV
Council meets Jcm. 25
, • t
• , • --A •.
era an Mr
V , •
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• '1r ,40,1
• • •
LLOYD NIXON Henry ,,,prindley. Flowerbearers G 1V•194 -'d • - "s"
MRS 11,11i)44"
andf•hone sistek
BRINDLEY -were, - 411ister Nivins4 Erie p r
1Vit Gallurn Funeral liorne,
Lloyd Nixon Brindle RR 3,'St art \ji NiVi rid K ' uner sere ce wee at ;the
Goderich died December 29, at Doherty.
. •
Y, en
The -general council of. The hymn bpok. 'It contains 4)0 Alexandra Marine and General
United Church of-Cltnada meets- hYmils, a third of them new, and Hospitatafter an illness of three MISS VERA GERTRUDE .
---forethe, 24th time - his year in if approved by council - and years. He was
' '' . Tir FIN
1 . .
* NiageraPFalls, Orit;, r.against a synod at this meeting, will be ” He was ,born May 4, 1911 in Miss Vera Gertrude Tijfin, ..
background'of unrest and social issued for publication and use in Hamilton to John .1roltOn and formerly of 113 Brock Street,
change Un Preeedented in , the late ,sepriogr six: Irears. in , Mabel (Nixon) Brindley. H, e, Goderich, " died suddenly at
Canadian hiStory. -- preparation, it Willbe piin
dsented attended Union School - - Heronview -December 30: :She__
This article is being written in died! That's why the Christ , Problems facia -0;41e Christian ..in mimeographed fortreto a joint Ashfield Township. A feemeein was 73.
.. N• 1976 but will Riper in 1971. It ' Child wis-_•;borntin the Blood of church ati:honie. and abrdad'are.: 'seiiiithn. 30. ..„..' " ') Colborne Township. he asan "S'ire-Was'bor'dat 'Nile, January
hard to_imaginethat' one Golgdtha He absorbs our SinS, reflected ' in. ' reports, and In anticipation of genera1,20ierent Of Nile „UnitedChurehe - 1-6, - 1897, , to ' Parents -.40114-
' - • 'whole year of t)ie New Decade is We 'find salvatien.' We are resolutions, to be discussed at the council synod_. APProval, 'Ale14,11 H _-_ ' s • Joseph „end Mary (McIlwain)
_ e wes married February ,
past. W,hen We loq,k back MOM( redeernedr How? By Faith! eitht-day meeting, Jan. 25"--=- Fleming, noted- -Canadian_ ig,43,, in Hespelee if) nen -Tiffin. She ineved0Goderich
i to .senne, forgotten! 'Is,. -there that beautifel-Lgarden' where ' In a, dePartUre from -Custom coinmissioned to design the new arga e ivins w p sury yes.. .
the 1960's seem far away —7 and, • iNhere next? Let us' go. into Feb: 2. ' • typographic- designer,„ hasebeen
M t N
- • • • ie 1912 and went to Huronview
" W6 proceed , ineo 'another, .• himself a tomb .against the day. hotel (the Sheraton 13rock) 200,000 copies, on thia, opaque m`TS' '•1‘4.i.ehael (pore -
,.•• Other survivers are his *Children
anything really.new to be Said'a§ Joseph of Ararneciniea ated th ial ti b h b k Th ti t ti
. prep e e n pe tig e n a YIYM .90 e pr n ng o , •
She •Was me?nber at North
- fwehrennonth d? 0 •- t-
Street United Church-
Gulutzear RR -2, russels; IVirs,
per r, mus -or his death. What a place to go! iristead qf cherett'and it is peper, is ,believed JO' be the •
Survivors . include ,Seve--ral-
1,, ' we .re-iterete Wha•t has been,,said 'Yet thi after all, where being held in mid -whiter' instead largest initial order ever 'giver) to •
Douglas, Goderich, Velma, Brian cpusins.
