HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-19, Page 4RIGH SIGNAL -STAR* TklURSOAYt NO
Victorious Vikings
G DC.I, the . Town and the b istrict will
have justifiable pride in the
accomplishments• . this season of The
Vikings. The Signal -Star joins With others
in offering congratulations.
„ Last Friday the Vikings defeated
Wingham Mustangs by the overwhelming
"score of 40-0 to take the football
championship of, the Huron -Perth
Conference. It was their, second straight
championship. In the nine year history of
the Conference, the GDCI team has been.
a winner four times.
The win against Winghani ora Friday°
was their 20th straight. In fact, they have
not been beaten in the past two years.
Their impressive record is due in no
small measure ,to the wide football
experience of their coach, Wayne Horner,
assisted by Ray Donnelly. Then, •of
course,.the team wa made .up of a fine
group of athletes, withoil't which the
coaches would" have accomplished little:
Among . members of the team will be
those who realize., • that their athletic
prowess is but a part of an all-round
Collegiate education to fit them for their
future vocations. Then, there`will be some
members of the team who will let the
present plaudits of the crowd go to their
heads, They will think they can live on in
the glory of their past, their reword as
football players. This, . of course, is not
true They should realize that their.
academic progress must take first place.
It's a tough, competitive world they will
face when they have -finished their days at
GDCI and -they will"need all the education
they can get in order to "get places" in
the outside world. Enjoy and compete in
sports, yes; but don't let sports, get you
out of perspective to the real reason for
attending Collegiate.
Nomination night
Goderich's nomination meeting to be
held Monday evening could produce some
,surprising upsets. A survey of members of
the present Town Council made on
Monday of this week.as to their intentions
•revealed no sta?tling changes. But Monday
night next might well produce a different
story, including the entry of aspirants not
now serving on Town Council.
In our survey we found Mayor Frank
Mills with "no comment" as to whether
he would seek re-election as Mayor. Reeve
Harry Worsell is definite in his intention
to run for the office of Mayor._ Deputy
Reeve Walter Sheardown states he will run
for the office of Reeve..
Councillor David Gower plans to run
for Deputy Reeve. Veterans Frank
Waikom and Reg Jewell will likely seek
re-election to Council as, at least,
Councillors- Paul Carroli and Edward
Giesbrecht both intend to seek
re-election: •Councillor Deb Shewfelt. is
- undecided at present. Dr. A. B. Deathe
will stand for election to Town Council.
The opinion -Of ratepayers on whether
Dear Sir:
Your comments concerning
the future of the South Beach
Area has stimulated me to
dismay regarding our 'town
council. I most particularly
object to the ruthless hoax being
perpetrated upon myself and my
or not a municipally operated camp and
trailer park should be established on the
South Harbour Beach is bound to produce
Opposite opinions *at the; nomination'
The Goderich Public School
representative on the County *School
Board is Mrs. J. W. Wallace. For thenext
term of office two representatives are to
be -elected rather than one. -
Mr. Vince .Young is the present
representative of the Townof Goderich
and the townships of Colborne and
Goderich on the Huron -Perth counties
combined Roman Catholic Separate
School Board. It is his intention to seek
re-election to this board.
Mr. Dan Murphy has announced .he will
not seek re-election as representative on
the. County School Board. Nominations
for this office will be held at Zurich on
Monday afternoon.
AU members of the Goderich. P.U.C.
have intimated they will seek re-election.
Monday evening should proyide an
interesting evening for the ratepayers of
The Pfrintmer grist,,mill at Benmiller has. been purchased by Peter Ivey of London and his sister,
Joanne of Toronto. It will continue being operated by Elwyn Pfrimmer on a part-time basis until
final legal" transfer is connpleted in "the near future. Changes on the inside are in store for it but
complete details have not been announced.,- Photo by W, E, Elliott
The old 'woollen mill at Benmiller, inactive since 1964, which may be partially re -activated by
those who purchased it sortie months ago... Once_o_wned•by the Gledhill family, the new owners are
Peter -I'vey. of Londonand his sister, Mrs. Joanne •Mazzzoleni of Toronto.. - Photo by W: R., Elliott
Picturesque Benmiller
(Continued from Page One)
Ivey related how he foresaw a
re -development of the Thames
River Valley. It had to do
chiefly with the Middlesex Court
House and Jail , area,
transforming it into an. early
19th century centre of arts;,.�a..
veritable Hyde Park corner:The
plan' extended along the entire
Thames River Valley. Because
the estimated cost of the project
would run to abput
$25,000,000, this plan may
never see fruition.
