The Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-16, Page 1VOL. IV
TOM .41101,1TREM.I.,
NO 301
h •';, _ �. „• - ���
The e . O I Sao f °iL 60 ■
. •p, -' 5•"
(Chartered by.larlirtment,185..1
up Capital... , , , , • . , , ., , X2,004;400
I p
Rest 'U'ulld.:. ,. . , .. 1,?•00,4p0i
Head office Montreal.
Money aetvrero, i ..4 , vodFarmersontheir
n not s w,'.1, Ono or more endorsers at 7
°v' e
per cent per annum.
Exeter tel Blanch,
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m,to:3 p.
m.,Saturdays. AO a, in. to .p. ra
N. general banl ing business transacted
CURRENT RATISS allowed for neon-
n Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
sy o p
Jan 28,'SS, Sub Manager.
Exeter, Jar
. -
� � j
Is published every Thursday Bforning,
at the Office,
uum if paid in Advance.
)lie Dollar per axx 1
b b,t;t➢ if not so paid.
Sdsrertis3zsamates on-g_elplacal,-
No paper discontinued until altarrearag°s
are ax•d. Advertisements without e,eeific
iirectionswillbe published tlllforbi and
charged accordingly. Lrboral discountmadep
or traerioda rl�veryx.description erot .7oa3
PRINTI�'G turned out in the lines•t• style,
end at moderato rates. Chee etc do
rs. &o. for advertising, subscriptions,y011
,e made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
• m••
Churel 3DarectorY•
TRIVIT'r It nolOWIAL Cauaca.--Rev. F H
Pate, Rector. Sunday Services, a a, m
and? p.m. Sabbath School, 3 p,. m. E.o1y
;ommure , 1st Sunday of each month at
Morning Service• and in months °f five Sun -ordered
lays, after Evenint*,Service ofLthSnndayltf
the month. Holy Baptism o
)t each month+utmorning service,
Cntrnua--James-st, [rev. A. L.
3usse1l, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,t0.3n a. m,
end 6.30 p•m. Sabbath School, �.so p. m•
MAIN $TItEET-I3ev• W, McDonagh., Pas-
tor. Sundayservices,to30a.m.ands.30p•ni'
Sabbath School 2.30 p. m,
Pastor. Sunday Services, lr a. m• and 9.3o p•
slit 'Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m
-,.,-.-- -�•-------m
Professional Cards.
_,.. �.•--..-
li,EINSMAN,L.D.s, Fanson's Blocic
of Oarlxng Store
OTIOE, Ravin disposed of the Flour
€; tCominulslcation.
1 and Peed business to Mea4re Ito11ine&
Williams, I be 'illy give: no tie° that all
ms• accounts •.
( cttlea e c c o1u,t� du° the old firm roust
be paint by 1st day of April, or, they will be
iaeod ie m collector's lianas.
p v ;M
, . JUt1N l'LCCnArrr)r+l)!3
March 14th, 1893 et.
i1AI1','-^'6 Sil Tiger, I accept not
Jur^ Illy ♦ration I not,. �jreatliA'
1 'Lilt l 4 wildShrieks
your putrid c 'r l 1 : of
desp,lr1 would Mathieu die, 1 could
e .. u 1 ; • K ug `ear: Whole 1,
not serve nC(i Kiug 1'y
live 1 will breathe tette air of freedom,
. , and fresh all are necessary
. to mv; existence. 1 prefer the open
heath and boundless plain. `I love the
r11ai'tde'OrgeollS autrSAb• I
dewy mo r, z
;, c,•..
love tate stilt UieE �e, thra ctearine
storm and the tender zephyr. 1.1 loge'
e babbling brook'and they crystal
the „happyg
tide. 1 love Do bound over the meas
1 eyeless plain, with nothing to impede
t Av n sweet will.
but n ,y v h
As I cannot entice you out to the
glorie4 of my life; and as In Jungle-
Ito ar};umeut or d s(n. •or"r is al-
lowed, it usaless tre itig t0 reason
with On' therefore, Sir Tigger, allow
me to wish you;a "Good Da,y" and a
happier and` less useless life, "
l IGni ,- Not so fast Mr. Fool Calf,
All who vc3ntilre here do so at the risk'
of their lives; T denounce you as a
common enemy, and will drag you to
the camp of Jungiedom and thereby
get me renown. 1 ou are a tasty
I lust to taste'of your luscious fltulks,
So here gnus,''
A fevv moments later, the chant of
Jancrledom was wafted to the ears of
other calves within hearing distance,
MO11Aof Wheu youn1 arearoundthe
borders of Jungledotn, keep singing its
sacred chant.
