HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-9, Page 5/S l.re,1,Nl'I'LANS Aro a now Mk� �ore+r tit a oP
I rono4 Pebili Y, Loat Vigor and
Y 6' 1 nAtp1 pluuhood; restores the
4--v tl t+e�?l,itesa of body or mind unused
by, ever-mm*14 or the errors or OPrrv+nw.,r�mmv Dewe; of youth. This Remedy alb
solute!), S tires tho tx est obbtivato cases triton all allot
saTul;xxo have; failedevonto relieve. old by drug.
gists at §',1 pe,r paoluge, o:+ six for $5, or sent by mutton
rot;eil,t of price by addressing TDB JAMES ivinoro at
0O.. Toronto. Ont. Write ,or 1luntphlct. Sold in—
For or Sale in Exeter by :1', W. Ilcowynin;;
y eine the worst unsex
The Manitoba Legislature has declined to
Headache arises from constipation, bad
blood, dyspepsia or liver complaint. As B.
B. B. cores all these complaiets it is natur-
ally the most successful heitdache cure exis
ting. Once the cause is removed the head•
ache vanishes.
At the New Orleans pugilistic carnival
Saturday night Smith beat'Godderd in x8
NO REMEDY cures Coughs, Colds
Croup, Hoarseness Asthma Bronchitis,.
Sore Throat, etc.. so well as Dr, Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup.
Ono hundred ladies and gentlemen, lead-
ers of society in Co:umbus,' Indiana, have
been indicted under the Gambling Act for
playing progressive euchre for prizes.
Gambler's, against whom action was recent-
ly taken,
ecent-lytaken, are believed to have ihstigated this
movement out to revenge,
If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Cart-
er's LittLe Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia, makes
you nervous, and nervousness makes you
dyspeptic; either one renders you miserable
and these little pills cure both
Brazil has ordered 70,000 small -calibre
rifles and 35,000,000'cartridges from a Ber-
lin firm.
When you are attacked by cough or cold
do not delay but commence at once to use
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, This old
standard remedy removes all irritations
loosens the phlegm, and heals the nluscou,
surfaces, curing coughs and colds of all
The reeves and deputy reeves of Durham
county met at Bowmanvitle Tuesday, and
by a vote of 13 to 2 adodted a resolution in
favnr of separation from Northumberland
No other remedy cures sprains, bruises,
cuts, wounds, chilblains, sore. throat, rheu-
matism, etc., so promptly as Hagyard's
Yellow oil. it is au old standard remedy
that has given perfect satisfaction for 3o
The cost of the new court house of Ox
ford county is I09,949.77. A. J. Brown,
contractor, of Toronto,has put in a bit: for
6t6,368 for extras, over which there is a
BURDOCK PILLS' give satisfaction
whereever tried. They cure Constipation,
Sick Headache and Biliousness.
The next debt of the United States 10 -
creased $615,600.r4 during February.
All cases of weak or lame back, will find
relief by wearing- one of Carter's Smart
Weed and BeLLadonna Backache PLasters.
Price 25 cents. Try them. •
There are now 700 carriagemakers on
strike in Chicago.
Dyspepsia is a prolific cause of such dis.
eases as bad blood, constipation,; head-
ache, ane liver complaint. Burdock Blood
Bitters, is guaranteed to cure qr relieve
,d;spepsiaif used according to directions.
Thousands have tested it with best re-
The Manitoba legislature, by a vote of 36
to 1, adopted a memorial to the Dominion
Government, asking for a law prohibiting
theimportatin;, manufacture and sale of
intoxicating liquor in that provrnce.
Gentlemen; I have used your Burdock
Blood Bitters for bad blood and I find it
it without exception, the best purifying
tonic in use. A short time ago two very
large and painful boils came on the back of
my neck, B. B. B, completely drove them
away. Sam. Blain Foronto Junction
Both houses of the Washington legisla-
tuee have paseed a bill making it unlawful
in that state to manufacture, buy, sell or
give away or to have in one's possession
cigarettes or cigarette papers.
1 utritiye value are two strong points in fa-
vor of Milburn's Cod Liver. Oil Emulsion,
with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites. '
During the launching of a vessel' at Bay
City, Mich., on Thursday, a steamer crowd-
ed with spectators rolled over and spilled
the crowd into the water. There were
drownedand a dozen badly injured
Palpitation of the heart, nervousness,
tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands
and feet, pain in the buck, and other „forms.,
of weakness, are'reLieved by Carter's Iron
PiLLs, made specially for the blood, nerves
and complexion.
The liquor questisn will not be:submitted
to thepeople of North Dakota for at least
two yea rs,-
In northern climate people are verysub-
ject to colds, but the natural remedy is also
produced in the same climate. Dr, Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds,
hoarseness, asthma bronchitis and all throat.
and lung, troubles. Price 25 and 5o cents.
Mr• John Dingle, a well-known + resident
of Oshawa, committed suicide Friday by
KILL THE VVORMS or they will kill
• your child,' Dr. Low's Worm S,, ru; is the
best worm' killer.
