HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-23, Page 5......evre•••...e•wrvie.m.e•e....•••••eev.ee•••••••• . °d I Ar011lid About lis• NaRit,a. . .0.141,,,,R.p'ZAVb aro a now ai ...I Nervotti),Deldlity. j.ost. ‘trigor an covery that our.) tho WM' eases BEANtBEANS ;;g1'3 ';`,P1;`).4' ',1,1'..`i'41 th 1 0 or au • ' by o ver -w1, or tlio errors or ex. liq...A.... 0000 of youth. This Tteritedy e 'emu:if eura the most obstinate oases when all °the anNATMENI: have failed oven to roller°. ii,old by gro erg gists et $1 pPacitage, o..^ six for $5', or sent by mail o receipt of price hy addressing TUE JAMES hthiniout CO. yerunto, Ont, Writ, for ptunohlet. Soldiu- Fox: Sate in IEN,eter lb y •If• W. OrOwliiin a March the 20th, ht $ been fixed fot - ; the re opening. of S. Andrew's Preshea b' torten Chureh Kippen Services will r e, be held morning, atonic/on and even- . 111, leg. On Monday following' a tea meet- ing will be given. A number of speak- ers are exneeted to be present. The Calgary Herald says grass hop pets have made their appearance out west, and the prairie is some parts is coveree with thousands of these insects. The Calgary Herald man must surely have smoked a very strong cigar and imagined the snow flakes were grasshoppers, rine day recently James Boyce, et Stephen heard a terrible uproar in his hu hoose and at epee went to investi- gate the cause thereof. On openiug the door, to his surprise, he beheld a fox killing a hen. He at once procured a stiek, closed the door and corn- menced fighting Mr. Reynard till ho had him killed. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad peopl are preparing to head off it strike during th woridts Pair rusleby•signieg hundreds o inen who are willing to act in an emergeu ey, e f THE POWER OF NATURE For every ill nature has a cure. In the healing virtues of the Norway Pine Fes. the cures for coughs, colds, croup, asthrna,bren chitis, etc. 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Sy- rup represenis,the virtues of Norway Pine Syrup and other .peetolial remedies. Price 23C. Inspector Piercy, of the North-west Mount- ed Police, stationed at Edmonton, fatally shot himself in a hotel there Monday eight. KILL THE WORMS or they will kill your child, Dr. Low's Worn) Sirup is the best worm killer. The California Athletic Club, the scene of so many cerebrated pugilistic events, has assigned for the benefit of its creditors. No figures are given. Will be found an excellent remedy for sick hoadacee. Carter's Little Liyer Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this friet. Try them. Mr. A. P. Srurtevaut, one of the largest cotton manufacturers in New England, and who owned •-1,000,000 worth of pioperty in New York city, including the Sturtevant house, died Wednesday at Norwich, Conn. GIVES STRENGTH AND _APPETITE Dear Sirs—Last year I was very thin and reducing very last, owing to the bad state Of my blood and appetite. A friend of Mine induced inc to get a bottle of B. 13.13. which I did. I obtained immediate perceptible're- lief from it, have gained strength and ap- petite, and now weigh 193 pounes. M. T. Murphy, Durchesttr Bridge, Quebec, Oot. The foot and mouth disease has broken out in the Berlin,.Germany, cattle market, and removals of cattle have been prohibit. ed. If you once try Carter's Little Liver PILLS for sick headache, billiuusness or constipa- tion, you will never be without them. They are purely vegetable; . small and easy to take. Don't forget this. The body of Dr. Southgate was found at Clarksbure, Tenn., wednesday 1.vith bullet holes in the. abdomen. The doctor had been intimate with the wife of W. 13. Grogan and wrote her a note making, an appointment. The body lay It" feet from Groran's back door. RESTO1) ro Dear Sirs.—Por yetxit I kliftti trotiVed with indigestion, but being advised to try B..13. 13. 1 did so and find myself quite re- stored to health. Howard SuLLivan Mgr. Sur,Livan Farm, Dunbar Ont. Wedaesclay at DeliStere Alexander Grey Conservetive. and, tic:then citqJ Liberar, were nominated to cutest the. riding of South Miclallerx for the House of a'ommons teak vacated tiiid. death. 