HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-23, Page 4tHE Oxeter C_"aJ SANDERS & DYER, Props. THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd,1893 MR, afec'ART,1 Y'S RE.sa!,UTjaAr. Thesomeivhat lengthy debate on Mr Dalton McCarthy's resolution regard - jog' the tariff came to a conclusion ear ly on Frtdav evenihlg hist—the vote resulting in a majority of 52 in sup port of the Government's policy. Of Government supporters, the only (nem bers who voted with the meihber for North Sin c.oe were Col. O'Brien and Mr Hodaius. Mr. McCarthy'sspeecll,which occupied several hours, was disetppoint- ing• i11 many ways—ti,iiug back as he did on his pat record ever since the National Polley was edopted, The burden of his prosy rosolutiou was that the''. P. had failed in its expectations --that the time h•td arrived for tent"' reform—and that Parliament should adopt a revenue tariff to relieve the conutry from heavy taxation. Cnri- ously enough, it is only within a few months—that is, since the formation of the new Cabinet—that Mr. McCarthy has turned the corner so sharply in his political creed; and now he has gone hand In ;love with Sir Richard Cart wright,"Laurier, Se, in opposing the present administration and advocating free trade. It is well known that the Finance Minister, following the public announcement made by Sir John Thompson iu Toronto—to the effect that a' the mouldering branches would be trimmed to preserve the tree " of the National Policy—declared in his Budget speech the intention of Govern meet to thoroughly revise the whole tariff at an early day; and for this pur pose the Finance Minister, aided by the Minister of Trade and Commerce and the Minister of Customs, would in- stitute inquiry from deputations and otherwise with a view to meeting the wishes of all classes of the Dominion in re arranging' the tariff. But this did not satisfy the member for North Sim- coe, who could not allow the opportun- ity to pass without attacking the Min ister, and, if possible, of having his re venge by weakening their support. But the vote of Parliament of Friday last shows that Mr. McCarthy had reek oned without his host. Supposing for a moment that his motion for a reve- nuetariff had carried, and the principle of free trade was coneeded,—how in the name of common sense would the country have been benefitted? Free trade has not proved beneficial to Eng- land—the United States has prospered under a protective policy—the nhanu facturing industries of Canada would have suffered by the change—our markets would once more be thrown open to American competition—nopu lotion would decrease owing to our young mets, our artisaus, mechanics land laborer's, leaving the country (as they did in thousands before; the N. P. was inaugurated) to seek employment elsewhere—the home market would thus be ruined for our farmers, ivho would have to compete with almost everything raised in the neighboring States -in fact, the only conceivable advantage to be derived from a reve- ]i ue tariff would be to reduce the cost of British manufactures to the wealthy consumer of imported goods. As fcr the farmers, such a tariff would be ruinous, lir, McCarthy had to admit that the N. P. had given an increased home market to them of between twelye and thirteen million dollars by shunting off American competition, But he quite ignored the facts of an increased population by means of the N. P, and by the opening up of a for eign trade in exports to Great Britain and other countries; he dost sight of the fact that farm implements can be purchased as cheaply in Canada as in the United States, that the tradesmen, mei,hanics, and artisans now purchase farm prodnuts from our ossa people in- stead of letting the money bo out of the eountry, he, forgets that to raise 't • revenue tariff duties must be levied on &setvbhing we cat and drink and wear -seen our sugar, tea, coll'ee, rico and 'a nhumher of articles th i..t'enter into the deity , consumption of fatm iles—asci th1t'we should comp((icd to pay higher for ►nanufaetured goods, au(d perhaps double for the necessaries of lire. As to the alleged "unrest amongst our fu mens, it is only a ere,, ation of