The Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-16, Page 80011 RETflILERL
--We handle—
s o==s.rsx.;E .MITSD =UMW -M=4
J. araGa,
New Dress Goods,
New De Lanes,
New Prints.
All in .and op-
ened up. The
Choicest Stock
we have ever
shown. Special
value in colored
Cashmere. A
Pure all Wool
Cashmere for
24 cents,
Regular 45ct.
goods. See this
line, it is a daisy
New Carpets,
New Curtains
New Wall Paper.
All opened up and
ready for you. A
great bargain in O-
paque Window
Blinds mounted on
the best spring roller.
See our Stock.
IT. A. Stewart.
Mr. James Dignan had his ear badly
cut at the fire yesterday.
The first wheels of the season were
seen on our street Monday. They were
somewhat previous though.
The bluebirds have arrived from
Southern climes, and are to heard sing-
ing from bare branches of the trees.
The Goderich Signal wants a new
constable appointed in that town—
presumabl a to look after the annexa-
tionists and other disaffected citizens.—
Guelph Herald,
Lloyd Glanville, son of Mr. Henry
Glanville, of this place, and employed
at. the Catholic Record office, Loudon,
had one of his hands badly injured in
a press thereon Thursday last.
The roads are still in a very bad
condition owing to 'he numerous pitch
holes, and prospects are that not until
wheels come into use again, will there
be much pleasure in driving.
Messrs Ross & Taylor were busy the
past week making changes in•the po
sition of some machines in their plan-
ing mill,which gives more convenience
in making up building material.
A. Strathroy girl bas taken to play
ing the trombone because she thinks the
practice will produce dimples in her
cheeks. For the welfare of mankind
we trust the experiment may prove un
The latestr
at Deity in the interests of
"beauty" is a corset for the foot, and
the idea comes from the United States.
The instrument of torture is made so
as to enable a size smaller shoe to be
worn then would be otherwise possible,
consists of a strong, though thin, band
or web, which is fixed around the in-
„ste while the foot is off h ground.
p, the „When this is in its place it is compari:
.F tiyely easy to put on a shoe which is
altogether too small, and the pressure
being onthe corset instead of the shoe
the latter does not stretch.
An exchange refers to the nasty ha
bit of pitching out of the back door a
pailful" or dipperful now and then of
greasy water and a handful of parings
and a general waste of the kitchen
which breed fever and biiiotts diseases.
The waste disappears for the most part
into the soil, but there is the key to the
mischief. The soil gets full after a
while and ferments, and the ha sun
breeds: gases'whirh surround and en-
,. ter
n -:.:.ter the house. This is true, not only of
tkteeheaper, poorer houses and families
but well to do, intelligent people, who
itaye spots behind their houses s,atur
este with slops,
Mr: Ell Snell had a wood -bee last
'.luesday, at which a large number
were present
Mr. W, T. Tiewkshaw has graced
his parlor with a beautiful piano, man
ufactured by Fowls Bros., Itrgersoll.
Frospectsfor a busy seeson in the
building lice in and around Exeter
aro bright, Messrs. Dyer & Iloward.
having already secured ten contracts.
Any person finding a letter with the
address of Mr. I?an Dyer written
thereon will confer a favor by leaviuo
the same at this office or the post•ofce
J\l r. P. Andrew's team, which was
tied tu front of a store, became fright•
ened on Friday last and ran away.
causing touch excitement on our main
street; No damage was done.
There died at her late residence,
Main street, on Monday last, the wife
of Isaac Reid, at the age of 75 years
and 3 months. Hor prostration was
yery unexpected as she has been en•
joyiug apparently good health and on
Wednesday of last week was noticed
on our streets. On Thursday she was
seized with a malignant attack of par
lysis, from which she passed hurriedly
away. The funeral took place yester
day to the Exeter cemetery.
A lady writes as follows:—"I send
you for the benefit of many mothers a
valuable receipe for diphtheria. It has
cured my five children, and I am pre
pared to say there is no stage of the
disease can stand before it. I keep it
in the house all the time, and when•
ever the children have any symptoms
of sore throat,I at once use some of this
preparation:—Five cents' worth of tan-
nie acid, two cents' worth of sulphur,
two cents' worth of burnt alum. What
will cover a five cent piece is a dose for
a ehild, and about twice that quantity
for an adult Blow down the throat
every hour. Bath the feet well and ad-
minister a good dose of castor oil or
beaforth Dye Woks.
All orders for the above Dye Works
can be left with E. H. Fish,
Soy Wanted.
