The Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-2, Page 5tti 22 NERVE 1ELIV'w7'-'ina.Yib art R new oW, jV covens WO .clue the worst oases o Nervous 1)el)dity Lost VihYor ait< 1-, 1\r ` kailirut ivlaibiotf; rastons the •Ile wettikituss or body or uiiud cauat t by .over eerie, or the errors oros- emirs se seem, 'Tia Remedy ab 401ute,y pares the ntobti obebinato cases when all other e' ID 1121 A1) 10."% Mara 14204 eXcnto relieve. Mold by drug. at bi per pike/tale, o': am for > VMg�_cant b ' ntar4.an tore*, 4 t of Itrieo by aiitl viw1r•+t�'A H ai� lu6 S Soot ter rN Q O., 'steamy)..Ont, till+ 'or Sale in .Cxoter lhy 3. W. Rivowrithkg Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain, living near Dun-. cridge, Icy., administered a large dose of arsenic to her ten -year-old son last evening and then took a dose of the poison herself The boy died in terrible agony, ;n a shoe time, ']Vlrs, Charnberian cannot live. Fam- ily 'rouble was the cause. A CURE FOR HEADACHE. Headache arises from constipation, bad blood, dyspepsia or liver complaint. As 13. 13. 13. cures all thesecomplai,•ts iiia natur- ally the most successful headache cure exis ting. Once the cause is removed the head- ache vanishes. The dead body of a female infant was found on the doorstep of Mr. George clay: den's house. Toronto on Wed. night. An inquest is to be held.' NO REMEDY cures Coughs, Colds Croup, : 'Hoarseness Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat, etc„ so well as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, The Farmers binder twine factory at Brantford is now in full blast, and there is ta.k of triplicating the machinery. A VALUABLE HINT. When you are attacked by cough or cold do not delay but commence at once to use Hagyar•d's Pectoral Balsam, Thts old standard remedy removes all irritations loosens the phlegm, and .heals the muscou, ' surfaces, curing coughsand colds of all kinds. Fourteen business places in Watford were destroyed by fire Thursday morning. For 9 n case of nervousness, sseepsess- indigestion,dyspepsia, ness weak stomach, try• Carter's Little NeryPills. Relieis sure. The only nervemedicine for the price in market. Frank Holland was hanged at Bravoria, Tex., Thursday Holland was the murderer of three travellers on the. San ,Bet nardriser. FOR SPRRAINS AND BRUISES. No other remedy cures sprains, bruises, Cuts, wounds, chilblains, sore. throat, rheu- matism, etc., so promptly as Hagyard's Yellow Oh. It is au old standard remedy that has given perfect satisfaction for 3o years. Corhett's r.o,000 cheque for his fight with, I,lithell: has been posted, BURDOCK PILLS give satisfaction whereever tried. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Geo. E. Young has been committed for trial for the muder of Fred Grover in South - avoid township on February S. A CURE FOR DYSPSIA. Dyspepsia is a prolific cause of such dis• eases as bad blood, constipation, head- ache, ane liver complaint. Burdock Blood Bitters, is guaranteed to cure or relieve dyspepsia if asld according to directions. `Thousands have tested it with best re tsults. At Lebanon N. H. Charles Ray, re years of age, hanged himself Thursday night. He was desponent. Backache Is almost immediater.y reLiev ted by wearing one of. Carter's Smart Weed and Ber ,adonna Backache Pasters. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents. Director -General Davis, of the World's Fair notifies exhibttors to prepare their space at once, - BAD BLOOD CURED. Gentlemen,—I have used ynur Burdock Blond Bitters for bad blood . and I find ` it 3t without exception, the best purifying tonic in use. A short time ago two veru large and painful boils came on the back of myneck, B. B. B. completely drove them away. Sam. Blain Toronto Junction The Dakota divorce bill, requiring six months' residence in all cases, and one year where personal service cannot be had, is a law. THOROUGH DIGESTIBILITY and Nutritive value are two strong: points in fa- vor of Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites. 'Col. Bernard, brother of Baosness Mac .donald, died in Montreal Saturday, FROM THE FAR NORTH. In northern climate people are very sub- ject to colds, but the natural remedy 1s also produced in the same climate. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, hoarseness. asthma bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 25 and 56 cents. A colored woman at Barnesville. Ga., went to a frolic on Thursday night, leaving her five children at home. and they were all burned to death. KILL THE WORMS or they will kill your child. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best wor'in killer. It is said the Grit .wire -pullers of London are endeavoring to buy off Mr.: Boston,' the South Middlesex nom'nee for the Commons with the vacant registrarship; of the country in order to get Mr. El) man elected to go to Ottawa. There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pines. those who are troubr.ed with net'' vous weekness, night sweats, etc., shour,d try them. The chartered banks of Vancouver, B. C. will accept Amerioan silver only at zo per cent, dis%•ount after March r, in or ler to get rid of the overflew. �.,•r, 0.ISi'!4'i V,4470.01. ' SURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Bost Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Soldby druggists, Another Blank Failure in Ailsa Craig, Owen & Co,((J,T. Owen being the bead°of the firm), private bankers Mon day suspended payment. The failure is said to be due 't9 a run made upon the bank by depositors, in consequence of the Shipley bank failure. The to' tal deposits amounted to $10,000. The effects of the failure will not be very serious, it is believed, to anyone, but it is unlikely that -the bank will resume business A Child Outraged. Jennie McLeod, a little, 11 -year-old 'girl whose parents live on I:lidout Street, Lon don,between King and Durr des, Inas accosted by a man near' the Robinson Hall corner about 9,30 on Saturday night, The' child was in duced to accompany the man over Kensingaton Bridge into London West, and after they turned' on,Centre street, the stranger took her into a lonely spot in I.t,ily's orchard <tnrl there outraged. ben After that hes brought the little girl back as far as the bridge and sent her home. The :child's 'horrible story wa', hardly credited until Dr. Weld was called and examined her. She was fouud to be very seriously injured and is in a sad state at her home. The girl. eouid giye a very imperfect des- cription of her assailant, but the coup ty Wheels' are looking • fur him. ts 4 Mr. V. J, Blatchford; a formerresi- dent, of Wing;ham, but who is now in the lumbering business in Colorado, U. s 0 S, has been spending.a. week with. friends in London. Mr. B. is strong in his denunciation of those Canadians who adv ocate •tun exation to the United States; and states that they are either rouges or fools to do so -rogues if they for are imaginary gain, knowing all the circumstances of the two countries, :would still advocate a change of al leg•iauce; and fools if they advocate it without that knowledge. Mr. Blotch ford has spent many years iii. the Unit- ed States, and claims that Canadians have every reason to be tharikeful for their position as compared to what it would be if once placed under the Stars and Stripes. He takes a pair of the Union Jacks with him for use on Canadian holidays. and he looks for ward to the time when he will be in' a position' to once more 'return to the land of his birth" Fire Record. The barns and stables belonging to Mr, Wm. Bates, near Bayfield, was burned on Wednesday of last week Supposed to be insured. Value $1,500. Caused by lantern .heing kicked by a horse.' LUCA.N. FEB. 22nd.—A disasterous fire originated -here in the Western Hotel stable, owned by John Whalen last night between 12 and 1 o'clock, and had it not been for the strenuous efforts firemen and citizens in tearing down the small buildings be- tween the barn and hotel• the latter would surely have succumbed to the destroying elements:as did the barn: Everything in the barn was destrowed two valuable horses, cow, buggy, cut ter and a quantity of hay, ete. It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Insured for $150, loss 1000. Clinton, Ontarin, Feb. 24.—The liv- ery belonging to Deputy Reeve D. B. Kennedy was discovered to be on fire at 630 this morning, which resulted in the loss of eight horses (one of them belonging to Dr. Turnbull) valued at about $1,200. Owing to the flames be- ing checked by a quantity of hay in the loft, where the fire' was supposed to have originated, not much of the build- ing was destroyed,` and the horses were not burned but suffocated, Insurance $600 on the contents and $600 on the building. t The Congregationalists came very near losing their commodious house of worship in Wingharn, Iti order: to heat the chureh for Sunday a big fire had been :eft burning in the furnace in the Casement on Saturday night, and ,in. some manner the floor was set on ''fire.' Mr, A W. Webster was returning home about 1.15 m. from his place of busi.. ness, and noticing; the state of arffairs,. gave the alarm, A few minutes long- er and the edifice would have ' been gutted, and as it is, no service can be held for a few weeks, the basement be- lt; e eing danla�ed to the, extent' of about $500. The organ upstairs was dam- aged by the heat. Coyered byinsur once. —A cl vulses. "The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating." Metobisys Kidney and Li- ver Cure has been pronounced the best remedy ever put in a bottle, for the cure of all symptoms' indicating Kid nev or Liver complaint, The British hotel, Mitchell, has been Sold to a gentleman, from Milverton. - e takes ' p. ssersiin this week, 7'he rice paid was $4,000, Mrs Larkwor- h,y atld family will retire into private gnai'ters, Mis. John Gemmel!, who lived near Sea -.II forth, died very soddenly at the residence P of James Sproat, Tuckersrnith, Thursday t evening. t 11.6•1711 °'i'u'au'Ki'nuv.emMSOMISAe+M1a'75 exa.