HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-23, Page 1VOL IV
The asons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855,J
Paid up Capital, $2,000,000
Rest Fund. .. 1,100,000,
Head offiee Montreal.
GeieleitAt, Ittseao ER ,
Money atiVitne, d , oorl Farm er's on th r
own Aotes w..1. one or more endorsere at 7
per emit par annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p.
m., Saturclaye 10 a.m.. to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed E'er mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Sayings Bank at 8
per (sent
Exeter, Jan 2,8, '88, Sub Manager,
Ozetter Abracatz,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
'One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
S1.50 if not so paid..
8.3.-rnertisiao.e. Mateo
or .ELpizacet-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
.are paid.. Advertisements without spcieific
directions will be published au forbid. and
Paharged accordingly, Liberal disoountinade
-for tra,nscient advertisements insertei± for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finet. style,
and. at moderate rates. Cheques, m alley ord-
ers. &a. for advertising, subseriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
• Sanders & Dyer
Church DIreotOry.
Fatt.' Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. in
and 7n. m. Sabbath School, 8 p.m. Holy
-Communion, ist Sunday of each n.onth at
Morning Seryiee. and in months of five Sun-
days, .after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the month, Holy Baptism on 2nd. Sunday
•ot each month at morning service.
METHODIST G111111011--jameS-St , Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10,8( a. m,
•and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath &heel, 2.30 p. m.
Matte STREET—Rev. W. MODOMS411, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, 1030 a.m. and .6,8t) p.m.
'Sabbath,School 2.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.80 p,
Ten. Sabbath School, 9.45 is. m
derefeSkit °nal Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, Fan Sores Bleck
two doors north of Carling Store
milli STREET, iET111,ette11s tooth
ithout )etin. Away at Hensel! 011 inn
iday; Ailsa Craig on end and 4th Tuesday
t Thursday of eac.Ijmouth
17 1107a'
' R
INGAM, PliNTise. [e ,flavier
College Dental SilrGeOts, (Mee
H. L. Billings. Office °Vex
Exeter, Ont. A. safe ana0Sthetic given for
'sthe painless extraction Of teeth. Fine Gold.
S...Fillinas as required.
Rosidence—Oorner A.ndrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario. •
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
p. 'Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A.ceouch-
.eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont,
TAR e T. A. AMOS, M. DI, C. M , Member of
1 .1., College of Physicians and. Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faeulty of Physieians and. Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Follow of Trinity Medieal
.0011ege, Toronto. Office—Dr. Cowen's for-
tner residence. .
-IA,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publie.
Office.-7Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
L. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
•eyam:ler, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
flice—FanSon's Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &e.
Ametione ors
r BRO Wet, Winchelseit. Licensed Aunt
1.. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
ddlesex, also for the township of Usborne
s promptly attended to and term excuser)
e.Sales arranged. at Post office, Wiricheisa
ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
w ed. Auctioneer, for the cent ties of Hur-
and Middlesex. Rebid mice: 1 mile south
Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
ise promptly attended to .at reasonable
ices, .
BOSSENB:ERRY, Reneal I. Ontario. Idc-
. ensed 'A.uctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
atisfactien guaranteed.
• VRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
K Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
liver Post °dine, Main street, 'Exeter, Ont.
'The Western Piro Assurance Company,
• of Toronto,
The •
Phamix Fire Insurance Co'y., .
of London, England
The Alliance Fire A.sur. Co'Y.,
of London, England.
Office:—Main-street, Exeter. Ont.
Wheat per bushel $0.63 to 0.65
Barley • 80 to 88
Oats ....., ......... 29 to 80
Peas ...... ....... 55 to 57
13tittar 18 to 10
10 to 11
Eggb .... 20 & 20
Chicken per lb... , .. • • • • • • 5 to 6
Clover Seed.... .. 8 00 to 8,00
Timothy . 2.00 to 225
Alsilte • . • 7.00 to 7.00
Perk 8,15 to 825
Potatoes per 13119 . . . . . . . . . .• 50 to 50
•NT(1.1,IC,h. 'Having disposed of the Flour
1.find Paid bm,it TU MOStirS 011010 &
W!Uiams t he oby give eetiee that •
unsettled aceount., 1111.0 the (Id firm must
he pain by let da'r C April, Or •they will be
plauutl. ifi my eolleuter's lotuds.