3atit. Armstrong. THOROUG FI DIGESTIBILITY and Nutritive value are two strong points in fa- vor of Nlilburn's Cud Liver Oil Emulsion, with Wild Cherry aitl Itypophosphites. The New York Central and i.iudson Riv- er Railroad Company has decided to inct ease its capital stock to .5,roo,000,000. A LURE FOR CROUP. Croup kills thousands where cholera kills ten. For this dread disease no remedy can compare in curative power with Hagyard's Yellow Oii. It loosens the phlegm, gives prompt reliegand soon completely cures the most violent attack. Mr. Gladstone is improving, but still keeps to his bedroom. If sick headache is misery, what are Car. ter's Little Liver Pills if they will positive - cure it? People who hay; used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. A PLAIN STATEMENT. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs colds asthma, hoarseness, bronchitis tight - of the chest, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Price 25c, At the meeting of the Grand Orange lodge of Ontario west Wet I nesday. Mr. Jos L Hughes was elected grand master a large majority over Aid. W is. Bell who opposed him. BURDOCK PILLS give satisfaction whereever tried. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache and Biliousness. R. A. Bain, of Marthavii le. near Petrolia, lost his lett arm Wednesday. It was caught and torn of by a belt which he was adjus• ting. BEWARE OF CMOLF.RA. The healthy body thrown off the germs of cholera therefore wisdom councils, the use of Burdock Blood Bitter's, this spring to purify the blood, regulate the system, and fortify the body agartist cholera or other epidemics. Thousands of miners arc flocking into the mining district of British Columbta, Where honanza finds are reported NO 11 7..NIED? cures Coughs, Colds Croup, Hoarseness Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat, etc.. so well as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The wineipee police force is to be large. !y increased, and a mounted patrol Csta - lished. Burglars blew up the safe in Hamilton's bftwery, London, early Wednesday morn- . Inc and secured $4o and some valuable pa- pers, . '1'lie Biddulph stabbing affray was partly investigated before a county magisrate, Lot idon, Monday. .A I though Ryder, the injured man, was Ilea ble, to be present, the evidence of several wit- nesses was taken and it went strongly against the prisoner Di:grime, . Tee in veetigation will be resumed in a week, by W ll i eh time Ilio doctors say Ryder will be able to attend court. One of the most extraordinary litters of pigs ever heard of was that borne by a Chester White sow belongino-''to Jatnes Johnston of lot 5, in the half. mile strip, township of Derby, Grey County, week before last. The litter consisted of 42 healthy ltttle pigs, all of which were alive up te the time we received the information. As nature has not provided the mother with means of caring for such a brood, Mr. Johnston went to town to procure, bot - ties to aid in furnishing them with the necessary nourishment. On the recommendation of Mr. Hutch ins, M.P., Mrs. R. S. Hodgins, of Liman, has been appointed Superintendent of the Agricultural Department of the World's Fair at Chicago, A better se lection could not have been made. Mr. Hodgins is not only a dealer in agri- cultural products, and therefore thor- oughly competent in Ceat respect, but he is a widely travelled as well as a thorough husinees roan, accustomed to mee,tinee, men of all classes, and it eau be relied upon that the department mentioned will be satisfactorily rep re setae& The many admirers of Mrs. Ellsworth MIller, who holds the world's record in the water, will be gratified to learn that she has just presented her bus - baud with triplets—two boys and 'Iii girl. This brings her record for tri p les tip to three sets, and her total up t2 sixrran ne was married on ocr.. L.,,igii, hied $'6111‘g ad fife roauthi A has seven living children iucluditig', ago, fl lid she is now 31 sear &A. OW the three she has just borne. Her grandmother's sister gave birth to quintets, and then died. Her bereaved husband married a sister of his late wife, who gave birth to three sets of twins. Miscellaneous. Now your blood should be purified, Take Hotels Sarsaparilla. No need of embellishment or sensationalism. Hood's Cures. Rey. L. McKinnon had a narrow es• cape from death while crossing the ri- ver near Dresden. His horse was drowned. The highest praise has been .won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient action. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents, "Sudden coids".—At the commence- ment of a cold, take a teaspoonful of Perry Davis' Pain Killer, in a little milk ami sugar, and the cure is more sudden than the cold. Only 25e. But tle. Henderson Smity, aged 119 has just died at Quincy, Ill, He was born in Virginia in 1774 and at one Gime was in the employ of Geo, Washington. had been a slave to tobacco from the titne, of his youth. The City of Victoria, British • Colum - bile is to be graced by new Parliament. buildings, the initial estimate for the. cost of which is pieced at $600,000 Theldraft of. the Act indicates an in tention of renceediog with all due des patch with thii work.. "Y...n cannot think how pleased I am. that T used Membrays Kidney. and Li- ve,. Cure.", This remark was made by Mr. G. 0, Adams, of T. W. Chamberlin & Ce., Prescott, Otit , Wholesale Drug- gists and Patent Medicke dettlets, viten giving a testimonial in reference to the beneficial effect in his own case William Lappin, Strathallan, was eharged at the police Court on Friday with selling liquor without a license Inspector McKay laid the charge and the alleged offence took place on the 15th Feb The inepector aud two wit 111e8804 a'aVe evitl9neft, but the defend- ant el'f'-ed notlefenee., The magistrate priSstl. it riiie of $ 50 ind eoSts.. i • ). l 0 , .,tory wonwnneminummturnaxxsaararimmemmlmowneavernetvernoutronr....27mmourr,vrtnissamseonemayzergr.,.=t it, ‘‘Cimpiete ' ,,, ,,,, ‘„, ,inh,t0a AND HOWTO ATTAIN1 t"I A Medial Work that Tells the Causes, Zescribes the ZiEfects, Points the nemedy. • SeinntifiattIly the atost valuable, artistically the most beautiful medical book ever pub. fished; 513 pages,every page bearing 0 intiktato illustration in tants, Subjects treated:- If ereotia zieldlity Impotency) Sterilityy bevelopment, Varicocele, ' The Tittibband Those intendine Ilarriage, etc. tvcry stair who would Ithow the °rand Trisha, thh Plain rilets, th o Old Secrets an 1 NOW Discoveries of" Medical Science its applied to Married ).alt who would 0.011d for east follies and avoid fuutra pitfalls, should wets for this Wft•TDekletti., urri,r. Book, It will be seat tree, Under seal, while kilo editios Luca.- Addresi thv publishers, ERin l'ilnDICAL CO Buffalo, NX ------ "VierobitZrarmAMmoka.••••••••1101.1161110. prill.k. IMINNWIIII . • . ,11,14Vilagrireha.404 the tooJetci good- will of the elettaueOreeery' UM111043 from M, Vineeut, I 'wish , to remind all the old 01.0t011),S,1)..6 ancloople ofEoiter anavielnitY that 1 ern uow before them sole - sting thoir tritilo and will keep on 11!..trid nothing but tho purOah Sugar, Teas, Cottee, Syrup, Vinegar and Canned Goods. rev -Butter and eggs taken for goods h roof; RICH, RED BLOOD. As naturally results from tnking Hood's Sarsaparilla as persoual elean- liness results from free use of soap and water. This great purifier thoroughly expels scrofula, salt rheum and ali oth• er impurities and builds up every organ of the body. Now is the time to take it. Thirty -Eight Pounds Brantford, March 131h, The Courier of this week devotes a..Column to the, ease of Archie Rymal of this city, who was ,discharged some time ago from the, hospital here as incurabie, and went to. his mother's home to die. He was: stii far gone that he could not move hand, foot or head, and could not change, his position without assistance. His. wife hearing of so many se called lineura ble cases being- cured by Dudd'a Kidney Pills, after each other known remedy had failed, purchased a box. After taking nineteen hexes, Rymel is as welt as ever, and has gained in weight from 107 to 145 pounds. This case:. is startling- but true. An Underground Slyer. At underground river has been dis. covered four and a half miles north- west of Augusta, Ill., between Amensta and Carthage. A few days ago °Will- iam Alien dug a well on his farm in that locality, going to the depth of 33 feet. Not finding as much water as he desited, he dug 44 feet further, and suddenly the auger dropped through the bottomof the well; What water had accumulated had also went through the hole. '1 he hot) was plug, ged up with cloy and debris and naid1 the well filled with water, but sudden- ly taxi entire leettoM fell out, carrying all but five feet of the walls with it I Nothing. was then left but a deep. noire ' iu the ground, at the bottom of %ethitth.,t could be seen a swift, rushing slyeatie All the efforts te,11:4 up this, hole havee proved futile. Rubbish, log's and, other debris have beenicast into ft hut the Current carries it alVaS lustautiv. Efforts have been made to setind the depths of this subterraneap, reeute, YPV: qteY too ha .17 proatekr ftlirson Atieniipts fail's:abet from Jail. London, Out., March 20.