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123rd HEAT .S1
THURSDAY, ,DE.011 kBER M.1970
Goderich Art Club plans
active- year at Studio'
' y1
The Goderich Art Club met iesponsibilitles,; consequently
in a gaily decorated room at the Mary graciously offered to carry
Lakeview Restaurant for their on for one more year to the
annual pre -Christmas dinner. unanimous ' approval of the
After everyone had become members,
surfeited with delicious turkey y ,The slate of officers for 1971
and a variety of colorful salads, was presented 6y Buela Long of
President Miss Mary Howell the Nominating Coinmittee:
called the members to order for President, Mary Howell;
a short business meeting. . Vice -President, Beryl Harper;
Following annual reports read • recording secretary, Lorna
by the Secretary, Lorna Vincent Vincent; treasurer, Buela Long;
and the Treasurer, Buela Long, Corresponding secretary, . Anni
Mary- Howell •gave the statistics
of attendance at the
October -November travelling art
show from Toronto gallery.
Many of the local school classes
saw the exhibition and most of
the children had shown great
interest and enthusiasm. From
this standpoint it was considered
a real success, although hanging
the pictures and staffing the
exhibition had presented many
Benmiller . artist provided a
Mary Howell read * letter of ' fascinating program of colored
thanks from Principal . R. E. films from the less familiar
Smith of Robertson Memorial works of the Group of Seven.
School for the educational value Mr. McLaren . related many
of the _show. • entertaining stories of his
The Art Club policy for 1971 experiences with these famous
was briefly summed up by the artists and their meetings at the
President as follows: There will Toronto Arts and Letters . Club
be less extra -curricular activity in the nineteen twenties and
and more . time for painting thirties. • •
together at the studio. The Art He told also of how _the
Mart' in July, will be for three well-known first world war show
days only owing to the difficulty
"Dumbells" started and
of staffing it -for a longer period. developed into professional
There will be - more theatre. Mr. McLaren had been
spontaneous- planning, for trips one of theprincipal members of
to outlying galleries, and for the cast - a man of many
work -shop visits to the talents
Southampton School of Art.
Mary Howell had wished to This very enjoyable evening
resign as president this year but ended with Peggy Oke's
no one could be found who ftas homemade. Christmas cake and
willing to take on her punch.
Conveners, seminars and
library, Lu Legg; studio Art
Mart, Mae Homer; studio
assistant, Edna Johnson; Art
Mart,IVMartha Rathburn.
After the meeting was
adjourned the members met at
the home of Peggy Oke for a
social evening.
Jack McLaren, the
well-known Toronto and
St. George's ACW
at pot luck lunch
• George's Anglican Church
Women met Tuesday evening
December 8 for the Annual
Christmas Party.
This took the form of a Pot
tuck Supper, and was held in
"the -Misr' "' Ilan. 'Everyone
enjoyed the sumptuous dishes
each woman provided.
A short business meeting
followed the meal. It was
decided to allot the catering
group enough money to buy the
.necessary items for more
efficient catering:
It was also decided to meet
for 'general meetings on
alternate months, with these
meetings taking the form of pot
luck suppers.
The following is a letter given The business part of the
to the women's editor °by a meeting was followed by the
well-known Goderich lady, Miss . singing of Christmas carols with
Lily Blanchard the President Mrs. M: Campbell
at the piano, and the secretary
Miss Blanchard is a faithful Mrs. M. Rogers leading the
member of the Salvation Army, singing.
but more than that, Miss Mrs. J. Sully had the group
Blanchard is a great supporter of divide up for charades, and these
youth in Goderich. were the first lines of carols.
Herletter speaks well 'of the ' A most enjoyable time was
young people here and it is had by all.
• with great joy at this Christmas
season , that we print x' Miss
Blanchard's thoughts concerning
them. Maybe adults cantake a
lesson from the `kids' ... and a
second thought about Miss„ -
Blanchard's suggestions
Again I am on the Christmas
Cheer committee and must
really say ,a word for the
children, teenagers and high
school faculty.
(Also I feel that Goderich did
a wonderful job for the Santa
Claus Parade. It meant much
time and work for all concerned
and I, for one, say thank you.)
In regard to the children, on
Saturday I have never seen such
a spirit of giving as they had.
Even the little tots wanted to
put their pennies, nickels and
' dimes in the kettle. The
teenagers and others all helped
and may I say, they did it with a
smile on their faces knowing
they were helping a good cause.
