The Exeter Advocate, 1893-3-2, Page 3TliE x.d vro. ate+ S.A.N)JERS es DYER, Props. THURSDAY, 1V1APbCIT 2ild7 1893 $C)iYIE POIN'Tli,TS FOP OUR FAR11E 1 S. We sometimes wish that our farnlel arould enjoy the privilege of to seat i the people's bakery at Ottawa and lis en to the debate now going•on m Pa ;';tangent on the tariff. Next to that the opportunity ,.tttbicbsd them of res big the full text of the speeches Boli eyed there, as reported in the nail 'journals, Many, however, liave:neitt er the' tirne nor the opportunity of wac ing through the details and statisti in' -rod aced by the differout speakers o F this all itrt •rurt.tu. debate,. And titer 1 1 `1. l t fore for the benefit of onr riumor'ot readers we have thought well to tab late a few of the leading. facts and fig tires culled from the latest authuritis returns to Parliament. It is passin strauu•e that the National Policy shout come ir, for such a measure of uriticis and abuse. from Opposition member simply because it was a Liberal•Cor seryative measure. Had it been bantling of the Grit party, full justic would have been aceorded to Its meri The two principal features of the N. e• -which ought recommend its ac 5 t o' . ceptance to every lover of his couutr -are (1) the number of industrial es tablishments encouraged by its pro teetive policy, together with a vast in crease in, the number of our peopl employed as factory hands; and (2) wider extension of oma home marke 3or the benefit of the farming commuu 1ty: 'Now, let us look calmly at a fe facts: hi 1892 Canada produced uncle the protective system of the N P. clos -upon $170,000,000 (in round numbers worth of manufactured goods over and above what was produced in 1881; the same year the number of hand employed in manufacturing establish ments exceeded the number employed in 1881 by about 11.8,000 operatives there werein operation last year it Canada over 25,840 factories more that what existed in 1881; of exports of mat Eve manufactured goods in 1891 there was an excess of nearly $55,000,000 worth above those of 1878, when the Grits were in power, -and this in ad- dition to a greatly increased home • market. ,Then look at our home mar- ket, the benefits of which have been largely reaped by our farmers without sending their products out of the ccun try; we find that during. 1891 over and above what was consumed in home manufactures in 1878 we have an ex- cess of nearly $158,000,000. Our peo- ple benefited by the National Policy to that extent, because foreign goods were thus displaced by home 'menu: factures, Again -the Canadian farm - en sreaped : the benefit of the duty placed on corn, wheat and oats to the extent of 12,000,000 bushels; while on thearticles of pork, beef and mutton. 15,000,000 pounds of American pro. ducts were shut out by the govern rnent's protective policy. In one year alone, the result of protection to our farmers yielded them a million dollars more than they had before, owing to the imposition of duty on American meats. Another direct result of the N 1'. is a reduction in the cost of living, You can buy to 25 pounds of,gran- lated sugar, when in 1878 only 8 or 10 pouuds could be purchased for the same money. So of tea, cottons, Hall nels, woollen goods, etc., -all of. Which can be had at greatly reduced prices compared with 1878. Then, if we look at the value of farms -about which so munch has been said, as if any Govern- ment were to blame for depreciation in the price of farm lands -we find, ac' cording to the Ontario Bureau of Stat: istics (prepared under the supervision of the Mowat administration), that, not -withstanding there was a shrinkage in the value of farm lands, owing to.. the remoyal' of many of our young farmers to Manitoba said the North West Terri tory,-vet-in Ontario farmers were holding their own; so much so that while in 1882 the returns show farm buildings to have been valued at $182,- 000,000, in 1890 they were valued at $1921,000,000. harm implements are reported to Le 25 per cent: c'eeaper to day than in 1878-9; and live stock are put down in value to day at $103,000 ,ea against $85,000 in the great 1882 "t'aking the livestnek, farm irnple tments, btlildings, anti fame in Ontario the Bureau of Stittistn.s officially