+em2�Lece�,• 66 pleteJ a a 7 AN ka' How to ATTAIN. IT." x5Istedietii Work that *Tette the 4eatises, Deseribed the Xg'ecta, Points the Reinedy. Scisntiffcelly the most valuahls, artistically the Most beautiful' medical boot: ever pub- lisped t 11b pages, every page bearing a half -tune iltustrntion ill MRS, Subjeots treutcd:-- N'tervous trebuiity, 1iupotettcy, tterixitr, Development, Vaeicocele, xite.nusbatrcl, Tho::e Zi tend3u r• 14.. u'siap'e, ctc, r Xvery mar) who tvould'knw the Grand Trude the Plain 1 tcts, the Old Secrets and lNOA' l)ISaovt['tcsoftletlicat;iu,t t,casapphedwiVlarvwttl,ifc N'hoWoril.ttatone for past m 1 1 foes;1avoid I Mitre 1114,1113, sn111 i111ruu aur this w 1),,,,kr'111,,1.;11 I L1; lk)(Yl.. It wed bo el'Uu, ...utter seal, •whileptte edition Lean, Address the publishers, d U MEDrCLCoABv.irAk1.Y. n,u4y uiiiun,rswauew,utlacevaifasf�naednvurx„veacib�nm.ai:”,"'. Rost and d►l l CHE5ig PAuS Yd.l i once tly v viLmte.S4 ct I o9 hs "odd �l h�cYad r� �v►�Q S' ) aha /i�04zra id A as k fO �i e ?" .� IV e IG 5t; oTTL1'iilr News of the Week in Brief. Beware of crude imitations; see that the name "Diamond" appears on every package you buy. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re- storing the pertaltic action of the ali- mentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. The California Legislative Assembly has passed a bill making prize fight- ing, with or without gloves, a felony • "MoLEAN,.RESCTJED Hnrniags' Mills, Fe hy 27th. -People of this village and vicinity who read with wonder Rudastonishment the marvelous cure Dodd's Kidney Pills rnade iu the case of Sam \hurray, of Gravenhurst, and Mrs, Brown, of To routo, which seemed almost too start. ling to be t:ue, are now no longer in doubt,that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest medicine ori earth as there has been a cure right here in this vil lane almost as wonderful Mr. Wm. McLean of this place' has for months been troubled with backache, nervous- ness, lack of ambition. loss nz appetite and flesh. Symptoms which only exist when the felldestroyer 'Bright's Dis- ease" has the victim in its grasp, which is generally regarded as :incurable, Mr McLean has been thoroughly cured by a two months' use of this remedy and frankly say sthat they sayed hts life President Harrison' has revoked the tolls levied on Canadian vessels in Sault. Ste. Marie canal, in consequence of the Dominion government abolish- ing' the discrimination against Amen can vessels passing through Canadian ca nals., Jolvn, Aikens Of St.I ary',s, Ont. A Great Sufferer from m Perfectly Cured by hood's Sarsaparilla The best stomach tonics known to medical science are so happily com- bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its, severest forms, when other medicines fail., In many cases Hood's Sarsapa- rilla seems arsapa-rilla.seems to possess a magical' touch, so quick and' so gratifying the relief: Rad the following from an aged and respected citizen of St: Mary's, Ont.: "I am very glad to give this testimonial as to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I have been taleititg modfcine For 25 Years and I never had anything do me as muco good as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every Symp- tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap- peared and I feel that I cannot praise the ,medimno too highly, ' I Eat Better, Slee Better and feet sli ongerr than 1• /cavo for anatty years. I 11'15e taken six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla bought of Mr. Sanderson, the druggist," Jorix irrc1rrs. COY Dxfd.L ENDOASE IEN2'. Prom Mr. Saft,clerson, tine 7Srucup'tst. "I know Mr„ Aikens to be a strictly honest, straightforward man, and take mita pleasure in testifying to the truth of tiro testimonial Ila gives above," r.' G. SA ImItso'rr, Drug- gist, ()aeon Street, 85 Marys, Ontario. Hoon's PILL$, tho bost,ifter•dinnerrifts; . Assist digestion, prevent eoestipntiof. The five mile skating pace in, the 1 skating rink, on 'Tuesday evening' last between' Messrs. H. McNaughton, of Mussels. al 5 ,;lli Elliott, � urrbt r Y, resulted infavor of IVJcNaughton by teri feet. The time was 22 ininutes, USED ALL OVER THE WORLD. First in purity, strength, brightness