But the, plan for Benmiller is
definitely on its way, even
though it is at present in its
formative stages. ,
A former Torontonian, Jack
W. McLaren, also fell in love
with Benmiller, some years ago.
On his *retirement he built a
beautiful home on the banks of
the Maitland River at Benmiller.
A gifted artist in oil paintings,
�.Mr. McLare.n has put on canvas
many scenes from the Benmiller
area. The one time member of
the Dumbells cast of World War
I days is a one man publicity
department for Benmiller. Some
time ago • he . personally
approached several cabinet
ministers at Toronto to do just
what -Mr. Ivey is now, planning,
but failed to get their
co-operation. Now, he is to see
his dream fulfilled but by the
efforts of another man.
The hamlet of Benmiller was
named after Benjamin Miller
Doctor says he'll be :candidate;.
more Youth. Centre controversy
Remember When ? ?
The induction of Rev. Geo. E. Due to the unusually fine fall'
Ross into the pastorate of Kn weather up until about two
Church is to take place on Tues. ,weeks ago, the new bridge being
evening next the 22nd inst. at built over the Maitland River is
7:30 p.m. already three months ahead of
. As the Signal reported three °schedule. Completion of tNe
weeks, ago,. the lowest tender for . entire project is expected
the Goderichbreakwater job was towards the end of 1961. •
that of Michael Connelly of A former Goderich man, P. E.
Montreal. Word has since been Sheardown, was on a runner-up
received from Ottawa that the team competing in• the Western
contract has been awarded to Ontario Bridge Championships
Mr. Connelly. The contract at London on Sunday.
figure is -$140,417. A s vey of nearly half a
The Boy Scout has evidently million workers in Canada puts
come to stay. The movement is the ' average payroll costs of-
fspreading rapidly through Great fringe benefits at $1036 per
Britain, the United States and worker per year.
Canada. The alertness of a passerby
Arrangements have •been brought the fire brigade to
.completed for the purchase on Craigie's Pool Room at 1:15
behalf of the town of the McIver Wednesday morning and nipped
property on the bank the beginning of a fire which
overlooking the harbour. The could have .reached disastrous
purchase price is $1150.00. proportions.
The -memories of the heroes '
�of the two great wars were
honored on Sunday when. the
annual Remembrance Day
service, under the auspices of the.
Canadian Legion was held in
North Street United Church and
later at the cenotph in Court
House Park.
The close of the ninth victory
loancampaign shows
subscriptions in Huron County
totaling .7,302,350 which is
172.78 per cent of the quota of
The Goderich • branch of the
Canadian . Legion held a
successful dance on Friday night
in the Oddfellows' • Hall in
celebration of Armistice Day ,
who settled there in 1831 with '
two of his brothers. One of the
brothers was Daniel,. father of
Johnathon Miller, Colborne
Township's famed big man, who
weighed 463 pounds. Johnathon
Miller was later the proprietor of
the Dick Hotel at Seaforth, the
Bedford Hotel at Goderich and a
hotel at Carlow. He died in 1903
at the age of 63 and thefront
framedoor of his residence had
491, bE4" 1rofsen, in.4A4R40 get the
The first flour and chopping
mill at Benmiller was owned by.
the Miller family. Later, it was
purchased by David Rogers. The
Pfrimmer family purchased • it
still later and moved it up the
river to its present location when'
it was converted to a roller mill
in 1890. Messrs. Russell and
Elwyn Miller still reside at
Benmiller. Elwyn will continue
to operate the chopping mill on
a parttime basis until the sale of
it is finalized' some time in
"public bedamned" attitude. It . ROTARY'S POSITION good about the meetings held in of the Youth Centre Board, was
is a basic belief of mine that a the Spring, but. obviously has done under • rather adverse
community has the right to Dear Sir: forgotten some of the details circumstances, since she had left
expect full disclosure from their Whether I agree with letters about the meeting at the Victor her notes and preparation for
elected representatives. 'We are published in this paper or not is Lauriston School. At the close. the meeting at school.
