HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-12-31, Page 4GOD1 RKCU SIONAi4-STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31,1970 Editorial commentary Christmas lights are shining All over Canada, the Christmas rights are 'shining. Blue, green, gold and red, they sparkle, their radiance displacing shadows here, highlighting them there, both within doors and without. Nothing could be a more significant symbol .of this season, nor, after the shock ,,and fear of our unhappy fall, more welcome. How we need light! Christmas, of course, can be - escape — for some- even an orgy — but for the thoughtful this returning cel.ehratiOn. of the Birth helps to restore- sanity and humanity. • Machines may be everywhere, 'but Christmas reminds us that it is man who makes and•operates them. Laws may rule us, or try to, but it is men who make the laws. Every new thrust forward, every dream that lifts us even briefly from our sorry ruts, begins in some human heart. The seeds of hope and despair are buried there. ' For a few precious weeks, thank God, hope is once , more ,withers. We dare believe, that better and more significant tomorrows may even now -be lying in the cradles of Canadian- homes, as once they.. '°"lay, for all men, in a Bethlehem. manger. Let' us all hope and pray these feelings extend into 1971 for the sake of all the people of .Goderich. For children everywhere - CARE A medical - study in Lahore, Pakistan, shows that 9 of 10 babies who reach their first birthday have already started a lifetime of undernourishment, the Associated Press reported recently. Other studies have, shown that malnutrition afflicts half the children in underdeveloped countries, and may cause permanent mental and physical damage to the young_, ' These -poignant facts underscore the holiday -season CARE ° Food Crusade' Appeal, which asks Canadians to help the' wbi I'd's hungry children grow -in'to healthy, 'educated, self-supporting adults. , Now, as we plan to make 1971 happy for our children; it behooves us to remember these others who need help so badly. - ,Under CAR E's plan, during the coming year some 23.4 million infants, young children, and school children vyilr be fed (far regularly at institutions --including schools and nutrition centers CARE hflped build, and hospitals where- CARE -MEDICO teams are working. They form the vast majority of a total of 25 million people CARE will help feed in 35 countries, from Latin America to Africa and As'a. Tocomplete the plan, unds are needed to deliver 6,700,000 food packages, at $1 per package. Canadian donations, farm foods and 'operating support contributed by host governments will multiply our gift dollars. For example: every dollar can help feed a child for three months; $10 serves a full lunch to 900 children. Somewhere, the young will thrive and ,have a brighter future if you mail a cheque to: ,CARE Food Crusade, 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa - 4, Ontario. P�verty is a 'state. of mind ' The federal government. is' .talking, a . large slice of the nation in to believing it is - poor and underprivileged, says social Scientist Martin Goldfarb: - The Iate,st Goldfarb Report commissioned by Maclean's Magazine -and published in its January issue draws the conclusion that the Economic Council .of Canada's poverty statistics, -which suggest 0 4.7 million. Canadians live in poverty, is: "Creating a dl imate of psychological poverty in 'this country that has little to do with what is .really ,going on. We're „dismissing whole regions as poverty.bound • -and--try Ing--te-co nv i -we the -people ccf t .ose. " regions that they, are. a collective failure -when- they don't -see themselves -that way at ail." The yardstick by which the economic council — and therefore ° the, federal. government - measures poverty is based - on figures published in 196. The council then arbitrarily drew the poverty line at $1,500 a year for a single person.; $2,500 for a couple and so on up to $4,000 for a family of five or more. . These startling figur suggest 29. per cent of - Canadians, and 45 per cent of Maritimers, live in poverty. The council has called file figures "8 -disgrace." 'But Goldfarb says these figures are not a,fair measure of Canada. "Poverty," says Goldfarb, "is more than a physical thing, it is more than being deprived ofdollars; it's an attitude, a sense of defeat, a loss of dignity. "But when you probe :Canadian attitudes, you don't find -that, a defeat. You- find a great many Canadians the ECC says are poor Who don't accept that definition of themselves you find such anomalies•as the fact that more people in the Weight to ten thousand a year bracket consider themselves to be in poverty than -in the si-x oto --eight thousand dollar group_" - • In fact, the Maclean's -Goldfarb report on poverty claims- that only ten per cent of Canadians consider themselves to be living in poverty, compared to the official 26 per cent statistic. And in the Maritimes,' only 11 per cent regard themselves as poor — and to hell with -the . economic council's official figure of 45 per cent. Poverty, it seems, is -a state of mind which -Canadians don't suffer from. KAVLT STC. MARIE 1 DETROIT RIVER WELLAND CANAL • S LOG=S INTERNATIONAL RAPID. 3 LOCK4 SOULAQES REACH 3 LOCK$ LAKE ERIE ' LAKE ONTANIO` /pyo.'",.