HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-12, Page 106. 3. REAL ESTATE ,FOR SALE 5. TO RENT , FARM PROPERTY -FOR SALE 10 acres with house and barn in Poderich Township. 100 acres, 8 -room how, barn 40 x Q0, 10,000 broiler quota. 4 miles South of Clinton on Highway 4. 200 acres in Hullett Township, 10.room house, 2 barns, for dairy, sows, and hogs. Milk -house, bulk -cooler, Stable -cleaner, 2 silos. Kingsbridge„ 100 acres, 8 -room house, barn 60 x 70, silo; Sow and beef farm. 7 miles' South of Goderich on Highway 21, 6 -room house, bath, oil furnace, garage, 1/2 acre lot. 160 acres in Hullett To'wnship. 10 -room house, barn 52 x 117. Milk -house, stable -cleaner, silo, 80 acres in Goderich,Township. 7 -room house, barn 40 x 45. Stable -cleaner, milk -house, bulk -cooler, 26 milkcows, implements. RR 2 Clinton 482-3287 Salesman for K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. 482-9747 Clinton. 46 5. TO RENT 0 NE -BEDROOM apartment, stove and frig supplied, electric heat, one block-fr6m IGA Store:/ Phone 524-8321 8 a.m. to 5:30 APARTMENT on the Square, living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath. Newly decorated, not self contained, not suitable for children. Very reasonable rent. Phone Phone 565-2.760 Or VACANCY for retired people, private rooms, cleaned, linens washed, meals served in main dining room, $150.00 a month. Mrs. C. Van Damme, phone BUSINESS offices at 38 Hamilton Street, Goderich, for rent. Available December 1, 1970. Ideal- as offices or fOr small businesS. Heated. $80.00 per month. Apply McGee Pontiac -Buick. 45tf A HOUSE to rent in Saltford, two bedrooms, bath and floor furnace. Available December 1st. Phone 482-7626. — 46 APARTMENT for rent at 117 . West Street,' two bedrooms, upstairs. Available December 1st. Phone 524-6625. —'46x THE KENT. HOUSE furnished rooms with living rOom and kitchen Riivileges; $14.00. weekly, Phone 524-8433 or A NINE -ROOM house_ with modern conveniences, 1/2 Tune west of Auburn. „Immediate possession. Phone 526-7754. 46,47 FIVE -ROOM modern apartment, redecorated„ Heat and hydro very reasonable. No pets or children: $65.00 per ,month. Phone 524-7014, — 46,47 TitREE tO four-bedroom house, modern, hardwood floors, close to Square; $125.00 a month.° Phone 524-8149. — 46,47,48 HOUSEKEEPING rOoin for rant. Apply Mamie Sutcliffe, 73 Hamilton Street; Goderich. — 46 three-bedroom home. Modern kitchen. Centrally located. 'TV outlet. Available immediately. Phone 524-7935. — 46tf T W 0 -BEDROOM downstairs apartment, heated, basement, December 15th. Phone FARM for rent. 84 adres' of workable land, barn, driving shed, pressure system. House — five rooms and 'bath. Four miles east of Goderich on Highway 8. Phone 524-7567. — 46x 6. WANTED TO RENT Two-bedroom pdoWnstairs apartment or house Phone 8. HELP WANTED WANTED Full-time experienced cook... Call 524-7337. — 45tf °Man wanted imMediately for car cleaning. Steady employment.. McGee Pontiac -Buick, 37 Hamilton Street, Goderr. AVON CALLING Just cine territory left available in this area. Car essential for this Goclerich Township area, ,and you must, be 21 or over. For information; no obligation, write ' or call collect tonight while I still have a territory available: Mrs. M. Millscin, 17 Hawkesbury Avenue, London, 451-0541. — 45,46,47,48 FULLER BRUSH Company requires sales personnel, full- or part-time. Commission. For interview call Andy Anderson, phone collect 237-3663, Dashwood, after 6 p.m. — 46x " WAITRESS WANTED To Work Mornings 9 to 4 Apply in Person after 4:30 p.m. GODERICH RESTAURANT 1970 VOTERS' LIST NOTIcE 66. Voters' List, 1970, Municipality of the Town ot Goderich, CoUnty of Huron. •Notice is hereby given that I have complied 'with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at • my office at 57 West Street, Goderich, on the 5th day of November'', 1970, the list of all persons entitled- to vote th6 Said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list -remains there for inspection, And I hereby , call upon all voters tb take immediate proceedings. to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last date of/appeal being the 19th cray of November, 1970.. M. H. MacKay Acting Clerk of the Town of Goderich Copy, Of the Voters` List may be checked at :he Municipal Offices, 67 West Street, Goderich. 8. HELP WANTED ADViRTISING SALE$MAN REQUIRED BY SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHiNG LTD. Reply in own handwriting, giving full details, experience (experience in this field an asset but not essential), references and salary expected to: Edward J. Byrski, Advertising Manager, 37 West Street, Goderich. Applicants making direct personal contact will not be considered. COULD you use an extra $35.00 or more next month? Fok part-time, interesting work in selling cosmetics, training provided free — apply Box 40,, Signal -Star. — 46 WANTED — Baby sitter for two pre-school children in their own home or will go to baby sitter's homer Four days a week. Please phone 524-6631 in the mornings INCREASE YOUR INcOME. The quickest way to do it is to look after the sale of our Toilet Preparation in your District. Very good profit. Act promptly. There is still room for you. Write Rawleigh,, Dept. K-216-3, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, GET IN ON SOMETHING Full or part-time, business is good! We have to expand to meet the demand! We need honest, sincere salesmen to join us) now and stay a long time. Don't worry about experience as I will train you to be successful and receive rapid promotion. You will earl while ..,you learn and receive .substantial commissions weekly, plus cash bonuses .