HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-12, Page 23Ladies' asked
to enter
parc. de, .flouts
Wonien's church groups in
Goderich are asked to give some
consideration to entering a float
in this year's Santa Claus parade
-- and the sooner the decision is
made, thebetter the Goderich
Recreation and Community
Centre Board will like it.
Last year; Paul Carroll said
Monday, there were several
floats entered by women's
church groups. To date this year,
there has not been. one entry
from this segment of the
There is a classification for
floats with a religious theme, Mr.
Carroll concluded.
elect neer
• The medical secretaries met at
The Seaforth Medical Clinic for
their monthly . meeting
November 4. Minutes of the last
.meeting were read and the
treasurer's report given.
Plans for a Christngtas meeting
were discussed and tyle members
reminded to bring}a gift for the
Children's Aid Society. The
December meeting to be held at
Zurich in the form of banquet
with members' husbands
attending. Dinner will be at the
Dominion- Hotel "with a social
hour, to' follow at the home °of
Mrs. Joyce'Armstrong:
The executive for 1971 was
read by Mrs. Madelon Yeats, and
are as follows: past president,
Mrs. Donna Fisher; president,
*Mrs. Kay Hodgkinson;
vice-president, Mrs. Joyce
Armstrong; secretary, ; Mrs.
II Muriel Miller; treasurer, Mrs.
Pauline McMichael.
Mrs. Judith Miles introduced
the west speaker, Dr. M. F.
Watts";° Goderich, who .chose as
his topic "Controversial Trends
in. Surgery." A short discussion
Coffee and donuts were
served by the Seaforth girls:
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Quite a number of ,Goderich ladies visited the Huronview bazaar 'and tea last Wednesday afternoon
at the Home. The expression on the faces in this photo show the enthusiasm the guests had for the
handiwork for sale there. The crowd was one of the best since the event was first inaugurated by
the Huronview Women's Auxiliary. (staff photo)
Well-known writer tells
secret to
A writer who has dealt
amusingly with the trials and
tribulations of raising six
ebullient children wondered
recently if she hadn't, just "gone
through the things ' that are
funny" now .that her children
are grown. She is Jean Kerr,
author of "Please Don't Eat the
Daisies," and a new book of
humorous -stories, "Penny
Candy," published by
Mrs. Kerr acknowledged that
as one gets 'older it's not as easy
to view . the world in a
light-hearted manner, and she's
thinking about tackling more
serious subjects in the future.
She also admitted that even
when writing the bounciest of
stories, humorous writers don't
always feel cheerful.
Says Jean 'Kerr: "I would
never Write a word if I really
waited to be cheery or happy as
a lark."
On the other hand, Mrs. Kerr
points out that the writer had
better not ""d'espair either'. She
notes that -her stories could have
turned out "leaden" rather than
light-hearted when she thought
about getting away from it .all
and fleeing" "to New Zealand
with all, my children."
But, she asserts, "you can get
past it if you•try." You can "con
yourself" into being cheerful.
"And you can remind
yourself," she says wryly, "that
some people were happy even
during the. War of the Roses:"
• Discussing the audience she
has sought, to reach, Mrs. Kerr
declares, "I think of myself as
writing for someone like myself
— that is to say, someone with
children who's happy enough to
be marr ied and isn't planning a
divorce or anything, but who
doesn't find that life is peaches
of Business Directory
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being happy
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O11ce l lit arinclpal elites actor Cawkla
and cream every minute of the
day." ; .
Whether or not Jean Kerr
feels cheerful herself when she's
writing, her books have
ap.parently brightened the lives
of many, She gets mail, she says,
from countless people who write
that when "the kids get to be'
too much, the rain gets tobe too
much, and the dishwasher breaks
down," they will read one of her
stories ,and "it immediately
cheers them,up."
She reports she gets similar
letters of appreciation from
people in hospitals. Jean Kerr
also seems to strike a responsive
chord in the younger generation
because. children, she says, write
her frequently.
One • of her most ' recent
enthusiasts • is her own
11 -year-old son, Gregory. After
reading "Penny Candy," he
asked his mother to• autograph
his copy. When she wrote an
affectionate inscription and
signed it "Mom; he requested
that *she be more formal and sign
it "Jean Kerr," as she would for
any other fan.
He also told her, by way of
reviewing the * book, "You're
awfully lucky, Mom, to have all
those funny kids."
Jean Kerr notes that the
greatest influence, on her writing
is the work of the late humorist
Robert Benchley.
"I adored Benchley," she
says, "and I still reread him. My
kidsnow try to read Benchley
aloud to me ... and I think they
can't be all bad if they read
Benchley aloud."
. - Mrs. Kerr characterizes
Benchley's humor as having a
kind of "sweetness."
