HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-19, Page 14n
,Ot 1)ER CliS Qt - R '1' Si nNQV1MBER'19, 1970
ro l the Di,staff Sid
Play group needs interest
There have been someacalls concerning
the Co=operative Play Group which began
two Weeks ago in the auditorium of Knox
Pryterian Church.
"What is it alll, about?" they ask. "How
can I get my child involved?"
The answer to the first question is
fairly easy. The play group is designed to
be of especial interest to pre-schoolers
between :the• ages of three and five. It is
not intended to be a highly -organized,
v°er-institutiona'lized tschool. Instead,
plans call for it to be a relaxed
atmosphere which encourages youngsters
to choose the activity which pleases them
at a particular time that. suits them . . .
and to do it in company with other
children of their own age.
The Co-operative Play group is not to
be a baby sitting service for vvorking
mothers. It is strictly what the name
implies, a play group which meets once or
twice weekly to afford pre-sehoolers an
opportunity to have new and varied
experiences. While there will undoubtedly
be some very definite learning process, no
stress Will be put upon the children to
meet certain standards or to progress in
any particular manner.
The answer to the second question is
much more difficult to answer because
too much of the program is still left to be
determined. At this sta9e the program is
st?ictly. experimental. While three
,Goderich mothers are responsible for the
origin idea, it will not be known until
after this week's business meeting exactly
who is in charge, what the program will
entail, where it is heading and when things
will take shape.
In the meantime, much can be achieved
if interested mothers will - simply
telephone the women's editor at this
newspaper,- telling her whether or not
they are interested and to what „degree..
The information can then be tabulated
and handed to the group of mothers
presently working together for their
assessment. —SJK
Woman to -Woman-
With Shirley !. Keller
Before I=do another thing this With Editor Ron Price in would think that many
week, I want to express my hospital at time of writing, I've housewives ' would be interested
sincerest gratitude to the women had some extra duties to . in a local association."
of Goderich and district who , perform. I'm not complaining, She mentioned, the subiect of
of course. I love this business pantyhose as one which should
despite the problems involved. be of concern to women. Most
'Those of you who have•visited ladies who shop' for pantyhose
the editorial ` office at the know the problems. There is
S)gnal-Star know that Ron and I such a vast difference in sizing
share the same accommodations. between• manufactures that you
As has been pointed out in can never be 'sure when you buy
recent weeks, Ron and I do have a pair of pantyhose that they ,
our differences . . but I've. will fit. It is a sort , of
missed him. since he isn't around by -guess -and -by -gosh deal.
and I'm hoping he's soon back -0 "A consumers' association
here at the desk. locally could work on this
I'm not 'supposed to mention pantyhose question," my
the name of the sit-in editor. But informant told me, "and a great
I can give you some hints. He's a many other problems which
well-known Goderich resident, individual shoppers would bring
he smokes the smelliest cigars in up for discussion at the
town and he was the former meetings."
owner. ' of The Goderich The lady is right, I know. I
Signal -Star. Now. Guess who? promised her I would throw the
* * * subject out again for the
To be perfectly frank, I was a consideration of Woman to
little surprised to get the • news Woman readers. Won't you.
that the youngsters from telephone me if you are
Colborne Central School would interested?
* * *
made my first anniversary at tie
Goderich Signal -Star so very
It was a year ago last week's
edition that I was named
women's editor at thin
newspaper and I feel that the
women of " Goderich ° have
responded remarkably well to
my humble efforts. .If the.
quantity of women's news has
increased, if the presentation of
it has 'been more feminine and if
there has been more interest in
women's affairs by this
newspaper, it is simply because
the women .of Goderich and
district have been so very
Let me say `"thank -you".
I hauled out a copy of .the.
first Woman to Woman column I
wrote at this newspaper. Among
other things it said:
"I'd .like to be a kind of
go-between for the women of
Goderich and area and the whole
community. I can't do it
without your help. I'm looking
for information fast of all. I
need to know what's going or_
and where. I invite you to write
to me or telephone me to tell me
of anything of interest" to
women that you would like to
You, the women of Goderich,
accepted my invitation and I am
truly indebted to you. I think
the women's section of this
newspaper is growing and
thriving. I hope you agree .. .
and that you will continue to
.$''tribute your news and views
to this section of the newspaper.
* * *
I hope many of the women's
groups in town noticed a plea in
last week's paper concerning the
need for floats for the Santa
Claus parade.
T realize the time is growing
short but I'm °certain that if the
women of this town's church
groups decided to help out with
this community venture,
arrangements could be made.
Come on, ladies. Get your
thinking caps on and do
. . .
Goderich. WI remembers�:CAS
The Goderich Branch of the
WQmens' Institute held it's
meeting Thursday, November 5
in MacKay Hall, Mrs, Get►,
Morley first vice-president
presiding assisted by President
Mrs, Wm. Porter.
Mrs. Frank .Hawkins was
pianist. Mrs, v Elizabeth Sitter
read the. secretary -treasurers'
report and correspondence
which included the price list of
cups .and'., saucers and
Christmas spoons. ,
"Thank you" notes from Mrs.
