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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-12, Page 21
GOTiERfcu SIO T.A ^ws 4 AM, TianiSPAY,. Please don't. forget that there Is a meeting in ' the gym at Robertson School at 8 Thursday, November 12. All parents are asked to try toreome and hear how the progress is on our Guide Carnp, and to ask any questions, too, of course. There's no need to add this next part I'm sure but here it is anyway We. Need YOUR Help. That , doesn't mean a huge, time consuming, tedious job that uo one else wants to get stuck with., It simply means that a lot of work is being done and at the present time there. are only a dozen or so people spending a great, deal of their spare time helping. Since there are over 20Q Guides, Brownies and Rangers in town we're sure many of the parents would be very interested An just what , is being done and possibly helping a bit in any y way they can. The Older Guides and the Rangers are willing to baby sit for free for any family so that the parents can come to this meeting.' If you'll need a sitter just phone Guide Captain Ainslie at 524-18841 Lieutenant Elliott at 524-6503; Captain Imbeau at 524-9437; Lieutenant Epson at 524-6535; and the Ranger leader Alison Dowds at 524-7513. • Attention to ' Anyone who wishes their yard was tidy, or leaves all raked — and who. hasn't found the time to get at it ° yet. We have the help you need!. This corning Saturday the --Rangers in Goderich are hoping to be kept very, very busy at this sort of thing or any other outdoor job you have. Just phone Mrs. Dowds, their leader, at 524-7513, and one, or more willing workers .will come and Lend A Hand to you. FIRST GODER,IGH BROWNIES A, ter an ' opening game of "Mouse Trap" our Packhad, a work period during Which. the Tweenies learned about the Brownie Smile 'and Good Turns. Tawny Owl had some bulbs to give to the. Brownies which they took home to` ,look after and report .on. We are hoping for some pretty blooms for Christmas. Stripes were , presented to Sixers and Seconders. Our. new Sixers are Celia Drennon and Melanie Johnston and ., the Seconders are Patty - Wisser, Donelda Smith and ` Rita Lassaline. Donelda Smith , was chosen to assist in laying the wreath at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Our meeting closed with the "Squeeze" and the Prayer. SECOND GODERICH BROWNIES (by Susan Gocidwin) Brown Owl had a lot of announcements to make. One of them was so important that we wrote a note about it and then pinned the note to our uniform pocket so not one single Brownie would forget to take it home for our parents to see. We had a talk about our Pack Good Turn project and also about the day our Tweenies will be enrolled. (November 20th is the big day.) We played a game called "The Runaway Animals" and sang a song called "My Bonnie Lives Over The Ocean." When we had Pow Wow some .people showed their things. Vicki Powell madea nice doll dress, Bonnie Reid brought, a scrap book arfda" room for .a doll's house and Kathy Weary had a toy • and some doll furniture,. These Brownies ,are " working toward their Toymnakers badges and soon they'll be ready -for testing. Brown Owl dimmed the lights _so we -could pretend we were around a campfire pear a forest while we, sang three Indian songs. We Closed with Taps and ' Brownies were over for another 'day. THIRD°GODERICH BROWNIES The Third Pack met meeting at Knox Monday. As we have for their Church fourteen Tweenies we are working on the Fairy Ring so that everyone know their part. Our older Brownies helped to show the Tweenies how to tie a reef knot in their ties. In Pow Wow we sang some songs and ended our meeting with aur good-bye song. Last Monday, November 3, the Fourth Pack visited the Signal -Star offices . and saw the various steps taken to print a newspaper. Editor Ron Price kindly started us on our interesting tour and also printed. us up a sample headline. Jan Stemp, our new Packie, wa'a with us to help count noses'. along the way in order to keep track of all the Brownies. We all thoroughly enjoyed every bit of our visit and a big, sincere "Thank You" from all of as to all the kind people at the Signal -Star who made us feel so welcome. , SECOND GODERICH. GUIDE COMPANY (by Diana Coke) Last week the new Guides started the' Tenderfoot work by looking over . and learning their Guide Promise. We . had out ,Horseshoe and' our Guide °work • period. and then we sang songs and played games. We also talked about the hikes that the Guides are going on this Saturday. Some of the places they are going are Pipers .Dam and Dunlop's Tomb. The leaders of the groups on the hike are Diana Oke, Janet Steep, Peggy , Sheardown and Laura Morrison. Kingsbridge Guides Last Thursday the 1st Kingsbridge Company of Guides gathered in the church hall for their regular meeting. Approximately 35 guides were there. The t`ajority were tested, on their, Second Class which includes knowledge of first aid, hiking, Guide history, stalking and trailing. Bluebirds had campfire which consisted of songs, poems, a skit and a jumble game. The meeting was closed with .pre r and taps. It was shoulder to shoulder traffic at Huronview last Wednesday at the annual bazaar and tea. Here shoppers mill around among the booths, picking out those articles which catch their fancy. The event was packed and sales were excellent according to reports from officials. (staff photo) HEAVY GALVANIZED THRESHOLD PERMITS EASE OF ENTRY AND EXIT " WITH WHEELED GOODS, " ,DOORS —' REINFORCED WITH STIFFENER BAR' AND GLIDE ON ADJUSTABLE BALL BEARING ROLLERS. CHARGE IT! The senior Citizens met in.: McKay Hall November 4 with Earl Cooper, president, :in charge. A short business meeting was held. A thank you was received from • Mr. and Mrs'. Dave Cantwell. The annual turkey 'dinner was discussed and it was decided to hold the event December 2 at 6 p.m. with the Catholic Women's • League of 3t. Peter's Church serving the meal. Tickets were sold for the dinner with more available for those that were not .presen t. - It was decided to send $5 to the United Senior Citizens.. of Ontario. Mrs. Earl, Cooper gave a reading "Mike Smith's Birthday Party". The door prize went to Mr. Manning. es w }Gamere enjoyed by. all. ito A GOOD BUY • GETS BETTER! see or call MacEwan MacEwan 44 North St- — 524-9531 b Donald G. MacEwan Peter S. MacEwan In 1954-56 the average wage for -one hour of a Canadian industrial worker's time would buy 2.3 lbs. of pork chops or 3.5 lbs. of side bacon. Ten years later one hour's wage would buy the same man 2.6 lbs. of pork chops or 3.7 lbs: side bacon. Between 1960 and 1970, some pork prices in Canada rose while others fell,: Two which .came down, in price despite • inflation, were pork shoulder and cottage rail. In Gabber 1960, the average retail price of pork shoulder©in Toronto was 60.4c Ib., in September 1970, 59.7c Ib. -In the same 'period, cottage roll in Toronto fell from 76.9c Ib. to 73.1c Ib, These figures were prepared from publications of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. A GOOD BUY GETS BETTER!