So ends the fable.
Tam glad that 1Esop wrote it. 1
copy it entire for the eelil]catiou of No
Allow 'me Mr, Editor to thank you
+ '
heartily for myself and liberals, fur
your liberality in opening our col
p: ' S
umtis for free cliscnssrou. It was a
manly act a,nd I hope no cdium will
attach to ,you for it, lours &c.,
Feb. 13th, 1S93, I. yr szlonTot;.
' 1eY9'ste '
-� --,
s l)l to I� , ` i
Tlie recent thaw IlaS. mad e our loads
ill a terrible condition, -Miss Annie E.
Ta :los la at resent viartitrg friends In
, P �
the Yleimty of Parkhill.---Set'evid of
thefanners r
met.. f om these parts attended
'the Ialmers lnstltute hE ld in Uash
woodV•alast we k.- wr rg t th a +
e 0 t ,, o, e. , , ,1
110W1tlgOve1• the road in so manydresses,
1laGAa the SChOlars 'Ar tillable
1 'wereto at
tend school on 'Friday last, -One of'
those pleasing and events whiidi
cause a flutter of excitement coupled
with pleasure took place at - the resi
dente of 112r,' Samuel Whitmore on
Vt ednesda 15th inst., the mar
Y, ,
of his second daughter, Maggie
to Mr. Chas. Tre+Jry, of Johnsons Mills.
lir. D. Wilson acted as best man, while
Miss Jennie 'Telt'ry, sister of the gl'oom,
assisted the bride, A large numberof
relattyesand .friends were present, The
ceremony over, all sat down to a'bowl
tiful repast, at which all seemed to do
ample justice. In the rrveuiug the
young people took possession of the
floor; when a delightful time wa spent
•prey. do dancing, etc., for several hours, after
which all departed for their s8veral
homes; all satisfied with 'the pleasant
time. The bride was the recipient of
a number of useful' and handeome
presents, -John Turnbull left for Da
k9ta on Monday last, -M T. Dodds, of
lop, was visiting in these p'rrts
on Saturday
on Saturday and Sunday last, -Mr,
Turnbull is visiting friends in
Port Suron.
The South Huron Fame
toe met to the Town Hail. o
day, Marc 9th." t
y, h The mee
opened at ten o'cioetc by Mr.
who 'gave a short > addres
Johnson, Shamans; Bachena.
son', II:liinah 'gave ,len.
A+gra,nde leer
grand concert
u .
he the evening. 'Which proved
success, Addresses were gds
above gentlemen ' also Rev
and licDonald DTessrs. A,.
and ,Iles, of Zurich grave 'a..
tneutal duet aueoinz
1 .. ' l anied
ltld Torrance on. the or
Duff, of Saaforth, sang sew
which were well appreciated,
MRrra,y's comic selection
brought down the house,
BrzlErrr�es-Mrs. Ashton
her perents in Blanchard,___ �
is'at present visiting• acgmei'
Varna, -.Business 1s boom♦♦,
there are two now tailors in
Miss. V. Robertson has setas
Detroit while her sister M'is,
has gone to'vi it her brother
St. 111arie. -Miss Maud V1ei�Ia1
goi,e to attend the conger
music in Chatiaanl.-School
on Tuesday morning after b
for two weeks both the Prim
Assistant having had an attt
r,ess rye h1 confined them to
spective homes,
,,, ,
To 1.11ir EDI7,OIt 171.7T,Ilt7 AUVOGAT),7
Sia, --1 have read the, letter of;� ` In -
. ,, a-,•
vest getor leo. :2" iu last week 5 .L asses,.
I dm dirzs,d by the Urtu.rae ferocity of
the attac.l1 X have, lathing•
sayto .'o 2 V i vis ho u, •tinct aud
_ l < t S S
comites of an oidinar euticrrian rr
y yg , a e
replaced by an ti, Ivyish no further
discussion with the party. I refuse to.
discuss that or any other question,with
T , ,, .:
No, 2 or any person who substitutes
anger for argument. I Cannot and
will not light 011 his lines,.Let himI
donhis warpaint,seize hla hatoliet
and take my seal His fiesta volleydem
,of epithets has routed me.