and durability stand the ever inyin cible Diamond Dyes. Tens . of thous- ands haveused them in all parts of the world, ax testify rd to Grf with rth pride and pleasure regarding the magnificent work done by them. Year after year the Diamond Dyes maintain their high character for uniform excellence. They are easy to use iu the home, and fail- ures aro unknown, INtuBoalEutoAgmy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm. fTi' Y(1LT WANT TO l3uy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend. Money. IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr, Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. de teal. Inten n„ purchasers will ll receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, Box. 44 Watch This Space Next Week. S. GID -9L,,. Odd Fellows Bloch. Opposite J Grigg's Stationary. THE KEY To.w 'Unlock all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off graduallywithouweakeningthe sys- tem, all thimpurities and: fol humors of the secretions; at the same time cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia„ Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the. Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Flutteringof the heart Ner- vousness, and eneral, Debility ; all these an t d many other similar Complaints field to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Salo bij alt .Demers. T.I ILRUR$t & CO., Proprietors, Toronto, Emtni svgs Wanted,. Dressed Or Alive. Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt, off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either.bun•gut or gullet, if left in. Hogs All to be cut' through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hog's weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SHELL BRCS & Co. ,010.1111111 Exeter JI1lls!c1 1iitrllMeifl EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MIT! PROPS. We cart' the most complete Stock of Musical instrumexits,in the .county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS', aLso SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES.. FARM IMPLEMENTS &c, The above instruments always on hand: Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN UN .1. E lei; TAKING ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (OnoDoor north Molson's Bank,) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY. The balance of our Xmas goods must be cleaned out to make room for a large consignment of Spring nouelties. A Specialty T.7 Fin 'd'aiE PEOPLE'S 1101111 We keep on handl the 1 111,'1 sI stock: of Dour and Peed 11 Town, t � Our 1 c7,a E l.+ l � oill°c� .t' tlie lead. Airy quantity of. Aran L& Shorts at T�i11 Priees. ,'•Farmer=s will find it to their ad- vantage to give us a call and sne our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. lli• th4st 1•r5tees Paid for Oats. R. S. Richardson/ Opposite '.I own, Hall. Man, PALACE The undersigned having; handsome ,y fitted up his parlor and restaurant -will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply' of Confectionery, Bread, l:'read, Luns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesdav and Saturday afternoon, A 11 orders left. with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to, Oysters and fruits of all kinds in beir season. D, W. FOSS, DR. w? Y 67 Norway 51 .e Byre E Rich In the lung -healing virtues of '•c Pine combined with the soothic and expectorant .t properties of other pectoral herbs, and barbs, P A PERFECT CRC elft COUGH'S AND COLD, Hoarseness Asthma, Bronchitis, Sere Thrroa', Croup and all THROAT 13RO1 CHIAL. auS1 i' LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate t.ot- t .nt hien 11 resist other remedies yield proctiptly to Jhis pleasant piny syrup, PRICE 250. AND Q00. Per}, Matrfai'a 904a Ov •LL OnV ca76TQ.' A ING S11. ::alst EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock 11,11tinn infer C4 -0C) 3 ., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made nip in the Latest Style, at befit Rates. A. J. SNELL Never was there known such low price in Furniture before, as you will find at S Having purchased the Wal'erooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews. I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding Country that, 1 am offering all kinds of furniture at greatly reducEd rates. A11 Goods guaranteed to be my own hand make of first-class drymateriel and' put together in the strong est possible manner and of the latest design and finish. All kinds of ordered work and repairing receives` my prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex- change for FURNITURE. The only place in town where you can buy the Ya 1e s Patent Dornink®m Nie 1 e Plated Wire Mattress -!-Fest in the Market. Atkinson . , Andrew's (old Stand 2 doors ?�'olth. Town Hall, Exeter.: