HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-07, Page 1k Az'
e, T .I R'SDAY, JANUARY 7, 19-71
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The area was flooded by fire
department - volunteers on
Tuesday evening after being
packed dow.n with'a roller earlier
, in the day. Maintenance of the
• natural ice .surface .will have to
be, carried out by . those who use•
it arid snow scrapers will be left
at the park for that purpose.
The surface should,be ready
for use by the timethis, issue of
Vie: gn tar is on :the sr Bets;
Recreation board chairman
��, -Paul Carroll said this week if the
experiment is a success a more'
permanent area will be prepared
for next winter. "It will
Probably -.involve a small 'shelter
° and, boards -around the perimeter
of the ice," said Mr. Carroll.
Qpei air
The Goderich ttecreation and
Community Centre Board, with
the help of the Goderich
Volunteer Fire Department and
the Public- Utilities Commission
has prepared an out -door ice
rink for the people -of Goderich.
The new ice surface,
approximately 45 by .75 feet is
located at Judith Gooderham
Park and is being set up as an
experiment to accommodate
those people of the town who
are not able to make it to the
arena for .,public skating due to
work or school schedules.
The first baby of the New Year for Goderich also was the birst baby born in Huron .County in,
1971. Seven pounds 9'/z oz. baby girl Angela Down , ood arrived of—Alexandra Marine and General
Hospitalsat 8:1,5 atm. January 1. She is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Reg Good. 139 South Street,
Goderich and the granddaughter of Mr- and Mrs- Melvon-Good, R.R 5 Goderich, and Mr, and Mrs:
Walter T. Jackson, 1320 King Street, London'. Mr. and Mrs. Good have two other children, a girl,
nine and a -boy, four- Mrs. Good and the baby will be' receiving many gifts from Isocal merchants..._,.
Staff photo.
heads.b�arci for Huron
erste sch
Howard Shantz., Stratford, Arthur Haid, R.R.4, Listowel;
Was elected chairman, by
acclamationof the Huron -Perth
Cou ty : Roman Catholic
Separate r chool Board at the
,, inai'x ' sal meeting in Seaforth
Monday night. Mr: Shantz was
vice: -chairman of the" -board last
year. _
' He succeeds Keith Culliton of
. Stratford who _did not stand ,for
election to the board this tern
Of the 14 members of the board
Mr. Shantz was the only one°to
lets. his name stand for the
position ,of chirman. ._ "
Joseph Looby of Dublin was
elected vice-chairman, Four
trustees entered the race for the
position • - Joseph „Looby;
AChristopher Walraven, St- Marys;
„ .Francis Hicknell, R.R.5,,
-Seaforth; • and James Morris,
Stratford. Voting by ballot three
times was necessary to eliminate
the other three men before Mr.
Administrator, was instructed to butiget ,items which are
Oscar Kieffer, R.R.1, .Bluevale; contact the:firm of Kyles, Kyles
. and' F.J. Vere, Stratford"- & Garratt; 'Stratford, to have
• Personnel and Salary Negotiating' -them check the heat regulators
Committee - Ted__Geoffrey, at Si. Ambrose, St. Michael s
Zurich; James Morris, and St: Joseph's Schools in
Stratford; and Pat Carty, R.R.5, Stratford and Our Lady of
• Stratford. Mount Carmel School at R.R.3,,
Rev.' Carl Keane opt' St- 'Dashwood -
Joseph's 'Parish, Stratford, Dean - A borrowing by-law was
of Perth -Huron, Deanery, approved for $850,000.`
cq ducted 'devotional exercises - °°Mr. Vintar reported that the-
to open the meeting: He - also Seaforth --O-ptimist Club--- -had
took * the occasion to invited the sitparate schools in
compliment the board on the - the Seaforth area to participate
progress in the school on the with __other schools- ill a .smow
.. Canadian Catechism Program. ,. sculpturing contest during the
Fat -her, Keane emphasized Optimist, Winter Carnival during
that the clergy 01 the deanery' -the January 23 weekend.
were 'very eager • to. -.---assist the Claude Harvey and Victor
- board - and co-operate in any way Lindsay of Stratford • were
with the schools toward„ ,re -appointed to the Stratford
;'attainment of "the Christian Public Bard for one,
formation cif t%r-youth" based year to repfe-ser the board.
