HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-12-03, Page 14`SFA ODE# tat SI`!!'..NAL STAR) U4. .R� ,. ^
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CWL bazaar
Continued from Page 1 A
Flowers, Mrs. Donald Fisher; Eadie; plastic rug runner,
material, Mill End Store, Mrs. People's Store, _ Miss Ma
Walter Palmer; hand towel, Frances Sherratt; Avon talcom
Cutt's Red and White, Mrs. powder, . Marjorie Smith, Miss
Elaine Culbert; decorator towel, Karen Melady.
Simpsons Sears, Mrs. Lou Swan; Avon talcom powder,
change purses, Rieck's Marjorie Smith, Mrs. Florence
Pharmacy,"Mrs. Lou Swan. Newbery; Avon leg make-up,
Nylons, Mrs. Lou Swan; Marjorie Smith, Mrs. Florence
decorator towel, Simpsons Sears, Newbery; Christinas cards,
,Mrs. Clarence Chisholm; nylons, Dunlop's Pharmacy, Mrs. Mary
Gerrard's Clothing, Mrs. Ken Vickars; flashlight, Rieck's
McGee; $3.00 voucher, Eaton's Pharmacy, Mrs. Con Baechler;
of Canada, Miss Darcy McGee; broach, Anderson's Book
• aftershave lotion, Mrs. Vaughan Centre, Mrs. Shirley Keller;
Kinahan.' fancy dish, Breckenridge
$2.00 voucher, Ormandy Hardware, Ken Cardiff; note,,
Jewellery, Mrs. Margaret pad, Ken Cardiff.
Coombs; fancy dish, MacRae's Shell ash trays, Ken Cardiff;
Jewellery, Mrs. Margaret . teflon spoon, Mrs. John Dykstra;
Coombs; dish cloths, ,Mrs. stationery, Henderson -Book
Margaret Eadie; decorator towel, Store, Sister Doreen; stacking
Simpsons Sears, Mrs. Margaret- ring toy, Ivie Mary Shop, Sister
Barbara; tomato slicer, Anne
Marie Lassaline; soap, Anne
Marie Lassaline.
Christmas cards, Dunlop's
Pharmacy, Ethel Le Blanc;
decorator towel, Simpsons Sears,
Mrs:. M. S. Sutherland; deck
playing cards, Canadian Tire
Store, Rita Lassaline; book
cover, Rieck's Pharmacy, Mrs.
Bruce Smith; • Hastinotes, Ivie
Mary Shop, Mrs. Bruce Smith;
inflatable hangar, Mrs. Bruce
Smith; Christmas cake, A and P
Store., Mrs. Bruce Smith.
Ash tray, Breckenridge
Hardware, Mrs.. Bruce Smith;
baby comb and brush set,
Goderich Discount Drugs, Mrs.
Bruce Smith; Planter's peanuts,
Blue's Supermarket, Mrs. G. P.
A. Evans.
Huron -Perth. ss, Board
presents progress --report
Choose From A Complete Selection
Save 20% On Every Rockwell- Cash Purchase..
COMPARE these prices, the'
not just pennies on el
BY WILMA OKE _and his problem identified, an expenditures for 1969 is also
At the Huron -Perth County interim individualized program is included.
• . nineteen
Roman Catholic Separate School recommended. Where students
Pictures of schools within the the ates
Board meeting on November 24, have mild learning disabilities,
John Vintar, Superintendent of the regular classroom teacher,› and• a map ,showing their
Education, presented the with the assistance of the locations are also included in the
Progress Report for 1969-1970. consultant, initiates a remedial
It was compiled in booklet program geared to each student's
form to inform the ratepayers in level of achievement. Students
the two counties of the progress with more specific learning
made in education since the problems are either placed in a
inception of the county system remedial classroom, where the
two years ago. number of students is purposely
The - report indicates the kept small in order to provide
direction the Board is heading. for more individual attention, or
In the first objective the are visited on a regular basis by
Board makes reference to an itinerant remedial teacher.
providing adequate equipment in Students with severe health or
the form of teaching aids for all emotional probjems are referred
schools in the two.counties. to medical or psychiatric
Now the Board is specialists.
concentrating on program Reference is made to the
development in order to ensure Primary program where
that equality of educational emphasis is placed on the
opportunity is available to all development of language skills
students now and in the future. which are the key to the child's
At the same time the Board total development. As the child
indicates sight has not -been lost matures his view of the world is
of the necessity of inculcating in enlarged. Social development
the students respect and concern occurs' through the child's
for others as well as the creating interaction with adults and
of religious attitudes which will children and a variety of
provide courage and meaning in experiences which ' the school
their lives. provides.
