HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-26, Page 1012A, OODERICI1 SI :arNAL-STAR, T uRSDAY, l4OVEIVIBF-'R 26, 1970 From i%, Distaff Side Women must Think for themselves Election time in a small town like Goderich is alvt ys exciting. • Some .people may disagree with that aissessment•of the situation. There may be . those -people who feel that election time is the most boring, brain -washing burden the local ratepayers must endure .... and for the most part, the folks with that kind of ..an attitude are the ones who don't know 'what's going on in the community and don't care much about it ..,. until tax time rolls--round-and the bill is too high, they think, for what they're getting. Nomination day is past. The usual numbers of concerned citizens turned out to hear what the present mayor, reeve, deputy -reeve and council'men had to say about their _performances and to size up the new faces who aspire to municipal politics. This newspaper expends a considerable amount of time and •effort in putting together a reasonable report of the happenings at the nomination meeting — and .council meetings all year round -- in an effort to -keep everyone in rued., even those who aren't especially interested. The candidates will now use every conceivable method to get the majority of votes. They will be campaigning for support because that's the way to win elections. The women in this community must put forth a little extra effort this year to vote intelligently: The day arse gone when women are so sheltered that they vote as their husbands indicate they should. Women are as free as anyone else to make up their own minds and to vote as they see fit. And they should. They must. Woman to Woman With Shirley J. Keller I certainly hope. that many meeting November •30} is --a real= women in this community were eye-opener for. ratepayers, touched by the special feature especially parents with children story which appeared in last in school. week's women's section of the If women would get Signal -Star concerning the interested . in the workings of family in Windsor which has municipal politics, they would three children with cystic be in a much better position to . fibrosis. --- speak up • on matters of I had a nice visit with Mrs. Jan importance in the community. "Sirnahs, Bayfield, great aunt of Who knows? If women really got those three youngsters, and I can .enthused about such things, we tell you that Jan is serious in her might shortly. have several more desire to do something about the women aspiring for posts on disease which will likely shorten council and on the school board the life of her nephews and niece . and in my opinion, that unless there's a miracle soon. would be a tremendous asset to That's always the way isn't it? everyone. You can go on for years never * * * ° I 111111tI11111111111111III111i11111111111111 The 4-11 Homemaking Club Achievement Days are soon. to be held in Huron County. This fall the project has been "Focus on Fitness" and the club members have learned how to mtaintain good- physi-cal and mental health, home and highway safety, first aid,, as well ,as° hoer to be a good citizen both at home And in the community. Each girl equips a first alta kit, completes a record book and finishes one of the following handcrafts: knitting, huck weaving, a stuffed animal or a mobile. . Miss Catherine Hunt, Home Economist for Huron County will be in charge of the Achievement Days which will be held in the Seaforth District, High School, November 21st; Wingham District High Schiool, November 28; Howi:ck Central School, December - 5; Exeter High School, December 12; Zurich Community Centre, January 9; and Clinton High School, January 16. The, afternoon program begins at 1:15 p.m. and features skits, demonstrations and exhibits by each club. Figbt the cold -war with some common sense • Colds and cold -like illnesses • account for more than one-third of all days lost from work and approxaimately two-thirds of school absenses attributed to sickness, according to the drug industry's Council on Family Health in Canada. A survey also revealed colds =DEAR EDITOR-= WHAT THE READERS THINK Dear Mrs. Keller: , ' Thank you for your thoughtful and understanding article on my niece's family and nationalism's, sake. Only that. Canadian goods and products be for reprinting what the Windsor considered when price ' and Star researched about them. quality compare favorably with,...Mr. and Mrs. Markson of the imported items. oach House are very kind with There are important dividends i""their offer to take orders for theCystic Fibrosis Foundation in Shopping Canadian. It helps cards. I will bin Goderich every create jobs, encourages our 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday manufacturers -to improve their mornings so will deliver cards goods and services, and helps any of these mornings. • factories reduce their unit costs Upon' inquiring I have and export at competitive prices. discovered that 95 . percent of All these factors enhance our - the card sales money goes to the standard of living. And I have no research of cystic fibrosis for Ontario woman will go along new treatment and, hopefully, a with that. • cure one day. I also ascertained * * * that everyone who works Women seem to be m the through • the C/F Chapters t only their time but doubt that the illusive "average" really caring too much about It appears that this column is- news all over the place recently cars and tel telephones, so this anything until. suddenly, you are going to be one of those and I have another news release their is why such a tep percentage of faced with a terrible crisis in rise -up -women -and -be -counted •on my desk which will be- of ` the money is available for the a your life - or in the 'life of type columns. We haven't had special interest to many women, - "Good Work." someone near and dear to you. one for a while so maybe it Is particularly those in the labour . Again, my thank you Then you get excited and eager about time. force. and may God go sincerewyou: to be of help. I received a release this week This release comes from the • Yours truly, I hoped that because we are • from the Ontario Department of Women's Bureau of the Ontario getting closer, to' the Christmas Trade and Development. The Department. of Labour and I season - you know, peace on release• was from the typewriter include it in this week's column earth, good will toward men and of Mrs. Lilah Lymburner who is for your enlightenment. all that - more people would be chairman of the Women's ` * * prompted to action than is Advisory` Committee to the The Minister of Labour, the normally the case. Ontario Department- of Trade Honourable Dalton Bales, Q.C., May I tell you that I know of two children in Huron County who have cystic fibrosis. It isn't - just • happening to kids in Windsor and other far-off cities. You may know of someone who suffers from this child -killing ailment. Please, think of Jan Simons wlidn you are buying' your Christmas greeting cards this year. If you have already purchased them, Ibuy some for next Christmas. Give Some child just a little more hope. *. * * As a former resident of the . Exeter area, I usually read the Exeter Times -Advocate from cover to cover. I think everyone is that way about, their. hometown newspaper. I was extremely interested in a letter to the editor in the Exeter paper from a woman who has been attending some of the board of education meetings lately. She was urging others to take time once in a while to be present at those ° meetings . . . and to see the magnitude of problems with which the board deals every meeting. I would heartily endorse this action. Before I got involved with newspaper reporting, I must admit that I was rather` apathetic about municipal affairs. But now, I find the meetings of council, of county council and Huron County Board 'of. Education, just fascinating . . and I must admit that my assessment of public ' councils and boards has ehanged a good deal because of it. If you are thinking about making new year's resolutions next month, I do wish the women of . this community' her purchases and returns 13 per would decide to become more cent of them. aware of the Workings of Indeed; the shopping habits of municipal government. A very women in Ontario have good place--to-start is right down far. -reaching e c o n om i e at the town hallµ at the local implications rthat are not always council meetings every Thursday appreciated: - Ontario women I10111111111h;u111111111111111111111111f 01111 Do plan to attend this worthwhile event in your area. The girls and their leaders put a great deal of effort and imagination into the program and --your presence will show that you support the young people in your community. cost Canada an estimated half -billion dollars annually in lost wages, lost production and 'medical expenses. The Council, a publjc service organization working to encourage family health and safety, says the common cold is so common a person with average good .health can expect to be bothered by three or four colds a year. How can we fight. the cold war? Common sense is the best Way- to, -treat a cold because no real cure has yet been found through years of extensive research by medical scientists, says the Council. It suggests these common sense tips: ... Treat a cold• when it starts to prevent it from becoming more serious. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Take medication for the relief of sniffles and discomfort with lots of fluids. Fresh colds . are more contagious than older ones. Stay out of direct contact with people coming down with cold symptoms. If you have a fresh cold, respect others by covering coughs and sneezes. Wash your hands frequently and do not mix your drinking glass, towel and other personal items with those of other members ,of your family. -. Children have more colds than adults and are thus major `"cold -spreaders. ° Keep infected children indoors and d$ 'not let and Development. • announces that ,the Women's I was extremely interested in .Equal Employment Opportunity what Mrs. Lymburner had to say Act will be in force by and I thought perhaps you"might December 1, 1970. It will be be too. That's why I have administered by •the Ontario included it in this week's • Women's Bureau. column. Let's hear your T'he Act prohibits comments on it. discrimination based on sex or * * * ! marital status in recruitment and The last thing