° for eNtra participation. This is pleasant, dignified work. . contact Director of.' Development, 'Mr. Bauer at the Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, Noon to 6:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 18 or until Noon Thursday, November 19. — 46 10. WANTE6 (General) QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Don Denomme, Trans- Canada Credit, phone • 524-8349. —36-49 COMPLETE. household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & Furniture, 524-7231. — 23tf WANTED — Room, board in town` of Goderich, January 4th to May 1st, 1971. Richard Jacobs, 149 Normandy Gdns., London 73, — 46x:47 WANTED — A good home for male Siamese cat with. papers. Phone 482-7318. — 46 WANTED — Girl Guide uniform, 46 11. • EMPLOYMENT WANTED ••LADY would like housekeeping work by the day or -part-time work. Phone 524-8565. 46,47 12. TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE BY TENDER Former Canad ian Foresters building at Bent/filler,' approx. 16' x 40'. Building to be removed, site levelled. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to' be in by November 30th to R. Ginn, RR 2, Clinton — 46,47 14. SERVICES AVA)LABLE GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential --- Commercial — * Industrial 155 Xeays- Street Phone 524-867a Goderich, Ontario. FOR your AntePna Sales and Serviee contact Aliin's TV, 162 Mary Streeti phone 524-9089. .SEPTIC TANKS"CLEANED MODERN EQUI$MENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 483320 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE Thinking about building a MILK HOUSE or DRIVING -SHED? For free estimates call: RAY LAMBERS Clinton 482-3305 36-47 ACE RADIO and TV Se Frank Wilcox, 60 Pietcm St. .Goderich, Ont. Phone 524,7 71 • 3ACKHOE WORK FRONT END LOADER WORK All kill& of excavating, trenching, levelling and backfilling, etc. GRAVEL & FILL Lyle Montgomery 482-7644 Evenings Or 482-7661 DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD Phone 529-7403 for estimates ANDERSON'S APPLIANCE SERVICING 186 Mary St., Goderich 524-6144 11 Domestic Refrigeration • Electric Washers, ' Dryers, Stoves MURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON 14. -SERVICES AVAILABLE Reasona le Rites McGEWS- Gaderich Phone 524-8391 190 Authorized "SIMPLICITY" SALES 81 SERVICV 138 ELIZABETH-, ST. ,Goderich • 524-7144 SIGNS BY WEBSTER 14. savitEs AVAILABLE 15. NOTICE to CREDITQIii' 16, PUBLIC NOTICE permanent hair ,e•removal, -For appointment, free consultation, call 5244695. — 46,47,48,49x 15. NOTICE to cREDIToRs IN THE ESTATE OP HARVEY -LORNE 'f* FULLER, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH,'IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED FARMER. - All'. persons claiming against the above Estate are required tize- forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on 45r before the 20th day of No'vember, 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. SPECIALIZING IN: * Bulletin boards * Plastic,* electric * Truck lettering * Silk screening' * Commercial d esigning of company, trademarks * Show cards W ind ow banners All Sizes & Types of -Signs PHONE EXETER 235-0680 ANYTIME FRANK TUTT For all your flooring needs. Buy your carpet anywhere. • . 20 years' inttallation experience. Free measurements. 524-6804 • Sewing Mathines Servicing All Makes New And Used Sales Satisfaction Guaranteed ALEX REED 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-8465 24 _Hour Approvals 2nd & 3rd Mtues. Arranged in the Convenience of Your Home LOW cost. You can call to,10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. CALL COLLECT . 366-9586, EVGS. 239-4913 . 'We' pay highest- prevcailing price for fresh dead or disabled cows p, and horses over 500 pounds. !Aid Smaller animals picked up as it service to you. 24 -Hour Service -7 Days a Week Free Post -Mortem Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70' —41tfn 205 Nelson St. NOW BUYING CARS For Scrap at their yard CALL 524-9514 Also handling all types of new and used steel products. tf ELECTROLUX (Canada) Ltd. Sales & Service. Authorized and Bonded Representative. Contact Al Riley 524-6514. 45,46,47,48 Screened TOP SOIL CEMENT GRAVEL Lyle Montgomery 482-7644 Evenings , Or 482-7661 BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICE for small businesses and farmers, Experienced, prompt, reliable. service at reasonable rates. -Phone Goderich 524,7544 or Bayfield 565-2423 — 46 ONE HOUR shoe repair service at Ray's Shoe Repair, 35 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario. 46,47 IN THE • ESTATE OF MURRAY LAW-11,NCE HETHERINGTON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Murray , Lawrence Hetherington, late f the Town of Goderich, i the County of Huron, I rument Man, who died on o bout the third day of Sept ber, 1970, are hereby req ed to forward full particular of their claims to the unders° hed on or before the ninetee day of November, Ja'10 fter which date the assets Of t e estate will be distributed. J. KENNETH HUNTER, 30 North Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitor for the estate.. 