It is understood that the Ontario Legis-
lature will rneet about the first of next
Peso's Bemedg for Catarrh Is ;be
Best, Vastest to Ilse. and Cheap tit.
Sold by druggists or sent by mail,
�lU 50c,„21 T, Hateltlna Warren, Pa.
Itt9ol: five cars to transport the fishery
exhibit to Canada to the world's Pair.
News of the Week.in Brief..
North Oxford license commissioners
Sortie time ago passed <i l)j+ law closing
hotel bars at 10 p. tn.: The liquor men
appealed to the cdui ts and decision has
been given :rustrtining the by-law it
is the: intention of the commissioners to
enforce the law.
The advertising of hood's JSarsapat•
villa appeitls to the sober,common sense
of thinking people, because it is true;
and it is always fully substautiatcad by
endorSLmellt ,which in the financial
''P tlh.Llt d
Sol y ,d would be accepted d wl
moment's hesitation. l'hey tell the
story -HOOD'S CURS.
The police authorities of Brooklyn e. cite er tllw as ctuTddareb G --No hale
p :
have decided to prohibit professional � i � a , . horn oil Staler
h day tit heti tt became known, that some
boxing matches,
After the grip, when you are weak
and "played out,” 1Tood's • Sarsaparilla
will restore yon health and strength.
Two million throe hundred thousand
dollars gold was exported from New
York Tuesday.
Hood's Pills cine liver ills, jaundice,
biliousness, sick headache, constipa
Thomas White of 31 Goulding street
Toronto, killed himself Saturday night
by taking carbolic acid. He had been
drinking Heavily..
It is said Wi,1l:erville will secure the
Canadian branch of the .McCormack.
reaper works
For sore throat, Sudeten Colds and
Diptheria, no remedy has ever been.
discovered so powerful' to cure. as Dav-
is Pain biller, For both internal and
external application we have found it
of great valve; especially can we rec
commc;ncl it for colds,rheurnatism, or
fresh wounds and bruises,—Christian
The Conservatives of South Middle
sex Tuesday chose 'Mr. Andrew Gray,
a farmer of much ability, to contest the
riding against Mr. Boston,
R. A. D. McDonald, D. D., of Seaforth,
is appointed a member of the advisory.
board of religious congresses of the
Columbian Exposition, Chicago.
Immeliate relief if you will only, get
a bottle of Meinbirtys Kidney and Liver>
Cure. Why suffer with Back Ache,
Indigestion ,Pain between the shoulders
Constipation, SicHeada che etc, whn
you can get relief by using this valu-
able medicine? ' Procure a bottle with-
out delay.
Mr. Rd. Bull,,a p:ominentFreemason
and well-known resident of Hamilton,
is dying from paralysis.
President Cleveland was Monday
formally invited to attend and partici-
pate in the opening exercises of the
Columbian World's Fair.
Shelburn Marcth Gtli —The case of
Mr. '.VI„ Lean of Horui,igs' Mills, as pub
lished last week is still the talk of the
vicinity, and many people have taken
the trouble to ylsit Hornings' Mills to
see frim- Mr. Eselfry,,the druggist here
who sold Mr. McLean the pills 'Vouches
for the truth of the statement as also
does. Mr. Wm, Jelly, Ex -M P P for Duf-
feein County. Dodd's Kidney Pills are
indeed a wonderful remedy, • as they
cure the most deadly as well as the
most prevalent diseases that affect hu
manity, namely, Bright's Disease, • as
well as all forms of kidney troubles,
Dropsy, Diabetes, Stone in Bladder,and
more especially Rdeumatism.
The sales of leaf tobacco on the Dan
ville, Va., market for February amoun
ted to 6,07770E pounds;being the larg
est sales ever made here_in a single:
month. The sales for the first five:
months of the fiscal year have. been
16,200,000 pounds, au' increase of
$1,488,000 over the same period last
The Royal hotel at Point Edward..
was burned Tuesday morning.
Mr. James; Harris bas just died in St•
Catherinus'tit the advanced age of 93•
During the last twenty, years
tle more than X53,000;000
spent in restoring cathed
churches in England, and n
048,000,000 has been spent
ing new cht:trches. In Lon
more than $4,000,000 has be
ed in building and restoring
ACCin>>;xT.—On Sunday e
1~Iumphery Snell, son- of i4I
Snell, Iinllett tp„ mat with a
ingly painful accident, He
up in the loftand as ho rani
ladder his foot slipped and
the point of a broken hand
forks: which penetrated his b
seven inches,
Eran Bros, were fined $50
hiy hot]ise IVTa„�isttxte, White,
Thomas, Monday, for loll
without a ltceitsE'i A citizen
a dozen of ale from the firm
groceries. The firm sa,y the
ale from'a liquor dealer ,just
their customer, but tyle
charged to the customer in
way on their books, and on
sent with him.
