HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-12-03, Page 741: supporters meet, discusspurty Democrat,G Partyhaalways been the dedicated enthusiasm and informed opinion of our membership; It is now time for that strength to be mobilized on behalf of the civil liberties of all the Discussion of Canada. Discussion of the Resolutions on Farm Policy, Health Services. and Education which were approved at the October Provincial Convention took place. "They are now Provincial policy" Mr. Glazier emphasized, "and-- we must consequently familiarize ourselves with them." Interested voters were invited to contact Mrs. Shirley Weary, Goderich, if they wish' to make inquiries regarding Provincial policy on these matters. A finance committee was set up including David WOary, Herb Klopp and Jack Van Egmond. Ideas for a fund-raising project included the suggestion that a dinner be , held which an NDP member of the Legislature would be invited to address. The January meeting will be held in Goderich when a survey will be launched: Members will canvass the community to request that residents answer a brief questionnaire on important Canadian matters. The November meeting of the. Huron.Bruce - Association was NDP Huron Riding. Association present to confer as to ways and was held in Bayfield at . Mrs, R. means ,of co-ordinating the Pemberton's home with Wilfred activities of the Federal and Glazier presiding. Provincial Associations. Heinz Hoernig of Benmiller, Notice has been received that President of . the NDP the NDP National Convention will �be held in the Civic Centre Hat Ottawa, - April 21-24. A V ro n B S1 o p membership meeting will be called to elect delegates and a installed committee will be set up to receive and consider resolutions for presentation at the in London - convention. The secretary is also in receipt of a letter announcing that the Provincial Council will send an experienced and successful organizer, to Huron County early in the New Year to advise on how to run a successul campaign. • ,A communication signed by Gordon Vichert, Ontario NDP President and Gordon Brigden, Secretary was read which sets forth the NDP position on the War Measures Act. It states in part 'Our party has been subjected to intense public criticism for its principled and rational opposition _ to _ the imposition of the War Measures Act. However, the 'sober second thought of ordinary Canadians and the comments of prominent editorial writers have provided a more appropriate climate in which we can attempt once more to explain our position. The NDP Party must explain to the people of Canada that: a) We condemn unequivocally the FLQ and its policies of violence; b)' -The people 'of' -Canada have not been provided with sufficient information to justify k► extreme measures. limiting our traditional freedoms - particularly since Criminal Code sections on sedition; conspiracy and treason have remained unused; c) The imposition of the War Measures Act has unnecessarily weakened the faith of Canadians in the capacities of our democratic institutions, the result being to heighten feelings of anxiety and insecurity and to destroy the healthy Iiolitical climate upon which Canadians have always prided themselves. The NDP Party has tat. I the initiativein proposing legislation which *would more appropriately deal with similar - emergencies in the future. Among the features of our proposals are: • 1) The government would be required to inform the country of the circumstances requiring the invocation of . the act, showing "a clear and present danger of the use of force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the Government of Canada or of a province or for the purpose of intimidating the Government and Parliament 'of Canada or the Government and Legislature of a Province": 2) Special powers under the proposed legislation would be limited to: the power to search without warrant; the power to arrest without warrant on reasonable grounds of suspicion Qf involvement in _the planned insurrection; the power to detain persons without charge for _ no_. -longer than seven days. 3) Civil liberties would be, protected through the right to counsel and the right to inform next-of-kin, and through setting *up an independent Commission for the purpose of contacting those arrested and ensuring that their rights according ' to law are observed. 