HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-12, Page 14WEEKLY SAVINGS WITH IGA'S LOW REBELLION DISCOUNT PRICES Eveeyday Low,- Discount Price ! A GREEN GIANT FANCY coRN Everyday: Low Discount Pried! SOMERDALE CHOICE FROZEN Everyday Low Discount, Price ! FABBox S -Ib. Powdered Detergent Everyday Low Discount Price ! KRAFT REGULARcHEEi WHIZ Everyday Low Discount Price 'TOP VALU 'FROM CONCENTRATE APPLE 4... Tin JUICE Everyday Law Discount , Price 1 SHIRLEY GAY SLICED WHITE2Lno f' BREAD Prices effective Nov. 11-14 inclusive We reserve the right to limit quantities GOLDEN YELLOW BANAN° hop. Of MptntO. ditty ►E[4.1 TANGERINES Ib. {s t1►L1t+GkN Aloot PArtM. IC[LERY StM K4 U.S. NO. 1 KED EMPEROR GRAPES 9 1 PROS. Olt SOUTH AV*ICA bUtSPAN IORANGES �v�/•�( TN i��(�\ryy��/ A N�/�*��/*� F R R� 1 /w�� �/�j '�g ODERK H $I1M1'!T�I�TEI START 'IS'.1!r.'ll 'R.,"M!M'T•. �. NFr 71 EMI R 12, 1970 A, N from the' Distaff Side Brush -in for pre-schoolers Worsen are among some of the most in t rimed persons in thjs modern woHd.p Today's women, especially the Stay—at—hive mothers' and housewives, have more opportunity than ever before takeep abreast of the times and to know what's agoing on throughout the entire universe. . Sometimes wome.n can become so engrossed with, their own little world at . a home inyolying husbands and children and the great expansive world encompassing wars, rebellions and trips to the moon that they get behind in the news of their own community. G Goderich and district mothers of small. children will soon have a tremendous avenue open to them for the protection of their youngsters' teeth — and they may not even be aware of it. The Huron County Health Unit, beginning this fall, is extending its 'brush -in' program to .the Child Health Conferences (Well Baby Cls as they used to be known) . This. now makes it possible for Goderich and distric mothers to taketheir pre-schoolersto ,an upcoming Child Health Conference and to have their children's" teeth coated with a•. protective fluoride compound, free of charge. This • one brushing, tests `have, proved, will significantly reduce tooth decay for'up°to one year: ,µ • The process is••very simple — and very enjoyable r for the children. Each child receives his pr her own toothbrush, a bit of .special fluoride paste and instructions for, brushing it''Trained nurses supervise the brushing,'giving the child an added bonus on some free dental education in the bargain. It is a thoroughly marvellous pro -gram and one which mothers of Goderich and district `should explore very carefully. For more information, call the. Huron County Health Unit -at 524-8301. Ask to speak to Mist Sandra Malabar, supervisor of nurses or one of the public health 'nurses on duty. Any one of them will be delighted to fill you in on all the details for a healthier dental future for your children. —SJK Woman to Woman . With Shirley J. Keller I'm not much of a The group is experiencing horticulturalist as any ' of my ' some difficulty in finding a friends can tell you. My garden qualified supervisor - someone plants looked' starved and wan preferably with an educational most of the time and • my • background such as a former houseplants — well, my school teacher, or someone who houseplants haveall died and • I has a keen interest in have switched to artificial ones. That's really ' part of the excuse for the fact th t I recently missed a ery interesting story right in my own neighborhood .....and I apologize to the lady who telephoned me about it in the first place and to the lady who owned the very unusual plant that was the basis of the story. Mrs. Mary Morris, St. David Street, has a star ,cactus. The plant, she tells me, is more than 10 years old. She got it from the mother of a student she had when she was teaching school. There may be another, -more proper name for this star cactus, but Mrs. Morris doesn't know it. She only knows that for the. first time in the ten years she had had the plant,,it bloomed this fall. When the plant was in bloom, I had a telephone call from one of Mrs. Morris' friends. "You should just see this.