Concluding thus reverie camp over
, en able
mo, and the memory of the Old f
floated before niy. mental vision:
A royal croucltiug in
his native jungle, his sensuous lips
dri rug hot blood slowly crtiriehes the
pP ° „ Y wolves
Uoues of Ilk h 1pit ss ylctim,
and hyenas hem in the flim twilight,
vultures screech; foul bats flutter in
the festering air. Ever and anon
comes the Ilretrzied ev of some ha less
p Y P
`'tctim, clutched in the jaTv• s or talons
of his stl•Otle'er enemy. leo-18°111e Ya P
ora aris- im douse, foggy masses.
That is Junglcdool.
g the •borders o£ Junglodom out on
Y e
Che plain, quietly nipping the tender'
grass, with the suuli;h; Of freedom
and content beaming from his eyes
wanders a sleek, well•fe,d, adventurous,
frolicksomr• and curiosity• loving calf.
The tiger, keen of scent, always look-
gfor rev and always afraid of at
its p
tacks on his dative haunts; approaches
tte border to reconnoitre. Delighted
at the easy prey, yet indignant at the
"superlatiye presumption" of his Calf-
ship in approaching Jungleclom un bid
dAil, the tiger opens a disc ussion.
'1mxsn-"1Vhy presume you .'Ir.
C elf to wander so near the sacred pre -treat
st]nets of Juugledom,
•CALF-" A variety of reasons, Sir
Tiger. I like to wander where I will,
I 111 of an adventurous disposition. I
have an intense curiosity ti) know the
whys and wherefores of things I ltv
g p
but do not blame the denize..s Of
J nngledOm. I am so free and h:, ppy
Out here on the open hE heath, tb,tt I
would like to Autice the iuhabitanta of
the Junc'le out of the mildewed den
" t o
into the open plains 0. Sir Tiger,.
why do you drink blood, that I .now
see drippinn from sour lips and stain
•ing your gleamin ..teeth? Why do
you tear ala`eZt the sensuous, thrill
ing, quiverrn,g flesh. Know 3 ou not
that every meat you eat means the
pangs of death 10 some creature, with
aright to live equal with yourself : >
Come out Sir Tiger, on the plains, Go
with me to the vine clad hills, the sun
nv slopes and smiting vallies. Sip
with me the water from the running
brook. Breathe with me the air of
freedom. ' Inhale with me the bold
blast of the mountain top and the gen-
tie zepI -r 0n its Voylige to suns Ind.
Learn to live without cruelty. We
kill nothing in slimly Plaindom. Tell
ale Sir Tiger, why death and desola•
tion, cruelty and sui'fe+ring, anger and
fear, ever er reign in Jun ledom? why
is it necessary for you to eat each nth"
er or any stray fool like myself, that
comes your way ? Why not cut down
the Jungle, let the free air of heaven
blow away the foul vapors, let the sun
shine and the grass grow? Tell me,
Sir Tiger, why is all this ?
TIGER-" Idiot, know you not that
a fool Calf can ask more questions in
five minutes than a wise Tiger can
answer in a lifetime ? Know, idiot,
that thin s are far different in Jungle
i; g
dem. I leave the haunts in which. I
was born. I lovethestrif0 of life. I
love t0 seize m le and gnaw his
y prey
tltltyering body. The denizens of
J ungiedom all love it. No change
here. We live as our sires lived. That
aoodenou h for us, rear is King;
of Jungledom and rules with relentless
v,g or.
Might is right, the weak are eaten,
and minority rights get no respect in
Jungledotn. Kindness or tolerance
are unknown and the under don gets
azo show in aungledom. Fear and
force, muscle and numbers carry tha
day in Jungledom. No disturbance to
the established order of things no de
bate, no discussion, no denial of any
tradition, no qucstionulg,of any dog
ma no search for light, no independent
' , ,
opinion, or rather the expression of It,
no freedom, no liberty; that is the
creed of Jungledom.