— before'? Can it be really true, for they • -placed es- us' Body of late summer; as in the past. a Canadian printer.- •
and Glen ' all at honie; seven Funeral service was at the
Barry (Karen) Heegy„, Walton;
example, that the Gospel is new' after Its remo I from the Cross: , The 25th general synod of Delegates to general council .
h. , Stiles Funeral Home, 'Saturday,
every day? Or, does it become And, what do 'OU expect to the Anglican Church of Canada meetings are) known as Fa January 2 with Rev. Robert L.
Mabel Brindley, Goderich,
6/-. • ,
"old hat in titin -me and a tragic • find there? A corpse? A lifeless meets at the same time and in .commissioners.•Omit 400IvIrs
C ;
Raymont officiating.
bOre to multitudes of people? body? Someone dead? Yes 1-- of the same city and this, too is equally 'representative of laity Funeral service was Saturday,' Interment was in -Maitland
The writer thinks not. course, you do! But - do YOU2-Leuntiell_aiNe•SYnOci sessioas will be and 'clerey, will attend the 1971' January 2, at the Stiles Funeral Cemetery. Pallbearers were'
„ In 1971: we : will attempt It's a mystery, Isn't it? Death is in an adjoining hotel (the meeting. Almost their first Home with Rev. • H. ' C• • Frank McIferain, Earl Mcil,wain;
-parnestlY, slMe_relY,'Vig.o.rouslY, understandable because we all •FdxlieadAgtor-Ilin).-. "T, -, . ,resPonsibliity will be, election of McClenaghan officiating. . Cliff McPhee, Harvey -McPhee,
- - to re -state and re-emphasize stand so close to it day by day. , While , the 'Meetings will be 'a moderator.
_ .• Orval McPhee aed Andrew
Interment vvas Colborne -
the basic truths of Christ's But, Here in the garden, ,we, eye.- separate, there, will be two joint , The • term . of the present, , Cemetery. P llbe (Sanny) Moore. •• ,
. a arers were . .
...s., Message. This will certainly be ' confronted by, a "mystery" - a 'sessions of the highest legislative moderator, Dr, ' Robert 13. .Wildani Hardy, Geerse
the miSsieen.priny true Church,. "mystery" without which there bodies of the two largest McClure, a medical doctor with - Dougherty, Fred McCabe, Glen- • MRS. CHRISTINE ROSS •
"In fact; is it not said by many, is no New Testament! . That n o n - R o m a n C a t h o 1 i c many . years of experience in, Nixon, Albert Brindley ' and --.' -Mrs. Christine,- Ross,
"The Church without a misSioti 'my s t er y'' i s C.a.fted denominations . in Canada. One ,Asia expires , at this meeting. - Goclerich, . died TUesday, •
off God andthe" Lordship of least, so Faith tells us! There was- - on a new .hynin book proposed Unied Clitqch of -Canada, he ' ' ':-•-•;i:.... '''
is a dead Churchl!' Our-eentre of "resurrectior0- Unbelievahle, is wilt study a report on -church - The first laymen ever named to . - - , .".--..., December 29, at Alexandra
,•• gravity will 'be 'the Fatherhood it 'not?, Yet ---' it, happeded! At unian. The other will take action the highest Position-..,_
in The 7
Tcohniurs:ery,. De abiber 31.
Rv.officiating. '
• Interment was in Maitland
JohnW.ivL •Ne't!COmbe stied
Fridey,. Ja ary -1„t„ •
Huronview, He was 89: '•
He Was born August 27, 1881
in Devoeshire,, England, •to John
and Martha (Madge) Newcembe:
-He came to Canada in:4889.414
has lived in poderieh and area
sine at time_ Until moving to.,
-Hu 9 view five years ago. • . •
He was employed byWestern e
-Ca-nada- TO-145-yeaii,
retiring as,,shipping foreman 20
ars geo.
"tetHe' was a member, ef Knox
Presbyterian Church.