imagination, Our farmeisare c,trter, �,eraUy a contented arid hlt,ppy, be_ cause a peoSperousi people. And the restfltof all the general elections and general ' bye elections: held since the lnauguray fries of the fro n;s this. 1 1 They know G.a tritest' or tsso•--nand are not to be gulled or hoodwinked into sacriking the 'Siih trrnee for the shadow, Thee- knew heyknew that °°at bird irr the frat(.dis w'or'th two its the bush,"end are not milling; to exchange trig certaiutyof enlarged. markets and an improved condition oP things (compared with the gloomy out- look of 188T-8$) for auy, Supposed in- definable theory of free trade or con- tiuontal union which may prove to he only au nerals fattatie or will p1' the wisp. VILA • t1'. GI1:J t?Cil. WA1T4C.!% SAYS! We wound res>Ieeefally ask: oiu• reaid- ors especially the members of Ota U e, lodges, to carefully digest the follow' n Ing extract of a. speeeh inade b , their P J Sovereign Grand Master itt a bau;luet veu at Hamilton to the Hon. N. Clarke Wallace by his brethren of that clistrtct "My elevation has subjected me to some criticism. It has been said that 1 should have refused to -serve under the Premier, Sir Joh. Thompson, because he was a Roman Catholie, Bat I don't read the constitution of the. Orange association aright if it prevents toe from serving with and wider hint on account of his religion. The groat majority of my brethren have no.sym- pathy with such narrowness and bigot r•y as that, The grand lodges of Onta- rio west and east, representing three fifths of the Oraugeuleu of British North America, have passed resolutions by large majorities. congratulating Inc upon the honor which his been bestow ed upon pie. The essence of Oraugeism is toleration,. I know Sir John Thomp son well, and I know that he is a royal and patriotic man, When Sir John Macdonald died • the Governor General offered Sir John Thompson the Prem- iership—that is, asked hitn to form a government; but Sir John Thompson declined to accept the honor, and re commended instead a good Orange- man, Sir. Jolla Abbott. (Applause.) I believe that our present Premier does not owe his position to his religion. but solely to his surpassing abili'y •as a statesman. Our duty as Canadians is to exercise one n 0 0 o toward an- other when we cannot agree in relig- ious matters." Mr. Wallace touched upon the Manitoba school question and said: " I have con tidenee that ample justice will be done in the matter. It has been charged that the Dominion Government has pursued different courses in this case and the case of the Jesuits' estates matter. This is not so. The Dominion Government has pur sued the same course in both cases.. itt the latter case the Government granted to the Protestant minority of Quebec the right to be heard in appeal under the ninety third section of the BRA.. washearing Act Ada} Hied fir the heallne of the appeal, but the Protestant min. Pritl leve:( t99l; nclpgillta r1 pf the.' Government's consent to hear this ap peal, but made a fresh bargain with Premier Mercier." Mr. Wallace inti mated that, inasmuch as the Vatican has, through a papal munein, endorsed the public school system of the United States, it would probably not strenuo usl-v oppose the establishment of purely non-sectarian sellools in Manitoba," MOW Seed Testing and Distribu- tion of Seed Grain, To THE EDITOR Op T1n8 ADVOCATE. SI1L,— Knowing that farmers generally are much interested in the above Subject; permit me to place before your readers the following:— SEED TESTING. The work of testing the germinating' power of glair and other agricultural seeds is now in active progress at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa Up to the present over 1,600 samples have been tested and reported on this season, and on the whole with very gratifying results, showing a good per- centage of vitality 'l'hereare, however some districtsin the Dominion from which samples have been received of very poor quality and quite unlit for seed. In some parts of Manitoba the harvest season of 1801 was very un- favorable and considerable quantities of grain were left out in stock or stack all winter and threshed in the spring 1392. A