Ding Fear cases his mildewed sceptre
over us all, Fate is fate and •'Allows of
bettering. We're (or say
we are whether we eat or are 'eaten,
i Th` is
gorge or starve, live Rr d e at
the ductrile of Junblodorrr. Come in
1 ,Id 'on woleome. Look aton
M1 Ca f 1 b 1
the AX usito happiness life weonJoy>
es eci• a+l =ats safe y• Sum'tt the'man,
.. 1 5 P y
beauties of our system, We kill, de-
stro acid eat • each other, but rf Jung
isreed then all its denizens
ledom attar
unite •in crunchin the bones of theMr.
unfortunate Calf who attacks.' We
g and devour Ing
all stand Jun ledom
public a'common enemy.' We have a
y'' ,
sa,cted chart that we howl in unison on
such occasions. Hero it 19:
the bones the fearless scout,
rirrnlc Sia h. t IA A ti)l •11x8 i,fe saris nut,
Crush his aka. sena batter his brain,
, ...
r7urloaety.neVorma,limtritt tugrvrn,
ICi11 the foolCtrlf,vr io foal 5?1y •caro a
• . . rag
freshen oara'ngle, noboctyca °
lesson rie'11feuair to athozs who comb
Al s
ale Register:
TirrsuAl R[ ♦siert µl �r.-On S)ot u, can. 5.•
ii5bor,.e;Uou,clrotdlurettnr°,l,urm toc.lcdcci,
Sale at t o'clock. Wm Dahlia?. and ;John Put-
eopnbe, Executors; A. J. Rollins Allot,
Dont forget the Mortgage Sale
Dlareb 28th,
Don't forMet the Auction Sale Mttchbriage .
31st on the faun of the late Thos. Bal-
Don't forgot t0 react all the +`ftidS" iCl
the Atzvo0tlrn this week,•',
Don't forget to kick if the street
lamps are not he Sled everydark
Don't forget thatall kinds of seeds
° ?^ „ c,
are now boiler exhibited by Our noel
lar dealers.
Don't forget to plant cabbage and
other kinds of seeds in boxes, this week
if you have not already done so.
Don't Forget to blanket your horse
after tying it to a hitching post. A
horse does not like tosta is in the cold
raw wind any more Chien you do.
Don't forget t0lcee,your eye peeled
when going down blain bt, runaways
are very frequent.
Don't forget to say "sweet violets" if
Should happen to slip on the slushy
Don't forget to clean out our shim
g y
Heys at once 7'o day is none too soon•
i�� �i0L111C71•
Around About U s•
Council mat pursuant to
ment on Saturday, March 1
All the members present,
Geiger -That the clerk -wr
Farncomb, engiueer, for a
of survey of side road 15 and
concession.=•Carried . M
Turnbull -That the auditors
finally revised be passE;d and
to have the re uire
prdnted for distribution.
Turnbull -Geiger -That the
roe onet with Council of Ste
P p
create to the payment of the
the Hay Swamp Drain the
Turnbull -Geiger -that the
respond with the provincial
acrd draw his attelltlen t0 th
o, interest due on the H. S.
ores. -Gig tied. Battler -M
that the followingbe appoint
masters for 1S93:-1, Adam
John Short; 3, J Patterson, 4
5, S Gilchrist; G, R Me92ordie
Mann; 8, Win. O'Brien; 9, W
10. J Bonthron ; 10, A N Seiri
11cArthur • .12 Alex MclIurtr
T C. 1
Northcott; 14, C A dswor
O'Brien; 16, D B.B. 17, W
land; 18, F Daters; 19, J Ho
Wm Caldwell; 21, Wm WC
G Reichert; 23,J Penhale
25, C Smith e ,,,
2 11 Dicnan' 2
28,E Troyer• 29, A Foster 3
er, Jr.; 31, J Decker, Sr . 3`�,
33, Win Schwalm; 34, J Rum
England; 36, Lie-bergood;'37.
38, 0 Fisher; 3J, J Gillman;
41, J Grabiel; 43, L Extoll
Ruby; 44, A Iiearcher; 45, i
entruber; 46, J Erb; 47, J Co
Miller; 49 W. Stene• 50
51, J Hartman; 52, A Albricl
Kenler; 54,11 Kalbfieisch; 5
Murray 5G 5 Jacoby;'57 W
' '
58, F O'Brien; 59,R + Jamies
Turnbull; 61, W Turnbull;
rott; 63, J Chambers; 64, C
with 64; G6, J Dinsmore; 67,
68, W. Nicholson; 69, Alen
70, W Ching; 71, H Isaac; 7
73, ,7 Reynolds: 74, P Beav
Nadibger; 79, J Edit; 77, C
J Wiltert,,jr•; 79, J Rennin
Stacey; 8I, 1' Brilltnell: S2,
son; 83, G Blatchford; 83, s
86 A Rennie; 55 S came 88
Beek; 87, E Bossenberry; 88,
39, J, Williams; 29, A L Hall
Sararas. S1igi1G changes
in the following pats master
hot 30 transferred from 69 t'
N B from 72 to 12 ;lot 14, N.
