HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-05, Page 7I "k ' I ,i ' J11 prr • l s .�• - Man is a builder. All wee ah 3teyi to do is look around us and WO . , can see the evidence that proves. his capability to create and • to construct. His creative instincts have wrought cities, kingdoms; • empires, and civilizations. We sometimes --stand in amazement, at what man can do. " We canr look' in awe and wonder at the genius of the ancient Aztecs, Egyptians; Greeks and Romans as we behold the wonders of ▪ their ' once flourishing civilizations We can marvel in, our n, our age at the ever expanding modern technology that. increases the capability of mankind to bring to pass the seemingly impossible,— Man mpossible,• Man as a builder lays many • foundations in this life. Because he is more than a creature of sinew and bone, passion and pride, and intellect and logic, but as a living soul, who bears the image of God, he lays the foundations which are more than materialistic in concept. -He lays foundations for his home, political beliefs, philosophy of life and religion. Whether: he realizes it_or not, he instinctively lays foundations. upon which others can build. If the structures which have been built upon these foundations are good "and beneficial, then its founder laid sure and solid foundations.:. If the structures- which have • Miinis.ters. study. . CAPTAIN BILL MQCUNE THE SALVATION ARMY the Only Foundation foundation of the Third` Reich which would last a thousand years, but he lived to see, the day when the Allied Armies crumbled his foundation, and he Passed into eternity as a suicide victim. It is interesting to 'note that the Nazi philosophy created by Adolph Hitler had in its foundations the teachings of Nietschzie and Darwin. Today, we see the 'colossus of Communism enslaving two thirds of mankind by its dialectic theories of materialism. The foundation of present day Communism was laid 100 years ago by Carl Marx and Fredrick Engels. Since that time Lenin crystalli4ed this philosophy and as a result produced a Communist society. f Stalin, Kruschev, Mao, Castro and 'others have patterned and built their own ' respecti've Communistic regimes on a• Marxist-Leninist- foundation. We can .be assured that this philosophy, which is Anti -God in content, bears the seed of its own destruction. ' " Many people attempt to build their°•lives on foundations which ignore the existence of God. They attempt to build their lives only on materialistic foundations without giving any consideration for their Lord. "He is despised and rejected of men": Therefore, they have no time; no desire, and no place .for Him. However, :when some calamity, disappointment, or sorrow deeply disturbs them personally, then and only. then, do some of them awaken to the realization that -their lives have been built on rcitten foundations. How can we then build a life on a certain and sure foundation? 'Where can we find the foundation that, will never collapse or decay? The Word of God reveals to `"us that if a person's life is to be built upon a firm foundation, that it must be built on a living faith, in Jesus Christ and His Holy Word. "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" _ 1 Corinthians 3:1 1. "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, • having this seal, The Lord kooweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart •from iniquity." 2 Timothy 2:19. Mrs. W. Robinson is appointed St. Peter's choir director The regular monthly meeting of St. Peter's Parish Council Advisory Board was held ' . on Monday evening, October 26. in the Parish Hall with the ,phairman, John Buchanan, presiding. The " meeting opened with prayer by Father been built upon, these Moynahan, followed by :the foundations • reading of the. minutes : of last are evil, then the• meeting by Mrs. Stimson. fonfider either did not .lay good Mrs. Mary Donnelly for the foundations, or else there has temporal committee reported been a betrayal of purpose and a that the matter of draperies for perversion of truth. the sanctuary was well under Not all foundations ' which way. Colours and materials had have been previously laid are been. chosen and subject to the firm and solid structures as their approval of two other members builders believed them to be. of the committee who were • Some of these foundations have absent, it was hoped to have crumbled and turned to dust, them ordered and completed as i nd their builders., have almost quickly as possible. become forgotten. History ' e records the power and glory of • Father Moynahan reported that the new Stations of the ancientcivilizations such as, the Babylonian, Macedonian, Cross had not as yet been ordered, pending a decision as to Egyptian, and Roman Empires, suitable design. • which spanned the known world with their decadent majesty; but' Coriamittee reports ,were .' iiuSehted`" $11n ` ` ead'`b`y `• `Mrs. because,"their fo•undatlons .,were Palmer for the recreational built upon false gods and committee, covering the summer humanistic philosophies, they activities. It was also pointed out • were from the beginning that it was her opinion and the "destined to decline and fall into unanimous opinion of all those decay. It would have been present that a fund raising 'difficult to ,convince the Kings of Babylon, the Pharoahs of Egypt, and the Caesars of Rome that the day would come when they would degenerate, into crumbling - heap and shin; especially, when their eyes