John . Vintar spoke to -."the
trustees on public . -relations
stressing the necessity of
maintaining public relations."He
offered some suggestions for
• further . improvement in
communication.''' -_ -
Mr. Vintar stated that the
principals' `association has''been.
involved at the staff levelin an
advisory capacity - ' the
principals meet monthly ansi are
informed of board decisions and
motions which ,.,_ affec$ their
schools. The principals are then
expected, to pass this
information to their respective
staffs. •
Also, the - principals are.
involved in the formation of
' policies prior to 'their.
presentation, to _the ..board by the
administration. Too, a,
committee of principals makes -
recommendations regarding
on the- concept .of parents,
students, teachers, priests priests and
• Looby, finally eliminated Mr. - sc h o o l boardvirorking
M °tris by a vote of 8 td 6. -v co-operatively together'.
The members-_ of four In other ,business- the law firm
standing committee were of Donnelly and 2lurpby,
- named, with the first named as Goderich, was again named as
chairman ',Finance and solicitors for the board for• 1971.
Insurance Committee - Michael 4 - Trustees Howard Shantz,
Connolly, R.R ;3, Kippen; Joseph Looby and Vincent
Francis Hicknelland Christopher Young and . Superintendent of
..Walraven: Property Committee Education, John Vintar, were
John McCann, R.R.3, Ailsa named to attend a School Board
--'---1 ig; Vincent Young, Goderich; Adni-;nistr tion. Seminar•, ' in
and David Teahen, Stratford. Toronto on• Januaa::21 - to 23.
Transportation Committee= _ The semirl`ar is titled Control and
- Autonomy, - - Today's School
Board: _,,: •
Trustees aures Morris, Ted
Geoffrey and Pat Carty and Mr.
Vintar were named .to attend the
Ontario School Trustees 'Council
in Toronto on January 15 and
Final plans- for the second 16.
plans -set
Goderich Winter Carnival are
being made now and' it looks as
•••-hough the town is in for a real.
treat. .
--The. Goderich Kinsmen Club
at its meeting Monday evening
decided on "some of the events
that will be held over the two
'day carnival on January. 30 and
31. '-,,,These will include
snowobile __ races with , big
Machines .coming into town to
Compete at Agricultural Park.
One of the main attractiOW;
at the carnival last year was the'
m s ovittobile Lacing that drew
large crowds on. both days.
Other events will., include--
- •`""cutter ride§, a snow ulpture
edntest, a draw for a•
anoWmobile and a number of
trovelty events." One big
attraction will be a snow queen '
c iuntest which, it is hope; will
attract the beauties of the area,
•,`, g'rand dance will be held
Saturday evening to help. those '
',.rho wee at the carnival to relax:
'-'' illtter a busy day; re reshments of
all kinds will - be available. Get
your tickets early ityotl want to
.hough, Blast year it was a sell
out -
Jack Lane, Business
considered during the
preparation • of the annual
budget. It is believed -'this
approach allows for an equitable
disbursement Of, fundsraccording
Elliott nani�dHuron board.
chairman at inaugural meeting
. The irxaugural meeting of the•
new, enlarged Huron County
Board of Education was held
Monday evening in Clinton in
the board room at Central
Huron Secondary School.
The 16 -member board sat
down in ,black swivel, chairs to
brand new desks to begin the
business of the year. New faces
at the board meeting were
Wilfred Shortreed, Dr. ' A. B.
Deathe, Dr. Alex - Addis6n,
Charles Ra,i and Alegi;. Corrigan.
Members, chgs • Bob -Elliott as
their chairman for the 1971-72
term of office _ with John
Broadfoot as vice-chairman:
In his opening remarks to the
board, Elliott- re-echoed, the
words,. - of the hoard's first
chairman, John Lavis, that board
members would have to grapple
with , the problem of red
schoolitis . . . concern for one-
ne••school' in. a particular part of
- Huron County • rather than the
- entire educational picture irt. all
the schools.
"1 don't know if we -can ever
get away, from it," Elliott stated,
. E�`but we must -try.
He outlined plans to allow
more time to discuss the .aims
and objectives in Hur6n County
schools, .artdVoalled attention to
Mrs- J. -W. Wallace's enthusiasm
for this subject, to 'be introduced
oh• some regular basis at the
board meetings.