prepared by 114r. Mowat's ,rovelnuncut allows that the Farmers of Ontario are better off to`daty by ' $100,000,000 than the,Y were a few yeal's ago! The na Menai debt is decreasing --the GovernsvCi i` most t ar•e using the strictest. economy }ti r9xpernditito-• the burdcu of tatation ,� t r1 1 rS 1 ssr.l til r 7 rPaRnlaC' ofar • rn yimmense Vet/fission of duty on roan` articles of daily consumption -the deposits iu tbo Governiment Savings' ' flanks aro ori the increase -mortgage illdebtednoss is being gradually ditniirished-on the whole, the condition of, our people is riot for ono moment to be compared. with the records of poverty and distress to be found in the papers of New York and Chicago. All that is wanted to boom Canada is eucouragotnent to our^ native il]duetries and all improved gleans of coinmunicatiots across the Athletic to brings the British . market nearer to our, doors. Meeting of the South Huron Meeting (ioiiserya tit ves, On Friday of last week a meting of 'the Conservatives of the South Riding was held in IIetisall. Though the weather was most inclement, and 'the roads very bad, prominent members of the party were -present from all parts of the Riding. The'uteeting was the largest, most una nnous and most un thusiastic dist has taken place in the history of the party in S. 1-luron, Evi• dontly the candidate, kir D. Weismiller is a popular•. one. Mr. Weismiller is a German, a genial fellow and possessed of indomitable pluck and energy. He has foughthis way up to a top place in his commercial pursuits, and earned for himself an irreproachable name for honesty and 'iuteg•ity. While in his native tongue, German, he is a talented speaker Mr, Weisliuller has acquired a fluency and practicability in English just sufficient toma make him a most pleasant speaker He will make a strong all roturd candidate and hard to beat. Mr; Weisnritler addressed the meeting at length. He said , he had much' praise for Mr. Mowat's little act of loyality in dismissing Elgin Meyer, but great disgust for Oliver's white washing annexationist, Hardy. It. would be, he said a case of dog eat dog if Mowat dared attack. It was a ques- tion if Hardy .had not already: begun gobbling Oliver, be that as it may, Mowatt dared not dismiss 'Hardy for utterances ten •times more disloyal, and traitorous than were the uttera,n ces of Meyers, Sir Oliver said Mr. Weismiller had been particularly kind 'to himself and his family, - IIe had given the best office in the gift of the Province to his beardless son Fred,who had drawnout of the pockets of the hard-working people -of Ontario the sum of $42,000 in about five 'years- and in return Mr. Fred Mowatt had. rendered the people of this Province the important service of driving "tan dem" to his office with his coachman and footman twice a day when he mane aged to spend half an hour• possibly smoking ten cent cigars, while a clerk whom he paid $1200 a year performed all the duties of the office. But then, Mr Weismiller said, Mr. Mowatt is a righteous man., ' Mr, Weismiller scored the government of Oliver Mowatt on its boasted surplus, and asked why, if such surplus existed, they bled the municipalities of their life blood, why they sacrificed our timber, why they had resorted to taxing the estate of de- ceased -persons, He reminded his hear- ers that the tax gatherers were creat ures of the Mowatt government, point- ed out the wretched state of our Mun icipal law through the blundering leg- islation of Mowatt. He "roasted" Sir Oliver on his . "tap funds" : his gerrymander of the Province and his refusal to give the electors a secret ballot. Mr. Weismiller's address was cheered to the echo. After speeches from Dr. Rollins, Gen. Jackson; L. 11 Dickson and Dr. Bethune the business of the meeting was taken up, John Torrance, President in the chair. A constitution and by laws for the Asso dation was submitted and adopted. The following officers elected: -John Torrance, Pres; Geo. Jackson, Dr. Role: line, Henry Silber Vice•Pres.; organ tier in chief, L. H.. Dickson; sec: •M. J. White; Tress, T. B. Carling. Resolu tions of couildencet in W. R. Meridith and his supporters, and :in candidate, 1Ir. Weismiller, were adopted. The meeting,}yas closed with cheers for