• ;tone ItteunitosoN
Exeter, March 14th, 1803 21
Haviog purehesed an improved
standard chopper with Fretich Burr
St01108. propared to do • custom
chopping on TueSday and •Wednesday
of each week at moderate rates,
0. VV. Seim, Centralia,
A MAuvErtouS RECoun,
The Year 1892 the mcst prosperous in
in our History. Th us loudly thund-
ers forth
The Cuyenaut Mutual Benefit Assad:Ion
Galesburg, 111,
',Las ssyso-sonth voar takos rank with
the largest a ucl best Life Insurance Corpora-
tions in the World.
42,080 policy holders; S100,009,000 Insurance
force: $I ,000,00e paid policy holders
et,00d.000 total assets; $850,000 surplus over
liabilities; 1;230.0e0 bi n th 1 v 1110010 0;
$28,350.260 new insurence (written) 1802:
0(10 deposited with t b e Insuranee L)opIrtInio,i t
of Canada
. A 4,1ES.
An Absolute Policy for a defieite amount
at fixed premien) rittes. All nual distribution
after six years. One half the Policy payable
in eash in the P VIM t of Permanent 111111. 'Pet-
al incontestible. Divi-
deitds reduce future cost or paid at. death to
the Beneficiary. After six veers the Reserve
Aeon mulittion s aro paid also in di1Lti,n to
the fell value of the Policy. Accepts Female
Risk with out extra cost. $20,000 writteu up-
on a sitgle use. Lowest expense raft's. Ali
profits 'belong exelueively to the Policy-
holders and revert to thou uncler the con -
tritest strong as Gibralter, safe as United
States or Canadian bonds and withal, et:0-
.110111km' and 014eap, It has no eerie I. It of-
fers the best life in serail au obtaie able a t the
lowest possible eost.
Por rates and other information apply to
LAD vireircitorir, Dist. Gaul Apeit Exeter
Card of condolence.
Exeter, March t5th, 1803.
To Mn. IsAAc REID.
Dear Bre tit or. as 110yal Tem pl ars, we feel
that we should not aetthe part of brothers
ond sisters did we withhold that sym pa thy
due you in this trying hour of loss and be-
reavement in whinh death has stolen from
your home the partner of your joye and sor-
rows 'Your lives have been linked for more
than half a century. During this time you
have striven together to provide things hon-
est in the sight of God and man ; you have
both sought forgiveness of sins at the hand
of your heavenly Father and realized the
pasdon and peace growing out of faith in the
divine promise in this confidence von have
both lived, waiting the summons to (semen))
higher. Year esteemed wife has always held
the confidence of those whose acquaintance
she made, as Well aS those *hese hand was
not plighted with hers in holding fast the
pearl of great price: and to tbe last moment
of her life found re aidn nin•/pgog anhlteihheetaf Fath-
,..1.11' en Or 0"Ni sorrow not ti.° h"e`ttiRet t),"e"f)
SeL1latikt. 0 la epttagrik:nr oiar
is only for a till or t time W10PL9611 ehall
with a re-nnion made
again clasp bands
glorious and immortal, by our divine Lord
andMaster.. You can go to her, she will not
run) to you. The voyage hits been made,
he heaven reached, ehe has crossed the riv-
er, tutu ot alone. The guide of her life was
her guide and solace in death, and althougl,
deprived of speech in her last bouralthough
now dead. she yet spealreth. Yea, thorigh
walk throne, the valley of the shadow of
death I will fear no evil. for thou art with
me. thyrod and thy staff the,y comfort me
A. life t 11118 1 t Verl SilttrOS in the promise of
ii/eSgerl are the dead that die in the Lord,
from henceforth yea saith the Spirit that
they may rest from their labors and their
worke follow them." Yon, clear brother, and
your departed wife. our sister. were honor-
ary members in eta Royal Temple of Temp-
erance. Your infirmities attending advanced
years prevented you attending so often as
.we could desire or even :yourselves could
wish. bet we were assnred of your sylr!rathY
80 Our noble work of reseuio ethe perishing,
n helping our fellows to a nobler lite, fitting
and prepariug them for the temple Above
We earnestly hope and pray that you rmuv
he graciously sustained in l•his the hour of
bereavement. and when life's last sunset
Sh£1,11 001110 to von. may you be resting safe
in. the arms of .Tesns. By order of
Royal Ternplars of Temperance,
Exeter, Ontario
Ao. Tweeting.
A meeting of the directors of the
Stephen & Usbourne Ag'i Society was
held at the MaliSiOn Howe Wednesday
221id4inst Present: J,Delbridge, Pres.
A. G. Dyer See ege Tres. Ballantine,
Christie, Ellett., Eilber, Jones aud
White. Minutes last meeting read and
cipproyed.—Notion, carried that the
Spring Show he held Tuesday April
Ilth and that an increase of $1 prize
money be awarded to aged Coach and
Carriage Stallion, MO for Bull 1 yr.
The Collectors reported $100 on anb
seription •list.—Mr. H. Eilber was in
structed to rent the ground by public
Auction at the Mansion House on day
of show.—The Treasurer was instruct
ed to .pay all prize Motley at Mansion
House 011.day Of show.
• A, G, DYER, Sec'y.
• Usborne.
on Monday last while J son of Leon
arid Hunter was tieing an axe in the
bash, it slipped and ,inflieted a severe
gash in his foot; Hk get home, when.
It bled very freelY, It waS dreseed end
is doing well, but he feels from the
shook and exposure.
13ritisli Grain 'Trade.
London, March 203—The Mark Lane
Express. in its weekly review of the
British grain trade, says:—The quota
tions of Central Indian wheat futures
have declnied 6lid. In Kurraehe pric
es are 9c1 eheaper. At Liverpool 1t1
per centaladvance is /mid for Californ,
ian. Red wititer has declined 9d in
London. New Indian wheat will not
be shipped before Easter, Australia
hos shipped 40,000 qrsweekly since
January 1. The quentity of wheet ott
passage for Great Britain on ilbirch 18
amounted Me 2, 693,000 gra, In twelve
markets eorn is firth; priees have risen
Hay per tott . 6.00 to 7.50 1 d in Liverpool,
MARCH 23, 1893.
NO 302;
.E.illsgreen Grand Bond,
The many friends of Mr. Geo. Brown
who fornierly taught it! School Section
No• 8, llaY, will he pleased to leerll
his succ:ss la the west. Ile now has
the honor of being a Profeseor of Phren -
()logy. While engagod 111 t;thieg out
tim ber on Friday last,Mr. George Ken
nerd had the misfortune to intli a se-
vere gash th his foot. Tjeder the skil
ful treatment, 02 1)1' T'nompson, of Mei-
sel!, he is rapidly rat:overtly,' —Mrs.
Love, Sr., has heeu in poor health the
past few days.
Mr. Paul Dierattd, who. has been
spending the winter underthe permit
itl roof, returned on Tuesday !eat to
East Grand Forks, Dakota, • where he
has been etnployed in a restaurant for
the past three. years, 1 -lis brother
'Harry accompanied .him on this trip.—
The conteact for the erection and cent
pletioe of the new school house Was
a warded to Messrs. H. & J. C, Kalbtieish
for the sum of $925,—The weather con-
tinues broken and rough, and the
roads are :next to impassable —,Fishing
has been remarkably brisk daring the
season,'atid prices have remained firm.
all Winter, but the breaking up of the
roads will tutve a tendeutty to lower the
price from this tiro 13 •out.
The concert here was a "grand
farce. The night was very cold and
stormy. Not half of those on the
programme were present, • The pro
gramme that was carried out consisted
of 14 readiugs, 4 reeitatiens, ali "ante;
dote," two SODITS and a half, and a few
loud yells. Mr. McCallum and MisS
Elliott performed their parte to the
best of satisfaction.—Mr. Henry Hunk
10, 0? Logan, has been visiting' these
parts. All were glad to meet him.—
Mr. James Campbell, Jr., intends going
to Dekota in a few days: will be
greatly. missed. We may bid him a
last farewell as the. "Yanks " keep all
good Canadian citizens that they call
get hold of. ---Measles and scatlet fever
have reached these parts.
(To late.for last week.)
V ;Mr. W T Ulens tapped over 40 maple
trees last week,—Mrs. Joseph Foster
who has been absent from home visit-
ing her mother during the past month
equrned home last week.—Thos. Stin
tee-, e • . • '
8011ad.1ithiho2 oi Ripley emu _
Stinson klia his cousin of Bayfield
spent a number of' days visiting theit,
friends hero last week.—Mr. Ed. Mc-
Phersoit presented our post master
with a young maple tree that :grew
over 8 feet last year. Our postmaster
talks'of placing ie on exhibition at the
Worlds Fair to show the congenial cli
mate of our fair Olitario.2Mr, Thos.
Belt has rented Mr. Jas. Pollock's home
and moved in last week.—Mrs. Saiah
Watson started to move Ines the Belt
home last week but on aecount of the
big snow batik was obliged to return.
Mr. La m a n d'S sale passed olT success-
fully. Everything sold for full yalue.
Mr. T. Cameron, the new auctioneer,
did remarkably well for the first time,
cerisidering that the sale was a very
large one. Mr. Carithron will, no doubt,
prove to be one of the best auctioneers
in these parts. Mr. Lamarid intends
moving to Cromarty.—Mr. James Scott
got a lot of wood cut on Friday last,
after which there was a pleasant dance
in the eveninge—Many people are leas'
ing here at present and gook to distant
parts; some we are sorry to part with,
Theruate aonne we would gladly part
with, but they are stayers. This
neighborhood seems to possess all
grades of humanity, from the most
Sticky fingered re an on fortune's wheel
up to the "King."—Mr. C. Russel
has gone to his farm in DoWnie. While
here, Mr. Russel Droved himself to be
a good citizen :led we Wish .him •health
and suceess whereveg he may be,
• Oredipn.
Mr, V. Bertrandenoved back to Sebe
waing, Mich., after spendiug the win
ter here,—The ievival services have
cense to a close, and a grand and glor-
ious work has been accomplished by the
united efforts of the pastor and chris
Hans —The bridge across the river two
and a half miles north of the Crediten
road has been condemned by the cown.
and the public have been warned
not to travel over il.—Mr D. Sprague,
of Pickford Mich., is renewing old ac-
quaintances in town after an absence
of about 15 years. Mr. Sprague speaks
in glow in g; terms of the connti7 in the
upper peninsula.—Messrs Levi, Haist
and Fred Ginther, left Tuesday last
with their families for Elkton, Mich
Wilep nay will take possession of the
brick yard formerly owned and opera
tee by Mr. Joseph Haist.—There was
a large audience Lithe Town Hall, on
Tuesday evening' to hear the debate on t
the "Poor House" question, between the t
Sodom and Crediton Debating Societies.
Owing to the late hotir no decision wes
given to either club, The debate was
liveiy • througnont and many good 1
points were brotignt up both for and I
against. After a vote of thahlts to the
chairthan the Meeting was dismissed, p
,• On Sunday 12th lust, some darin
and evil disposed persou or persons en
tered lilr. W B. Fallis' house through
bael: wilidow end • helped theniselve
to eome good things that were lit tin
cupboard. After 8111821 iI4 thwESD
in that wey they rausaeked the hous
and seetired a gold watch. which they
took with them No doubt if the)
could have effeettel in (1131 LOLL to the
store more would have been • tnissiner,
but ttie store was loeked. They left a
note on is hich was "Mcieitity wants the
house left in better shape next time."
Mr. Kipper of 'Kansas, is at present
visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. Bossetp
berry. --Misses. Laura VVilliams and
Allie Johnston were visiting friends in
Clin ton last week—Mrs, 0. Bossenberry
of Hensall, is visitng friends in and
around Zurich.—Miss Annie ,Iaeobe, of
Fansyille, is the guest of Miss L Wil
Hama —Mr. E. Hagen was the guest of
Mr, and Al rs La t•ta , Friday and Saw r
day. --Mr. Ted. Latta was the guest of
his brother S. J. Latta, one day this
week. --Mr. Beaker has moved in the
house next to D. Steitiback's store.
• Dashwood,
On Saturday evening as Mr. H. Wil -
left was going. to the post office he
slipped on the ice and le falling broke
the small bone of Isis left leg, a few
inches up from the ankle. The break
was atteuded to by Dr. McLaehlin and
he was soon in a position that relieved
his pain but Ise will have lito make a
pet of it for some time.—A CALL TO
ARMS:—Mrs. Graybeil presented her
husband with a fine young baby girl
Under the caro 0? Dr, McLa &flirt, both
mother and child are progressing fa
vorably.—Mr. Cook and family are
preparing for moving to the place
where his mill is situated in Muskoka.
They will be mueh missed here as they,
are well and favorably known'.
OVER THE BRIDGE. -4/t1, Monday of
this week Mr. Jas. Neil, who lives just
at the foot of Bayhan's hill on the 2nd
concession of McGillivray, met with a
very peculiar, though not fatal lied
dent. He. aCeompanied by his wife
and son., were in &cutter drawn by
single horse. There was a bare spot
gle Toed et .2:th:L epproaeh to the
bridge. When the horse got on the
bridge he suddenly stoped, staggered
to one side and fell completely oyer
the railing of the bridge on the ice and
snow on the surface of the creek, a dis-
tance of about ten feet. Fortunately
for those in the cutter the shafts broke
and left them ',sitting in the cutter.
The horse wits but slightly injured.
The Messrs. Wm. and Edward Dig
nan, sons of ?,Jr. Warren S. Dignan, of
this township, left this week for Shel-
don, Dakota, Where they' intend remain
iug for a time, if the countrY pleases
them, and we wish our young friends
all success in the 'far famed west.e--A
very pleasing event took place on
Tuesday evening 14th inst., at the res
idence of Mr. NC G. Scheellig, of the
township of Hay, near Zurieh,oli which
occasion his eldest daughter Miss
Lousta, was wilted in the bonds of
matritneny to Mr. George H. Grain son
Of Mr. Wm. Gram, of this township.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Mr. Heist, of Zut ids, and was wit
nessed by the relatives of the contract
ing parties. The bride was made the
recipknit of a number of useful and
•valuable presents, testifying to the re-
spect in which she was held, and we
unite iVith the many- well wishers of
the newly married-eouple :in wishing
them long and contintied happiness in
their new home, rezently erected by
the groom
Mr. G. M. Miller, of Mt. Clemens,
Mich., is at present visiting his rela-
tives in this vicinity. His many- friends
were glad to see hint acid to hear of
his deserved protnotioa to the position
of baggage.master ost the G.T.R. at
the above place. Mr. J. H. Miller, of
London. accompanied Mr. Miller on his
visit.—Mr. G, W. Holman was taken
by surprise on Monday afternoon last
when three. of his pupils —Misses Laura
Andrew, Nettie Russell arid iviatid
Brimacombe—on behalf of the school
presented bins with a beautiful bang-
ing lamp and a kihdly worded address
expressive of their eppreciation of his
efforts in their behalf and wishing him
success in the future. Mr, Holman,
though tnken completely b,y surprise,
expressed his thanks to the children of
the school for this splendid token of
their esteem,—The promotion exami•
nations will be held this Week and a
full report given to the ADVOCATE
text week. Parehts are urged to see
hat their children atte,nd school regu-
arly and give diligent attention to
hotne studies when prescribed—We
have every prospect of telephone cons
teetion with Exeter in the near future.
t is to be hoped everybody interested
Will help alehg the movement in every
osSible way.
Bicidulph. 1 laturoll Assizes.
Mr, Jemes, Robbins, of Port Huron,
formerly of this tp: is visiting' here at
present. P, 1.1 Neil !eft on Monday
(103 101 Ohio, where he will be engaged
in the stock !IL10U)OSI, —Mi J a Mc
Roberts, formerly of this place, is also
in Indtanna with a carload of stock.—
Tim Aladegao, formerly of Biddulph, is
at present in Virginia, where 111(10 41
uo snow drifts te Noel: the road.
"B". Line.
Messrs Ross & Pollock are in Forest
on a bosioess trip. -e -Mr. W. Gamble
has moved to Grand Bend whegehe
has purchased a house,—Mr . Wede,
of the townline, was .surprised.oe en.
tering his OW stable one morning re-;
cantly to find that a cow had given.
birth to e. two calf. The heads
were perfect but tne animal :was dead.
Mr. G. Manson has returned home from
the lumber woods—Mr, R Adair 'is
busily engaged cuttitig wood for next
Stimmer. Miss 11 Latta ia at preseut
verY ill.—Mr, J..Sultttei is visitiog his
parents in MeGillivray.—Mr. J. Tet
man 114180105 0) leaVe Ole litie and go
30 tne Northwest shortly.—. -Mr. and Mrs
Walper. were .visitiug friends la Mitch
ell last week.—Sutton Bros, had the
good luek to capture two racoons. -e -
Mr, O. Wolper retently disposed of one
Df his horses.