number of sa -pies of such grain have bean tested and they show a very low percentage of vitality,nianv of them ranging ftotn 15 to 411-' per cent, only, and are quite unfit for seed is some other parts of the Dominion, and especially in some sections of On. tario and (.,ueliec, the weather during the last harvest period was very wet. and the grain in the stook was suhout to repeated"ivettiegs before it could be housed. and in the meantime some of it sprouted. A large proportion of such samples also show a low degree of ger rnittating power, and if shown as seed will be likely to result in poor crops. Any farmer's desiring to send fur ther samples for tetat should forward them without delay tl,e packages should contait about one atlnl:e, each, Ind they can be sent to the Experi meet al Varna flee through the mail. Tile samples are tested and reports can tts, tinily be furnished in about tea drays after the gratin is received.. Star Drs-rrtteur.lo'. Last year , 16,9055 sample bags of p, promising sorts of „`rain, weighing l3 ibs`each, -were sent fresh thrnngh the mail to 9,114 farmers residing tit: dif- ferent parts 'of the Dominion, This large quantity of grain, over 25 tons, was all of first quality and consisted of the most promisittg'aorts which have lheett tested on the several Ex a rittiolt al Farms. 13y ttlstruetion' of the 1lou. Minister of Ax rioulttire, as similar tris tributiou is now in progress for this year, and alr'eady over 3,000 samples have been sett het, tied as Dirge mien eo1r are bulug mailed daily'. 'Tete oh jest of this distribrttiou is to place 'in the bends of good farmers ie all tttS of the eolilltry samples of the best ye rieties of oats, barley, wheat, pend, &e, SO that they may shortly be available for seed in every district in the eounty nerd eventu;Elly, result ill the dispiaein :. of poor, mixed and enfeebled sorts,with varieties possessed of greeter vigour and fertility. The cumber of saulples :sent to :one applieant is lilnitecd t ) , two. itt each (:ase, and on this basis very large number can be 'supplied. With careful and judicious handlings these. 3 Ib, samples will generally ,prtduce from one to three bushels the first year and at the end Of the, second season the grower usually nes seed enough for a large field, The advantages resulting from this large distribtltioti of the best sorts of grate obtainable will no doubt. u a few years be generally manifest 11) an itnprOven)dtlt in the quality. :And 1111 iuct(•aSe in the quantity of the average grain crops of the Dominion, A circular 18 seat with each sample whish the recipinute aro expected to till up and return at the close of the season; with particulars as to the char' :toter incl growth of the grata. The request is also elude that a sample of not less than one pound 0f the prorluet be returned to the Central Expert' meu tat Farm, so that itiformattion 1(1;1y be had as t0 t111.1 Measure of success at- tending 'Us growth Samples are sent to applicants as long as the supply lasts. Letters can be sent te the L;xperinient al Farm at Ottawa free ofpostage. 17?11. SAUNDERRS, Direidor Exi)eriaiae:tal I'ai-ms, OTTAWA, March 9th, 1893. News of the Week in Brief. Sir John Thompson arrived in Paris Friday. President Cleveland was 56 years old on Saturday, Two new oil wells have been struck/ at Petrolia. A big provincial prohibition conven- tion is to be held hi Toronto shortly. St. Patrick's.day was celebrated more generally thrid usual in Canada' Fri- day It is calculated that there will be 150,000 deadhead tickets issued for the World's Fair. • H. McElroy, of Richmond, Ont,hae ged himself on Saturday morn ing. No cause assigned. It. G. Dun S. Co.'s weekly review of trade indicates a large bussiihess and a confident outlook. Howard J. Schneider was hanged at Washington Friday for the murder of his wife and brother-in-law. The Central Presbyterian church in Hamilton celebrated its jubilee on Sun- day and wiped out all its indebtedness 89,000. .;. Voting took place on a local Optic)] oy law at Grand valla Fridi v ri:sl.?