HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-26, Page 4IGNAi-STAR, THURSDAY, ', NIJ. VEMEER 26, 1970 �.
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If ail printers were c 'ter mined not to print anything tial 5.
tey were sure. it would offend no one there e i
1 1 rr 1 1 III E
very little print' .. r Benjamin Franklin
Nomination upset
The nomination meeting Or the
December 7 Municipal election was held
Monday, evening to an attendance larger
than it has been in recent years, despite
very inclement weather. Yet with over
300 persons present only sixs names were
left -on , the council slate when
nominations closed at 8:30 p.m.
It seems there is public interest in the
actions of council up to ,a point and
public interest - again up to a point - as
to whom gets elected. But very few
people want to get involved.
Public apathy has become fashionable
in 'recent years and Goderich does not
seem to have been bypassed by it. Perhaps
a recent poll on public apathy tells the
story: the poll showed people didn't cafe
'much about it.
We are sure those that attended the
meeting .Mondaymevening were expecting
some sort of action - some fireworks, so
to speak. They were disappointed. More
than that, the majority were disillusioned. R
Very few people like acclamation to a
post. For those who now will serve, there
is no feeling of having a certain number of
people behind them, they surely will not
be able to feel they are representing a
certain majority in the town. Perhaps in E
its way that will be good, they will have
to think fol- all the people.
It is a strange reflection on the power E.
.of rumor, this nomination meeting and E
the result of it. The stories that were =_
being circulated beforehand certainly
moved a lot of people to attend, no g -
matter what the Weather. Perhaps the
result of this -one will prompt a .better
response two years from now. -
What's cookin'?
"An Evening With Charlie And Addie"
are the introductory words of an
dadvertisement"which has been appearing
in various district newspapers.
The advertisement states the occasion is
to be a banquet in the Recreation Hall at
Centralia's Industrial Park Thursday
evening; November 26.
"Charlie and Addie" are Provincial
Treasurer Charles S. MacNaughton and
Mrs. MacNaughton.
Special guest is to be Premier John. P,
Roberts. Because of recent, frequent
rumours that Premier Roberts is
contemplating resignation in the near
future, this banquet meeting may not be
an ordinary one. In fact, it possibly could
have Special significance.
Could it be that the Premier will make
an announcement at this banquet which
will answer the question so rampant in
current political circles? Or, if nolef•rnite
announcement is_made, will he be giving
telling indications but leaving any formal
announcement until later?
On the other hand, no' statement of this
nature might come up at all.. After. all,
Roberts and MacNaughton are the best of
friends and Robarts may well use the
occasion to pay tribute to the
accomplishments of MacNaughton in the
Ontario Legislature and to the assistance
of the Tatter's good wife. What better
place to- do this than irt' MacNaughton's
own riding?
The Premier's laudatory remarks may
not be for the sole purpose_ of boosting
Charlie's •stock as a contender for the
Premier's post since MacNaughton has
previously indicated he does not seek this
Whatever will be said by Premier
Robarts'at Centralia Thursday evening is
keeping observers guessing and interested
- just in case! • (
• F.
The many admirers of miniskirts will-
regret to learn that an efficiency expert
from Louisville, Kentucky, accuses them
f reducing office -worker, efficiency by.
me 15 per cent.
-This efficiency expert says the male
worker spends at lest one full hour.a day
?observing. the mini -skirted female as she
winds 'her way to the water cooler or
filing cabinet. He based his analysis on
some 1,500 observations of male
employees in four insurance companies
and one bank. Commenting on the advent
of ' the midi -length- skirt,. the efficiency
expert said, "Now maVbe we can get back
to work."
Back in 1937, a well-known Goderich
historian, the late Gavin Hamilton Green,
had his opinions on this subject and
expressed them in his book, "The Old Log
Writing at that time, Mr: .Green warned
former citizens planning to re -visit their
home town of Goderich:' "You will see a
great change in the natives of G
When you were here ten yea . a, . (1927)
the female of the species ore ong skirts,
and it was like a penny pee -show to see
the calf of a female leg. Year by year the
skirts have got shorter and shorter - but
don't think for a moment that the old
Town Clock (on the old Court House) is
kicking about 'that. Did -not' your
ancestors, Adam and Eve,- wear shorts?
They were driven out of the Garden of
Eden; it is true, but not for wearing
shoats, and, as it should be, the days of
long skirts, dust and microbe catchers,
have gone with the winds."
Wonder what Gaven Hamilton Green
would say, today if he could return and
see the parade of miniskirts around The
Square? 'As we knew Gavin; we are
Confident he would put his stamp of
approval on them.