Mr.. Newcombe received his
50 year jewel from Maitland
*Lodge 33 A.E. & A.M: and. his
60 year jewel from Huron Lodge.\
predeceased by his
Wife, Elizabelli Ellen
Newcombe, Jarivary....i.0.1.969.
' Surviving are his three sons,'
Walter,' Clinton; Reg, London;
, 'V. aseeotever; four
gratiactuld;en and three great
grandchildren. '•
114ra: Mrytle M. Bissett„c- 05 --.
liOrton Street,,,S,P ThoMaS, died
•ant StThomas Elgin Genera
Hospital, January 1,- after a
'AengthY illness "She; WaS14. '
She was the wife of the lete
F. Iroyltissett. SUreiving-ari one
son, GeoOfis
rge R. ett, •
Burlingteei; one -daughter, IVs. „
, „Wilfred. (Bonnie) •eFrerich,..•
Kitchener,- • five, grandchildren; • *••
-Sohn • and . Peter Bisset,
Burlington and Allan Douglas •
• and-Anac'eFrench,„ Kitehener.
Funeral 'service • was from the • "
Williams Funeral Horeei." St.'
Thomas, • Monday -afternoco,,--
with Rev.', L.J. COates, Grace
United-Chnrch, officiengl:' 1-, • ---
Pallbearers were , Ian and •
Douglas French, John ind Peter
. •
Jesus Christ. We will seek anew • an angel there who met the for common use by: -"the two • wastelected at the 23rd general ,
- • • e . was 57.
• •-•;" Marine and General Hospital
following a lengthy illness. She
• perhaps with new methods ..„! interested, 'and that angel said, churehes. • ,) council ' in Kingston, Orit., -in „ • " The former Christine
andwith new words - to "He is not here: He. ,is risen!" •Negotiations for union 'of the August,* 1968.
— RObertson, she was -born
...,,eteexemplify and reveal the ancient What db YOU think of that? • United Chine and the Anglican _ His position corresponds' _ October 9, 1913, in Colborne
truths: eWe will still amaze the rnagine - Someone actually " Church have been under way -for that of primate of the Anglican
• Township to Charles and Julia
' world with. our honest adherence - the upper hana with 27 years. A third Protestant Church of Canada which at its' The organization meeting of (Johnstone) Robertsen. She
•,to the Christ Child of d 'Vit . -That Someone was/is the group of about 5,000 members, 1971 meeting. • must elect a the Huron County -4-H Sheep. spent her early life in Colborne .
Bethlehem. We will continue to Lord' Jesus* Christ. 'Death has• the Christian Church (Disciples successor to Archbishop Howard . Club was held in the Ontario
tell the- stot of Christmas and •heen' vanquished! The Open of "Christ) joined' the talks' in Clark who retired last August
Department -cif Agriculture and Township and resided in,
Kingston and Whitby before
Bissett, Ian Williaiis and •
Stephen Jackson. Flo erbearers
were David Ryan, Harold
Jackson and Thomas Currah.
Interment was in -Elniclale-
-Cemetery. -
Relatives and friends...Were in
attendance from Goderich, . •
London, Birlington, Kitchener •
and St. Thomas and district.
, .
Funeral service was Monday, • - „ •
January 4,_ _at the McCallum
Funeral Alome, with Rev. G.L.
Royal officiating.
Interment was in ' Maitland
Cenietery. Pallbearers were K. F,
(Red) , Wilkinson, •Matt4ew J.
Ainslie; • Charles Stokes, TharleS
Youpg, Stanley McIlWain and
why the• 'st Child was a 'Dqor of-Heavee stands ready . . to', , after' 11 years in office. A Food Board Rooth in Clinton on , IVIautice • • •
returning to Colborne Township 'it.te;-•
.-.7'•------ - - neceSSity:'-We-- will stiii, -hoiiiiiit'reeei4iii..4iti .....v takes' people, A giant Step towards possible. --moderator is -elected every two Neel/16er 30,- .- -- 4; ---• ',. • -- • - 24 --,years ago t . She,-IiVed -in. A. 4c.ir4(41rd:-.- rti9"Psr7" " 1
• Strafford - Ontario '
Ronald C. ThicCalluni .