A good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office.
Farm for Sale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
Custom Chopping.
Having purchased an improved
standard chopper with French Burr
Stones, I am prepared to do custom
chopping on Tuesday and Wednesday
of each week at moderate rates.
C. W. SMITH, Centralia.
There WAS lee.
A maiden fair with sun -kissed hair
came tripping. down the street; the air
was keen, her age was "steen", and,
readers, she was sweet. The sidewalk
was sleet, and she went off her feet,
with a jolt that shook out her curls, and
the words she used must be excused,
for she's one of our very best girls.
Business chance.
The "Palace Grocery" which has
been conducted for the past two
months by M. Vincent, has been pur
chased by Mrs. Ed. Bissett. Mr. Bissett
will manage the business and no doubt
will command a fair and liberal pat-
ronage. We understand Mr. Vincent
will accept a position as traveller. He
wishes to thank his manv patrons for
their kind support during his short
stay in the business arena.
Sick List.
Mrs. John Gillespie, has been very
ill the past week, with a severe attack
of ervsipilas.—Mr. T. A. Brown, teach
er, who we reported as being i11 and
unable to attend to his school duties,
is, we are pleased to learn, convales-
cent and at his post.—Miss Amelia
Cudmore is confined to her bed with an
attack of lung trouble.—Mr. A. Hast•
ing is, we are sorry to learn, confined
to his bed with a severe cold.—Miss Wal
rond. is again able to attend to her
school duties as teacher.
This may be so.
"As a general thing says an author-
ity, a cold, steady winter, such. as we
have had so far, is an advantage to the
general business of the country. Cat
tle come in a better condition in spring
after a cold winter than they do after
open ones, such as we have had in On
tario for the past five years. There is
nothing which insures with more cer-
tainty a
taintya good crop of winter wheat
than to have it lie for weeks under a
heavy coating of snow. Such a snow
as we have now protects the roots of
the plants, keeps the ground warm,aud
renders it less subject to upheavals
from the frost in the spring. And it
is claimed by many that a heavy fall
of snow in the "poor man's manure."
as it contains within itself a fertilizing
agent (ammonia) of considerable value.
The Editor's Duties.
A newspaper w P
a ,r
p p an has no business to
seek office. It is his business to try
and get an office for the other fellow;
to sound the praise of the candidate
and keep quiet hie own feelings; to
whoop her up for his man, and let his
man forget all about him when he is
elected; to defend his candidate against
the unjust attacks of the opposition,and
see that whatever favors, his candi
date' has to restow goes to the other
fellow. It is his business to boom the
City y for all it is worth, mouth after
month, and then see $100 worth of
printing go out of• the city because ten
cents can be saved in doing so. It is
the business of the newspaper to give
every enterprise a frequent "send orf,"
and then earth sheol because he had
failed to record the fact that some
preminent citizen had his delivery
wagon painted, To subscribe liberal•
ly to every` public, charitable and
church entertainment, advertise them
for nothing, pay his owu way to every
thing and then be called prejudiced
and mean spirited because a column
is not devoted to that particular affair.
Do you wonder that there are so many
cranks in tic news paper business?—
The Dominion butter factory at
Wellman's Connors, Ont., is turning, out
1,200 pounds of butter per welt
A new Fren'eh paper has: been es•
tabliehed ie Montreal by Mr Michael
Mittel. with the title of T•:a Libre Parole
It advocates the secesciou " of Quebec
front confederation,
el age.
Since the last issue of the Aovoceirn
onr sanctunti was invaded by a, "dyne
mite lady friend," wl'to at ,one time
presided over the maim fuiietioti of the
insolvent Brannd affairs, and demanded
the eatne of the person who furnished
the false iufoi rnatiou regarding the
liabilities and assets of the late failure,
inferring at the same titne that the lie-
bilities were loss and the assets more•
This we refused to do, and we thous ht
from her ferocious looks we stere going
to be made the victinli of a mop nag.
We regret that we made an ' error in
our report and hereby apologise for the
same and will now fix matters right
in the minds of the public. The article
stated that the iiabilities were up
wards of $10,000, with assets $1,000, It
should have read lanbibities upward of
$+'73,000 and assets as reported. Before
attempting to use the fighting editor
of the ADvoOATN for a ,..mop rete" take
the mote out of your own eye first, as
he isinvariably correct.
Destructive dire.