� lug in a majority of 125 to favor of lo cull option. Miss Mollie Neilson, of Plttsburg,P'ri day started on an attempt ',-to fast 30 days, She will get 81,000 if she lives through it. A lock out of S00 cutters is threat- ened in New York city. If these mere are discharged, over 7,000 tailors will go on strike. H. P. Davies' sporting, goods store on Yonge street, Toronto. was entered on Thursday Bight and 81,200 worth of goods carried off. At Rockfort, III.,. Henry Bodecker and his wife were murdered by burg- lars, who set tire to the house in order to conceal the crime. There is great distress in northern. Africa, due to drought and a plague of sickness. Many, people have died and rich people are fleeing. Carlyle W. Harris, the convicted poisoner of his wife, has been sentenced ie New York to be , electrocuted - dur- ing uring the week' beginning May 8. The total loss to 130 insurance corn pauies by the great fire in Boston tare. 1 �� foots $ la The _up total In- surance carried 11 Is 84,200.000. AtNaipance Friday John Vaitalstine, carter., while handling a piau0 wa, in Stint:v killed by the; instrument falling upon hint' and crushing his skull. It is reported that thc,,City Windsor will ply next 51 1,00 between Windsor and Southampton. Its that case she will make two calls a week at Ktnear At . �. s ,tko],, atc.o a �1, i t 1 o I a ct r► l' t t Paisley f 1 o I, Mr, W. 1,Vatson, of l lyth recently ;rap ?eared before i5 c:•� •1 0 e 11icS 1 neva li G Red Sleep, J. P.'s on, ,I charge of violating, Ino Li00nse Act. `1'lie sharhe was sus- tained and a int( of 890 and eosts im- posed. A siagle•firin in the North west has ordered from the Edits' Co., � of Hull, Quebec, 56,000 butter tubs this year.. In 1880 the same fi1'111 sold only 20,214 tubs, This shows that the dairying in terest is developing satisfactorily ` in la a Y the North west. The following cotllmis;i(OUOr's to the acntiait asse,tnbly to be held �to Brant 1 Ii 1(0x1 1'011) appointed ford or June e + , opo utud ' 'at the late tnet ting of itis Huron Presh,y- ter••':-Iievs.Dr. McDonald, tIasgraY�(1 Stewart and Robt. Henderson, and, the elders of Lonilesboro', Baylic:1d, Kippen and I3eusall, ;namely, Messrs J. Scott, T. Lydden, T. tMellis and lobt. Meths, Rev, Dr McDonald, of S faforth, was nontiitatcd as Moderator of the General Assembly, : Fev. Will:iana Holiinsltecl' Of Sparta, N. 3., voluntarily says: "To Whom It May Concern: " Unasked I deem it my duty to a suffering humanity whose bodies and souls,I would have healthy, to tell them of the value of Mood's Sarsaparilla. While living in Ohio one of myclhildren was greatly Afflicted With Boils having 30 on her limbs, and being unable to wall:. I had heard of hood's Sarsaparilla, and bought a bottle, half of which cured en- tirely. Two years after, another child was afflicted as barfly. I used the other half bottle of Flood's Sarsaparilla with like re- sults. About four years after, the child first afflicted was again tormented like Job, and I bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and again a cure. I gave some of the medicine to a poor woman and two children; they were helped as were mine. Through a testimo- nial sent to C. I. Hood & Co., inquiries came from. alt the country, asking if it 't as, a `bona, fide' to ti.nhoiiial, d of cO111 A I wrote alll r that it'vas, and leave the krtowle 're qt Scores and cores Of persons helped or cured byYfood's Sarsa- parilla. Mild cases of rheumatism have yielded to it. Biliousness and bad liver have been corrected in my own family. This is the only patent medicine I have felt like praising. I speak not for C. I. Hood, but for the Jobs who aro impatient and are ter- moiifrdbeyond endurance. Nothing 1 know of willoleanse the blood, stimulate the liver, or clean the stomach so perfectly as Hood's Sarsapani is Any person wishingto know more, enclosing a stamp will be informed. Yours for the health, happiness and virtue of humanity." WILLIAM IlOLLINSI'IED, pastor of.Presby- terian church, Sparta, N. J. Toronto and, Montreal capitalists, have purchased the "huckleberry marsh." in Welland county, end pro- pose to develop the peat beds said to exist there. hennedv the�i pl sneer who escaped from Piston jail on Wednesday night, has been captured att a faun house, at. whish he was forced by