to 12; 49 A to be W pt, 16;
15 and 16,Si15,L R E
Mcliordi(t-Battler-that th
accounts •be paid: Mrs Hove
$5; J Hildebrand, care of Cu
D Livengood. le un statute
J• Scott, Fan, Insp,, $5; J Wh
$47.75 -Carried. lICYlordie
that thtsetftion from D S
have' lots 18 to 25, •inclusive
and W., 6, 7,8, to 17 con, ani
ill 16 taken from S 5 No 6 a
to S S No 11 be laid over till
ing, at which meeting sal
will be :co •• ..idere1 Carrded
adjourued to meet on
April loth at 2 pm.
S�i7t. J. h'
Mr• John M. Campbell, son of Dr.
Campbell, of Seaforth, died in a Phila•
P ,
typhoiddela hospital the other day from
Tfie fift titre of of around on the
Y , Pl
London Road, Tucl:ersmith, joss south
of Mr. sckettnec has Ucen
sold to Mr. John Pickett for the sum of
$2,500, It was owned by Mr. John Jos
lin, of Virden Man.
Conductor McCallum, of the Welling
ton, Gray & Brnco line, was sent for
trial on Friday last byKincardine
magistrates on a charge of conspiracy
to murder three men who had previous
ly been committed For trial on a eh r° a
of murderously assultiug McCallum.'
The latter was allowed out on $100
Miss Piggot, of the 9th con., East
. Zorra, had the misfortune to lose an
ear on Saturday last, She and her
sister were driving home from Wood
stock and while rising a load of wood
their cutter upset In the deep snow
and she was thrown against the load
with the above result, Had the ear
been 1 ept the doctor said it could have
•likely beenput on main but it could
n '
not be found.
After an illness of several months
dui-ation;Mr, Hugh Berrv,of Blanshard,
passed away last Thursday morning
being the 81st anniversary of his birth
Deueasecl was one of the first settlers
of Blanshard, alai was highly respected
Iris son Robert is Deputy -Reeve of the
township. The funeral took lace
from his late residence ou Saturday
afternoon and left at two o'clock for
Kirltton cemetery for interment.
The attendance at the; Y. P. A., was
small this week owing to bad) olds
and stormy weather, -Miss Minnie
Doan is on the siert list. -Miss Fee, is
again able to attend to her duties as
teacher in Z. P S., after a severe cold
-The debate Monday evening, was
•decided •in •favor of the Horse;, -The
many friends of Mr. Chris, Schrlbe, Will
be sort to hear of his death
Y +•which
sad event took place On Tuesday. 1VIr•
Schilbe wes taken with an attack of
brain fever on Saturday. A11 that wed-
icat aid could do was done but of no
avail, He leaves a wife and one child
to mourn his demise. -Roads are very
bad an,1 the snow is still going,- Busi•
ness is somewhat dull in the village -
Mr, Fred. Hess attended, the meeting
of creditors �e estate of T. Berl Hen-
t 3'+
sail, on Monday las,.
(From another source.)
-Mr. D. S. Faust, transacted bust-
Hess in London last week, --A s Mab
ere Deichert attended the milliner
openings in Loudon last week. -The
Misses Steinbach and Williams, were
the guests of Miss Jennie Hall Dash-
wood one day last week. -Mr, \♦cholas
Deichert left on Tuesday for London,
bliss Thompson, of London,Mr. D. Stein-
baeh's milliner for this season was in
town one day last week on business,-
Amey Steinbach is at present
very ilh
TomtrnEnimoltorTela missed
Well Mr Editor, we missed quite a
no doubt.on account of "aubscri•
ger not teniae us something we did
know. His. intelligence is somethdng•
wonderful Two weeks ago he told us
that the �ti•bitrators decided that the
schools were all right; last weer: he ad-
.witted the arbitration was illegal and
now he saddles the blame on G B section
for the arbitrationbeing,which is
more of his bungling, The reason why
the arbitration was illegal was that the
different trustees were not notified of
the nieetin�• of the arbitrators, wlos
duty was that of the township clerks.