He suggested the formation
of an add hoe committee of the -
board to review the policies
made ,in the last two years arid
urged that these be studied in
depth to ensure that everyone
understood and approved -them. '
Elliott said there -was need for.
a transportation'. study as well.
and hoped that the board would
soon be 'able to delve into this
subject, ` I •
'.The new chairman also
praised the• administrative staff the board would be referred to adequate . pa on
of the Huron County Bbard of an ad hoc committee for young people i Huron
Education but warned that at no investigation and report. County,"4 'said Mrs. Wallace; "We _.;
time should "the tail wag the , The new system comes as the need more time to consider
dog". result of prodding by Mrs. J. W. what's going on in the schools so -a°•°�° M
"They are -still employees," Wallace who urged "more we cap spend the . taxpayers'
added Elliott. "Though these .talking with-teacheOs and experts money intelligentlji. We ,can't
people are learned, we are still on the matter of education in
the board members." " Ontario and more particularly work too hard or too quickly It
Five ad hoc committees were-' Huron County". ,- is crucial to make a start before,
also formed at this inaugural "We are not offering an budgetime." k.
meeting. They in _ de& - • •
Salary negotiation's;
Boar- to investi�ate
W. Wallace, Mrs. Marion Zinn, __.. _.
Alex Corrigan, Don McDonald, •
aur .
pro.posed iib.rary4ee
be appointed).
Kindergarten, Jim Taylor,
Wilfred. ' Shortreed, Clarence
McDonald, Mrs. Maribn Zinn
and M-rs. Marilyn Kuncjer.'d
A u dio-visual - aids, John
Taylor, Charles Rau, Dr. A. B.
:Deathe and Garnet Hicks.
Schools for the Retarded,
Clarence McDonald, Dr,.. A. B.
Deathe and . Mrs. Marilyn'
Kunder, r -
comirtittee-td visit Huron -
County f Council • as 'soon as
possible after the election of the
1971 / Warden, Chairman , Bob
Elliott and Vice -Chairman John
• Two more committees, the
-Advisory-Vocational Cothmittee
and the Advisory Committee .on
Schools for Trainable Retarded
Children are - still to be
appointed..• For at least the first two
months of the flew year, regularmeetings, of the . board will be,
-held on the first and •' third
Mondays, -with the •agenda to
include a period of perhaps
one-half hour to discuss plans
John Henderson, and John
Broadfoot •(one more member to
for future action
, This period would be a
forum -type discussion on. any
subject relative to education and
any'farther action indicated -by
A three-inernber committee teachers. preferred " to buy - $T"--
of the Huron County Board • of • worth of boos rather ,than $6 -
Education will arrange to meet worth ,and usin the remaining
with the Huron County Library $1 t� rent boolig which would -
Committee to - discuss Huron not remain in the school
County Council's recent libraries.
proposal to charge $1 per
student in the county -for the use ,. In recent years, added
of Huron County library bpoks Coulter, the Huron County
in Hut -On County schools. library books have -been available
- -Mrs. • Marylyn Mind e_ t€rs:without charge othe..selio ,
. _ . W
Marion Zinn and John _Taylor 1 -le - stated that it was his
were appointed "to discover the understanding that the county,
w county's .thinking behind the librarian, Miss .. Ethel Dewar, unan
proposal°+ arrd° to bring back a ' found that with the majority:of -
recommendation to the school children's books going -to the_
hoard regarding it. schools there -was .a `rather poor
' - - The board learned . Monday • selectiiori left for - the public
evening that ...the majority 'of libraries. - Mr: Coulter- felt . the .
school librairians are not county `librarian hoped to offset
"favourably disposed" to the this problem by charging'a fee of •
propAsal which will cost,'$8,779 $1. per school student udder the
and -result :in no., gain in capital• ••jurisdiction -of the, Huron
inventory for theschools. County Board of Education in
. "It, is simply a matter .of ___order to build up an adequate
renting versus•purchasing;" said library of _good children's books James Coulter, superintendent Which* would fill the needs in the
of education, when questioned county.
• It .Was noted that a similar
by the board. • _
Coulter ---said that 1 the service was provided prior to the
budget for 1971 was similar to formation of the Huron County
last year's' budget, $7 per Public -Library by the .Huron
• student--• would be•. allotted for County'Co-Operative Library for • °
buying--' - books. He said the - 30 cents per student.