*;;;;)7 : LACHINE REACH 2 LOCKS . ST. LAWRENCE RAianhe 1. earl--•- 1'AIRWAY TQ THE SOO --.,` OCEAN SHIPS ENTERING ,THE ST. LAWRENCE LITERALLY CLIMB UP THE ,LAKES. FROM MONTREAL. TO SAULT STEMARIE , SHIPS PASS THROUGH A TOTAL OF 16 LOCKS. EACH LOCK ....„,„,..,4,.... �. 4-IFTS THE SHIP TO A 114 /NJCHER LEVEL.''''' . ' Alliklik% AFTER ENTERING . THE LOWER LEVEL LOCK, THE GATES -11- ARE CLOSED AND_— WATER FROM THE HIGHER LEVEL IS DRAINED INTO THE LOWER LOCK. AS THE WATER LEVEL RISES, IT LIFTS THE SHIP UNTIL IT REACHES THE LEVEL OF THE HIGHER LOCK. THE GATES ARE OPENED AND THE SHIP SAILS ON. ottuunuuUnunauunnluuuumutquuuuututnt,�unlntnuttnuunuuuuuunnutnnnuuutuuuuonttununutuutuouttumnuuuunuuunuunnntuttuntauuu Speaking personally . There has been much controversy in recent months concerning -the use of provincial parks, most notably Algonquin and Quetico, for logging operations. Those who are opposed asked that these areas be left in a wilderness condition so that man may. see what the land was like before the coming of man. - It sounds like an ideal. suggestion, but it isn't really. Whenever man is allowed into an area that is wild, 'that area' ultimately is ruined. A few years ago Algonquin Park boasted a number of bears that came to the roadways for. feeding by visitors. Today bears are rarely- seen in the park at a11, mostly due to the abuse of them by man. In Quetico, before the logging operations began, the- timber was' becoming bogged down in its own mass. Vast areas of pine Goqls and priorities needed The increase in government spending in the past decade has been phenomenal and in most ways this has been a necessary and good investment in the future. Today, for example, more than 20 per cent of total government spending in Canada goesAo education, and health care costs have increased fro $60 per capita in 1955 to almost .$1 per capita in 1967. By 1975 they could double. - The Economic Council of Canada makes this frightening forecast: "If the rate of increase of the past five years were to- continue unabated, these two areas of activity- alone would absorbe the entire national product before the year 2000." The rate of increase will have to be abated, and now we can. re"al istical ty expect that the worse is over in capital expenditures for education and health facilities. But now the time has come to take a closer look at 'public spending, at our priorities and at the way public money is managed and by whom. It is becoming increasingly apparent that our n oney must be managed more efficiently. There also is a critical need for us to establish goals , and priorities in spending. What are they? They must be established. And along withothem a new and more equitable way to pay for them. The time has long since passed' -for, a restructuring of our tax system. It is time that corporations and industry and people in what appear to be tax protected 'position pick up more of the tax bill. not, that worn cliche will become truer than ever: "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." ESTABLISHED 123rd YEAR 1 Xhr''t'tgnat-$'tarV. oaf., o�� —0.... The County. Town N.wspapar of Huron —0— PUBLICATION • Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publishing .Limited - I p IE`LEPIIONE 524-8331,, area tode _314 11� ROBERT G. SHRIER, president ana publisher RONALD "p. V. PRICE, managing editor SHIRLEY J. KELLER, women's editor EDWARD J. BYRSKI, advertising manager <ARC> cot Subscription Rates $6 a Yeai: - To U.';.A. $7.5O lin advance) -Sedond Mass mail registration nut.tber 0716 With Ron Price. `poducing timber were dying out through strangulation which has now, in part, been • abated by 1oggiAg__ q_uite..literally _paining the, forest. Pollution takes the lead Iri',a world troubled -by -pollution of the sear the air and _the. _-_ land, the Japanese islanders_ are doing great work. The Japanese Government recently launched a major anti -pollution campaign, and a special parliamentary session was called to consider a wide-ranging set of new laws: - - The session began in November and was expected to last for most of December. The Government of -Japan wants to beef up eight taws that already exist, and hopes to push through" seven new bills to combat the growing problem. Pollution is choking many Japanese cities, fouling the air as well as the country's rivers and shoreline. Industries in Japan have been causing some of the world's worst river and costal pollution. But the government is working hard to change things. The most controversial bill being' suggested by some politicians demands jail sentences of up to three years, and heavy fines for industrial leaders whose companies cause dangerous pollution. Japan is hitting the wealthy tycoons where it hurts most. It will deprive them of their liberty if they fail to think first of the general public at large, the people's health and safety. The greed of many industrialists is to blame for much of the world's pollution. Anti -pollution measures can be taken, • and must be taken. But they cost money. In Japan, unless the industrial chiefs spend that money to make the country's air and waterways cleaner, they are now likely to end up behind bars. EMOT U70[21 hlI 1nqux .Short( lluckx•l'nlrmil�'d DUCK BILLS AND FEET A dabbler - small hind toe diver - lobed hind toe Mallard A typical of most ducks. Shoveller B more specialized, spoon -shaped and equipped with comb -like food filters along its sides. Canvasback . C stroaag and tapered for pulling up roots from marsh bottom. Feet: dabblers, such as the`€tallard and shoveler, have small slender hind tone. . Divers, like the redhead, canvasback and. scaup, .have a lobed hind toe, 5 -'70 If mar?'l's allowed into the area as a tourist, there" can be little doubt that the wilderness state would be lost in a very few years. The future generation will be depending on the forests for much of its materials. If the woods -are allowed to 'go unchecked they will die out as have woods in upper New York State and parts of Pennsylvania. Those areas have been overrun by shade loving trees which lack 'the appeal and usefulness of the tall pines. - What the advocates - of "wilderness state" should be • Remember When ? ?'