—Thotnas Wilson. one of the men awaiting trial 101 the murder of Detective Harry Phair, made a desperate attempt to es cape from the county jail last week, One of the turnkeys heard suspicious noises proceeding from that quarter of the jail inwhieh Wilson was located and on euterliag the cell found the 'nen seated with an air of ilidiffereace that was doubtless assumed. This aroused the official's suspicions, and be reported the matter to Governor Kelly. A thorough investigation followed. An examination of the window reyealed the fact.that 'formula of the bars bad beim filed through, and it was evident that had the prisoner been allowed an- other 24 hours he would have succeed ed iti gaining. lib...rty. A quantity of 'rags had lain in the window ' for sortie time, and these had afforded the pris oners an excellent means of hiding their operatiotis., Shortly after their commitment both Wilson and Burke were detected in a similar attempaand since that time have been kept in seta- erate cells. The Sons of England. At the annual meeting of the Sons of England, held in Montreal this week at which Bros Joseph Hook arid H. J. Carter represented the city Lodges, the Grand Secretary showed 16 new Courts to have been opened in Canada during the past year. A report of the meeting of the Grand Lodge of South Africa, held in Port Elizabeth last October,was submitted. Five lodges hay e been es tahlished in that distant colony since the order was introduced there. The total membership is 303, and the cash capital $9,447.53. The Dumber of mein Lers initiated in Canada last year was about 2,000. The numerical strength of the society is 12,800, iticluding 160 honorary members. The total receipts for the year were $7.062,27; the total expenditure $6,220.34, leaving a cash belittle° of $832.93. During the year $19,626.72 was paid out iu sick dues., $11,802 74 to lodge surgeons, and $7, 900 in funeral benefits—a total of $39, 438.96 in cash benefits. Notwithstand ing that $68,551 had been 'handled by lodge secretaries during the year $200 would coyer the dtificits mid defalca- tion, , There are twenty-two juveuile lodges, with a total membership in good standing of 677, The average 0 age of the members is 11. 9.'hose lig tires show how the boys avail them selves of lodge privileges:—Amounts paid for sick benelita, $194.52; paid to doctors, $444,39; cash received, $G41; (Ash in bank $387, cash in hand of Treasurer, $84; total lodge funds $1,265 35. The Supretne Grand Seeretary,John Ti, Carter, of 'Toronto, was created a Past SU pre m e G re ha Prositloilt, Tho Committee appointed to consider the petition from the Daughters of Eng - lend for moon-211am) reported against any action being taken at present, and the question was accordingly deferred. A message or greeting was read trout the Sous of ScothAdi ark 275 c\ ‘2;5t,le Bargains! argains I ! argains I I The Spring Season is about .hem and our good wi'ves are begin- ning, to think of house cleaning. Then after the qdirty work” is .fin- ished, a fe,w nice pict- ure,"8 will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear th is in mind, the best stock of Baraboo Novelties, Picture 1Vrou1dino' and Curtain poles, Is at •3 GIDLEY'S FUR/ETRE & UNDERTAKING —Establishment.— Odd FellOws•Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. „ D:{1111; liogs Wanted,. risme or Alive., Drised TIoe's bought subject to the - following coeuitionsa-2 lbs perewt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuoh; 5' lbs for either hung gut or gullett, if left in. An Hogs to lie cut through from 'rail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Flogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SN ELL LR OS & Co. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome - .y titled up hie parlor and restaurant —will serve— ICE CREAM during. the Slimmer Season. Also a large supply Of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes &e. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Senders promptly attehd- ed013(-)s' Oysters and fruits of all kinds in heir season, D, W, FOSS, Donsali EX61614 MUM' IRSMIlligill EMPORIUM. PERKINS & l'ilARTIN, PROPS. We eary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM iiVIPLE1VIENTS.&c, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN UN ERTAKING ROBERP N. ROWE 9 Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOIVIS, (One Door north Molson's Dank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. The balance of our Xmas goods must be cleaned out to make room for a large consignment of Spring novelties. A Specialty 1:1011t: Burdock Mood BittorS: 1,3•4 purely vegetable-cc/mete ma, Possess/nig. perfect regulatingpeiTerg tiV4 "1111, he weans , Of the system, end, controlibig theieseena amis. 11 s) purilies,the blood that ifs r All blood homers and diseases, 1 roweet COM - num pimple 10 the VVOrSt'SCIV fulaus rare, ad Lhis combined -.vitb. ite uprivalled regulating. eleaneing and purifying influence' on the secretions of the Ryer, kianeys, bowels an4 kin, render it • unequalled as a cdee, for U.11 diseases of the From ona to two bottles 'wilt etree bens, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, aeurf, totter, and all tee. eimple forms of: elsin disease. l'rotit two to :ear bottles will 411 re saltrheuns or (C/,0a, saingles, erysipelas,. ulcers, 'ab- scesses, r-enoing sores,rord iLif AiX ereptiont, It is noticeable that suiller.irs from sit-in IA 71 „..17-7 Lt 444.7 Are nearly always aggravated by intolerabith itching, but this quickly sabsides on tho removal of tile cliaeascaby 13.13.13.. Passing on to graver ,yet prevaleut diseases, such ta scrofulous swellings, humors and opz?innDll J TrO We have uecloulited -proof that from three to sixbottles used internaLly and b.:NetAward application. (difated if the skin ia broken) to the affected parts, will effect a cure. The great mission of 13.13. 13. is tit regulate the `iver, kidueys, bowels said blood, to correct acidity and wrong adieu of the stomach. and to open the sluice ways of the system to ea, ry off all clogged and, unwire secre- tions, allowing nature thus,to aid recovery and remove without fail r‘ fvn, • 6 11,.? Utz. Liver complaint, biliousness. flyspepsie,siek headache, dropsy, rheumatisnt, and eyed, species of disease arising from disordered . • liver, kidneys, .stomach, bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. Should any person be dissatisfied after fitting the first bottle, we will refuudthe money on application personally or by letter. We wilt. also bo glad to send testimonials and ia- fotmation proving the effects of B. 33, B. in. the above named diseases,. on application, to T. MILBURN & 00., Toronto, Ont. • W. G. Bissett's pvery. •••••,•••••••••••••••••••• First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, 'Orders left at Bissett Bros.' fiarjavarg". Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT CLOT ING A. J. SNELL EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock ,liatamn ant' Vint a-CC:D=9, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES tt West of England Suitings and Trove erings, • Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouse lugs. French and English Worsted Cloth .A.11 made "1 in the Latest' Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL FraTilITITtla E FURZT1 E al 1 Never was there known such low price in Furniture before, as you will find at EROO Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding Country that, I am offering all kinds of furniture at greatly reduccd rates. All Goods omaranteed to be my own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish All kinds of Oidered work and repairing receives nlY Prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taIen In ex- change for FURNITURE. The tintly,, plaice town. where you Can 'kay. ,the Yale's Patent,:•:,Doininion Niokir1ated Wires IVIattre§i4•413est in :the .1/Itarket.. J.D.At .,, W' Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors NOrtli LILIZULL Town }Mill EXeter., ,