$ •
to the needs of -e schools. --:.---
_This approach was initiated
because Mr. Vintar believes it is
necessary to involy.e•-tile schools«.-�.
more intimatelvAn the „decision
ie pointed out the
administration - and consultants
are called upon to speak to
numerous groups of interested
parents. These meetings allow
(Please- turn to. -.Page 12)
New clerk
takes up .post,.,
New Town Clerk Treasurer
Harold Walls has arrived in town
to take up his duties. Mr. Walls
started --• work on Monday,
January 4, the first woirkg day
of the new year. -
He formerly was town clerk
treasurer at' Essex. His wife Jean
and "sons Bruce and Barry are
expected to join him next week.
Mr. Walls also wilt be serving
in the' opacity 'sof • building
,„ inspecto, , , hotter,. licencing
officer; welfare officer -and;:•-
secretary tb theToderich Police
-His first official duty with the
new ,eeicil will - be next
Monday evening, January 11 -
when the inaugural meeting will
be held. Provincial Judge -Glen;
'Hays will conduct; the official /,
ceremony which will .start at. 7/
p.m. "in tile.... town' - council
The Royal ''Canadian Legion Zone C1 Pee Wee Hockey tournament was held at the Goderich .
Memorial Arena on Thursday; •December 31 between teams from G_ oderich, Seaforth, Kincardine,"
Win hockey .!? Q�G , 1► ,q d„ y� - Toe. Eodar P e: -Wee All Star team won the championship '
defeafrng Blyth 3-1 in the�'last • game of the day, Goderich defeated -Kincardine 7--4 ' the
�, morning sessioiran'd Blyth eliminated Seaforth 3-2. Prom the left are, front row: Stephen1dmer;
' tOUf'110�me .
.`Shannon Nibblock, Jed DeJong; Rick .Moody, captain. Jeff Beachler, Len Kolkman and Scot
• 4, Kennedy..` Back row'. Paul Schutz, coach; Peter Crew, Bill Gauley, Mike Cummings, Greg Beacom,
Kevin Williams, Mike Andrew, Jeff Harrisnd Wayne Moody, trainer. The winning trophy was
presented by branch 109 president Harold, Chambers. Staff photo.
- • 8c-
- HURON couture, ,
The Huron County Piionee -Museum had its busiest year vet in
1970. Under cgratoir Raymond- Scotchmer the museum
drepanded its range of exhibits and now has a mobile exhibition
that tours the couhtk n a Bus. Atterrdence iri 97'0 i la3
an increase of about .1,500 .',41;;(4 ,• 1969. The building is
administered by Huron County Council f'S'ce /%eenure' 6 and' 11
a„ ,
oderich Mites win awardfor
Most Gentlemanly' team
Thee Goderich Mite All -Stars,.
sponsored by -'••i the ,.. Legion
°auxiliary, gave a good account
Of themselves in i,he first.annual
Exe.te.x...... .-".Minor Hockey
Association mite tournament
during the, Christmas holidays.
They won their first round
game 4223- Over--Strathroy one
Larry Madge's goal in - the last
minute of sudden -death
overtime, after the two' teams
were tied both -on- goals and
shots on goal during regulation
timie. Donald Elliott scored tiro`'
goals for Goderich,, and ' Mike
Hodges got the other.
Strathroy was then relegated
to the Consolation round, where
they won the semi-final 3r-2
over South West London and -the
final 3-1 over Zurich. - 1
Goderich advanced to the
semi-final of the championship.
.round, but lost 2-1 to -Forest.
Glen George, scored both Forest
;goals, _with the wife 'ling ,goal
coming with just `two sec�nds
left! in the game.' Donald Elliott
scored the,,lone Goderich goal.
Forgst then vent on to win the'
li�g ton � . a
c �n
oP $.�.p
victory 'over St. Marys - in the
'final game.
- The Goderich boys did not
come away , empty-handed, ,
however, as they were awarded
the trophy- for the hidst.
gentlemdhfy team on and off the
ice. Much of the credit for this
goes • to thein coachr•-John.
Hodges, and. manager, Bill'
Dobie. ....
Saturday night, the Mites,
defeated " .tcknow, in Lucknoow,
6 t3, 'lr " 56ifeny` I ll the, attack
with three goals while Larry
Madge scored twice and Donald
''Elliott once. '
rGoaltender` Steve- Gallow
racked up his second shutout of
the sea.son.