not obtaining this information•, really immaterial to the people of that meeting,, three people Therefore,', -it was mainly "off
. The basic issue at strike here of this ;town. For this reason, I were chosen •to represent the the cuff" with the help. of a few .
is: South Beach Area - have refused to be drawn into group and prepare a presentation notes of mine and I thought, it
recreational area . or industrial any verbal arguments "Pro" or to the Town Council, requesting was very well delivered. .
basin. The resolution of this "Con" over the recent Youth the use of the old Gymnasium Not being' responsible' for
issue • cannot be forthcoming Centre. However, when people • section of the building.. Janice obtaining adult supervisors; I
The fluoridation of the town's
water supply has been started, it
was announced at the last
meeting of town council.
A club for supporters of
minor hockey in Goderich was
formed Monday night during a
meeting at the arena.
The Goderich Collegiate
Viking Senior football team put
the cap on a perfect season here
last Thursday when they
blanked the Wingham Mustangs
33-0 to capture the Huron -Perth
conference championship.
Retiring Warden James C.
Hayter, Dashwood, Reeve of
Stephen Township,• was
honoured Friday evening at a
banquet in North St. United
Letter to Editor
Precious property
Dear Sir: In your editorial you stress
• In reply to the October 15, . the lack of water frontage for.
1970, editorial "Let the people the townresidents. To use this
speak", yes the -people on the particular stretch of beach for
bluff` will indeed object to the trailer transient tourist
having such a_ facility in that would simply close off another
area. If all the facts were known section of water frontage for the
it' may well be that we' would town residents. Town residents
rather have industry than a camp and the camper tourist industry
generally do not mix. Further it
The history, is -long and would increase the low, on.the
•historic fat this point. We have ,; existing small . sa?tdy - :poach
been assured` "by council ``'that presently used at the:i1tlrbdur.
trailers of any form would not Thirdly the facilities at Point
be on the beach frontage,, but . Farm cannot be topped for ,the
year after year the. discussion camper trailer transient tourist.
comes up and needs to be While it -may appear frightening
resolved~ to the Editor that this particular
I knot understand the council said it Would approve an
obsession to have the camping industry if it should choose to
trailer. type of operation within locate there, possibly the- council
the town limits. The successful. should be strengthened to stand
approach to council made by Dr. against either use, and maintain
Barry Deathe and • Mr. Cayley the property as water frontage
Hill on September 8, 1969 available at any time for the
having it removed would be town people.
completely undone if the trailer° I am .sure that everyone in,
camp is simply taken from that Ontario ,j.is conscious of the
.pollution and conservation
thrust. Surely we all are aware of
the scarcity of -good water
frontage. I am sure that the
people of Goderich cannot be
duped into giving up this very
precious piece of water property
and surrender it to either
industry or the camper, trailer,
transient tourist. �:,
The woollen mill was4,, particular location within the
purchased in 1857 -from Thos town limits and located. in
Logan by Thomas Gledhill and another residential area,
carried on by his son, Jesse, and producing the same conflict
then by a grandson, Ward. Still between abutting owners and
later, it was operated by Gledhill the transient tourist. It -was for
brothers. The present stone 'these reasons that Harbour Park
structure replaced the old framE, was closed. Now how could the
building in 1877. ' park be located in another area
only to repeat the offence to a
different group of people. If
council has responded to their
;Request surely they would in
fairness have to respond to the
request of the other directly
Yours very truly,
Paul Robarts & Co. Ltd.•
Richard P. Robarts,
S.I.R., C.P.M.
affected taxpayers. Ontario Land Economist.
by---cou cd s- until --an intelligent -•-appraisal of are misinformed. _abo..ut_...a_loc aL- Palmer- was chosen -to- represent,- -couldn't-say-why—Mrs—Hayden 5-.._w_ ._ ._
proposed referendum concerning Service Club 1 must respond. the high school youth, sery
a trailer park in the South Beach
Area. The logical inference to be
drawn is that if the referendum
succeeds, a pleasant tourist
attraction .is ..to be developed in
conjunction with the current
public , beach. This logical
inferepce is false.