the Queen'. Usborne. (To late for last week.) Mr. Esli Heywood bought a ewe at. Mr. Cornish's sale the other day which gave birth to two fine larnbs on Mon day 20th of February, This is the first. lambs of the,season yet heard 'of -Mr. Thos. Bissett of the 3rd con. of Us hurtle has a span of valuable colts, s, very ill with istcn tr,- 1. & Mrs. H; I+iukbiner, of Crediton who have : been visiting Mr. Fink beiner's two brothers jn Usborne, for the past month will re- turn to their nein home, in Crediton, in a couple of weeks., -Ali Win. Coats while on an errand at Wm, :F'isher's, tied his horse securely to a post, and during his stay, the animal its his cur' tensity, carefully untied the knot and started for home, but was captured be fore it hacl gone very far, by Mr. John Welsh: --Mr, Thos, Coats was thrash ing grain one day last week, which is somethings settle seen 'Iowa day. - Ma Wm, Fisher is on the siek list, caused by a gatleritig, in his throat, Orr Monday the lump broke anti. he is now on the mend. Also Mr. Wesley WVtrlslr is unable work, owinn tor, za lame beck, which he. reuelvitd While taking the hind shoes .from his.etitire horse,- Mr•. Thos. Cornish en the 2nd can. of Usborne held a sale, on Thursday Stir The stents raeged high, hut still, the farmers ciusttrred titre, fr;otn far° and 000,r Stock sold high while its ti great titan c<tises bill igil .rt.iments sold for y I more than flew U11L9 would cost, Tho faint Wag 5rglIthe i t o u t,aU stern of '5001 . $ and in d addition tothis the• uuycr .had tn'Pay ' S1&Oc+trafor fall work. Mr. Cornish realized from h whole U the t r0 t3 abbot co r. , °� 00 At tl while Mr: Cornish received t .geed ngurc fur his farm, 11r,.11iggius ha4 also purehasod a, desirous property and has got good value for his money. Mr. Cor rrisli shall move to town shortly. Messrs Esti and Joso 1 -Heywood have erected a telephone; which has proved quite 'a success, and which is. quite 00 advantage to both parties concerned, and it is expected many a similar one will be erected ere long. Zurich. Mr: A. T. Acheson, of the Central Hotel Exeter, and O. EI, Sanders, of the ADVOOATn, were seen on our streets Sunday. -Mr. Wur MeNevin, enter- tained' his brother' and sister from Dungannon Sunday, -Mr. A. G. Dyer and son :Dan, of Exeter, were the guests of Mr. D. Steinbach, Sunday.- 1&19tT1204. ROWOL1r1:'.-It Rodg'erville, on 25th ult. the wife of John Rowcli (1of a daughter. TIonarsites-In Usborne. on '29th, ult,, the wife of Mr, Andrew 1=lodgert of a son. PAsSlltosia,-In Usborne, on 26th ult., AIM wife of Henry Passmore, of a daughter BA1:SnoN•-til Melbourne, on 22nd nit, the wife of C. J, Batsdon of a son, 111AltUtlLQL.G13r . MCMAHON-Por nooic-At; the rest: dente of the bride's parents, Sauble Line, Ilay tp„ on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. R, S. Carrier, of Grand Bend John McMahon, to Miss A,'liir: Pollock-' daughter of Mr. John Pollock, FLUKFIR-THOMPSON-At the residence of the bride's mother, Hey,; on the 15th ult, by Rey. S. Acheson; Mr: John Flutter, of East Wawanosh, to Marion, daughter of Mrs. G. Thomp- son. Biddulph, (To late for last week.) Wm. Stanley while: engaged around a grain crusher orie day recently - had his right hand caught between the rollers, mangling it severely and break ing the fingers. It was thought that the hand would necessarily have to be amputated but under the able treat- ment of Dr. Clark heis doing favors ably. -St. Valeutines day passed off quietly, although some of our ardent youths seemed disappointed at getting; no yalentine.-15th inst., Ash Wednes- day, Lenten season; all dancing strict- ly prohibited.-Theroads are again in bad condition -Wheat and oats has advanced in price during the past week. -Mr. Wm. Herbert has purchas ed afarm a little north of Exeter and intend removing thereon .shortly-- Once more it becomes our painful duty to record the death of one of our most promising young men, Mr, Wesley Jude, of Lucan. His funeral took place on Sunday in the Nursery ceme= tery, He leaves a widowed mother and two sisters to mourn his demise. '-De ceased was much respected and being the only son will be much missed by the family, who have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereave ment.