The report makes specific Through trips and visits the
reference to religious education child learns about life and the
in which it points out the community from first-hand
Canadian catechism program has observations. w . *
been initiated into the program In the Junior Division the
of the schools. The program pupil is generally mature enough
attempts to bring together the to become aware of moral values
total parish in catechetical and fair play. It is time for the
participation of the children, the educators to develop the
parents, the school and the local faculties of curiosity,
church. imagination and generosity.
Physical and health education He also enjoys working in
refers - to selected physical , smaller groups. To meet these
activities and related experiences needs, learning experiences,
which aid the individual in skills, especially in social studies and fessor C. roL
P. Duitschaever,
strength, encurance and science, are designed to permit Poe SciencDepartment',
character. group work activities. University of Guelph.
The report points out that Reference is , made to theIn recent interview Professor
tournaments in volleyball, . program hi the Intermediate
basketball, swimming, hockey division when the student begins Duitschaever explained that
whey, a by-product of cheese
and track and field have been to question the content of value whey, � ` by -re, had been adapted
arranged and will continue to be systems and therefore the msome European countries td
arranged in the future. educator has the challenging role make a non-alcoholic, slightly
Health instruction forms an of counselling and directing the carbonated soft drink . called
essential part .of any physical teenager. Rivella.
• In other business at the
meeting, Jack Lane, Business
Administrator, reported the roof
repairs at Sit': Boniface" School,
Zurich, had not been completed.
Kyles, Kyles and Garratt, board
architects, to be instructed to
have the Dobson Roofing
Company, Exeter, notified to
complete this work.
Kyles, Kyles and Garratt to be
instructed to contact the
consulting engineers of
Cleaver -Brooks of Canada Ltd.,
Stratford,, concerning problems
with the boilers at St. Joseph's,-
St. Aloysius and St. Michael's
Schools in Stratford.
Because a bridge in Morris.
Township has been closed to
motor vehicles a school bus
driven the Frieberger's Bus Line,
Bluevale, has been obliged to
travel an extra 10 tniles each
day. The Board agreed to pay
the bus owner.. for the extra
Whey good
as soft drink
Cheese manufacturers could
use their whey surplusesito make
a soft drink that looks like
champagne, i nutritious and
(rrefreshing, a d is a emelyr
popular - in Europe, says
educational program. This aspect• During these years the subject Rivella now has more than 7%
was enhanced through the areas emerge as academic , of the soft drink market
co-operation• of parents with p
teachers in the initiation of a
First Aid Program.
Community facilities have
been and are"being used in
exchange for school facilities. A
specific example of this
co-operation is in the use of the
YMCA pool at Stratford in
exchang 'for the" use of St.
Michael's gymnasium in
Arenas, gymnasium and tennis
courts have been used in some
other areas a.4 well.
The report explains special
educationServices which have
• been intr0cliited -.tom assist
studenta who have difficulty
'lth regular clasSroofn program.
At each --student is - diagnosed
disciplines. Many correlated
learning activities are designed to
avoid the ncornpartmentalization
of subject areas.
The student's maturity is also
reflected in his ability to think
critically. Many opportunities
are provided for discoveries of
cause and effect relationships.
Reference is also made to
Switzerland, where it was first •
introduced 20 years ago.
Professor Duitschaever said
that "once the protein and fat is._
removed, whey is fermented to
develop lactic acid, then
concentrated • into a whitish
paste containing ' lactose,
minerals and lactic and amino
Ecole Ste -Marie scho& in which acids. The whey is shipped in
pupils receive instruction in concentrated form to the
French and English, which is a bottling plant where it is
continuation of the tradition. reconstituted with water and
The school is located north of 'extracts, flavored with herbs and
St 'oseph in an area originally sugar, and slightly carbonated.
No artificial products are added
settled by the French.
The report also refers to the original base, so that
nes of the
various cortnnitt rd B.ivella cannot be called a
and the administrative . staff. A carbonated soft drink by North
'statement of revenue and American standards.
.Avocado Embossed
Deluxe Fireproof
-------„ Door Draughty And Cold?
buy AHeavy -Duty-
11 I Prehung
Say Goodbye To
Winter" Chills
7 1/4"
Complete .With Rip Guide
And Saw
In red, blue or green. Complete
with both indoor and outdoor
• A Handy And
Light Household
�l L
Kits come
co-mplete with to
glove and cloth.
5 35