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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-12, Page 12
GODERICH SIG Tkk 4R,' THURSDAY, l\t01/AMBER 12,: L970: The weekly dance was featured this week with an event that rarely tabes place in Canada In the celebration of the iOard..; birthday of one celebration, its citizens, Mrs. Helen Dalrymple. Cgarence Perdue of Clinton came out withhis bagpipes and escorted Mrs. Dalrymple into the auditorium where she led the first wheel -chair waltz. He played a number of tunes in her honour, and the dance was on. It was led by Della Peart at the piano., Mrs. Mary Taylor on the mouth organ, Miller Adams and John Leeming on the violins. Such waltzas the Heel and Toe Polka, two step and wheel -chair waltz. A pleasant time was had by all, with tea and cookies seryjed, to top it off by the lunch committee. The regular: bingo was held in thPaft room.- on- Wednesday afternoon. Winners were Miss. C. Dougal, Mrs. Young, Mrs. F. .Barrie, Mrs. M. Irwin, MiSs .Miller, and Mrs. F. Beattie. Family Night program was held in the auditorium on Thursday, Novetnber 5. Two firms were shown "A Place to Stand" and, "Canadian . Ranch", also a recorded tape of last year's Christmas Concert and a recording by Mrs. , Dalry. niple on her birthday. 4 The residents are looking. forward to" the Family Dight Program on Thursday, November 12 which will be put on by the Jolly Millers of B e n m i ller and Thursday, November 19, the Harvey Johnston Family. In conditions of °poor visibility the driver of the car ahead cannot see _you• clearly if his rear window and outside mirror ' are obscured by snow, dirt or condensation. But he •knows your position if you have your headlights turned on. The roads would be safer if drivers used their headlights more when conditions are bad, says the Ontario Safety League. GODERICH TAXI TAXI STAND •AT Bluewater Service Station 80 VICTORIA STREET Phone 524-6011 AFTER HOURS PHONE 524-8450 24 Hour Service Bill Swan, Prop. AUTO -SKI SALES AND SERVICE WHAT'S YOUR CHOICE? MINI, MIDI or MAXI 12.5 H.P. 14-35 H.P. 24-60 H.P. Wide Track We now have a quantity of Parts, Oil and Accessories in stock. PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED on any make of snowmobiles As well as new machines in stock, we have two used machines for sale. PAUL & ROWS SPORT MACHINES 245 Jones Street - Goderich, Ontario • Paul Betties Ron Horton 524-7234 524-6177 Hours Sat. 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Morn. - Fri. 6 p.m. ? NOMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS I1V THE Townships of . Ashfield and West Wawanosh That• the nomination of fit and' proper persons to serve as TRUSTEE on the Huron County School Board for the years 1971 and 1972 will take place at the BROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL Township of Ashfield on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1970 AT 7:30 P.M. -- FOR ONE HOUR and that should a poll be required, polling will be open on Monday, December 7, 1970 From 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the various polling subdivisions in each Township. - DONALD M. SIMPSON, Returning Officer We haven't any idea what the subject of, conversation was when this trio of .well-known . tluron County men mot together recently but it is evident from the smiles it was an amicable discussion. From ,the left are Walter Sheardown, deputy -reeve of the town of Goderich; Warden Roy Westcott,` Usborne Township; and Dan Murphy, a Goderich lawyer and a member •of the Huron County Board:. of Education_ (staff photo) PP Reports Sunday, November 1, on Goderich Township sideroaa No. 80 east of Maitland Concession, John Cecil Cullen, RR 2, Clinton was involved in a single ear collision resulting in damage to the vehicle he was driving. There were three accidents - Monday, November 2. On No. 21 Hwy. south of Colborne -Ashfield• Grp. • Line, Kenneth James Tuffnail, RR 5, Stratford struck • a dog • on the roadway sustaining damage to his vehicle. • On No. '4 Hwy. south of No. 3 County Road, Michael Robert Gallant, RA 3, Kippen struck a cattle : beast on the . roadway sustaining damage' to his vehicle: On No- 3 County Road east of No. 21 Highway, John Kelly, RR 2 Blyth was involved in a single truck accident resulting in damage to the vehicle he was driving. • On No. 4 Highway "south of Air Base Road, Tuesday, November 3,_ Jacob Miller Andrew, 213 Victoria Street, Clinton and Orville , Kelland, Londesboro were involved in a car -truck collision resulting in dainage to the Kelland vehicle. Thursday, Nov. 5 on No. 25. City Road west of No. 22 City Road, William Forsyth, 137 Boland Street, Wingham was involved in a single car collision sustaining damage to his vehicle: Forsyth received injuries. Saturday, Nov. 7 on No. 12 County . Road - -south of ^d Winthrop, Donald Brian Budnark, Brussels and John O'Rourke, 138 Church Street, St. Marys were involved in a two car collision resulting in damage to both vehicles. Passengers, Sherry' Hunter, 47 Canteberry Street, Stratford, Karen Knowles, Douglas Street, Stratford and Helen Meta, St. Marys and John O'Rourke, driver received injuries. Jersey Club annual meeting • Members of_ the Perth -Huron Jersey Club gathered for their Annual - Maeting _ at the Cranbrook 'Community Centre, on November 7. The J resident Wilfred Strickler and secretary Thomas: Rathwell reported on the club's. business, during the morning. - - James - Bagg presented the George Bagg Memorial Trophy to Marlene Bowles., Marlene showed the champion calf Bowlesland Ginger Snap, at the Stratford Parish Show. The- Board of Officers for 1971 are as follows: President, Ronald Bowles, Atwo od; First Vice -President, Alec Ostrom, Clinton; Second Vice -President, Gordon Young, . Monkton; S e c retary-Treasurer, Thomas Rathwell, Clinton; Ontario Director, Jack Van Egmond; Clinton. West Wawanosh Continued from Page 1 the rental of ball parks for games in which West -Wawanosh participated. - • A Tile Drainage Loan application from Wesley Nivins was presented to Council, and accepted on motion or Councillors - Foran and Aitchison. By -Law No. 14, 1970, levying a special rate on Pt. Lot 20, Concession 11, to cover a Tile Drain Loan was given third ' reading and finally passed on motion or Councillors Rutherford and Foran. By -Law No. 15, 1970, levying a special rate on Pt. Lot ` 27, Concession 14, to cover a Tile Drain Loan was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors McDonald and Aitchison. Councillors Aitchison and Foran moved that West Wawanosh Township hire the trucks of Norman ,McDonald and Roy Hardy to plow snow for the winter of 1970-71; — Norman McDonald at $8.25 per hour — Township pays wingman; Roy •Hardy at $10.00 per hour — Hardy to pay his own wingman. Both trucks will receive $5.00 per day standing time on idle days. The road accounts were fid• ordered paid on motion of Councillors ,ja'oran and McDonald. - T h e . following general accounts were passed for payment on motion of Councillors Aitchison and" McDonald: Lucknow Recreational 'Committee, ball team rental, w3.00; Dungannon Agricultural Society, 1970 grant, $50.00; Roy Taylor, fox bounty, $2.00; Hugh Rutherford, fox bounty, $2.00; Goderich Signal -Star, tax...notice ad, $2.45; -Ontario Hydro, hall power, $9.75; Welfare accounts, $324.52; Bruce, Brick and Tile, Rintoul. Drain tile, $40.00; Walter Elliott, tile drain loans, $2,857.83; Donald Hackett, tile drain loan, $1,148.79; Billiard Jefferson, tile drain inspector, -$ 45 .90; Joan Armstrong, preparing . tax statements, telephone tolls, selecting jurors, postage and envelopes, $159.50; Paul Caesar, selecting jurors, $4.00; William R. Purdon, tax rebate, $39.59; Lucknow Sentinel, ads, notices, $35.62; Geo. Radford Construction, Forster Drain — open work, $820:00. Keep up on current affairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science Monitbr. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easyeto read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads. prima an= moo MIMI Please *send - Me' the Monitor at the special introductory rate for six months for only $8 ... a saving of $7. 0 Check or money order enclosed © Bill me name street - city - state zip - . PO 18 THE --i- CHIJISTIAN SCIENCE MONIT.ORo Box 125, Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02103 GIVE ... so more will Iiv& FART FUND: Superin#enden:t reports' f 1 f rug q'too .early religious education . in Huron County schools. He said all the elementary schools opened each day with Superintendent of_ education James Coulter reported to the Huron County Board of Education recently that the question of drugs is introduced "too early" if it is presented at the elementary school level and it is the feeling of many elementary school teachers: that "the information may be more suggestive than deterrent," The , teachers, said Mr; Coulter, prefer to include. it incidentally in the regular health program or ` when discussion involving the topic is promoted by,a pupil -or group. "Drug education is an integral part of the health program and over emphasis is intentionally avoided," Mr. eoulter reported. "Generally four to six classroom periods are specifically devoted to instruction on drugs. These may contain information on coffee, aspirin etc as well as the more sensational name drugs. Instruction is strongest in Grades nine and ten but occurs in programs from Grades five to twelve." Mr. Coulter also presented a report on correct practices of religious exercises and_ that no formal program of religious instruction was reported by any Secondary school in the county. • DISCONTINUED COLORS .FLECTO •ANTIQUING .FLECTO WOODGRAINING .LAKKO ENAMELS & OTHERS HALF p11 b SERVICE ELECTRIC (GODERICH) LIMITED 30 -VICTORIA ST. N. Dial 524=8581 FRESH KILLED CANADA UTILITY GRADE ASTING CHICKENS 6 Ib, Avg. ib.45 OLD FASHIONED BOLOGNA RINGS POLISH. SAUSAGE-- - le. 59* ib69' SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS Ib. 59' .PEs PORtNOCKS lb. 334 MIDGET STYLE SPARE RIBS ib. 394 ENGLISH STYLE SAUSAGE Ib. 594 SCHN[ioEP'S KENT BACON. SMOKED pJ RIB a s�., END FRESH SHOULDER �, lb. 59` PORK ROASTS lb. 394 LB & BUTT END PICNIC SHOULDERSIb.49 POR -K CHOPS ,„: 79' BUTT CHOPS �. 59' BUTT ROASTS �� 49' FRESH FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS - lb. 594 BUTT ROASTS lb. 49`, • SIDE RIBS la 69' WIENERS 2 b: 49' 'it WINA KING SIZE BOLOGNA FREE - FREE - JUST GUESS ITS WEIGHT PEEP -DISCOUNT SPECIALS TIDE XK ICE CREAM GIANT PKG. BISSET'S- co�er��ar�•s CANNED HAM SALMON CRISCO 93 1/2 GAL 794 11/2 Ib. 749 • GOLD SEAL PINK SHO RT EN i JG BLUEBONNET SOFT MARGARINE Hunnvry TAToumrry - POO CHIPS FACIALTISSUES WHITE JAVEX BLEACH' ONTARIO NO. 1GRADE POTATOES BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT CAKE MIXES DUNCAN EGGS Tall Tin 1 Ib. Pkg. 89` 394 1 Ib. 4 69c Size 59a SWAN 4R$1 64 oz. 50 Ib. Bag T. GIANT SIZE GRAD "A SMAI,.L HINES 434 1.09 16. 94 12x$1 4 LIBBY'S — 19 oz. SLICED BEETS, LIBBY'S -- 14 oz, LIMA BEANS- LIBBY'S — 14 oz. PEAS & CARROTS LIBBY'S 14 oz. ' MIXED VEGETABLES LIBBY'S — 14 oz. ' DICED BEETS LIBBY'S FANCY — 14 oz. CREAM. CORN LIBBY'S -- 14 oz. FANCY, PEAS LIBBY'S I?AIVCY — 12 oz. KERNEL CORN LIBBY'S: — 28 oz. Tins SPAGHETTI LIBBY'S — 18 oz. 60'$1 R 44$1. 5R$1 5i$1 o x$11 � R 4489' 489` 489` 3' 0$1. R CATSUP4 269` DAVID'S'1 Ib. Bag - CHOC. CHIP COOKIES 2i$1 WALLACE'S — Pkg. of 3 PIES Ti,1RKEY OR BEEF COLGATE'S — 23 oz. BIO -AD MONARCH Pouch Pack 594 59` CAKE MIXES - 6R$i GIANT SIZE PALMOLIVE LIQUID 49` DELSEY .TISSUE 6Rolls 99` PRODUCT OF MEXICO - TANGERINES CANADA NO. 1 CARROTS 3 Ib. Bag 2i39< d. foroz-, • doz.. $1 e :46/ 0 1, Foodmaste OPEN WILY UNTIL• 1C 4P.M. 91 VICTORIA” GODERICH -