"You never get bangedon the
head with it," she declares. "He
just does it all with a feather."
Mrs. Kerr is also the author of
"Mary, Mary," one of the
longest -running hits in Broadway
history. Her husband, Walter
Kerr, is drama critic -for the New
York Times.
Fresh pork sausages can be
pan fried baked or broiled.
Cook untiLuniformly browned
on the outside and grey on the
inside. Use tongs for turning"the
sausages and be careful not to
puncture them: Drain on
absorbent paper before serving.
Benrniller • UCW meeting was
held at .the chgrch November 4
with a good attendance,
„ Mrs. Doreen Willis opened
with a prayer and Mrs. Florence
Maskell conducted a worship
Mrs, Leonard Fisher presented
a skit on Stewardship, with the
help of three ladies and this
ended with • a very good
discussion front all members on
stewardship in. the churches.
Reports were heard from all
committees and the nominating
committee presented the slate of
officers for 197-1 as..follows:
Past president, Mrs. Dan
Willis; president, Mrs. Marg
Jewel; first vice-president, Mrs.
Gwen Durst; second
vice-president, Mrs. Norman
Allen; ` treasurer, • Mrs. Ben
Straughan; assistant treasurer,
Mrs. Edna Moore; recording
secretary, Mrs. Leonard Fisher;
assistant recording secretary,
Mrs. Dan Willis.
Press and correspondence
secretary, Mrs. Gwen Durst;
organist, Mrs. L. Warr, Mrs. B.
Straughan; social and supply,
Mrs. Maudie • Swain; literary
secretary, Mrs. Hazel McMichael;
citizenship secretary, Mrs. Liela
Flower committee, Mrs. Bill
Fisher; cancer representative,
Mrs. Elmer Fisher; visiting
committee, Mrs. Bill Fisher and
Mrs. Norman Allin; • social
convener, Mrs. Lois Vanstone.
Remember the December
meeting in the form of a pot
luck luncheon December 2 at
12:30. Members and their
friends are Very welcome. '
Miss Marion Calwell and Lena
Powell of Grand. Ben -d visited in
Goderich this past few days:
W. J. Denomme
,Agent for 24 -hr. "
!' ' 'S.0NASTAlt ThU $D4TT;
Are you in favour of the es �b�.t i
. shmeri"..
within the Town of Goderich of a.. ` R
'municipally operated camp and trailer'
- ..t -
park)o to be situatedon the South . . -
Hatho. ur Beach?
BY-LAW No40 OF 1970
A By-law to authorize the taking of a vote by the electors on the question
of the establishment of a municipally operated camp ground in the Town
of Goderich.
WHEREAS pursuant to Part X of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. Chapter 249, the Council
of a local municipality may submit a question to obtain the opinion of the electors. •
NOW, THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Goderich enacts as follows:
(1) That the following, question:
Are yQU in favour -cif the establishmentwithinthe Town of Goderich of a
municipally operated camp and trailer park to be situated 'on the South
Harbour Beach? .
shall be submitted for the opinion of the electors. ,
(2) 'All persons entitled to vote far the election of a municipal Council shall be entitled
to vote on the question submitted.
(3) The question shall be, submitted to the opinion of the electors on Monday,
December 7th, 1970, at the same time and at the same places as designated for the taking
of the vote of the electors for members of the Municipal Council for the Town of
(4) The Deputy Returning -Officers taking the vote for the election of the Municipal
Council shall also•take thevotes on the question submitted. '
(5) A statement of the question submitted shall be published for three (3) successive
weeks in "The Goderich Signal -Star," a newspaper published at the Town of Goderich, in
the County of Huron, the first of such publications to be made on Thursday, November
12, 1970,, and such statement shall contain a Notice signed by the Clerk stating. that the
statement is a true statement of the question to be submitted and appointing a time and
,place when the Clerk shall 'sum up the number of'votes "in the affirmative or in the
negative, and a time and a place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling
places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons
interested in voting in the affirmative or in the negative on the question.
RE -AD a first and second time this 22nd day of October, 1970. -
"G. F. Mills" • "M. H. MacKay".
Mayor Acting Clerk
READ a third time and finally passed this22nd day of October; 1970.
• "M. H. MacKay"
"G. F. Mills"
•Acting Clerk
The vote will be taken at the Municipal Election on Monday, December 7th, 1970, from
10:00 o'clock a.m.. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. at the same polling stations and by the same
election officers as the municipal election.
-Summing- up the' votes will be completed by the Acting Clerk at the MVO's Hall,
Tuesday, December 8th, 1970, at 12:00 o'clock noon. ` ,
[VI. H. MacKay,
Acting Clerk
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The end product of all this nit-pick-
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There's never been another car
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Aberha'rt'S Garage
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