frozen feet to seek shelter, About 50 young men of a. western town have taken' a solemn oath to the effect that they will never be seen 111 the company of any woman who wears hoop skirts, Tho 1sya it t ds of acres of timber have been destroyed by file ith the Sierra mou1)11(0s of Mexico, , Many facrnilies are homeless and as number of goat herders have been burned to death �, At the Coui•t of General bcseions Fri ► day, Geos ),e Bennett, Edward Au hht•, and William Archer were found guilty of robbing Roberts, "jewellervv stole 18h Queen street west Toronto on Jain: 177 last, Me. W. W. Hilborn, of the, Ridge, Es sex comity, hoe received instructfnes to ship fresh strawberries to the World's Fair oven; ' day daring the sea soli, for exhibitiollanloogthe Canadian exhibits:, Philip itoward col red, aged 30 avid ilirs.Jalie 1'eittici, it white ivotnatt, both of Drntnrnolldvi1i'ttr were 1`u(t over 011 the M. C. it, neer N'ingen„ Palls, Su tar a r r fart C1 t i •� d i V t 1 1 . ai 1 n ti. 1 1t . s i i • c i t but (111 111,111 wifiprubabty leeover°. Flood's 1'iiis Cure habitual constipation. 1r ,..vt!t.. jcf, • ,,,, i 4141ti rt ria5y ' 1 .11." i's. 111: 11. Merrick, 01 Toronto, Ontario, Cured of Catarrh and Nsuralg• a Good authority has said that "neuralgia is the cry of the nerves for pure blood." The prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on tho blood, combined -vitt its toning and strength- ening effect upon the nerves, maks this a grand medicine for neuralgia and also for catarrh, etc. \Ve commend this letter to all having such troubles, and especially to Suffering Women "For a good many years T bane been Suffer- ing ;;ori?'itarrh, neuralgia, and C©nerafi a� failed to obtain permanent relief from Medical advice,, and my friends feared I would never and anything to euro 100. A short time ago I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, At that time I was unable te, walk even a short distance without feeling a Death -hire Weakness overtake me. And I ltadititenso pains front neuralgia in my head, back and litnbs, which Were very oah.litwtitii, But T am glad to say that soon after I began taking 1 reed's Sai'saparilia I saw that It was doing mo, good. When I took 3 bottles I was entirely CUrod8 of Neuralgia strength aiued in S engtlt lapialy, and can,.., take a two-mile walk without fooling tired. 1 do not suffer nearly so much from ear tarrh, and find that as my strength inereases the eitttu'rh decreases.. I am indeed it cleansed woman, arid ani Very grateful to for wb,at it has dons for 1130. itis my wish. Viet this my testimonial ellen be published in order that others suffering as i was,.may"" tenant how to be benefited.' MRS, M. I. Iteitntett, 07 )itI n Street,.'Tororit,J, (fait 0061,11 l•t11.11 dries en Niles 3118,.Tel eutt- stesi..Jtihiictide. intlikeltione Sick irsartattilie, JOUR HEALTH! ,o Y�� HE RUN' ®OCH , jut Will fake You Eat, 1� Will Tone 1 Your one Your Nerves, gill flake You Strong, Will Make You Feel Like Yourself Again, FOR CHRONIC COUGH 1T FFa ALMOST SPECIFIC. In all Pulmonary Diseases with emacia. tiara, as well as with spitting of blood, the effects of this remedy are very marked. V.0C, AND $1.00 PE►t BOTTLES pe sone roe ser Trig D. s L." The Ontario Government has issued instructions to the municipal clerks throughout the province to prosecute a.11 persbns who fail or neglect to com- pl;- with the law registration of births, marriages and deaths. . The penalty for cach.oi%nce is $20 and costs. ASSIGNEE'S AUCTION SALE! There will be sell by PUBLIC ATCTION, —on— FRIDAY, THE 24TH INST., AT 2 O'CLOCK, P.M, On the promisee of Digory Braund, Francis - to wn, the balance of the stools in trade of the said Digory Braund, consisting of un - m anufttetured material, cart -wheel axles, boxes, &o.; also the household furniture con- tained in the house oocupied by the said in. solvent consisting of, 1 Iilituo, 1 parlor suite 1 bedroom sett and ournereills other rirticleS RdeIii T ek e tClYTerma Qt sal. .tp AF..wea chattels Cash. Terms of s, property macre known on day of sale, ated 15th March, 1803, JOHN GILL: WM. ISAWDEN, Auctioneer Assignee MORTGAGE SALE oE._ Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of