4) The act would be in force for a specific period of not longer than 30 days, after which it would automatically lapse. The strength of the NeWv The Very Reverend K. B. Keefe, Dean of Huron has indicated that the Installation Service for the Right Reverend Carman J. Queen as seventh Bishop of" Huron reflected the pastoral nature of the Bishop's relationship with his diocese. Over the past few weeks 'a new service has been evolved by the Cathedral Chapter which serves as the Diocesan Task Force on Worship. The Installation of Bishop Queen took place Monday, November 30, at St. Paul's Cathedral, London. The installation of a bishop was a formal ceremony in which the diocese •recognized and' accepted its new Diocesan Bishop, heard from him o his promises of faithfulness and gave' to him its loyalty and support. . The chief ministrant was the Dean supported by his Chapter of Canons. The Dean was the representative of the people of the Diocese and he.received and installed the Bishop into the "Cathedra" (Bishop's throne) symbolizing the episcopal seat of authority. The Bishop was ' ,presented with the Pastoral Staff of the Diocese as a symbol of his office as Chief Shepherd. On this occasion, and for the first time, a prominent lay member of the - Diocese (Dr. Douglas Broadwell of Windsor) made the presentation. During the service the Bishop received and acknowledged fraternal greetings from other' Christian bodies. The Reverend Canon D. T. Jones, Canon Percentor of the Diocese, commented that this is a change from the old idea of an enthronement which was a monarchical concept of a Bishop and this servicestresses that the Bishop is more of a servant and `Father in God' than a `Prince of the Church.' . 1e, McIntosh apple found 1811 The McIntosh apple was discovered in 1811 by John McIntosh of Dundas County. One tree in the McIntosh orchard bore the fragrant, red apples with the juicy, white flesh, crisp texture and distinctive, moderately tart flavor, that, became so popular in the surrounding area. John McIntosh sold seedlings from- his McIntosh - .Red a - but none of these trees bore the same fine fruit as the original tree. It wasn't until 1835" that John McIntosh's son, 'Allen, successfully reproduced the original species, through grafting and budding techniques learned from an itinerant farmhand, and from . this small ' start, the McIntosh • has spread across Canada and around the world. The original tree flourished until 1894, when it was so badly damaged by fire that it died. 1 GODEBICH SIGNALS ridge :scores 'Mere were rive and .one ha;if tables y at the Cluderich Duplipate Bridge Club Tu day night. Winner* and their ,coxes Were as follows; • Dr. and Mrs. M, Smith, 77/x; Mr. A. Wilson and Mr. 0. Haselgrovet 71%; Dr. A. B. Deathe and Mr. A. Weerasooriya, 71; Mrs. D. D. Worthy and Mrs. W. ,Duncan, 63%;; Mrs, It. Sproule and Mrs. A. Galbraith, 56 . MONA CLEMENTS The Bank of Montreal on the Square got a face lift this week as a new sign went up on the bank building and a new clock on.a pole was mounted on the edge of the sidewalk in front of the premises. The blue and white sign and clock replace the older green and white articles of the past. - Staff Photo .dt 4 MY LAONA CLEMENTS. Suggests , Hair Care USHES by Kent of London Brush Makers To Her Majesty CK PHARMACY Larry Rieck, PHM.B. Archie Barbert,PHM.B. GET STAMPS TOO NAME BR ND ITEMS AT DISCOUNT PRICES AT BLUE'S SUPERMARKET GET STAMPS TOO DONMAdIAE Watc�imaker & Jeweller SHE 166 THE SQUARE 524-6572 will look so pretty In our Cultured PEARLS ON THE SQUARE OPEN NIGHTLY TIL 1Q WE DELIVER TURKEY PIES STAFFORD'S MINCEMEAT STANDARD Happyvale PEAS HEINZ STRAINED BAE11110.011 F REG.69c 2 °a INSTANT FREEZE DRIED - 4 oz. ,CHRISTMAS - REG. $1.69 MAXIM COFFEE 994.GIFT WRAP 1.29 SUPREME - 24 oz. 5Q4 KLEENEX - LARGE BOX Bagged Bread ..' 488F� aO 1 MAXWELL HOUSE R - 14 oz. °7i$1 VAN CAMPS - 14 oz. • C0FFEE FACIAL TISSUE 1 Ib. Bag 994. Every Day Low Price BISSET'S - 1" Ib. Every Day Low Price RISE 'N' SHINE -- 3'/4 oz. Pkg. Every Day Low Price smigiommamm PRODUCE. California No. 1 CELERY STALKS T4:Es 29' Ontario No. 1 CARROTS SIZE 5 lb. BAG 29� FLORIDA WHITE OA PINK GRAPEFRUIT SIZE 48's 1O69' SCHNEIDERS MEATS� COLD CUTS Regular or Red Hot WIENERS Kent Sliced Side BACON Beef, Pork or Chicken PIES VG'.moEFAT2) Every Day Low Price JERGENS REGULAR SIZE • 6 oz. PKG. _.(10 VARIETIES) 1 Ib. Vac Pak Every Day Low Price Every Day Low Price Every Day Low Price DUNCAN HINES - (18 VARIETIES) CAKE 19 oz. F pkg,. O MIXE Every Day Low Price Every Day Low Price Every Day Low Price Every Day Low Price CREST FAMILY SIZE REGULAR OR MINT Every Day Low Price 'CAI NATIbN INSTANT POWb