Subscribes says he fails to see
•tie se•perate school or
how Ihysd•
Lake View public school will affect G.
B. section. I dont wonder alt t, but
surley he is not so blind as not to be
able to see hog it will affect No. 5 S• y
"Subscriber", I think, had better 0'o
down and see Gilhouly s Infernal Ma
chine and get a few points on his sage
jest. And as for not being able to
build a school my learned friend should
not be so childlike as to use any such
are ument. As we arc not likely to''
a Y
hear from subscriber further on the
subject, I will bid him a friendly good
Thanking •you Dir. Eclltor,
I remain
G. B. Ratepayer.
����•+=fig two doors. north
uLIISi� MAI7 STRL••L••north Eft, extracts tee sh
without pain. Away uct Hennd na
Friday; lobo Craig ()fetich month,
end Zurich o
rye H.INGRAM, DrNxlsx, Me moor Royal
lJ College Dental Surgeons, suceessor to
EC. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
N,xeter, Ont, A safe anaesthetic afven for
the painless extraction of teeth. 1 me Golct
Fillings as required.
---�•n ^-^^ � """ """ ""
. �..--
R. J. A. ROLL( riser And of au or 8T
ltreets, Et°ter, Ontario.
m - --
rho College of Pliurceousanldct Aceouehs
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon
sur. Office, Dashwood, Ont,
_,,,,,,,�.-- ""
DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. M, MemberofMiss
of Physicians a;nd Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal coil°g° of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh, 11cen-
tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and sur-
eons, Glasgow Fellow of'1'rinity Medical
t,ollege; Toronto, Office -Dr. Cowen's f'or-
mer residence,
Agricultural Fair Notes,
News of' the Week in Brief.
The thaw of the last few days has
made the country roads almost impass-
able. -)41r. J. H. Hobbs, teacher, on
Saturday received news of the death
of his sister. , His department of the
'school will necessarily be closed
until Wednesday, We are sorry to
announce the death of Mrs, JI Ena
land, •nee, Miss Schroeder, of Goshen
Line, Hay tp. Funeral took place on
Sunday last. -Mrs. F. • Wurtz has re-
turned home from her retracted visit
du Listowel. -airs, Litt,of Sebr•n •vine
it '
is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Geo
Keracher, of this place. -Mrs Keracher
and Mrs: Kellerman had their babies
christened Sunday. -Charlie cant
make his new safer o worth a
"safety" ,;
cent in the snow: -Miss Fried, of Pail:
hill, spent Sunday in Dashwood visit-
ing her sister, Mrs: M. Fenn. -lir. John
Fenwick's sale an Friday was highly
satisfactory to him. Mr. F. and family
purpose going west on Tuesday ' of
lie' t week --Mrs, F. Holtzman, of
Michigan, is home on a visit, looking
none the worse for her sojourn in the
U. S= -The •concert given tinder the
auspices of the South Huron Farmers
Institute in the Town Hall onTuesda.
evening of last week was a howling "
success Free concerts seem t0 be
thoroughly y appreciated. -Tilos Snell,oF
ClintonClilltIlls h School, seen. Sunday at
home. -Miss Maxy Beaver intends tak
I•n a tri to Mi•(hlgan next week and
g •pno
at the same time resigns hor situation
w•ith Mr, E. Brokenshire, What will
happen next? Luer body, mess;-[lt
pp Everybody b,
may,:be well to mention Just her:that
your correspondent disclaims all eong
nection with theauthorship of ;any
'0s' bibs'' appearing. ander this heading
q Pl? >,
; "Prom n
and entitled prom another source•
We are partialto none, All, no mat
ter whet their calling in life may be,
aro treated alike by us1
R,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office- over o'Neil's sank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan,
The. South Huron Spring Show will
be held in Bayfield this year, and is to
take place April 14th.