�'Vindsor, March 1.—A she
cident happened in the Gra
railway yard this mornittg,
Switchtn,Ln Thos. P. Cdetneu
lost his `life. Clement was i
coupliltn• ears when he slipp
fore he could ht,cover. hi
crusht:ui lsetwl3eu the. two
IIe„was .seen to fall by, 'seine
crew ivho went,to his aastst
got up himself and st,lrted
away, but Irad gone onl,Y, a
when lie said, "Alt ri„ht; m
coming;” and dropped to th
dead. : It. appe;vrs tae buried
in Cha.tbamlast week; He
much att.lched tri her, apd
yehy low spirited swce het r
.`...Nine m•lelstr',ifes i,t' Biu
v,e�ituid><y- ht,lltl..tht. c,as5, of
tv'ottti'tIu'r'� I ted.liv 1Jnnela-lt !1
U►aua `Tr:Lintz <.oitducthtyrt
tlyt,eri„ hapcaldirie .11td. I
`l:hes de,l'i;r;dnu wtic iii(i,bflt
lintel keL,pc 1 ,;Srarn.iri ..L ttt
a!nd btie!;�Ictx�ci, all of liint,i
cli�ut��,o; p1A that the Chf�e
as • sauittl.thc coudtLc'o• otl
L'c bh Ytlt:ry lU, ttitiil sc,ve+reay ,i
'1`.ho defestidanf s: ii et u tri • the
c(ilnpls'tulent, xnd „h-en�thc
e�r�itt'] cd tiler of.ttii ni l.rcl.t�tl
arui I)tililou HCl:u<l. SlcCallt
odly, �it1 holtlin,�, thea�.i;olld
c;ontmitttsd for triiLl Rei•: J
S ,
fill tht. 1 ec,
�\r i'. C'Connoh, C1 of ��'a1
the defeiat;es.
'ars a
has bean
rats and
lore than
ir► build
don alone
en expend
vening M.r.
r. George
n exceed
had been
e down the
he' :fell on
led pitch•.,
ody about
and costs
rte, of St.
ing liquor
with his
y ,dot the
to oblige
ale was
the regular
the books
eking' ac-
iid Trunk
•by',• which'
t, aged 23;
1 the act' of
ed,;``a� ud be
mslslf was
{of the
ante%- He
to walk
few feet
other: I'm
his mother
was very
had beer]
ssels; Ont
tr a!jeious
eifJal'1`u m, a
ing bo
4i,,; ;pici•ber,
rdii,e. The
its train on
u jti:riled hirn
hit:{; i; a �:e i
Gni ill u ctur
tiro: door
im fitipcatl-
nnt'r` r and
m.ti,' wore
uhn •I(itig,
titiefit; Mr,
Ierton; for
of the members of ono of the, old' Scoteh
families were poisoned. They were Mt.
Sandy Kennedy, Mrs, John Kennedy
and .a young seryant girl. It is evi
dent that the deadly dlutr was in the
porridge, John Kennedy ate no por
ridge and luckily escaped. Alexander
died in a few hours after eating. Mrs.
Kennedy is in a critical condition, with
slightly favorable prospects. The ser-
vent girl will survive. An invesiga
tion is expected.
"The report brought to town that.
Mrs. Sutherby, who resides several
miles west of here, was in destitute
cil'cumstarices was investigated by
several of tiro Hcusall 'Charitable In-
stitute to be only
and fouled the rumors S
too true. Our worthy reeve, Mr. Gee.
McEwen, was informed of the state
of affairs, ' and a cal'lvass was
made, whereby sufficient foodand
clothing was obtained to prevent star-
vation and distress for some time to
come, Mrs. Sutherby with a family of
four children, were without a morsel of
food for three days,"-llceustll Obsel•uea-
A terrible accident occurred at Mar
thaville, near Petrotoa, ou' Match 7,
about 10.30 a. m., in which two nien'.
lost their lives; and another man was
seriously injured. It appeals that a
machinist uained McKenzie was at the
oil wells knawn as the Menzies property,
and owned by Mr. James Duncan, do..
ing some repairs on the engine, and by
some means,'at present unknown, the
boiler exploded, killing instantly Mr,
James Duncan, woW18 on the
looking after the repairs, also killing
the engineer, Mr. Leggatt, and serious
ly lnjuring i11r, W. McKenzie, the
John French, of Mitchell, who was
liberated from the Stratford gaol some
days ago, is again in the toils of the
French, it will be remembered,
was given a term of impri oument
last Spring for wife•beating, but man
aged to escape before his sentence was
completed. He remained xlt summer
in Michigan, whither he had fled, hut
returned to Mitchell in the fall, where
he was arrested after again indulging
himself in his wife -beating propensities
At the Fall Assizes he was given 21
days for gaol breaking. but wasal-
lowed to do under suspended sentence
on his completing the term to which he
was first sentenced, and which only
expired a few days ago Saturday
night he again brutally ill treated his
spouse. He was arrested in ' Mitchell,
and will, no doubt, he punished this
time to the fullest extent of the law.
A serious cutting affray is alleged
to have taken place Monday uight on
the old homestead of the Donnelly
farm in Biddulph township, in which.
the tenant of the place and a man
named li.l der ;