- Representative-, fr
215 Wellington St, S., Goderich
Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345
--1;.4ETITER -
'•,accept---qhat 'Was takerrill'ITOrdadlir • . ' Eighteen members-anetteltib---., CotbornrTownshipqintif-moeing-'
ofethe.f.N,ew Testament-,
*lieli-lt states, ."For God ,So '''' "Mystery." Unless the 'ability NTn-oireb-erT-h"en the general Under the -proposed -plan -of -;
-leaders enjoyed the film on to Goderich two months ago. .
loved the world, that He gave exists within you to get beyond coMmission on., church unipn, unipn, . the_ ;heed of the new ' `,C r o's s b re edin.g • Sheep" . She --",,was a graduate of
--... • His only begotten . Son, .,that the limitations of intellectuality ' , formed grter the Principles of church' would ' be an elected - presented by Leonard MacDenald.,College, Guelph, and
4 whosoever believeth inllim shall you are NOTre
'a whole ma -you -Ile Union were accepted by the t - j, to ' president. . II , ,. -.,..,., 4MacG,tegot•lie alsa.outlined the • .wase‘a , ,diettUan ,•at • 'Alexandra', •
not perish, but have everlasting are a piece •-•a fragment ---- a major chUrehes , in 1965, Five , clergymen' have .' been club project for the year. , Marine „aricl__Gerieral . He45M ' for
• life." .(St -,John 3:16). .' . particle - but' not a complete ' approved the preliminary draft nominated ',for 'moderator: Rey. • The slare--or-- &flthe past eews were ' •15 years, retiring July,.
„ . .,. -
Is that not , the hub of perspn, You live ie one realm of a prepoSed plan of union. John A. Davidson, Kiegstqn, and 'selected •as- follows: ' president, 1970. .
-Christmas? Or,o'ven w in -this only - that of Reason ...And Emphasis was placed then upon Rev. R.H.N. Davidson, Rev. Te d Kernick, ''"-=Kitifterffr'' -She' was a member of Knox -
first „x„eek o1 January 1971, Reason is good - but 7 Reason. the key phrases - -"preliminary' • Ernest. E. Long, Rev A B B vi-ee-president.„ Larry Lovett, Presbyterian •Church, . Goderich,
• deny_ the whole issue and say, must be complemented • by' draft" and•-thpippoied-Plan." • Moore and,Rey. Je.-Robert Watt, Londesboro; Seeretary-treaSurer, Surviving ate het "husband,
k "merely a. commercial venture, •Faith. This makes the whole --The • draft, of the proposed, all/of Toronto:. , • Debbie ,Riddell, Hay; press 'George A. Ross; one son_David.,,
and has polling) to . do with Man - the .• "new ,creature" of plan embrace S ' documents Aniong, „„„ reports td- be -.reporter, John Kinsnian, Kippen. CFB Germany; Nancy at home;"
m'an's destiny?' 0 - NO 7- we' .whom Paul (II Cor. 5) s'poke. • cdvering faith, doctrine, -.church considEeed are those ' of the
'• will not'!" ,,
„ . • ' V1/47).11 ,' we . proclaim': the structure and a '. proposed . 'committee on•overseas•relier atid
. Throughout these, -.-corning - Resurrection of_ Christ Jesus in covenant of union, Which Would; - inter -church- aid and world
. .. months the Christian_is aing_to„.........,1971?.....You .bet-,-ive_will_- and be theibisic founding document development and relief: In 1968 • -
- allow the-Thhrist Child of With ardour, and with .honesty, 1t' will be put before - the .' arid 1969,, last 'year for which
. 0 Bethlehem to live on in his heart . and with love, and'with zeal. So memberships of the participating ' complete figures are available, .