The merchants and tradesmen of
our town have come to the front very
handsomely this year in contrib
uting toward the prize fund for the
Ste hen & Usborne S •sins Show which
P p
will be held in Exeter 00 or abort Ap-
ri] 11th,. The Directorate will finale Y
decide on the exact slate at their next
regular meeting when last' year's
prize list will be revised and the
,amount of prize money will probably
be increased,
There was a•full attendance at the
Scut Huron. agricultural meeting held
in Hensel' last Monday, The matter
o tit Fair this
whereto hold the C u
financial consider
year was as usual a fins
alien, The Sou HurRn Director ate
have asked a bonus of $800 from the
Ste hen & Usborne Society to acture
PFaireter, and '111
County I au for LY , e
;atter have agreed to uarantee the
amount. The date for holding the
fair was fixed for Monday a d Tues-
c b i• 25th and 26th, A
day, �eptem eo
meeting of the county directors will be
heldsoon to revise the rizelist. Wo
would like 10 sa that •nvariably after
Y '•
the fall fair is over there are always a
number of knowing ones who haye'
'some`fa;ult • to find with the manage-
trent of the •prize list, •of something did
not •suit them. There was - robabl
• i
less complarnrn against the S. & U.
, t[' n an rev-
SoEie•ty,thrs last show 1a y p
sous year. Now. if there are out
side of the present management, 'who
know low a falC fair should : be con
ductal would write thein sua°^estions
, bb
an enitto
on apiece •of paper , d s d any
officer of either the S• H. or S. U:.",ocro
ties, their kindness will be grAatly app'
p' : Do not fall into line with
kickers after the show is over but
make your suggestive leicles now. Ewe
cry member is entitled to his say at
an,.y •regular meeting:
The Ontario Legislature will meet
on April '^•
Hamilton's rate of ta.ation has been
fixed by the finance committee at 19
Donald Brock, a brakeman,was kill-
ed Tues�a. in the Grand Trunk aid
Y 5
at the foot of Bathurst street.
Burglars broke •into the post -office at
Alyinston on Friday night, but were
"scared oft° before securino• an thing,
" Y >,
No clue.
The Methodist church atLainosbnrg
Mich., has bend music. The minister
is one of the band of 10and his wife is
the leader.
sirs. Duprey, of Rochester, Essex
county, is 105 years of age. She was
, d ,;god
Uorn ixi 17SS he has year,
health up to the present year,
A great ice slide tool. place at Niaga
ra Falls Monday, which crushed the
roof of the incline railway and fatally
injured E. G. pane, the ticket taker.
cablegram received in Montreal
A ctlblAe r e M a
states that Srr John Abbott, will sail
from Genoa for Neve Fork on ♦Match
22nd and that his hearth is much ma-
I )roved: •then
The body of John Tynan was found
on therailwa track near,Huntsville
on Saturday, Thehad been dead
•but a short time when the bodywas
gas well has been struck
A natural a «
the ' Smith £assn ♦regi rte un.orr
in in Wehand i 1 1tlierto undo
Cross g ,
veto ed feet or 7 he flow is nearly
p Y
X100,000 feet an Soni..
William Archer and Bennett, the
leader of rho r'da light robber" an
Y b ty _ g,
Fere on Saturday at the sessions Z oSaunders,
ionto convicted of the crime charged
against them. Sentence was deferred
In the British commons Tuesday a
motion providing for the absolute Ax.
:.. _ -
elusion' of foreign live stool. was
to 1 1. ,President
defeated by 1866
the hoard of a" ",i`iculturo
Gard of g
alluouneed that he hoped before rang
'to remove the embar •,0 now rated bre
. . , .., g p
rA15A'rirtrtt r3GltlAs
L. of supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
peyancer,Commissionor, &c. Money to loan
. ---..:..,;.�,.,-•-
itors, Conveyancers, &c.
-•» -
�• BROWN Winchelsea. License Ai i3
LJL. ♦oneer�'ortheeounties of Perth
Middlesex, also for the township of Ushorn°
3alos promptly attend°d toancttermsreas°n
�h1e.Sales arranged at Post office, Wxnelx elsa
o•�. - ,� .u.•.=.•-
A J'. ROLLINS, Mute of Manitoba, Licens-
.t3..sod Auetioneer, for the counties of Hur-
Residence: 1 mile south
on and Middlesex: Ro
of Exeter, Out. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attoncted to at reasonable
prices. -
�. _ --,.
�'BOSSENBPRILY,Iionsn11Ontario. Lie-
lt. °used Auctioneer for the Counties othe
auron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
--"---m.------------* MB Provincial Land
12 Surveyor arra Civil: Engine°r. Office,
iver l'ogtfiic°; Maxis street, Exeter, One.