Wm. Snazel and Mrs. Bert\
Crawford, were read. The W.I,
also received an invitation to
attend Achievement Day for 4TH
Clubs and a program of London
pay a return visit to their Negro
friends in Chicago. I certainly A woman has telephoned the
,don't mean to imply those black girls in the front office asking
youngsters are inferior in any about an .apple crisp recipe
way. Rather I was concerned which appeared in this
that, in the face of all the racial newspaper in recent weeks. She
unrest in the USA at the present would like that recipe repeated
time, the mothersand fathers.of` since she has lost it ;andit was a
the -Colborne children might big hit with her family.
have' some 'fnisgivings • about I have searched the recipe files
sending their offspring into a through, and I have been unable
Negro section of the big city of to come up with an apple crisp
go, recipe of any kind, certainly not
I must say I. am thrilled that one that has been. published
the Colborne children were able recently.
to make the trip, It will likely be If the lady would like to call
an experience they will not soon again and discuss it with me, I
forget. Sometimes the benefits may have a better idea when it
of these excursions are not was on the recipe page ... and
immediately _apparent. It could where I should look.
be years before the real value of * * *
the trip will be realized.• ° ., I was chatting a few weeks
Principal Bill Black at ago with an elementary school
Colborne' Central . is to be teacher who brought up a point
congratulated • for encouraging which previously had escaped
this unusual student exchange. my ngtibe. It concerned the fact
And you will be interested to that the workload of . the
know that we are expecting elementary school teacher is so
stories and pictures of the visit much heavier in comparison
when the Colborne kids return. with the workload of the
* * * secondary school teacher.
I trust that the ladies at My teacher friend explained
Holmesville will .forgive me for that an elementary school
missing their bazaar last teacher must do most of his or
something again this year for the Wednesday afternoon' With her own record keeping, etc.,
Santa Claus parade ... and the Editor Price out of action that and that takes a fair amount of
Goderich and district children. day,' I was tied to the light tables ' time. I won't disagree. I
* * * until the paper was completed .. remember the register I tried to
It is rather interesting to note .• and it was impossible to get to keep when I was teaching
that in the first Woman to` Holmesville much before five school.
Woman column I wrote,. I o'clock. And then there are those
introduced the subject of a From past experience, I know infernal OSR cards . . . -or
nursery school for the town of that ladies don't like to have whatever you want to -call them.
Goderich. pictures taken when the booths Just deviating. from • the
Exactly one year to the week, are almost empty . . or when subject for a moment, I must tell , •
announcement was made in the things are in a shambles. you that I am angered -every
same column that a Co-operative So, I decided I would be time I think about those OSR
Play Group was formed and better off in the office „than cards. The information in them
operating. No, it isn't exactly arriving late. Please forgive. pertains to directly the students
• the same as a nursery school, but , * * * .-- their abilities, their
it is a step in this right direction Apparently . there is some disabilities, their performances,
wed 'I'm pleased to see it. enthusiasm in the area for a their failures that material
At this 'point, I'd like to draw Consumers' Association. One is a strictly guarded secret from
your attention to the women's woman spoke to me concerning the parents. It gripes me.
editorial at the top of this page. it, and told me she had found Anyway, as I was saying
It contains some information some interest in it lir' the before 1 so rudely interrupted
about the , Cooperative Play women with whom she was myself, today's . elementary -
Group which seems to be the acquainted. . school teachersre, busy, busy
topic of conversation these days The lady told me she has people. Sontetizes you really
among mothers of pre-schoolers. subscribed to the Consumers have to wonder' why they are
Please telephone me with Association magazine for quite a pot paid a salary that is more in
your 'cnmMentg There is no long while now. line with the salaries received by
Area Convention to be he
ld lYl hOspltal. There were four
Stratford Nov. 12 and 1S, birthclaYs, announced including
Delegates appointed to attend
this meeting included Mrs.
Mammie Sutcliffe and Mrs. Geo.
Morley -
Mrs. Norman Clairmont and
Mrs. Andrew Straughan will look
after the "In Memoriam"
The report of the Huron
County rally in Centralia was
given by Mrs. Harold Larder and
Mrs. M. H. Talmay. The report
of the Committee re the 70th,
Anniversary of the W.I. was read
by Mrs. Talmay in the' absence
of the "convener, Mrs. H. B. M..
Tichborne who is in hospital.
Mrs. „Robt. Good is 31st
Holmesville Bazaur
The ladies or Holmesville
I CW held a successful bazaar
and tea Wednesday, November;,
11. The sum of $525 was
realized. •
The conveners were: candy,
Mrs. William Batkins; produce,
Mrs. F. Cantelon; baking, Mrs. B.
Walter and Mrs. H. Cudmore;
Christmas, Mrs. Lloyd Bond;
sewing, Mrs. James Lobb; tea
tables, Mrs. Chester Sturd and
Mrs. William Porter; kitchen;
Mrs. D. Harris and Mrs. E. Grigg.
The tea tables were decorated
with red poppies and green
candles in remembrance of
Armistice Day.
The ladies enjoyed a good cup
of tea, a colorful sandwich plate
and/or a delicious piece of fruit
s4e — a "good bazaar thanks to
th ti se who attended and to the
Ia`ies who worked.
For Octogenaria s
... and those older
The Goderich Signal -Star takes great pleasure in extending
happiest birthday greetings to all persons who have reached
the age of 80 years or better.
Happiest birthday greetings go out this week to Mrs. George
Proctor, 104 Anglesea St., who will be 87 years old November
xMrs. Arthur Clark, Nelson Street, Goderich, who will be 90
years did November 10,
doubi about it. It helps the "With all the concern about
today's prig,' she ,said, "I Please turn to Page SA
that • of Mrs. Wm. Abel,a
metiiber for many years, who
will be 90 Nov, 15,
Mrs. Andrew Holmes,
program eouvener, called on
Mrs. Bert Crawford who spoke
on tlie motto, "A good Name is' '
a Treasure."
Mrs. Wm, McKee sang two
lovely solos accompanied by
Mrs. MgKee Sr.
Mrs. Holmes gave a short
'history. of Goderich and
Goderich Township. Mrs. Shaner
read Current Events.
The roll call was answered by
40• members and five visitors
who contributed $11.7.5 and
numerous gifts to the Children'
Tea was served by Mrs. P. ,
Blundell ,and her committee and
a social hour enjoyed.
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