- of hearts ' and give thanks to - seeing that we stand on the ' churches, probably, in March, , the two ,groups made ' grants
' ' •• Almighty.. God 'for His ,dynarrlit ' threshold of the New Year,,,=,.,..4.tifiDat.g,4........„.teastrain_allarlat,,,,,totalling more than $1.5. million
feetioa ' for-v...Man.:•• • We • Will, • .1971 -, let usestate•with 'candour , publicationS, . ,e.tO 41. countries to ,assist victims
.,( °claim this! ' 4- . -*-- • • . ,' ' that -it will be a :year. of :Frank Thp s it , a n cr::*. the ' of eafthqeake, -flood, drought, ,-
Then, where ,next will we go- and Honourable Proclamation. ' ' accompanying ' ,report. of the famine and other ' disasters.
in this first full week of the first "He lives!" • And, because He - executive commissioners Of the -These grants were in ,acIditioe to
. full month of a New Year? Shall lives -we, too, will live! Thank • general ceinmission, • goes . to • those made by, the board of
.i, , •, -
we, can we consider the Man • God. ' - synod and council for discussion world mission.. . ' •, *
Who came out of Nazareth i to •- • only -Definitive action cannot be • Assistance ; was given to
give the - world the finest three • , ,taken until they meet again two . refugees ..ip ' North and tSouth-
years of its whole existence?Yes "THE -B1.13.11
. years . hence, after' the Vietnam Chinese.refugees rn
. . . •
- we. will! If we are Christians - e:memberships , have ,had an Indonesia and to victims of war
- we will not forget that Man Who, : „ spportu.eity to express opinions. in Nigeria and the Middle" East"
came froari the carpenters-shop
, 4
,. . Within the .framework of a but the bulk of the grants went
.'. ,
4. in Nazareth and astounded the :,,,,, • - ''.- ' ', • c onririlt m e n t • to-7-72basid to. self help ' development
,•,,,.: ..:.. world with the roundness„and .,1- ' •
The New Testiinfent in pid..,, priLnci_iples pf • faith and order, ..Projects in 'many eduritries: '
grm English, produced thls --memeers of 'the involved' One'of the moat important '
the felries of His teaching. Will A, --
we forget the parable of • the. year ,- by the' •.13ible ,- Society, : churches, under the proposed reports to come before generali• -
Prodigal . Son? ' Anit4 Will we • , continue's\ to be i.ri.., -great de- plan, would continue as they are council will. b� '• , that -o1 •the
'- forget its teaching concerning "•mand. A ,New Gumea Pastor, in the .'practice_p,1.-worship. The comniittee on •the church .and
the alt forgiving love of God's writing to friends in - Ne'w .covenant expresses the hope that international affairs. It is
/ Fatherhood?' No -we Will not! . Zealand, reports': "Recently f'something new and better. than • e x pe c t e d .t, o . c o eel-
.., ..And- , what v.of ,,,that,.;wendrousy,-..T. carried eight _copies of ' the 'anything we have • known • CanadaUnitedStates relatiOns.'
'story pertaining to the Good Pidgin New „Testament up= td .. separately will begin to emerge apartheid in 'South Africa, the
Samaritan? Will it - the Way of . a- village .in the hills. This in- . in our common Worship.i" critical • situation 'in- the Middle
some second-rate novel? 0 — N0 volved a motorcycle • journey , "Something new 'and better" • 'East . 'and conditions' in Latin /'
e -- it -will ipt! It will continue, in. of an hourtantl-a-halt, a stop ehyergeg, ...... the • proposed • new ',Araeriea aild' the Caribbean.: „ : ....
, ov. rmg ,
all its • glory, to reveal att€w eachd all
ains. When I began selling, Safety.. Tips
' walk up and - down moure . y ' '
. • day the Brotherhood ofMan.
, .4.. So .- we appear determi,ned! • ,.