,ESTABLISHED i' t (n?nrt1 ''
—p--- Thee County Town Newspaper of Huron —0-2 PUBLICATION
Published at. Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
123rd YEAR
TELEPHONE 524-8331 area code 519
ROBERT G. SHRIER, president ana publisher
RONALD -P. V. PRICE, managing editor
SH(RLEY J. KELLER, women's editor
EDWARD J. BYRSKI, advertising manager
• Subscription Rates $6 a Year --- To 11.1.A. $7.50 (in advance)
Second class mail registration num , rber — 0716
Empty swings `- chilly lake
atummummmmmuummmmmmnumuuuuuuum intim una mmmummaim muninmmunmuunumumuuumtnmmtiunmumuumuiunum umummummminimmmtr
wi' to
Dear Sir:
I take exception to your
editorial in the front page of the
Goderich Signal Star of
November 19, 1970 in that it
reads as a deliberate attempt, on
the part of yourself, to influence
the voters of Goderich to your
personal feelings as to the future
of Goderich. You print
statements 1'ice "people who are
elected to council for the next
two year term will, during -that
time, be called upon to decide
the fate of Goderich; decide
whether it will fill the role set
for it by the provincial planners
as a regional tourist and
recreation area or whether it will
be by-passed and become a
dying town, like so many other
lakeside towns that have been
turned over to industry." I ask
you, Mr. Editor, do you have
children growing up that, due to
the lack of industry in the town
of *Goderich, must look
elsewhere for employment?
Tourism is a fine thing for this
town but not at the expense of
not being able to look after
those who choose to live in
Goderich twelve. months a -year,
Your editorial also reads to
me as a direct attempt to
.influence the. voters against
• those members of council who
have opposed the plebesite on
trailer camps in the town limits.
- Also, I think'ithvery much out
of line for you to ask the
candidates to express their views
on industry versus tourism.
"Present to the people as clear a
picture of their intentions as
they possibly can." This quote is
from your editorial which again
points out your desire to make
an issue out of industry versus
I, as one voter of Goderich,
do not ever intend to vote for a
candidate who will run for
council because of one strong
feeling on° one subject. My
candidate will be one who listens
to all council business and makes.
his decisions based on the pros
and cons of debate, not one who
tells the Signal Star his de,cisions
in advance and then closes his
mind to honest discussion.
Ken Mullen
Dear Sir,
I am grateful to Mr. Stuart
Shanks for correcting my
mistaken impression that the
Yciuth Centre was a Rotary Club
project. A most unfortunate
inaccuracy on his part, however,
makes these additional. Dines
First I would like to apologize
to the Rotary Club, an
organization I hold in high
esteetn, _ The mistake I made was
Just arrived at Kingsbridge. A
large selection of caps, latest in.
style, in tweed and furlined, from
50 cents to $1.00. D. Forsyth,
Kingsbridge. -
Rev. George F. Ross. BA, BD,
is the newly -inducted pastor of
Knox Church.
A movement is on foot to
organize a Goderich Collegiate
Institue Old Boys' Associationin
The King Edward hotel
property on Kingston Street,
owned by David Brown,' has
been purchased by Fred Davis of
the Hotel Bedford.
A large gang of men has
arrived and commenced the
work of rebuilding the GTR
station. Several carloads of
material have been shipped in
and substantial progress is being
made with the erection of what
is said to be a finer building than
the one destroyed.
The highlight of education
week in Goderich was the
splendid_ address given by 'Mrs.
A. R. Moore, Stratford, at the
meeting of Victoria Home and
School Club.
J. H. Kinkead, public school
inspector for North Huron, in
addressing Huron County
Council stated that the
enrolment in . the schools this
year was 2,150, an increase' of
10 5 over last year.
Rev. Beverly H. Farr is' the
newly alipointed rector of St.
George's. Church, ,
It was found impossible to
obtain candies for distribution as
a Christmas treat " and no
Christmas gathering will be held
in Court House Park this year.
The Goderich Fire
Department answered to a call
to the farm of Austin Fuller
R.R. 2 Goderich, about 4:30'
P.M, on Wednesday. •
Pleading guilty to four
different charges in Magistrates
Court on Thursday, .Robert G.
Laws was sentenced to a total of
27 days in jail.
Allan Bowman, a former
resident of Saltford, who in the
past while has been associated
with the CBC television on the
,Wayne and Shuster 'show as
background- set and props
..designer, was a recent visitor to
Goderich..He is son of the late
M. Bowman and Mrs. Bowman.
Headlines: • Kinsmen Honor
Frank- S k'e non; Hospital
Auxiliary Objective in 1961 Is a
New operating table; Majority of
1960 Town Council to Stand
Jack J. Lane, 40, of St.
Columban, was named business
administrator for the
Huron -Perth Separate School
system last week. -
Two Strathoy men who want
to install a cable TV in Clinton
and Goderich are still waiting
for a hearing .before the
Canadian Radio and Television
Headlines: Committee for
homemaker service to visit
Goderich town .council
Reader won't vote for candidate
with closed mind on issues
an easy one to follow. Mr.