45,46,47 IN THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR JOHN SIIVIPSON. ALL PERSONS having claims' against the estate of Arthur John Simpson, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died -on or ab'out the eighteenth day of - April, 1970, are hereby required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or bef re ihe nineteenth day of Novem er, 1970, after which date the ets of the estate will be distributed. J. KENNETH HUNTER, 30 North Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitor for the estate. 45,46,47 IN THE ESTATE OF CLARA SCHOLTZ. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Clara Scholtz, late of the Village of Auburn, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the sixth day of February, 1970, are' hereby required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the nineteenth day of November, 1970, . after which date the assets of the estate will - be distributed. J KENNETH HUNTER, 30 North Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitor for the estate. 45,46,47 MAN with 1/2 ton truck will do odd jobs as disposing leaves,. raking, cleaning garages and basements and small moving jobs. Phone 482-3331. — 46,47,48 HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call SUperior Maintenance, phone 524-8892; Goderich, .— eow • • ALL persons having claims against the • Estate of GEORGE WILFORD BAECHLER, Retired Restaurant Owner, late of the Town of Goderich, in the .County_of Huron; who died on or about the 15th day of June,' 1970, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 28th day of November, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 29th day Of October, 1970. Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. 45,46,47 . ALL persons having claims against the Estate of VERDUN Labourer, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of July, 1970, are required to file the same with full particulars with the underSigned by. the 28th day of November, 1970, as after that date the assets of 'the estate will be distributed. . DATED --at Goderich, Ontario, this 27th day of October, 1970. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., . '33 MOntreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 45,46,41 IN T ifIE ESTATE OF LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODRRICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. All persons claiming against the above Estate wee required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 1970, after - which date the assets will be DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Ooderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 45,46,47 NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS OF TOWNSHIP 00 COLBORNE Notice of Meeting 'to Consider By -Law Take notice that a By -Law Dix* raising $70,000.00 under provisions of the Tile Drainage Act will_ be taken, into consideration by the Council o the Township of Colborne at Township Hall, Carlow, 8th day of December, the hour of 8:60P. 10, at C. Ambery, 17,./B6sINESS NOTICE .$5,000.00. Gall Don' Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, for irpa cial farm repayment terms. Phone. 524-8349. —36-49 IN THE ESTATE 0'; ALL PERSONS havi claims against the estate f Minnie Athena Fisher, te Of the Township of lborne, in the County of roil, Widow who died on 9,Eabout the fourth tlay of -14Iy, 1970, are hereby reqniied to forward full p ticulars of their claims to the ndersigned on or before- the nineteenth day of November, 1970,.after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. J. KENNETH HUNTER, 30 North Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitor for the estate. 45,46,47 16. PUBLIC -NOTICE Sales & Service. Authorized and Bonded Representative. Contact Al Riley 524-6514. 45,46,47,48 19. LOST AND FoUND LOST 12 ft. counter chrome strip. Finder please , phone 524-9878. — 46 HAVE `MU Ul EN BURGER BAR YI USED CAR BUSINESS IS BOOMING! WHO'S KIDDING WHO? ,.WANTED VOLUNTEER FIREMEN 27tf WANTED Dead and 'disabled cattle and • horses, highest prevailing prices paid. 24 hour service — 7 days a week Fast, Efficient Service • Calc Collect Brussels 877h9324 BRUSSELS PET F000 ,Supplies 1% miles south of Brussel Lie. No. 273.040 40tfr► MALE RESIDENT Q5 GODERICH EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE OR 0\M:I PHYSICALLY FIT ADDRESS APPLICATIONS TO: Ted Bisset Chief 88 Pictoh St. GodWpich • OR HAT'S THE REASON? WELL, AS I SEE IT 'N. -- it appears to -be a generai trend that.tne two atm:moque business seems quieter than usual for this time of year. What's the reason? I really don't have the answer but f do believe car buyers are hesitant at this time of year' and usually wait for bad weather to pome, and, when their old car won't start or they decide -ft won't take them through - the winter, they walk fxom car lot to car lot in a couple of .feet of snow hying desperately to find another car when it really isn't necessary. Why? Because at firesent you're in the driver's seat. Mr,. Motorist, there is a good selection of cars available nqw and we are p,repared to constder any reasonable offer 'and give you fair value for your old ear that may be worth something now and very little in the bad weather when it jugt doesn't seem to want to go. Don't let the cold weather make up your mind to trade. Come in arid see us now! Low down payments. Convenient tOrms. No payments till January 1971. Gordon Walters Secretary • 1410 Bruce St. Goderich. GRAF'S SERVICE GOAD IVIUNROE PHONE 524.841 • JOHN tiftAt- *44 ft