were fat with the importance of' their majesty and full of the glory of their own domains. • History can teach us many lessons if we would only learn ik from it. One important lesson that we •can learn is that all :- foundations that man builds upon outside _of Jesus Christ are temporary. The Bible warns us: "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things • which are not seen: for the things which- are seen' are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" 2 ' Corinthians 4:18. For example: in the Second World War, Adolph Hitler tried to lay the 4 w committee shout be set up under the temporal committee to consist of from 11 to 15 persons, to organize the fund raising campaign, to commence after the first of the New Year. Mrs. Daniel Murphy for the spiritual committee reported that we had acquired the services of .Mrs. Warren Robinson to act as choir director. Keep up on current affairs the easy. way ,Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Chrigtian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy -to - read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and vvprld affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and .the arts. Read the ,newspaper that 91 % of Congress reads. MOM NM IMO NOM NMI IMMO MOO MIN Please send me the Monitor at the special introductory rate for six months for only $8 . •.". a saving of $7. -D Check or money order enclosed (] Bill me name street city state .THE CHRJSTIAN ScIpNcE •, MONI'O1t,,„ • fox 12'5, Astor Station Batton, Massachusetts 02123 zip- PB 1e8 BURGER BAR Now Open 11 a.m. Closed Sundays A Twilight Retreat for the ladies was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday night, October 27, to which an invitation had been extended . to the ' ladies of surrounding parishes. Father McCarthy, an expert Retreat' Master from Toronto conducted the ,,retreat, which consisted of two` & nferences, question and answer period and refreshments in between. Mrs. Murphy also mentioned wehad . been approached by Father ,Cassano of Kingsbridge to loan them guitarists for the Youth Seminar being hejd in their Parish this corning Sunday, to assist with the Folk Mass. Mrs. Pat Osborne has kindly consented to look after this. Mrs. Moyra Evans read a financial report. - Sister Doreen gave a brief but , interesting report on ° the Liturgical convention held in Windsor on October 2, 3 and 4th which she attended, along with Sister Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy. Printed copies of the lectures and activities will be given to the members as soon as they are received. A motion was made that a letter be sent to the local paper publicly expressing our appreciation to the volunteers who participated in all the work they had done for -the youth of the town at the Goderich Youth Centre during the summer. A motion was made that the secretary contact Father Hughes, religious consultant for:youth of the Deanery of Stratford with regard to obtaining' suggestions and information regarding youth activities and the possibility of having ' either him or another qualified person to attend a meeting at some future date. The next meeting of The board of advisors was set for Monday. November 30 at 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall: WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford — Ontario • Ronald C. McCallum Representative - 215 Wellington St. 5., Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 MEMORIALS—MARKERS T. PRYDE AND Clinton—Exeter—Seaforth & CEMETERY LETTERING Goderich District Representative Frank Mcllwain 524-7861 or 524-9465 200 Gibbons St. Re.g.•J. Bell 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-7464 • v� HEAR r rig CHUCK COSSIN Detroit's own • Mr. -Hymntime and also manager of WMUZ of Crawford Broadcasting Co. PLUS EXTRA- SPECIAL MUSIC JUST FOR YOU PIZZA PATIO W EDEsbv; DEC. 2 6:30 P.M. SPONSORED BY THE HURON CHRISTIAN MEN'S ASSOCIATION TICKETS Available At BURGER BAR DRIVE-IN GOWER'S. 'INDUSTRIAL 31 GARDEN CENTRE G%tNT, VRSZ» MISS EDYTHE GLEN Miss Edythe Glen,12 St." Vincent St., died in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital October 26 following a brief illness. She was 74. ' Miss Glen was theudaughter of the late James and Margaret (Craig) Glen. She was born in Colborne Township July 15, 18964 She moved to Toronto -in 1926' and came back to. Goderich to live in May, 1970. She worked ag, a secretary during her lifetime and retired about 10 years ago. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. Survivors include cousins Mrs. M. -C. Jewell and Miss Mae Glen, both of Goderich; Jean, Reg and Ernest Glen, Carlow; and Mrs. Catherine Walker, Toronto. Funeral service was Wednesday; October 28, at Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. G. L. Royal officiating. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery, Pallbearers ' were Ernest Glen, Reg Glen, Ralph Jewell, Hugh Glen, Cliff McNeil and Doug McNeil.: HARRY STEWART CRAIG Harry Stewart Craig, Glendale, California, , died October 14. He was 81. Mr. Craig was a son of the late. Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, He was born in Goderich, leaving at. an early age to reside in Chicago; Ill. He later moved to Glendale. Surviving are his wife, the former, Edith Moriarty; sister-in-law ''Mrs. Joseph Craig; and several 'nieces and nephews. Burial service' took place October 17 in .._Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, Cal. - JOHN JUCK John Juck, Maitland .Manor, Goderich, died there suddenly October ,29. He was 76. ' • A son of Joe and Elizabeth (Weinberger) Juck, he was born November 30, 1893 in London, England. He came to Goderich in 1923. 