Shanks addressed us as a Rotary
Club spokesman at the Victor
Lauriston School meeting. As he
continued to be connected with
the youth project and further
Meetings were for those chosen
as outlined in Mr. Shanks' letter,
it was difficult for an outsider to
know at what point his activities
had become those of a.,private
Mr. Shanks is thoroughly
mistaken in his suggestion that
my memory may be failing.
There was not one single solitary
time when I "was called and
could not be present". On one
occasion I could not go the the
Youth Centre on Sunday, as we
had tickets for a' concert in
Stratford. But I informed the
caller of this during the very
same telephone conversation; I,
was immediately put on the list
for Friday instead and assured
that this was perfectly alright.
Therefore, it cannot be
truthfully said' that I failed to
respond even to one call.
It was, of course, far from my
mind to imply that there was a
conspiracy. However, quite
frankly it did occur to me that
perhaps + small towns have an
accepted custom by, which the
same certain people or groups of
people who know each other
and feel comfortable working
together, traditionally take up
whatever project comes along, a*
sort of variation of "it was
always done like this".
Concluding my part of this
..conversation I would like it to
be remembered that at no time
did I rock the boat when the
Youth Centre was in operation.
The really important fact was
that somebody did something
and the undertaking deserved
co-operation and every
opportunity to develop without
uninvited interference due to
personal preferences. Opinions
were expressed publicly only
after the Centre. had closed and
mine were among the last ones
offered. I came .forward only
because there had been repeated
references , claiming that the
public, young as well as adult,
showed indifference and lack of
cooperation. I did not agree. 1
am a simple person;' when I see a
spade, I call it a spade. I hope
this is not held against me. •
Elsa Haydon,
Dear Sir: ..
I agree with James Lewis'
letter of last week that God will
soon make Himself known.
through a great catastrophe,
although he didn't say so in
those words as he had his letter
filled with quotations 'that the
average layman cannot
understand but because they
sound so authentic, mysterious
and fearful, he accepts them as
But the plain fact is that He
has been making Himself known
for ages. I'n' sure all believers ir},
God agree that He is the creator
of all things on this earth and
when a natural catastrophe
occurs it is normal for man to
say it was an "act of God".
So when He creates a tidal
wave that kills up to a million
people as he did last week, He is
merely doing "His thing". Or
when He. sends forth a bolt of
lightning causing a forestfire,
destroying millions of ' acres of
His trees along with thousands
of wild animals, birds, homes
'and their occupants, He's still
just letting us know how
powerful He is.
He also is responsiblefor
earthquakes, hurricanes,
blizzards, floods, pestilence and
volcanic erruptions, all taking
their toll in human lives.
He is the creator of man and
made man in His own image, -so
therefore_ He must exact some
control over man. Consequently
He must assume some of the
responsibility for the starvation,
torture and death of six million
Jews, or thousands of Biafran
children that died of starvation,
or millions of dead soldiers who
fought wars with His name on
their lips whether they were
German, Canadian or whatever,
or millions of crippled men,
women and children, or your
recent_ neighbour.. or friend who
'"had Met Oath seemingly so ''
The living such as . you, Mr.
Lewis, say that this is payment
for the sins of man. If the dead
could speak, many would likely
say it was one big price to pay
for someone else's sin and would
rather that it be someone else
who got nailed for it. . •
I think it is time thaf we all
get down on our knees and pray
that He "deliver us from evil"
and just >maybe, if He granted all
of us this prayer, He might
slacken off Himself.
E. Smith,
21 Nairn Drive,
To the People' of Huron County:
An extended program of
' activities for the residents at
Huronview' is being inaugurated
and we are very encouraged by
the interest shown. ..
. With over.25.0 residents, many
of whom need assistance to take
part in the various activities, we
find that the staff' can not
always give the assistance
required, in addition to their
regular duties. To assure 'that the
residents will be able to take
part in all the activities in which
they are, interested, we need ,the,
help .of several, volunteers.
Some of our residents, as well
as other people ' in the
community are already helping
in various ways on an individual
basis, in addition to volunteer
groups who regularly look after
projects _,.such as the monthly
birthday 'party and . put on
If' you have taken part in
these activities, we would like to
say, "Thank -you". If not, and
you would like to help us with
our programs or by assisting our
craft supervisor we would be
very pleased to hear from you.
Just call 'Clinton, 482-3451 and
leave your name, address and
telephone number, or contact
Mr. Bob Taylor or myself.
Don't let the . fact that you
would only be able to spare a
small amount of time stop you.
A half day a week or even every
other week would be much
appreciated. I.am sure that thoze
who give of their time to make
the lives of these older Huron
people more pleasant, will find it
a very rewarding experience.
C. A. Archibald,
Huronview Administrator.
Round Steak it Roas s ia.8
Ib. 49
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