Mr. G. Meyers, of this place, has sold
Ids neat dwelling on the South side of
Richmond street, to Mr. Chas. Meyers,
our enterprising meat merchant. Mr.
•J. Oliver has resumed work in Dr. Me
Dairtnid's drug store, after a long. and
paiuful illness.—Mr. G. Petty, of the
firm of Petty Brothers, who Was one of
of the pioneer business men of this
village, left this week for Sarnia, where
he is opening up a branch of his pres
ent busitiesshoth in the wnolosale and
retail department, and while we very
much regret losing such an energetic
honest and enterprising business man
from our midst, we have at the same
time much pleasine in recommending
Mr. Petty to the good people of Sarnia.
As a business mau they may put every
confidence in him. During the 16
years he was here he was always one
of our formost men in every enterprise
that was in the interests of the village
and he will also be greatly missed in
church circles and in the societies to
which he belono-ed and in which hs
• , . , • • •
was always one of the most active
me.mbers We unite with his many
friends iti wishing him all success.
Mrs. V. Windsor, who has been visit•
ing her sister near Craig, returned
home last week.—John Neil, Discriet
Master of the L. p. L, was in Orange-
ville last week attending the Grand
Orange Lodge of Ontario West.—Mrs,
Thomas Essery, who has been oa the
sick list for some time, is on the mend.
—Rev. McDonagh preached here last
Sunday to a crowd4;c1 house.—Toin
Moffatt had a valuable dog poisoned
last week.—The temperance league is
gaining in membership. ft has over
seventy members and only two meet
in„0.m. They count en about one hund
red the next night.—J. Neil, with
gang of six men, started to work at H.
Rundle's new barn this week. He has
seven new barns to put up this sum
mer, also some old ones to repair.—
Thus. Elston is taitikg of going to
Miehigan to seek employment for the
summer.—Jas.Hodgins went to Cleve
land last week for the corpse of his sis-
ter (Mrs. Casey.) She was buried at tee
Jemes' cemetery, Clandeboye, oil
Thursday.—Mr Sam. Hicks, Jr.. 2nd
Ueborne,recently sold three heavy
draught horses two gelding's and one
.registered mare, to three different
buyers, The prices • in each sale
was good. Mr. Hicks keeps none but
the best horses therefore 'hae no, trottble
to sell thorn readily and at go d prices.
:Broke Throineh the ice,
Goderieh, March 15 —Yesterday Drs
&cord andStnith left Kincardine for
Goderich, ()Wing to the.bad condition
of the roads they took the lake route,
coming over the ice. When about 16
miles north of:here and some distance
from the ahord the -team. broke through
the ice and ,were &ownedthe owu
pants of the .cutter eseepinge without
. .
10Jury. They made,their way to the,
shore and were lermight to :Goderieli
this morning.
Looks Bad roc tmeanan.
London, Mareh 17.—James Ryder, of
Biddulph, who was cut itnd stabbed in
a fight with Alfred Digman a week or
two ago, was reported this morning to
be in a serious and critical condition,
blood poisoning haying set in. A con,
stable was out -'there yesterday and he
brought in a letter to the crown attor.
ney from Dr. Sutton stating that it
would be very dangerous to tnove Ryd-
er ,just now. The wounded man's ap
pearanee is deetribecl aS dreadful. His
flesh has turned dark colored near the
wounds, the hand is Swollen and the
doctor tool: half a pint of matter out
of it yesterday. Digmart was to have
come up before a magistrate to day for
examination, but he tvas remanded for
atutther Week. •
IAt the assizes 00 Tueeday of last
week the case of Copp vs. Coleman was
taken up. Itobt. Copp. the plaintiff,
built a foundev foe the defendant iii
the twit of Stetforth 4110 clairns some
$5,600 as the balance due on the con
tract. The defendant alleges that the
building was not completed according -
to contract; that it is unsafe, clanger
oils and uot at all fitted for the purpose
of a foutalry where heavy maehinery
is ill operation; that it shows signs of
going to pieces, and counter claims for
ditinae,es, ,
After a long list of witnesses testified
00 each side. His Lordship gave judge
meat allowing a deduction ur 8000
from tie; contract price, after a very
thorough preseittation 02 3(14. conflicting
testimony/. Garrow for plff., Shepley
for deft, ,
Oa Wednesday Robert Durnion and
Seaman Baird pleaded guilt', of corn
mon assault, and John F:att of ob-
structing. the railway, train. "the
Crown thieved no evidence as to 'AlcGee.
