HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-26, Page 1411, 64. GODERICH SIvNAIrSTAR, T1URSDAY4NOVEIVIBER 20. 1970 Ann tand!rs. S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN imummommumm cibromocreiegrain&Thlicate This big boy—With The captivating smile is Donny, He will soon be 11 months old. He's A tall, sturdy fellow, already wearing size -three clothes, and he's well-nourished (as you can tell). ••Anglo-Saxon in descent, Donny is a healthy baby with large darkeyes, long and thick lashes, brown hair and olive &kin. He is, always good-natured, except for brief periods when a tooth (he has eight)- is making him uncomfortable. Even then he doesn't fuss if he gets lots of cuddling. When he was younger, Donny was content to sit and •watch other people being active, but now he seems te feel he must make up for lost tine. He likes to be free from his play pen so he can crawl all oyer his foster home. He loves children to play with. This cheerful, affectionate baby will be a happy addition to a family for whom academic achievement is not all-im- portant. To inquire about adepting Donny please write to Today's Child, The Toronto Telgram, 440 Front Street .West, Toronto 135. For general adoption information ask your Children's Aid Society. James Richardson & Sons Ltd 'Serving The Feed Dealers, of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODER ICH 11.110., .cold giri is: fat Dear Ann Landers: There's an old, Hungarian saying — 'If you want to see what your wife will look like in 30 years, take a good look at her mother." Do you believe it? —Marcia's motber is about 40 pounds overweight. She's fat and sloppy and all her • dresses are ibusting out in the seams, All she talks about is her back trouble and her dental problems. I think she drinks a little. -Marcia is not overweight but she is big -boned. , -When she gets mad she looks like her mother. Last night her brother showed s me the family album. I thought I was looking at pictures of Marcia. When I found out they were pictures of Marcia's mother when she was 20 I got nauseated. Now I'm scared to death. What do you think? —Steve. Dear Steve: I think you should find another. girl. Even it Marcia doesn't turn out like her mother, you'd be expecting her to any minute. Better for Marcia, too, if she dated guys who don't, know any old Hungarian sayings. Dear Ann Landers: I wonder how many readers see themselves in your column? I saw myself in the letter from the, girl who Said her father was so strict she felt as if he were a stranger. Odd that I, a woman of 30, with children of my own, should see myself in the letter, of a 16 -year-old girl. I grew up in a home where my father was a stranger and so was my mother. They were strangers to each other and to my sister and me. Never a, sign of affection. or warmth. Never an arm around a shoulder, even during, illness. No endearing names, no word of praise or a compliment when we did well. The memories of my childhood are tilled with loneliness. • Often we were disciplined harshly with no 'knowledge of what we did wrong. A few years ago, when my father was dying from a fatal illness, I wanted so much to put my arms around him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It would have been out of place. I look back with deep sorrow at my childhood and I hope this letter will open some eyes — and some hearts. — No Name. Are you in favour of the establishment within the Town of Goderich of a Municipally oper7ted carnp and trailer park to be situated on the South Harbour Beach?. BY-LAW No. 40 OF 1970 OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH A By-law to authorize the taking of a vote by the electors on the question of the establishment of a municipally operated camp ground in the Town of Goderich. WHEREAS -pursuant to Part X of The Mu niclpal Act, R.S.O. Chapter 249, the Council of aiocal municipality•may submit a question to obtain the opinion of the electors. NOW, THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich enacts as follows: (1) That the following question: Are you in favourof the establishment within the Town -of Goderich of a municipally operated camp and trailer park to be situated on the South Harbour Beach? shall be submitted for the opinion of the electors. (2) All persons entitled to vote for the election of a munitipal Council shall be entitled to vote on the question submitted. (3) The question shall be submitted to the opinion of the -electors on Monday, December 7th, 1970, at the same time and at the same places as designated for the taking of the vote of the electors for members of the Municipal Council for the Town of Goderich. (4) The Deputy Returning Officers taking the vote for the election of the Municipal Council shall also take the votes on the question submitted. (5) A statement of the question submitted shall be published for three (3) successive weeks in "The Goderich Signal -Star," a newspaper published at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, the first of such publications to be made on Thursday, November 12, 1970, and such statement shall contain -a Notice -signed by the Clerk stating that the statement is a true statement of -the question to be submitted and appointing a time and place when the Clerk shall sum up the number of votes in the affirmative or in the negative, and a time and a place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf bf the persons interested in° voting in the affirmative or in the negative on the question,. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of October, 1970. "G. F. Mills" "M. H. MacKay" Mayor Acting Clerk READ a third time and -finally passed this 22nd day of October, 1970. "G. F. Mills" "M. H. MacKay" Pear No Name: Your letter raises some questions as to what happened in the lives of your parents that made them incapable of expressing affection. It was probably a miserable legacy handed down from their parents. I hope you've broken the chain and are giving your children the affection and ermitiOnal support that was denied you and your' parents. Thanks for writing. DEAR ANN LAI4DEftS: I am glad our paper is using a new picture of you. The one they've —HEALTH & SAFETY -- • been using for years was terrible, Our dog likes the new picture, Coo. When I put down the newspaper that carried the old picture- he used to walk away — wouldn't eat a thing. I guess you spoiled his appetite. The day your new pictnre came out I tried -it on him. He liked it right aWay — ate eery bit of his dinner. ' So thanks, Ann. — HAPPY NOW DEAR HAPPY: Don't thank me. Thank yoUr editor. And please give my best wishes to your dog. Mainly for Mothers by CarolH t Hart Fellow Your Toddler and, Learn If one of the great pediatricians fpund it ;maul to know the work- ings of a child's mind, surely a mother would find it worthwhile, iais the gouncil on Family Health. Dr. Bela Schick was past his Doth year when he died in 1967. Dur ing his life he developed the famous immunity test which helped in the conquest of that dread chil- dren's disease, diphtheria. He learned the.v.alue of playing -with children to win their confidence. And he told otherdoctori, "To be a good pediatrician it helps.to be a little childish yourself." So be -a little childish yourself, advises the Council on Family Health, a non-profit organization sponsored- kiS A Milac service by members of the.drug industry to promote home safety and family health. Take part of a day to fol- low yoUr _ toddler through the house. Notice how a youngster loves to explore, to touch, to test - and perhaps tb taste - everything new to him. You may find that following in his footsteps will show you many' things 'that may be harmful to him - especially coinmonplace things• ,:use everyda'. . . , Follow him to the bedroom. Have pins,. hairpins and cosmet- ics been put away where he can- not get at them? Are medicines forgotten on the night table? Re- member to put them in their proper storage place, out of his reach. - In the bathroom you may- no- -tice that your toddler is a climber. The pOSSibility of his climbing up to explore the .contents of the -medicine cabinet should remind you to Move - potentially toxic. 6 • things to a storage area which he cannot reach. In the kitchen, if he makes a bee line for the stove, ytin may cbtripliment y9urself for' having - turned all pot handles, toward the back. Your. little_ explorer may. .open the dor to the cabinet un- der the sink. This should remind you to store ptitentially harmful household chemicals such as bleaches, polishes, lye and kero- sene base liquids, and powders on the high shelves of a cabinet, or in a closet that a child cannot. get into. One day of following your tod- dler, Mom, and home may be safer for your whole family. SINESS DIRECTORY Polley .proposes new marriage By aill-Smiley Young people of today, as we --all know, don't want to det anything the way their elders did it. This includes getting married. Most still stick to the tra- ditional service; but many modern wedding ceremonies are completely different from the rime -honored and time- worn ceremony that most of us endured, Nowadays, rnstead of hear- ing the organ triumphantly booming "Here Comes the Bride," you may be startled, but shouldn't be surprised, to hear someone belting out "Hey, Jude!" - with guitar accompaniment. Instead of the comforting, traditional and often anachro- . nistic passages ill the orthci- dox ceremony, you may hear an erotic poem by Leonard "Cohen. Any day now, you'll see the men lined up to kiss the groom on both cheeks and shake hands with the bride. In many ways, I agree with the trend. I had the devil's own time with my wife be- ,- fore our nuptial vows were finally nuptiallized. . She wanted the "obey" deleted from the phrase, "love, honor and obey," and 'fought me right .up° to the altar, where she muttered it only to avoid a scene. And, of course, she has never obeyed me since. Another bit that_ got her back up was, "With my body I thee honor,"'spoken by the groom only. She took it the wrong way, and thought it a perfect example of male vani- ty. "In sickness and in health" is an'oth'er howler that could be jettisoned. When I'm prai- tically-dyitrg with the 'flu, she has less sympathy than she would have for a rattlesnake making its death rattle. And if therera anything I can't 'stand, it's having a sick wife -'malingering around the place and not getting the meals. ' The last bit of 'farce at our wedding was when the preacher, being a little coy, looked at me and asked, "Would'you care to