a power or sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort - page made by John McKinnon and Mary McKinnon wife, to the vendor (which will be produced at time of sale) default Having been made in the payment thereof, there will bo sold by Public Auction at 11olt's Hotel in the Township of Stephen, on TUESDAY the 28th DAY OF MAHON I893, At 2 O'Clock P. M., by Mr. John Gill, Auctioneer, subject to such conditions as shall then be produced, the following Valuable property. Viz: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Stephen, in the County of I'luron and Province of On- tario. containing by. admeasurement- One 1 -Lunares. acres bit the starve more or less, being composed of lot number eight (8) in the Fifteenth Concession of the said a flet :iTown- ship of Stephen. •� This �i n situated about three (.1) miles from Mount Carmel, and five and three- quarter (59.,t) miles from Crediton. The land is of good quality and has a good frame house and a good log stable thereon. tlt(MtS 0r Siva: Ton per Cent, cash at time of sale, Balance in thirty (30) days or as may be agreed. For further particulars, apply to I1LL• IOT St I,L.t IOT. 'Vendor's Solicitor, Exeter. Dated tth day of March, 1898: Men's, • Boy's, . and Children's Iiiir cut in the latest style, Ladies' Knots, Bangs and Switches made to order. E . I. Barber, —AGENT FOR THE— PARISIAN STEIAM LAUNDRY. The Cheapest and - Best Place in Town To get your_ Boots and Sloes mended, is at GEO. MASON'S! Jest a, few more pairs of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- r d les' Doll ,o1a(iids left, a NCXt 1�S sti)ooi' e. ,ilp� i sol al oc � et tG OF •rtU.AtN' Afltk9L SS lst: A i; qD� it POWDERS, ar•a , u ALL,L14 EA fiscrt to euro ovary.. thiti p,blot s n tply heart, uehe$. Try (horn, it... will cost but .'' cent,, for a boar and. they a,"O aarniicss, They aro not a Cathartic. READ AND LEARN. That oar Planing Mill. Sash Door& Blind • Factory is cit tad up with the latest improv0 1(1 ell ts. : Wo aroprepared to do 1)1411ihrg and ' matching, band and serollsawing turning moulding, grooving a11111111. kinds Ofmach- ine worts on shortest notice. In oar LUMB'ER YARD' you will find a,: large and well assorted stook of all kinds off building materials- Pine and 130011ock luna• - lier dressed 4.squrl anct3lot dressed. ' Soo our stook of x a and x x x :fibs bhhiglos nlali'ui'nctured by the beat makers in Ontario, We also have alargo,,toekofA1 Cedar Shingles which,, are excellent value, No.1 .Pirie Lath eon stttntlyinStook We have a111, gestock of barn sash wllio.b WC, can fill:D.14h with or •: without glass, We are 111 itt up with mach- inery 8100(111) adapted for niohm g all kinds of Tanks a1,0 C i toriia which woean furnish to our ("W. ton,ci., on short notice. We show something ntiw in this line ter watering cat- • tics in the Veld or bpi ee:mi. Our oelebratt•,l Ttak!eg Cabinet is, still at- traetieg 0101011 attention, and giving entire sa, tion wit oltovor 11;,ed. Dull 14 1(1 exam [no the above named stook,, all of which will be sold at lowest prises ROSS & TAYLOR, Main .St., Exeter Q37 000.00. —All persons who want• — CHEAP °G:OMEN' at 5i, 6 and 6j PER CENT should call —at the— Office of ,. E. COIIMIA:- CENTfl96 DIM USD. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS REPT. PateRtfi3efliciRes, SIJo1es,. Orllll!s1's SujiliIies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions andFamily Receipts R . p Carefully rat t.,dynred.. p II.1Nlr 0 V�Mint S(i001110 � the best in the market. 0. LTTTZ. PROP. When in need of a FALL SUIT —OR— Igor Overcoat CALL ON N ERT. KNIGHT, The Clothier, Who gives the best satisfac- tion obtainable in the village. He also has a ChObrG S�9C8� to S�le�t frog In his quarters: Over T. J. Knight's Grocer Store. Your Patronage Solicited. BEET. KNIGHT. CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) LIVERY ' l First t Gl s RIGS S And HORSE ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'magma c nearrozie. l• Telephone Connection ET AE--- SHAVIN ---'�f. �1 .ML �.{LrNL tL�OR EX t'Li ThR . = ONTARIO. TARI N O. A. Hastings, Every attention paid to Ladies' Hair Cillttd,llr.{cr . •a:'ti+1vhtior::.