A most destructive fire and on
which at ole time threatened sever
destruction to the town, from the fac
that a high wind prevailed, ` occurre
her yesterday (Wednesday). Th
alarm was sounded at about 11.30
m. and smoke could be • seed issuein
from the roof of Mr. Rd, Davis' res
dence• The building being frame and
very dry material the flames mad
rapid headway. The firemen and
large number of citizens arrive
shortly after the alarm was given an
began to fight the flames from a
sides, and by their strenuous efforts sue
ceeded in saving all the contents, say
some articles of wearing apparel an
a few other small thina's,although con
siderably damaged. Aftee an hour e
hard fighting the consuming element
were got under control, to the great re
lief of hundreds present, who were in
dread that the fire would spread to
other buildings. It was supposed to
have originated from a defective shim
ney in the north end of the building
which was at the time burning out
The loss is considerable, say nothing
of the inconvenience. Too much credit
cannot be given the firemen and citi
zens for their active services on the
occassion. They feared nothing and
some of them ran great risks with
their own lives, but they felt they had
a duty to perform and they performed
it nobly. The engines also did excel-
lent service.
Personal Mention.
MissEmma Fox, of Luean, is the
guest of Mrs. Wes. Hawkshaw.—Mr.
Albert Wade, of Sarnia, who has been
the guest of his aunt Mrs. Sam. Gidley
for some time has returned home.—
Mrs. Frank Knight accompanied by
her two little boys visited in Ilderton
on Friday last.—Mr, J. R. Jaynes, of
London, was shaking bands with nu-
merous friends here last week.—Chief
Gill, Lawyer Collins and Wm Howard
went to Goderich to attend the assizes
on Monday. -Mr. Joe Bawden, of Lon-
don, was the guest of his parents over
Sunday.—Ed. Sanders and wife, of
Clinton, yisited relatives here over Sun
day last.—Sam. Sweet left for Mont
real, Monday, to attend the. S. C. E. B.
S. Convention, neld there this week.—
Dr. H. R. Abbott, Loudon, formerly of
Exeter, has successfully passed his ex
aminations before the State Board of
Dental Examiners at Chicago,—Mrs:
J. L. Davidson is visiting her daugh-
ter in London.—Mr. H. Ingram,of' Clin
ton, spent Sunday in town.—Dr 13. S.
Hyndman, is at present in Toronto
writing on two subjects, which will
complete his final examination.—Miss
Gussie Holland left on Tuesday morn
ing for London, from whence she will
go to Welland where she has .accepted
a position as head milliner.—Miss
Georgie McConnell, who recently re-
turned from 'a trip through : British
Columbia, Montana and Dakota, has
been offered and accepted the manage
ment of a large milliuery firm in
Brandon, Man. Miss McC. has been
the guest of her aunt, Mrs, A. Holland,
since her return from the west, and
departed for Brandon last Monday.-
John Delbridge, Pres, a.•ia A. G Dyer,
Sec'y, accompanied by the directors of
the Stephen & 1Tsborne Ag'! Society,
met with the South Huron directorate'
at Hensall, last Monday.—Mr. Arda
Rollins, of Killarney, Man, who has
been visiting his parents here the past
few months, returned to his prairie
home on Tuesday.—Miss Lizzie Wit -
cox, left forillzrn
I� . ey, Man., Tuesday.
Mrs. W J. Sutton !of Victoria, B. C., is.
visiting Rev. F. H. and Mrs. Fatt at the
rectory. -Mr. Will Gray. of London,
will mix drugs in the Family Drug
store for 'a season.—Mrs Oke, of Mor
don, Man., who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Chas. Snell, left for her
home. Tuesday morning.—Mrs. Wm.
of St. Catherines, who has been
spending a few days here left for Wing -
ham on Monday. Miss ;<,Kennard, of
Brucefield,has t
accepted "' a situation
with Rich, Pickard & Son to learn the
millinery. -Mr. A. Hastings, who was
called away last week owing to the
death cf his brother arriving home on
Monday.—Rev. C. Fletcher and W.
Martin, were in Clinton on Tuesday.-
Henry Taylor left for Virden Man., on
Tuesday. ---Mr. Edward Kestle left for
Hamilton, N. Dak. on Tuesday last.—
Messrs Alf. Cudmore,James Moir and
James Armstrong, left for Crystal City
on Tuesday,—Mr. Geoi`ge McLeod and
wife are visiting in Seafoi th.—Miss
Sharon who has been the guest of Mrs.