__ take the place of a baby sitter .... plant," the friend told me. "I or even to leave mother free to think it is worth a picture." " do whatever she likes. The I promised to get over to Mrs. primary' function of this Motrris' hom ' to get a, picture. , particular play group as it is This morning I 'telephoned to presently organized. is to give make the arrangements for the the children an opportunity to picture • and Mrs: Morris play with a group of children ' informed me the last . of the and to learn, perhaps rather blooms had dropped off incidentally, from that yesterday. experience. - - The blooms were .much like a The idea is to set' up different star fish. One measured 13 areas — a building block centre; inches across! The color of the a doll comer; a story area; a blooms was sand • with . music circle; a cut, paste and rust -colored` hairs covering the scribble section; etc. etc. to surface. • , which the children can go when "You'd really have to seethe they feel so inclined_ flowers," Mrs. Morris told me. In other words, there will be' "I'mosorry you didn't get here to no set pattern or events. Instead, see it when it was in full bloom. the children will set their own But maybe it will bloom again. schedule and pursue those I'm hoping -I don't have to wait activities which give them another.10 years." pleasure. ° I was sorry ' I missed the There is some indication that plant's blooming period too, and if this pilot project is successful. if I'd known it was so short I it could be extended to take in a would have made an effort to larger group of children, with a Het over to Mrs. Morris' home different group attending on sooner. Forgive me, readers and different days., That way, it flower lovers. ,would, enable an interested • There is one more hope. Mrs. , supertisor to work a greater Morris indicated she knew of period . of tirne each week another plant like her star cactus without taking any one child out in town .... and she told me she of his or her hoine for more than 9would keep me informed about one or two days weekly, if that itk progress. Maybe it will bloom was the mother's wish. Win, _ It sounds like a particularly * * * fine arrangement to me, and one the co-operative. play_ group _ .which..it l' • 4ppeal to ..many got undertivay last week at Knox mothers in Goderich. Let's hear Presbyterian Church auditorium.' from you in this matter right ' t would say it was a huge success away: It may give the women and if the first- session was an involved in the present program indication of what is to dome, I some kind of an idea what Can give it- my enthusiastic Goderich mothers would like to endorsement. see provided for pre-schoolers _ . The in charge will liput here. the enroirthent to 20 youngster& They feel this is 'a maximum I've been asked to advise you ntrither for a group such as this that there's another blood donor one where there is expected to clinic upcoming in Goderich .,.. be several varied play areas and ,November 18 (Wednesday) at thildreti free to drift, from. one O11CI Small auditorium. Please to the other as they wish, note the change in location. ,1 believe there am about 16 children ,pMsetaty registered w and it is °WWI then,,, that the *about tu1la pre-schoolers and would know how to organize a program for them one morning a week.. At the first meeting of the. mothers who have children registered, it was quite clear that these women did not expect the co-operative play group to take the place of the home but rather to enhance it. Many mothers expressed the view that they did not want their youngsters out of the home arfd away from mother more• than two . mornings per week. In other words, these women aren't the kind who want to ' shirk . their responsibilities as . mothers but rather, they are interested in providing a new and valuable experience for their children outside the home once or twice weekly. The program isn't being set up for. mothers who work full-time. It is not designed to • SERVICE OF THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Of Interest. To Women - ,4. MEETING for parents of Guides and Brownies at 8 p.m. Thursday the 12th in the Auditorium at Robertson School. — 46 OVEMBER 18 — 2:30 p.m. at ictoria St. Church. The annual C.W. November Fair -- Tea, azaar items, .bake sale. Come and bring your friends.. NOVEMBER 28th, Annual Christmas Fair at St. Peter's " Parish Hall from 2 to 5 p.m. • sponsored by the Catho:ic Women's League. Th v. on time and I would say that most of the crowd • - arrived simultaneously. The auditorium was just packed with women and it was next thing to impossible to get near enough to the bake table to buy anything. I had a chat with R, Henry Leishman; a former Goderich resident, who lives at Huronview. Mr. Leishman is the editor of the Huronview News and was 'takings -the names of those people who cared to