When one hears so much
about our youth, may I say they
O may have their faults, but who
hasn't? It's up to each one of us
to let them know we are really
concerned about their spiritual
o welfare:
Having worked with the
young people and youth in the
Guides; Brownies and youth
groups for years back, I feel
there is a part all can play for
the young people.
' I often have wondered how
N may think to pray for our
yo .,,, In this day and age they
nee it. ' - .
Let them see you care and, as
I say, God Bless. Them All.
Play- Group
qualified head
eague packs trea
annual Christmas
The executive members of
the„_Co-Operatiye Play Group in
Goderich is looking for a trained
pre-school teacher or someone
from another country with
similar training who will take
over as supervisor of the
Co -Operative Play Group in the
new years
"We are doing everything
possible to get this school set up
in Goderich through the
Department Qf. Social and
Family Services,” said Mrs.
Mona Mulhern last week. "Right
now, we need a qualified
According to Mrs. Mulhern,
the building in which the school
is housed, the equipment used in
the school and the staff at the
school must be approved by the
area director of nursery schools.
Incidentally, head office for this
area is iri .Kitchener.
Mrs. Mulhern said that the
area director 'has pledged
support to. -the Goderich group
in its efforts to establish a
Co-Opbrative. Play Group here.
Anyone with the necessary
qualifications who is at all
• interested in the program . 'or
anyone who knows of anyone
Who' is qualified and may be
interested in the program �-
should get in -'touch with Mrs.
Mulhern at 5248631.
The basement of the Salvation Army citadel was a hive of
activity last Wednesday evening as members of the Home
League converged to pack almost 1,000 Sunshine bags in time
for Christmas. The treats will be sent to patients in Kincardine
Hospital and the Kincardine Nursing Home; Clinton Public
Hospital; Huronview; Goderich Psychiatric Hospital; Alexandra
Year-end report
Marine and General Hospital; the Goderich Nursing Homes; and
to the children in the care of the Huron County Children's Aid
Society. This is an annual project by the Home League and one
which is greatly appreciated by the general public. (staff
At 'one o'clock 'Tuesday, M sslQnaty Edueation,Nrs. Derk
December 8, 80 ladies of Logtenberg, Finance Cpnven!i r,.
Dungannon United Church had a Mrs, Wilfred Pentland;
smorgasbord dinner,pot-luck ‘. Nominations Convene
style. Chester Finnigan; Flowe
tables with Christmas, Mel ° Reed and . Mrs. Thos.
decorations and candle favors Webster; - Supply and Socia
added to the enjoyment of an Assistance Convener, Mrs, dos,
interesting meal. Later, a ' Dauphin
program and business meeting Social Functions Convener,
followed. Mrs. K. K. Dawson; pianist,, Mrs.
Mrs. Howard Johnston, Leonard Reed; Historical and
president, introduced the Periodicals; Mrs., M. Reed;
program by reading a Christmas representative to M, and M., Mrs.
verse which was followed by a K. K. Dawson; representative to
film, "Holy Night" with the Manse, Mrs. Cecil Blake;
narration by ° Mrs:. Clarence .• representative to -Official Board,
McClenaghan. Mrs. Graham . McNee and Mrs.
Mrs. Leonard Reed was Lorne Hasty; representative to
pianist for the singing of two Board of Stewards, Mrs. Ness.
carols, 0 Come All Ye Faithful
and .1* to the World.
A play, "'The Christmas
Story" helped us to realize that
by being too busy getting ready
for Christmas we can so easily
miss the true meaning and
opportunities of Christmas
season. This play was well given
and quite amusing to see
• members as "men" and "boys"
as well as women and girls.
- Mrs. Mel Dickson and Mrs.
Leonard Reed (as two little girls)
sang carols in parts of the play.
To conclude the program all
sang 'three more carols, and then
the business was conducted.
The roll call was answered by
giving a Christmas verse. Mrs.
Gordon Finnigan's financial
report was read by Mrs. Wilfred
o Pentland. She thanked her
committee members also.
Following the treasurer's
ort b Mrs. Harvey Alton a
Knox WMS elects new
The annual meeting of the
Afternoon Auxiliary of the
Women's Missionary Society of
Knox Church was held on
December 8 with 26 members
After the opening exercises,
Miss M. McNevin read the
'Christmas story astold in the
second chapter of Luke's
Gospel, and Mrs. Monk led in
The annual reports were
presented by the members of the
executive and were accepted by
the meeting.
During the year 31- members
joined in supporting the
"Fellowship of the Least Coin."
A cheque for $25 was sent to
support the Goderich
Community Homemaker Service
and a similar cheque to the
Children's Aid Society to
support a child at summer camp
for a week.
The supply allocation -was
met, and a total of $1,080.75
was sent to the Presbyterial
Treasurer for the Generat` Fund
of - the Women's Missionary
Miss 1. Matheson, convener of
the nominating committee,
brought in the following slate of
officer which was accepted for
Honorary president, Mrs. A.
Taylor; past president, Mrs. H.
Rivers; president, Mrs. A.
Enright; vice-president, Mrs. H.
Rivers; treasurer, Mrs. G. G.
MacEwan; recording secretary,
Mrs. L. H. Diggon.
Corresponding secretary, Mrs.
F. MacDonald; Glad Tidings
secretary, Mrs. J. R. Leitch;
Home Helpers secretary, Mrs. H.
Rivers; assistants, Mrs. W. Bisset,
Mrs. J. Horton.
Literature secretary, Mrs. 'J.
R. Leitch; friendship and service,
Mrs. A. H. Erskine; assistant,
Miss L. Macarthur; .supply and
special "fund, Miss E. Elder; life
membership secretary,_ _Mrs. F.
Pianist, Mrs. C. Edward;
telephone convener, Mrs. J.
Thomson; social committee,
Mrs. Oke, Mrs. Craigie, •Mrs.
Elliott; nominating committee,
Mrs. R. Bisset, Mrs. G. Stokes,
Mrs. W. Watson; press secretary,
Mrs. L.,,H. Diggon; auditors, Mrs.
W. G. MacEwan, Mrs. A. Crooke.
MASS first
St. Joseph's
Mass said by Father Cassano
opened the Christmas meeting of
St. Joseph's CWL held. on
December 10.
Father led in League prayers
and Mrs. Antoni Van . Osch
presided. Twenty-three members,
answered the roll call.
Mrs. Mark Dalton moved that
all bills be paid., The minutes of
the last meeting and the
correspondence were read.
Mrs. Walter' • Clare reported
that the Girl Guide building at
their camp site was built.
Christmas' cleaning of the
church is the morning Of
December 22. Mrs. Bob Howard
and Mrs. Dennis Dalton are
buying the flowers.
For the next two Sundays at
9:00 MassrMrs. Walter Clare and
Mrs. Antnte Van Osch will be
rep Y
further donation of $150, was
given to the Board of Stewards;
$200 is to be added'`to the fund
for floor covering; and an
artificial Christmas tree is to be
Mrs. L`brne Hasty read the
report of the nominating
committee. Due to the absence
- of Rev. McClenaghan, Mrs. C.
McClenaghan • conducted an
impressive installation service'for
the following executive. _"'
Past -president, Mrs. Howard
Johnston; ' President, Mrs.
Graham MeNee; First
vice-president, Mrs. Wm.
Wiggins; Secretary Mrs. Jack
Alton; Treasurer, - Mrs. Harvey
• Citizenship ,and Social Action,
Mrs. , Ivan Rivett and Mrs.
Laverne Pentland; Community
Friendship and Visiting
Convener, Mrs. J. C. Drennan;
Secretary for Friendship and
Visiting, Mrs. ,. Lorne Hasty;
Literature and Program, Mrs.
Wm. Wiggins and Mrs. ' C.
Christian Education and
A typed list of all committee
members is being prepared for
each member.
Mrs. H. Johnstonthanked all
members for co-operation and
also appreciation for the untiring
work done by Mrs. Nels. Pearson
as Convener of Social Functions,
and -to to her Committee. Mrs.
Harvey Alton moved a vote of
thanks to Mrs. Howard Johnston
for her splendid leadership as'
After the collection, prayer,
and a closing carol, the exchange
of Christmas gifts brought our
Christmas annual party to a
There will be an executive
meeting on Tuesday, January 5,
at' 2:30 in the ladies' parlor.
CWL meets
collecting flower donations and
at 8:00 Mass, it will be Mrs.
Mark Dalton.
December 15 the CWL is
catering to the Federation of
Agriculture. Mrs. John Austin is
going to inquire about a speaker
from the Consumer Affairs.
Mrs. Bob Howard .read a
Christmas poem. ,Mrs. Mark
Dalton presented Father Cassano
with a Christmas gift.
A sing song of Christmas
Carols was led •by Mrs Walter
Clare. Father gave us a Christmas
message dealing with the
Christmas story.
Mrs. Gene Frayne adjourned
the meeting and Father closed
with prayer.
Instead of the usual
Christmas Y gift exchange,
donations were given to the Peru
at Holmesville
The Christmas "meeting of
Holmesville UCW was prepared
by Mrs. John Grigg's group.
Following the singing of
carols the Magnificat was read in
unison. Mrs. Grigg led in prayer
and Mrs. D. Gliddon gave a
reading, The Bethlehem Road.
After the singing of The First
Noel, Mrs.. Chester Sturdy read,
"Christmas Comes At Different
The roll call was' answered
with a special Christmas
remembrance by 26 members
,.and one visitor.
During the business it was
noted that the group has to
choose a new foster child
because Mo - Mui has left school
and is working.
Supply convener, Mrs. E.
Grigg, reported a bale of
clothing had been delivered to
the Rescue Mission in London.
The group has decided to buy
gifts for patients in both nursing
homes in Goderich.
Mrs. Harry Williams showed
colorful and interesting slides of
her trip to Spain.
Nile UCW hears
annual committee reports
Nile U.-
preceded by a pot -luck lune
with 29 ladies and three children
present. Rev. Clarence
McClenaghan said grace:
Mrs. Elwyn Pollock,
president, welcomed everyone
after which Mrs. Charles
Johnston and Mrs. Pollock read
scripture from . St. Luke,
commentary and led :in, prayer.
Rev. McClenaghan showed a
film strip of the Nativity and
Mrs. McClenaghan gave the
commentary. Mrs. McClenaghan,
and Mrs. W. H. Talmay read
Christmas readings.
Mrs. Pollock conducted a
short business meeting. Mrs.
Alvin Kerr read the secretary's
report and Mrs. Wilmer 'Rutledge
the treasurer's report which
showed receipts of $1,495.80.
Annual reports of the various
committees were received:
buying committee, Mrs. David
MacDairmid; work committee,
Mrs. Len Christilaw; food
committee, Mrs. Allan Dickson;
citizenship and social action,
Mrs. Len Brindley; Christian and
missionary education, Mrs., Allan
Dickson; community friendship
and visiting, Mrs.: Robt. McPhee;
supply and welfare, Mrs. Doug
McNeil ; stewardship . and
vocation, Mrs. R. C.
McClenaghan; nominating, Mrs.
Cliff McPhee.
A donation of $5 was noted
to Mrs. Trivers who is starting a
Tyro Group.
Shut-ins and sick members of
the congregation will be
remembered at Christmas.
The meeting closed with
• prayer.
Officers for 1971 are as
Past president, Mrs. Harry
in; president, Mrs. Elwyn
Pollock; first vice-president, Mrs.
Allan Dickson; second
vice-president, Mrs. W. H.
Talmay; recording secretary, .
Mrs, Alvin Kerr. .
" Assistant secretary, Mrs. L.
Christilaw; treasurer, Mrs.
Wilmer Rutledge; pianist, Mrs.
Earl Sherwood; assistant, Mrs.
Malcom Jacobs; press secretary);
Mrs. W. H. Talmay;
representative to Board of
Stewards, Mrs. W. Rutledge:
Buying committee, . Mrs. L..
Christilaw, Mrs. Chas. Johnston,
Mrs. Doug Young; work
committee, Mrs. Alvin Kerr, Mrs.
L. Christilaw, Mrs. Les Johnston,
Mrs. Robt. McPhee, Mrs. Robt.
Rising Sr.
Food committee, Mrs. Harry
Girvin, Mrs. E. Pollock, Mrs.
Allan Dickson;'Mrs. M. Jacobs,
Mrs... David Mc'Dairmid; rep. on ,
manse committee, Mrs. D.
McDairmid, Mrs. H. Girvin. ,
Literature and
communications, Mrs. W.
Rutledge; citizenship and social
action, Mrs. Alvin Kerr;
Christian and missionary
- education, Mrs. Allan Dickson,
Mrs: Len Brindley; .community
friendship and visiting, Mrs. H.
Talmay; Mrs. D. Young ,and Mrs.
Robt. McPhee.
Supply and welfare, Mrs.
Dog McNeil; stewardship and
vocation, • Mrs. R. C.
McClenaghan; program and
hostess, Rev. R. C.
McClenaghan, Mrs. E. Pollock,
Mrs. L. Christilaw, Mrs, Chas,
Johnston; nominating, Mrs. W.
H. Talrnay, Mrs. Robt. l icing,
Mrs. M. Jacobs.