. eight copies were not enough- . • - STATISTICS - ' NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS •
We .• will adopt new way , anfct ' as :people .:from other ' villages '; ' Accidents are a leading cause ... _ Here's aNew-Year resolution
new aseS, and new fti s - "around, heard and C2S1''`'- 'of death . atnong people -under from the Industrial. Accident
but ••- we will continue to tell, ing for copies. I even sold my 31, according' toelhe-Industrial PreventiOn AssociatiOn: Work
and.tell again and -again, what:we own copy. 'How many' more, A c c • i d e n t P r e v e n ( i o n and • live without accidents right •
••• „.
now as the old, old story. That 'have you got back at Kelt- .•
Association. For - people• of . all throngh' 1971. ..After all, YOU
'• will form our thesis for 1971. esti? :Only ten -left -.out' of the
ages; aceidents -are' the fOurth are, the -limy to safety, -ypurn:
, e We • will ;:never ne.forget
'' the - -,300:eopies- whieh -I. got a. week .
- .1e.a. ingLa„,..„.cause . • oe ,deve. _ „andthat of-
r'1fiffiiih"68.-d7"iircraki-iior. vAidtve---ag
of---.--411.eneed7ethi -rty- ::.-"'"heref.
'All :eight, Ill ,order more.", i Accidents. elahn More. aliiiMa • - The• 1:A.P.:A:i is hol:difig a ,
. ,
. , fOrget the Brotherhood of Man. . under 14 than the ''''Six leading safety 'Campaign thie-fito--Iliffto----e,
j\ 'What 'shall -We say eekt? Shall . `1"Wien I got, back ,..ordered . diseases" • • "c o Mb tried. , , ;And alert industrial wprkek 'to -
. we go to Calvary9 that\ very fifty, „These "arriVed 'Within .a
. . accideritiT take more liV'es of ' handle their jobs with, cat' and -
.. -unpleasant place where the -week, as 41d twenty ) others- . ., • .
those between 15 and 24 than to alert their families to watch
• •• difference was made? Will We' from :anotiWer pla,ce.,.„ The •
• nd fa two day walkfor them) all Y-14
tiid, „ t, fVh.'
▪ tread the sacifficiaf' ground -1' people came down to Kekesu oercauseg combineOuor safety azar at ome
ourselves? Will We
--- look up. To stem this frighteningie
tide Rempmbe-re_ine.4„key te .
'ei.''' ,
say, .P.,,My Lord; and my God?" ' And ' took. back .,,with them' of accidents on and off the job,. safety -
' • :_....... • 1..., .... '''r,,-
s ' Yes- we Will' Will -We' hear the twenty . COpies, arid , we also the Industrial ,„...„ACeident ,
,......4 „ , , sold several more. The vil- , Prevention Association is r '
.voi0 oft'forgiVehess crying mit•
from the ,Cr,Tgs, Fatherr forgive .
- » Jage people said. they would, „ holding ; a Safety drive , . SPROULE'S
like more later-4because„ the throughout Jarivary. They . kr.e..,
• them, for they know 'net...what , _Roman ,....CathOfics and '' the asking every worker til Ontario•'
the.y do?" 0 ....- yes •--. . indeed! Seventh Day-- A,d, :ventiets are to. becoine responsiblet ter SELLING OUT
And '' we will" tell it to the *miring them too. We sell 'Nu- own safety and the safety 'of his
...-_nationst_Will_vite-heae_again_iiiiela_UstaMitLfArAt0. .k..11n::.........emoes_woreees,. . _ . - ..
voice, "It is deine?" Arid, will we; der's-tit-WU costs pkOlii- puli-
.. • . - *i
Remember. YOU are -the key. -
know what He means? We all lishi-Iiiid'we glititeto for . • ,
- - to safetY.
hope so. He dame a Sacrificial the Bible Society." —
• , ...• ..„ ,
gift, from God,- a , Divine' • - - ,- --e-e-.. . ` „; - , , „ s,
Substitute; to be the Sin -tearer,
ce thus thL Saviour -why?
betause God loves us- and Is
• „.„.: prepared to g� to the nth degree
• • on Our behalf. That's why-JeSixs
For Your
• : see or call. '
• Morelhvan AL 111111aclEtwast
DonaldG, Wiectwen
• I .