-There died at the'famtly resi- dence 2nd con. on Tuesday 21st ,ult., Emma beloved wife of Mr. Wm Desh- man in the 34th year of her age, The family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community.' IMIRINNONIONIS Mr. and iligrs. = Frederick. i-aejotee Because hood's Sarsaparilla Rescued Their Child from' Scrofula - For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other ' foul humors in the blood of children or adults, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an ' unequalled remedy. Read this: "we are so thankful to Hood's Sarsapa- rilla for -what it 001 for our little girl that we stake this Statement for the bendat of other anxious parents and Suffering Chttdren Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump and. healthy, But when she was two years old, sores broke out behind her ears and 1-preatl rapidly over her, head and forehead down 1'0 her eyes, and into her neck. We coos llted one of the bestphysicians in Brook- lyn, butaothing did her any good. The doe - loll said it was caused by a scrofula halter in the blood. Her head became Opno CotitpCoto Sore oa'enaive to the smell and dreadful to look at. Fier general Health waned and she would lay ,11 L large chair all flay without any Ole or en cagy. The sores caused Ertat iitcliq,ig and bursting, so that at ,thnes we had to restrain her Lands to l reventscratching. For 3 years Ao $if 'or°cd Foarf�:ully Us terrible humor. Being urged t0 try 1 1)3111 s S pts 11)arilla we d:id so. We soon noticed d th Lt She lracl more life and appetite;. The mII altc,rno seamed to drive out rmore of Ino fiinner for asliort tlntr, hut itsoon began to ainside, the i 1.013111 nod liatia'iai,, asei en , lid to arm non the her 1t cad becatr,e entirely clear of. the sore. t]ro18110wperfectly woli,, 1:81110 ovirirrtt r of the Mune , anti hertkin Is e1,41. and c ,1 het :thy. , She 9et,111s like � an.ett- tl Iv illt1c r, nt elt11r1 in hi -'1111 and general aape3rtineo, fr orrr what she se IS before taleIng. p4rffl S P1 Paneentetc, 311 Gienmore ;live., East l cwlork, Brooklyn, N.'3'. • This TestliTtohriai Istn111ustrationof wl a.t: t 1 toed 3 Sarsaparilla 13 rtorng for the sick and sritferiug .overy tiny, front Annie to 0 tllforrtia, In the light- of these f,rtts who can say that site work of an ntinense concerti like o t uis is het benehcont? euro liver it Moans PiLLs 18,Constipatlon, jaintilide, Sick hoarlaohe, itt11gSSOon, WYou ANT TRAVEL TO through life by the rough stages O;£ coug,he, colds andconsunlp. tion, be careless of yourself during the damp, cold weather • and DON" V use Allen's Lung Balsam for that nasty cough of yours. But if you'd like to live to a green old ago in health, and consequently in happiness, use Allen's Lung Balsam as a preventive and cure of all Throat and Lung diseases, PRICES - 25e, 50c el $1.00 Per Bottle, On Tuesday Charles Wilson, residing about three miles from Gilmour, while felling a tree, was struck on the head by a falling limb, inflicting a severe wound, also fracturing the skull He remained unconscious until Thursday. and died at noon; DELICATE E MURRAY taN2E©aN Ake PURE SWEET LASTING dt' VC+Ti�9 RICH RARE PUNGENT tveb 'iii M A TVATEE STiLL' HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FRAGRANT I Fresh Maple Syrup at THE PEOPLE'S GROERY and Liquor Store We order our goods often and keep ourstock always fresh aid clean. Parcels de- livered free in any paat of Town. Ono Door Soutli Opera hall. When in need of a FALL SUIT -011 I11fBI' o9CPCCri1 CALL ON BERT. KNIGHT, .i The Clothier, Who gives the best satisfac- tion obtainable 1 bta' n a I1 tale 1i the village. He also has a raN/ i fs a 6 r u ri 0 r ! � In his quarters: Over F. J. Knight's G -i ocei r� Store, Yonr. Patronage Solicited. BERT. KNIGHT. ALACE GROCER wiainuamzeammazammi 7 FADD, N S S BLOCK, 1�Ere to Out. There is nothing we pride ourselves so much on as knowing that we keep the Freshest and best selected Stock of groceries in Exeter. Fresh esh . . . Salt -water Fish . Arriving . Almost every clay. OYSTERS, in can or bulk. Oofallkinds c0onstantlyNDG onODShand. M. Vincent, prop. The Cheapest and Best Place in Town To get your Boots and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MANSON'S! Just