salute the bride?" It' was an Anglican ceremony and I was a bit at sga anyway. In addition, I Was just out of the air force, where "salute" meant just that. gawked. At him.as he re- peated the question. "Well," thought, "if -this is the way these Anglicans do it, O.K., made a smart left turn and WAS about to -whip up a snappy salute, when my bride, who kriew the damS1 fool was telling me to kiss her, solved the situation by grabbing me around the neck and kissing me. It was a beau- tiful kiss. I got a mouthful of her veil-and-thees-about all. But with my personal ex- perience, and in view of the divorce rate today, I'd go fur- ther than the'rnodern kids do'. Not only would I bring the serviee up to date, I'd insist on an air -tight contract to be signed by both parties before they swore to anything. There's not nearly enough space here to set out the con- tract in full, but I'll give you a skeleton, and you can fill in the flesh. ITEM. If either party suf- fers fran cold feet, he or she will refer to a hot water bot- tle, rather than shock treat- ment to the party of the second part. ITEM. It- will clearly be understood who is to ptit out the garbage, who will get up to close the window, who Will get up to shut up the baby, who will get the car on open- ing day of the trotit season. ITEM. Neither partner shall spend more than ten minutes during each 24 hours telling the other iaartner what a hell of a day .he/she had at work/home. ITEM. She will not say, more than once a week, "You never say you love me any- more." And he will refrain from replying, "Certainly I love you; now will you quit bugging me about it?" ITEM. Neither party will promise the kids something VOWS ridiculous, then confron• t the partner with. a fait accompli. ITEM. The male partner may invite anYone for a drink or dinner regardless of hair) curlers, "the house is a mess," "there's not a thing in, the house to eat," or "you might have a little consideration for, me." . ITEM. Males will refrain from shouting 'violently, - "Why is there never any _peace Around Imre" Females. will not hit, except in the clinches. (I have scars.) Carry on chaps. I've just begun. There's money, jeal- ousy, sulking, teasing, nag. - ging, back-seat driving, deco- rating. There have been far too Many books written about sex and. Marriage. Let's get down to the realities, top;;;71,`Dre., THEEAVEST WAV ToSAVE MONEY, IS: HAVE PEEP POCarg AVDSHORY ARAIS"..! AP.** • • * • W • O.* OE S BP Service Station and Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderich 5246871 ti FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or PhOne - MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 5249442 • 5, DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE The Names Of Five Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To De Found In Onc Of These Ads Voingm• Now Showing SEE REGULAR AD 001i DATES AND TIMES OUR NEXT ATTRACTION One Showing 'Thursday 8 p.m. Two Showings Friday and Saturday - 7:30 and 9:35 WEDNESDAY — NOVEMBER 25 MGM Presents An Arthur P. Jacobs Production starring, Peter O'Toole Petufa Clark "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" • gitagE, Panavisione and MetroColor r111111millMomm Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career doderich Business College , A ^ Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial . Courses a 5 424-8521 —Res. 524-8732 1•01111111.11111011, 1 * Gifts * Books - * Stationery Supplies Records _ ANDERSON'S Cards For All Occasions BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. n Goderich • Gordon Harwood RR 2, Goderich Vernon. Smith 165 South St: For That CERTAIN 1 Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich • * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBS°N * HOOVER Sales and Service R. H. Rutledge 155 Quebec St. JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV -LTD: The Square Goderich 1 Por „FASHION RIGHT SHOES Keith Trail 162 Newgate St. The PlaceNfo. Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich PHILIPS PHILCO Mrs. Ruby Matthews . 53 Britannia Rd. E. Colour Television SALES and ERVICE 524-943 RIVETTS TELEVISION - RADIO 34 The Square Goderich 4. • For _ Pleasant Surroundinc and Good. Food THE GODERICH- RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN ' WIN! DOUBLE PASSES - TO THE PARK THEATRE * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" McARTHUR REILLY LTD. West St • 0 THIS SPACE Mayor Acting Clerk, The vote will be taken at the Municipal Election on Monday, December 1th, 1970, from 10:00- o'clock a.m. to, 7:00 o'clock p.m. at the same polling stations and by the same election officers as the municipal election. .t. SionitIng up of the votes will be completed by the Acting Clerk at the° Town Hall, Tuft*, December 8th, 1970, at 12:00 o'clock noon. RESERVED FOR YOUR AD GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE Goderich WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. • c2A-o-sc • CONTEST RULES Each week the names aitd addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. M. H. IViackay Acting Clerk —Look foryour name and address in the ads. —Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and your passel by Saturday night closing.. Only Subscriberieto the Signal•Star are eligible. 4 4‘ •