Peter S. Mac Ewan
".."..„„ •-`7-7,,
DO -BURN, OUT ....
Carry A Coluplate $tocI O. -r
'4%., rt. PAW •
16e The
• •
i0jp ,
The 4andIy that Trays together
. . stays together
• r
"Sireet North •
730 Wednesday evening Prayer Sivice.
Pastor: REV. 9.,p. LEE Pht0 E 524-61381
Park Sireei at Victoria • ,
H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor '
Everving •Swrvie
4044/SHIP C-TIU Ht.c
.:41,-:11i7,-:4UNDAY SCHOOL
1,---PrOblenf.dif Preaching " Peace!" -z
"The Practic
Rgula Evening Servide _ p . .
Bible Study VVidnesd y, 8 00 p'.m..
Box -Pres• bytetian Churck
. / THE REW1G•':-LOCKHART RONAL:$.A., Minister
WI LLiAV1 CAMERO, Diredtor of Praise
10:00 a,m. -. SUIYDAY SCHOOL --
11:00 a.m. - sfifrvicE oFtwoRsHip.
(ffursery and, Ju-nior e1ongregation)
. 730 pJfl. - YOUNG PEOF&E'SSOC4ETY.
. • ,
tt* '
xmigonce -in 'Aetna , Cambodia and
Enter to4Orship
,s taii"o • ,
Depa to,VeVcr,
t'A 11144.1,01414•ItorrOpItootrrtrmtott, Pt Pt tt • P. l• tsj; Ir rr,
• Geiderich -District /Representative
:•. .47,786,1, or 524,-9465
AND . - -
09 Gibbons St.
' ".7 eg• . , e
)45 Cambria Rd.S,
•••5247464, "
(aistist Convention of On
aro andQuebec)
ear theSquare
, • 10:00 a.m.- AdulrBible Class and Church • •
• 11:00 am. - Mornilig Worship.
,,Supervised AENNNursery)G
Minister: Wev.ArthurMyl3uryi.A.; B.D.
ethel 'enticoicil Tabernacle
Alfiliated with th PentecostarAk.semblies of CalAda
• - 10:00 a.rn,'". SI.JIbAY SCHOOL.
, 1100 a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE.
' •• 7:00 .m -EVANGELISTIC SRV,LCE..
• "." "' e
1st Sunday after, Epiphany - January '10, 1,971
, Holy Commit -Ilion at 8:30 a.m.
• Rector's- Class:at 10:00 am..
Morning Prayer and SermOn at 11:00 a.m:
.Churc School at 11:09 a .m,
ftrgatyrst- hoirmater: Mr.,Paid C. Baker;
etor: REV "G '* 911.) SSE•L L
ttorio'' Itorc
10:00 a.m. - School For_AJL,Grades•j.
ar •
11:00 a.m. — Worship Servic.
SemOh:, • "When..Do We. Drem When Asleep"
1:30 p.m. - Worship, Serliice and Bible' ,School.
' • '
J. Snider - . rs. Leonard Warr
Victoria St. 'Organist • Benmiller7Pianist &
& ChOir Director ••• Choir Dkrettor
orth Street United Church
9:45 a.m. - Grades four land up. ,
. 10:55 am' t� Grade
11:00 Morning Worship.
Sacrament of Holy Communion f'
cripture: St. Matk 1;, 162; 12
LiPervised Nursety
Mrs. Elea heir H ogle-F."0@ton, A.CJVt. "
• OiSteltist and Choir iyireotor
PhonChuch Office and Study 524.7631
Cptich 6tiliding 7-524-6951