register at his booth. Mr: Leishman presented me 'with a copy, of the latest edition of his newspaper and I was - particularly interested in the following item. I know you will ;betoo. GOOD LUCK TO OUR EDITOR In Huronview we have an Editor, equipped with the experience of years, Who to write the true facts never falters or fears. We feelthat to gain that objective, -on , his health it .makes great demands; And all should aid his work with eager and willing hands. Even if his health is not the best, of worry he shows not a trace. Patiently, alone in his room, he carries out each irksome task; That his effortsbe appreciated, is the only reward he does ask. He is one of Nature's gentlemen in the truest sense of the word_ That he would be hard to replace, to, him, this thought has never occurred. On our capable Office Staff for some assistance he does rely, When a misspelt word needs correction, with a smile, it is done on the sly. He and" the Office Staff make a wonderful team., • • To make our valued Huronview News full of ,information, sometimes difficult to glean. So now Mr. Henry Leishman, you are the t one we are referring to. Don't be shy: rise and take a bow, it's long in coming to you. — b. C. Barker * * I had a letter this week from Mrs. Hector Cooke in Kitchener. Mrs. Cooke is the lady who makes , those wonderful apple head dolls which were for sale at the Christmas Country Fair, Carlow. - She told me in the letter that she had a "complete sell-out except for three apple dolls." It isn't any wonder because Mrs. Cooke's corner was one of the most colorful at the Fair. I think I told•you before that Mrs. Cooke promised to send me her recipe for making Yule Logs, Well;••I have it now and I'm delightedtopes it. along in this • eolumn. v. ' If any of you make these yule ' logs, 'would you let me know how you enjoy them? I've never lived in a home where there was I got down to I uronview last a tirdpittee in which to use yule Wednesday to the annual bazaar . and slake solei We get them right' turn to Page ; ,8A 0. Never in its 80 year history hasvthis company offered a higher rate of interest on its gt 'aranteed investment certificates -• 83/4 % — available to you right now at any branch of Victoria and Grey Trust. VG The senior Trot Company devoted entirely to airtime the•people of Ontario. 4. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to "6:00 Friday Lealand Hill, Manager Elgin and Kingston. Streets, Goderich 524-7381 IDI 1 I 118118.1"111I Nis: 801111L- Prig88 The Owner's ' in the ,/jested n his ?rood of h„ b Store! us,n ervice, int:r- apt to rs customer= ��only as and =neighbour is ►• Consumer Care Comum'sF more than jus Service . i ssDa care :s a procticePledg� at IGA!.• b Enjoy the Fresh Produce! vegetablesworld and rushed gathered quality all in `cern (suits and your nearest ars of the SGA. • DEAL PACK' JELL-O JELLY 3Pkgs Si •POWDERS oz POST dlpho Breakfast a.n ,c.°= Pkg 39c Cereals . ' Cr. P 9 -os NEW CHOC CHIP 16.0Z OR COCONUT PECAN , 14.0Z DAVID'S COOKIES BATHROOM 2 -poll TISSUES ..:. pkg. WHITE 'SWAN FACIAL Afst'd TISSUES K.V.P. SAVEALL WAXED PAPER REG OR MINT Chops CATELLI READY -CUT ELBOW MACARONI SPAGHETTiNIOR 2.16.3 9n LONG SPAGHETTI Pkg. BABY. OR POLISH MUSTARD. OR MIXED ' BICK'S SWEET. 3„,..,S1 PICKLES Jars TOP VALU BICK'S OLD-FASHIONED WAFER OR CHEESE N°pp�'�; e.Oz Qg YUM RUM . SLICES .. Pimento Pkgs. PICKLES .......iv J n* al ' SHIRLEY GAY uc OFF) LIQUID BLEACH RASPBERRY JAVEX 64_tz Pl�s+i 38g JEIIY ROTI .. • , Jug HOSTESS REG. POTATO - CHIPS BANQUET MEAT DINNERS 1 11-0z. 59 Pkg. COUNTRY STYLE (No Fot Ad?edl Blade or Short Rib tib. Pkg. Red grand Table Trim' ° Beef ! d At discount , . ` 4.'sal; prices that really1'JC! We Guar ore Guarantee eshrnes d,`°+int. Ikon 41,'":44.9.7°Z74.7 e hFr^ere, � . me* " more Top Quality and Var. els >a� °° eaa na,r en Iety ! - eve1YdoY needs otd`IGA�nt springs on Everyday Low Discount Pnce ! MACARONI AND CHEESE ra Pkgs 'Everyday Lcw Discount Price ! CARLTON CLUB (AS5t'D1 SOFT $ DRINKS CUT CHICKEN Legs or Breasts ROUND BONE SHOULDER CUT i SEMI -BONELESS SWISS. CHUCK STEAKS Ib. STEAKS Ib. RIB END (4-5 RIBS) "ROCK CORNISH Pork Loin Roast lb 59c Game Hens L 994' COLEMAN'S FOOTBALL STYLE SWIFT'S LAZY MAPLE SLICED Side Bacon 69c `Smoked Ham Ha'elhelb. 69 Everyday Low Discount • Price ! TERRY DOG FOOD 1 S-os.9 Tin "- Everyday tow Discount Price TULIP PARCHMENT - THERE IS AN iGA ST RE NEAR YOU: REM1NGTON'S. IGA KIST Non Return Bottles PEPSI 4...�.. '6114GERALE MOUNTAIN DEW OP A