a few more pairs of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and. La - es' DongolaKids left. ��� (��� meat Door . j , South of Postoffico. SOUTH HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE Public meeting of the South Huron Farm - CT S rm-ers Institute will be held in DAS13WOOD, March 7, EXETER, March 8, VARNA,Marela 9, SEAFOPTIJ, March 10, Commencing at half past 'ten o'clock each day. Addresses on practical subjects will be delivered by0. C. ,Tam es, Toronto 'Deputy Minister of Agriculture, late professor of chemistry at the Agricultural 'College, Guelph; T. 3'. Dillon, Superintendam t of'the experimental creamery, 1MLountElgin; Simmons, Ivan stock breeder and shipped ; David Buchanan, editor of the Canadian Live Stools Journal,' Toronto ; john 'Burns, iiirkton, subfect, Road Making ; Wm.Jolrn- ston, Blanchard, subject, Ontario . farming compared with that of the Western States. A choice musical programme will be furn- ished by tits localeornmtttees, 01 connection with the evening meetings- of each place. For full particulars see programmes, J. B. 1 ENDIIRSON, TOEN HANNAH, President, Secretary ■ mGrain� pHoosier Steel reye H �l6, There aro more Hoosier Drills of our manufacture in use in Canada than ofallothers combined. Guaranteed the l.3est Drill Made Perfect and instantatnoous regulation of depth of Hots in all kinds of soil, TIM' ONLY PERFECT orto.FI FEED its 1140, The Ogui apmant of our factory with the trtest improved labor sawlnt: riao0inery and e. largely increased on: put enables tts to offer t•1ro Floosicr 10111. and ;L11 other implements of our mannfaoture at e r1o0s lower than aver before, er .l'or"cat 1 For ,1L .0 nos tic s mid a L1 terms, s s d Loi see stir local'agents ptlrrou 1lottt the co send to our oliica, ' g i unary, or XETER. HENRYJl?�iES,trent, IrigroI. 0 HAt1�liSsi!iAHE Pul0508 O S' Used to cure every, thing,butsiinpjy lead. aches. itI'ythem, el vitt cost but 25 cent* sae a bona antt 000 U a•"0 Isar aes8. Ther are not a Cathartic. ------assaaamseassessaaa READ AND LEARN. That our Planing 01i11, Sash Door Sr Blind .Factory is fitted up.•cvith the latest improve nrs1te. We, are prepared to do planing and matching, band an scrollsa wing turning moulding, grooving and all kinds .of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YARD you will find a large and well assorted stock ot'all kinds of building materials. Pine, and hemlock lum- ber dressed and mot dressed. See our stock, of x x and x x x Pine Shingles manufactured by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stook of A. 1 Cede r yhinglcs which' are excellent value, No. 1 Pine Lath eon - sten tly in Stook We have a lal.ge stook of barn sash which we can furnish with pr 1111)0a.1t g11LSS. We axe fitted up with mach- in ery specially adapted for nt ak in g all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns,which we can furnish to 11• 0 customers o 5 L om 0 n bort notice, We show something -new iiihr L s line for watering cat- tle in. the lfold or barnyard. Chir celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest 'prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter -All persons who want - CHEAP MONEY at 53, G and 63 PER CENT should call --at the— Office of n. Ta. COT LIB'S —THE— uzasemasismakm EJBV .8 AL--- SHAVINGr ...PARLOR. EXETER, - ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladle' and Children's Hair Cutting. .��. astinZS. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hair cut in the latest style, Ladies' Knots, Bangs and Switches made to order. E. H. FISH, Barber, -AGENT FOR THE - PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. W. G1 Bissett's Livery. .Hirst Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W . G-. BISSETT 1HRISTXE'S COW:MR(11AI)LIRi)Y Fust class. RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW" HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms c =cape m-W*1e Telephone Connection 9If?TIR6 :b�QflE. A complete stock of Pure andReliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —t:— at itt icG .; s Broggist's 1to5 At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions 7 and Family Roceipts carefully Prepared, Wilioirs the • . best 111: the market. C. L1TTZ. PROP..