..,.;.d_ M-----�-
Western Fir° Assurance Company,High
rhe W
of Toronto,
The Phoonlx fire Insurance co y.,
of London, England
Piro Assur. C y ,
The Alliance F of London, Engined.
• ----
Office:-1Nain-street, Exeter, Ont.
Iit1lb.-In D eter. on 13th i
beioyed wife of Isaac - Reid,
years and 3 mOntl}s:
SdiiAnz�rnzr.-In Hay tp., on
Henr Schaeffer amid 73 'r
Y , g -
8 months,
SAtiet IIS, -Tis Lie n, on the
Charles Saunders, brother (
Wheatper bushel , : ... $0.63 to 0,65
Barley, .. , ... , • , .. ,.'. , • : , to d3
Oats ,;, : , : , . , ::. , , • ... • • • • 29 to 30
Peas ••: • . , 55 to 57
•, 18 to 19
Butter .. ,by
Lard.,..,. ••• • ,. , , ; , , , 10 to 11the
Ec :, , ...... • .. , . , , , , .... 20 & 20tl
Chicken per ib. , , . , .; . , , ..:. 5 to 6
P 0
Clover Seed,.. , . , ....... 800 to 8,4
Timothy.... ;, , , , , ,, , , , . 2;00 to L 2 b
st .e . , ... , : , , , ..... , '7.00 to 7,.00
Al 1
Perk, s .:...•.. v . + a+e .o : 8:15 to.8• ,5
Potatoes per bile .... .... •` 5J to 50
The testimonials frequently publish*
n ,
ed in this paper relating to Hoods Sar
septa'' 11a. O. hey aro from i eliable eon
le. state simple facts, and show beyond
p ,
a doubt that Hoods Cures, Why dont
v tr. this medicine?sureTo
�ou : y h wed ctn 'Be$e to flet
In Exeter South, 01
Exeter S
SUT Inst.,
nst,, the wife of Aaron hill
dart critter.
$canon, -In Exeter, on the
h . ; i i f
t e w fe of A, G,1 BOb er 0
JOttie •-fit Exeter, on the 8t]
r�x+ife of Wellinatat .♦Mins.,1
Grordon Shar e, Who StOfe X00 from
, p
his mother at I'ranlcford,9strnl~s
:. ' been sentenced to
County, lately, has b..
:,,- :,,r. 1w Fr;d rrn xwnl hriltrin.
Hay per toriibis.
6',00 to z,bu ttooa's.
Storrniirg the J'uiigles of sung 14
rs' ,Inst♦
n Thurs-
eting was
s. Messrs
n, Robin -
;thy ad -
as given
a great
a0 bar the
li . instr'ik•
by Mies
;earl, D11
Aral' •solos
also Mr.
s fairly
is visiting
Irs Harris
taiices irr
;' here-
ued from
g Isabella
at Sault
rghton has
vatory, of
re opened
Bing closed
cipal and >`
zck of ill -
their �e
ith, 1833.
ite F W
16 LRE
cMord ie-
' report as
the clerk.
d ntunber'
clerk cor•
hen in ref-
it share of
clerk `eor-
e amount
D, Debent.
ed Path.
Case; 2,
W Moir;
;7,J Ilse
a; 11, R
ie;13, W
th; 15, G•
Wm Mullhoi
ward; 20,
herryi 22,
4, with 23,
7,C Forest;
0, J Deck
I Bonder_
Rum 35, J
J Welds;
40, H Gies
n ; 43, W
ants; 48,+x'
W Beaver;
ht; 53, 0
5, Angus
IIA y rock;
on; 60, G
62, J Jar.
Troyer; 65,
J Moyer;
2, D Haug;
er; 75, G
Willert; 78,
Rennin; 80, J
D Robert-
on; 86, 1'H
F Kibler:
n: 49, A I;t
were made
s' Lists, viz.
0 3; i)iri 3,
B from 63
W 17 con.
e following
se, chaity
dray, ,'$P26;
labor, •$1;
ite & Son,
pencer to
L R r.
6, 7,8, 9
nd added
next n• eel
d petition
TA, Cler
list,, Anti
aged 16
9th inst.
ears and
18th inst.,
f the Rey
his place.
the ?3t
ton; of a
1th ii sty
a Son.
f a iJon. '