?. 60 YEARS AGO Every ratepayer should take an interest in the sewer bylaw which is to be voted upon next Monday. The voice of Canadian agriculture has been. heard with no,. uncertain sound at Ottawa. A few minutes before six o'clock Tuesday. evening fire broke out in the West Street skating rink and did considerable damage before it was under control. The Lakefield Canoe Building and Manufacturing Co.'s factory was; totally destroyed by fire early yesterday morning. The Christmas tree entertainment on Friday evening was well attended although the roads were in very ,bad condition. 25 YEARS AGO A still-life • painting, of unestimated value, one of four known works by the Italian painter, Mattimeo Battera, has , been loaned to the University of Western Ontario display during the winter. season. The painting is the property of Gavin H. Green of Goderich. The home of Deputy Reeve Thomas Love of Stephen Township, an insurance agent in this village, was destroyed 'by fire discovered in the house at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. . An elaborate program was provided at the Christmas concert of the Saltford School on Tuesday, December 18th, 1945. On Friday evening the annual Christmas concert of Victoria Street United Church was held in the church parlors, with capacity .audience. 1 ... . ....... trained to administer blood alcohol tests on the breqthalyzer, has an empty chair waiting, and hopes Huron County motorists will keep it that way this holiday season by not driving after drinking. Holmesville public School pupils held their Christmas Concert last Tuesday. About 40 merhbers of Calvary Baptist Church climbed aboard a big bus Friday evening and set out carolling through the streets of Goderich. Our readers write INDEBTED Throughout the year, CARE is indebted to the Canadian press for informing the public of our food, self-help, medical and disaster programs. As the holidays approach, we hope we may count again on your support of the CARE Food -Crusade appeal. World . reports . make it apparent that progress in " developing nations must be rooted in the lives of their young. For this reason, most of the 25 million people CARE will help feed during the coming year are children, from infants to Students in primary schools. a Every dollar donated to the' $6,700,000.00 Food Crusade drive, will deliver one food package, to help complete programs aimed at giving hungry . children the health and edugation to be self-supporting in years ahead. The CARE staff in this country and overseas join me in extending to you and your staff our, appreciation of your past co-operation,. and . our best wishes for the Holiday Season and the New Year. 'Yours sincerely, Bertrand Beaudoin. 10 YEARS AGO Fifteen members of the Goderich Lions Club 1st Thursday visited more than 30 families bringing ' baskets of Christmas cheer to their'. Residents of Goderich and surrounding district filled Goderich churches to capacity for the special Christmas services last Sunday. doing is asking for greater The Goderich area heard control of the use of the lands another unusually large blast for all purposes. Logging is not about 9:50 a.m. on Wednesday. an operation that spoils unless it The Canadian Army . during is carried out without Thought`=,r�3960 continues to serve forttheA..�: for the future. The bigger ' cause of peace in many parts of logging companies realize the the world. need for future logging and plan for -it. Much more harm is being done by open it mining. These operations, certainly remote from Goderich, are ruining unimaginable numbers of acres and are, quite literally, tearing down the mountains of the Rocky Mountains. These are the bad r guys of the industrial ravagers. Logging does little damage but pulp mills contribute a great deal to pollution of air and water. If we have a genuine task in these areas it -is toward the parts of the operation that do the most harm. . ONE YEAR AGO The annual--Christmas—party of the Goderich Lions Club was held at the Harbourlite Inn on Thursday with the jolly old man from the north making his usual appearance and . leading the children of the Lions Club members in singing Christmas carols. . _ Council Thursday night` passed the necessary by-law making the area of town known ° as South Beach into a municipal park under the Parks Assistance Act.. Provincial Police Constable Tom Jansen, -one of three Goderich detachment men tiTD00R-ETHICS `SMOKING 15 INTURIOUS- YOU BET IT IS/ NOT ONLY To YOU BUT TO OUR FORESTS . IF YOU MUST, 9E SURE IT'S OUT. -- BUT, BETTER,/ STILL, I70N'T <, SMOKE /N THE WOODS!)'`" 6 - 10 Ib. TURKEYS X6.49` 1bb9° ROAST BEEF 11,49` X659° OVEN READY - .GEESE • BONELESS -- POT IDEAL FOR THAT GUEST MEAL ti STEAKETTES I‘LUALNDG T SYTsjE May the next 365 days bring you -jay and peace! n.