John Spaeltman, has returned, to her
home in St Thomas.-13ert Dickson
left for Toronto on Tuesday.—Mr. Wes
issett was in Ingersoll on Tuesday, -
It will guard you securely from disease
Have a Yery Bad Cough,
Are Suffering From Lung Troubles,
Have Lost Flesh Through Illness,
Are Threatened With Consumption,
Cure That Cough,
Heal Your Lungs,
Put: Flesh On Your Bones,
Prevent Consumption.
Ask for and be sure you get the" D, & L. Emulsion."
• Biddulph.
Mr J. S. Gil:fillan and Mr. S. Ovens
purpose starting a creamery on the
2nd. Con. McGillivray, this coming
summer, which is a more in the right
,direction:—The late thaw has caused
the water to raise to such an extent
that several houses in Clandeboye are
"B" Line.
Mr. Peter Haggerly, who has been
away for some time,has returned home,
Mr. S. Ross has disposed of his driver
"spotted Billy" to Mr. F. Gratton, of,
Port Blake. Mr. John Wilson is home
on a visit to his parent.—Sir. R. Adair
has finishedhis contract of drawing
stakes to Port Blake fishery.—Mr. Pe-
ter Farrell has disposed of his fishery
to Mr. Henry Green, of Grand Bend,
lea.ving only one fisherman on the "B"
Line.—Mrs. Jas. Wilson is at present
visiting friends in Petrolia.
Will Haggith, who has been em-
ployed in Clarence, Mich., during the
winter, returned home on Tuesday
last -Mrs. Thos. Essery who has been
very ill, is, we are pleased to say, re
covering.—The apple and egg busi•
nese is flourishing here, the cold stor
age being nearly filled.—Miss B. Rol
lins, has returned from Hensall where
she has just completed a term of dress-
making, and is now prepared to ac-
cept orders in that line.—The Parsons
Produce Company are making prepar
tions for a large shipment dapples and
eggs to Winnipeg.—Mr.J. Tom, of God-
erich, along with the Crediton and Ex.
eter Councils of Royal Templars of
Temperance, met in Smith's Hall on
Thursday evening for the purpose of
organizing a council of the same or-
der here, which they did with great
success, having got as high as 63 mem
bers to join the order to start with.—
Jas. Whiteford, of Wisconsin, is visit-
ing friends in this place.
Spaokinau &C
Gr.i:r,, L"t n,.v. � a1ollet
Call and
FYNt'VIroft5ir4Y64 Etii q�..0,:in Uur4.1 .1.,7 •setMt t iI5 T.:'lter-
4 iv,...g......,:.;
see All
Them Newest
Samwell's Block,
e ients
To Our Many Patrons!
You have begun right! The New Year
that is now fairly under way has brought
us a better trade than we have ever b3F oe
rd.'he Newest and Best.
Full line and Fine Display
The Finest we
have ever shown.
rih. gs,
They are "not in it''
j +'e with all their. blow.
See ours, be convinced
We are the "Old Reliable" for Boots and Shoes that WEAR
PRODUCE Goods in exchange for
Lard 13 cents. Tallow; 6 cents.. Butter 18
cents. Eggs, 16 cents. Apples 5 cents.
Thanking you for this evidence of confid-
ence, we invite a continuence of trade.
SEE I !2!
The Spring time is that Season of the year
when everybody should take i:'IME by the
forelock. This is just what we have done
and now we are able fill all orders for seeds
of any kinds and in any quanty. This is
the only way to secure good, reliable seed.
While you are in do not fail to see our new
Large Stock of
Spades, Hoes, .
Rakes, Forks,
Shovels, &c,
In fact eyerything in
way of Garden Tools.
Co Erle ► ick
lotIr Etat Agmy
IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Make
Call at Yr. Jno. Spaceman's'
Real Estate Agency.
Business Transactions strictly con-
fidential. Intending purchasers will
receive the best adyiee in selecting.
land or town sites.
Also agent for Allan Line
and State Line Steamships.
Office— Main Street, Exeter, Ont.
Address: -JOHN SPACIt.MAN,
Box 44
Merokant Taitors
Old Stand.
Syrup at
St re
We order our goods often
and keep our stock always
fresh and clean. Parcels de-
livered free in any part of
Frallk I(11Ilil.
Ono Door South Opera IIal.
o ■
We keep on hand t le largest stock of
Flour and Feed in Town.
Our $1.'75 Flour; takes the
lead. Any quantity of
Bran & Shorts at
Mill Prices.
t Farmers will find it to their ad-
vantage to give us a e'en and see our
Steck before purchasing elsewhere.
IIIgthesly Prices Paid tor onto.
R. S. Richardson,