Mr. Justice Rose; before pronouncing -
sentence upon Durnion and Laird, said
he had be.en informed th:tt they were
men of respectability and hitherto free
from disgrace and 1403 0? the critninal
&ass, but that in this matter they wero .
Found to be in a drunken broil upon a
railway train; that he was not disposed
to send them to jail, and would let
theni go upon suspended sentencc. up-
on their finritng• two sureties to keep
the peace for iive years and paying
$200 towards the costs of the prosecu
tion. John Pratt, who is a constable of
the county of Bruce, was also allowed
to go on suspended sentence.
Essay vs. Berry, was an •action bv.
the guardian of an infant for the value
of certain goods. The case was ad-
journed till the Chancery sittings, the
official guardian to be notified. Costs
of the day to be disposed of by the trial
judge. Gairow, Q.C., and ,Collins for
plif; Campion, Q C., and Drom,gold for
ckson vs. Brady was an action for
the warranty of the hurse Brown Rook-
er, owned by J. P. Fieher and W. Jack-
son. This case was iii progress when
this report closed. Carroty, QC, and
Scene for Defts. Shepley, QC., and
Dancy for pill'.
Prosbytery of Huron.
This court of the Presbyterian church
held its regular meeting at Clinton on
the 14th inst., with Rev. Robert Hend-
erson. of Maucheeter, as moderator. Af-
... • - -4. sa std. • eee. -e ta
WI 6 ,se .J • j 111,n utes 0.
meettlig, -represented ve elders present-
ed their eominissions from sessions 'and
the presbytery roll was made up for
the 'year. Aid -receiving congregations
submitted the necessary reports for
their application for a grant from the
Augmentation fund, when it was
agreed that the Presbytery ask for 14.
graitt of 8200 for Baylield and Bethany
while they are vacant and $250 whea
they have a settled pastor. A call from
Bay held and Bethauy in favor of Rey.
Mr. Graeb was set aside by the Presby -
tory on receiving, word from the minis-
ter that he wisd to decline it. Per-
mission was granted the moderator,
Rev. J. H. Simpson, to moderate in an.
other call when the people would again
be ready. For Grand Bend and Cor-
bett it was agreed. to ask a , grant ,of
$250 a year. A.regu.esc from Leeburn
and Union churches, Goderich town.
ship, to be put upon the • augmented
list was presented to the Presbytery.
sion committee for a grant of
united charge to the status of an tine-,
mented charge and ask the Home Mis-
Each congregation promised $880200,0anad
the Presbytery agreed to raise the
year. In the event of this grant being
secured, which would be determined
on March 28, leave was granted. Rev.
J. A Anderson to moderate in it 'call
when the people would make choice of
a minister. The report of the commit-
tee on Sabbath observances was pre-
sented by Rev, A. McLean, Rev. J. A,
Hamilton presented the report on tem
prance. Rev. J ±1 Simpson and Mr.
Laidlaw were appointed inembJus of
he Synod's committee oa ' bills and
yertmets. Rev. S. fectiesepette the ab
mice of the Rev. Dr. Menonitld pre-
ented the report on the state of relig-
the Commissioners to the General As-
embly Wore apppinted as followse—
Le McDonald, Mit Stewart, Mr. Mus -
lose and Robt. Henderson, ministers;
nd one elder from Hullett, Baytield,
Cippen and Hens;t1l. 'The assembler
teets in June in the city of Brantford,
he Sabbath school report wes present -
d by Mr. Simpson. Rev. Dr. MacDon-
Id was nornimited b,y the Presbytery
s moderator for next'general .assemb-
16 beinglearned that Rev, Dr.TJre,
ad reaehed the age when he is entitled
be put upon the aged and , infirm
Misters' list, the Presbytery agreed
make the necessary application to
e Genera Assembly. The Presbye,
ry will meet again at Hensall on:
ay 9th at 10 a.m.
JouNSmoti.--At Rodgerville on 16th
inst., the wife of James Johnston, of
a son.
DENNISON.—In Usborne, on 1815 inst,,
Use wife of Robert Dennison, of a
SfEwe.e.m.—In Usbornc, On 21st inshe
the wife of John Stewart, of d. adn.
Munt—In Illx-eter, on 1515 %Ste the
wife Of John Muir Sr. a a son.