any woman hiring, training and 'promotion, wants to be is average. and dismissal. Nevertheless, I have gathered Although the Act is primarily some interesting details in recent intended t o correct years on what is "the average discrimination against working Ontario woman." women, it also applies to male At the outset, I had better workers. make it clear that I see the All employers of six or more following statistics as average, employees are bound by the and the wonYan they supposedly Act. represent as very much an Employers are not being individual. In any case, here it is: asked -to give preferential She is 5 ft. 4 inches tall and treatment to women workers, weighs 132 .lbs. She eats 3,200 but only to open all jobs to calories a day and is always qualified workers of both sexes. going on a diet. The Ontario Classifying a job as "male" or woman annually consumes: "female" or maintaining - 160 lbs of meat; 353 eggs; 91 separate seniority lists based on lbs. of sugar; sex or marital status is in - seven lbs. of cheese; 103 lbs of violation of the Act. Labels potatoes; "men's jobs" and "women's - 100 lbs.. of fresh fruit; 100 lbs. jobs" -- tend to deny of bread; employment opportunities -21 lbs. of coffee; 244 quarts of unnecessarily to one sex or the rnilk; other. -- 42 hot dogs; 191 bottles of Some jobs, however, ,cannot pop; - reasonably be -performed - 146 packs of cigarettes; 183 because' of sex Or marital status. ounces of whiskey. Exemptions will be determined Some of the things the either by the Women's Bureau In average woman doesn't like t8 consultation with management hear is that annually she throws and the employee(s), or by a 400. lbs. of edible food in the Board appointed by t.E»; Minister garbage; she watches television of Labour, or by t RYA Ontario five hours a day; spends a year Court of Appeal, as laid out in of her life on the telephone; uses the procedural sections of the $50 worth of cosmetics Act. As a ,general rule, physical annually; spends 11/2 times as reasons will be the determining much on clothing as her factor in establishing an husband; charges 50 per cent of exemption because of sex, and lack of mobility. (e.g. for travel or transfers) ,will be the determining .factor in establishing an 'exemption because of marital status. . In most cases, exemptions will -be decided on an individual basis , everting at 7 'pan. (rio meeting spend or influence the spending rather than' as a group of an estimated 80 cents .of° exemption., Or, s tonight!) orsi hs.ame of you may prefer a every. retail dollar. The fact that the entployer H dayytime aesslon in which cage That's why we in the may have to provide sepa to Miran COurity,COUneil would be Women's Advisory Committee facilities for. a person' of the an •excellent �choiee; The nett` niake .a point of .urging that opposite sexAwill not Justify an 'meetingathat body .will likely Ontario Wonte'n consider buying . exemption -,unless Ythe expense . . , " red oods,clearly unreasonable. riot be until January� li'owever. CarTaidltln nYanti>�aClu � would Be .. tse, la a ntw&way Advertisers may not place. and „ And o� couirse, the �uro� Trades of cou 'County. Board of 1dugation streets, and *we don't suggest whiel`t Intedi in Clinton '(next Shopping Canadian f'or ., Please turn P '3 J. Simons (Mrs. R. A.) them visit their neighborhood chums until all cold symptoms have ended. ... Studies show we have more colds during the winter heating season.• For our INSURANCE on ,r calf IlkICOW4111111 ilki q weir 44 North St, - 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwen Peter S. MacEwen LA-ZiliBOY®. •, • So nice to co m e home to • THE TALL MAN'S CHAIR ... is the best thing that ever. happened to a tall man. -Here is a genuine* La;Z-Boy® that has never been equalled for its smooth effortless' reclining action. It will respond to your every mood, .rocking, lounging, TV viewing,.. catnapping, even full bed reclining. La -Z -Boy's 'exclusive Comfort, Selector®provides just the right le_ g rest comfort position for perfect relax- ation, with or without reclining the chair. This chair would make an attractive addition to almost any decor. It's the perfect combination of beauty and comfort. *There are many imitations, but only . one genuine La -Z -Boy® chair. ROCKING LOUNGING TV VIEWING EWA ,IEO RECLINING Style 793 AUTHORIZED LA -Z -BOY® DEALER BLACKSTONE FURNITURE West Street We've done our thing. Now you can do yours. Our thing has always been to make the Bug solid, dependable and practical ' B`ut Iatly, some people have been taking our thing, and doing their own. (Like adding cute flowers and kinky paint jobs.) Frankly, we're delighted. • . And what's more, we'd like -to .r, offer' p fe°'w suggestions: like snazzy shag wheels, chrome stoneguards, driving • lights, or our racy racing stripes. (You can get thern at any VW dealer's.) The beauty of .it all is, that now you can take an old Beetle and put it back in the grddve, or do some fpr out things to a new one. " We've always built the Volkswagen tough'enough to survive anything anybody oranyplace could dish out. Now it looks like it will even survive a whole new gen- erotion, d Aberhlart's Garage •S St, ANDREW'S Mitt, t GebEi l 11/$24 6261 4' 0 4, A