What the public • does not
know is that Sifto Salt is on the
verge of gaining approval 'to
build a second on -surface
complex in the South Beach
Area and to link this complex
with- the present mill buildings
by overhead conveyor systems;
Council is aware of, and;
tentatively approves Sifto's
I dp not fault our corporate
citizen. I most certainly fault
our town council for their
"back -room" politics and their
'the alternatives . is dome. To
accomplish this, • we need
information and time to reflect.
We obviously are getting neither.
Mr. Editor, if I may
conjecture for , a moment, I
honestly believe it is council's
unspoken intention to allow
Sifto Salt to expand; to allow a
trailer park to coexist inbetween
Sifto's complex; and to
graciou allow my family and
yours to paddle on the beach in
the midst of his.nightmare until
forced out y the probable
harbour facility,enlargement.
In view of council's antics,
Mr. Editor, I have become
sufficiently incensed to publicly
declare myself a candidate for
Dr. A. B. Deathe.
ool John ices- were not used more. in
When Mrs. Hayden refers to Royal was chosen to represent ehecking with people in charge .
the Oentre as a 'Rotary Club the interested youth out of ' of getting adult supervisors, I
project, she obviously was not school and I was chosen to find that possibly Mrs. Hayden'si
paying attention to a motion, represent the interested adults at memory may not ne correct in
passed at a regular meeting of that meeting. At a subsequent the number of times she was
the Rotary Club and read to° meeting, a Board was chosen for called and could not be present.
Town Council by a Youth two main reasons: 1. To stop the There • were a number of
Centre Board Member. It very static front youth who were • meetings called with Youth and
definitely stated that the Club starting to say "all we have are Parents or any interested adults,
would accept no responsibility meetings, but nd_ action". 2. To but only posted at the Centre'
for operation of such a Centre. have concrete names of• adults, and spread by word of mouth.
The Club was interested in willing to serve their Timing and money rather
providing the facilities only, the community, to present to hindered advertising them in the
youths to seup their own Cou . as a Board, instead of paper. Special invitations_ were
organization. Therefore, when just a ing, "A Board will be not necessary for anyone really
the building on East Street formed' There was absolutely interested in the Centre from
became available, the Rotary no conspiracy in the forming of going down to assist, orjust be
Club's responsibilities along this this Board, as implied by Mrs. there at any time.
line were completed and $1,00 dHayden. The people chosen In closing let me say this�
was advanced from the Club to • were all from the group who had the Rotary Club was very
assist in getting the Yoilth shown the interest to°attend the interested ' in supplying the
Centre opened. meeting at the Victor Lauriston Youth of Goderich a place to do
Mrs. Hayden:s memory is very School and had absolutely their own "thing". When this
' nothing to do with any, accent became available on East Street,
.-..=,spoken..or- length -of •family..hair; ---the.*advancement-_of-•a---su-m -of--
0f -A group of 'fifteen or twenty money more than l iilfilled their
would make a very unwieldly obligation.
sized group,- so obviously Stuart Shanks
' everyone present could not be
appointed to the • Board. Two
youths were chosen from the
High School group and two
-youths were chosen to represent
out of school youth. The youths , I'm'sure I speak for many kids
then chose the adults they in, this town.
to work with and also
1 disagree entirely with the
'►�'''i' wanted
- the Chairman'. Four adults were statement that the closing of the
chosen to balance the Board and
a Chairman was chosen who wash • Youth kids: Centre is the blame of the
ypun adult. y When the Youth Centre was
ttsrdgered an � old outh and a being built,. many kids sacrificed
The presentation made to the
Town Council, by a young lady Please turn to Page t
is4s Bniriirj[:farof
-.O— The County Town Newspaper of Huron -0— p U e L I CA T I O N
Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday nnorning by
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
rHEparOwE 5244331 ora- code
HRiEF1, president ana• publisher
. •RICE,• managing editor.
ELLEfd; ,Wdhteft's editor'
B'yRSKI, advertising manager
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