00 T mRl He servedwith the' Merchant Q4411 Morris, Pranidin Marines from ,1914 to 1916 and Mitchell, Elgin Chambers and with the. British Arany until Harry Chambers. • 1915. He was a maintenance man4 for Bell Telephone of 'Canada and retired about 196.6. Mr, Ju6k was a member of St. George's Anglican Church and of Telephone Pioneers of America.. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Lily Kerns; Auburn; Mrs, Annie Oeinering and Mrs. Arthur (Rose) Skeet, London, England. Funeral service was Saturday,. October 31 at. the Stiles Funeral .Home with Rev. G. G. • Russell officiating. Interment w• . in Veteran's Plot, Maitland Cemetery, Pallbearers were Alvin Daer, Ronald McPhee, Randy Hugill, Harry "Dodd, 4ack Wilson and Clarence Hugill. MRS. CHRISTINA MACKLIN Mrs. , Christina Macklin, Avoncrest Hospital, Stratford, and formerly of Goderich, died at Avoncrest Hospital October 28- after a lengthy illness. She was 98. A daughter of James and Isobel (Watters) Sinclair, she was born February 24, 1872 in Ottawa. Sfie went to Toronto about 1892 to study medicine and graduated in medicine in. 1896. She never practiced that profession. She' was. married June 12, 1900" in Ottawa to Dr. Alfred Hope Macklin who predeceased', her in 1946. The coup.Ie.lived in Mildmay before - 'coming ' to, Goderich in 1904. - They moved to Stratford in, 1945. She was a member of St. George's Anglican -"Church ink• Goderich and of ' St, James Anglican Church in Stratford.. She is . survived by three grandchildren and. three great grandchildren. She was predeeeased by sons Leonard Hope Macklin and .pr. Lionel Alfred Macklin. A private family service was held at Stiles Funeral Home Saturday, October 31 with Rev. G. G. Russell officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were SUNDAY SERVICES' A fel The family that prays together . stays together UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th 9:50 a.m. — SUNDAY -SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m.— EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Rev. C. Flewelly, Evangelist, Cedar Springs, Michigan, Each evening at 7:30 commencing Nov. 11 through to Nov. 22. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. O. H. LEE - PHONE 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FRET METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday ooI 10 a.m. Hour 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET • "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" LALL -US IF YOU NEED A RIDE! 17 524-9565 or 524-6445 I-ULL SCHEDULE OF SERVICES YEAR ROUND! 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY "SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.— MORNING WORSHIP `''Rx — REMEDY FOR AN ACHING HEART! Regular Evening Service — 7:30 p.m. "BATTLES OF -THE BIBLE" — Series Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR:' REV. KENNETH" J. KNIGHT nox Presbyterian Church THE REQ'. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister f WItL-tAM CAMERON, Director o -Praise-. _. _ — SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th ' 10:00 a.m. Sruhtfay School. 11.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. Sermon: "WHEN PEACE COMES" Nursery and Junior Congregation 7:30 p.m. =- Young People's Society. Enter to Worship Depart to Se'ive Cenotaph Service --- Wednesday, November 11 11:00' a.m. , • - , THOMAS M. McPHEE as . MPh, GodericThomi, diedM , Wednesdceeay, October 28 at Alexandra Marine and 'General Hospital following a lengthy illness. He was 32. The son of Mri;. Edith (McManus) McPhee, and the late Gordon McPhee,- he was born September 15, 1938 in Colborne Township. • He , was -a " member of ,r,nox Pyterian Church. He was also a member of Sandy's Clippers baseball team. Survivors include his wife, the former Dianne Bannister; three sisters, Mrs. Ross (Nora) Pennington, Penticton, BC; Mrs. L. A. (Joan) Biddle, Toronto; and Mrs. George (Jean) Brown, Lambeth; one brother, James,'" Colborne Township; and his mother, Mrs. Edith McPhee, Goderich. Funeral service was. Saturday, October :31 at Knox Presbyterian Church with Rev. G. L. Royal officiating. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bob Anderson,. Don Stokes, Steven Argyle, Stan , Connelly, Fred' Miller and Donald Bert MacAdam. Honorary bearers were Sandy 'Profit, Stan Profit, Ross Crawford, Gord Walters, Bill Beacom, Bill Fritzley, Jack Meriam, Ken Crawford, Tom Crawford, Russell Pruder, Moe Millian, Don Elliott, . Ken Daer, Doug Spitzig and John Gower, all members of Sandy's Clippers. Flowerbearers were Doug Smith, Bill Kirky and Jim Boyes. McCallum Funeral Home'was in charge of arrangements. GEORGE W. STOKES George W. „Stokes, Goderich, died October 31 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital following a short illness. He was 75. A son of Frederick and Agnes (Heddle) Stokes, he was born October, 28 1890 in Seaforth had been a ;dent of Goderich for gig Past 74 'yam Mrr. Stokes' was a eaVentll* and had been employed et the Canadian Forms Base, , Clinton* until retlreinent in 1960, He was a Member of ,g" Presbyterian Cluirch, ;i4 hie wmiember of the II.oyal Canadian. TM Legion Branch 109 and lin honorary member of the: 18th, Battatlion, He served ovetseas with -the 161st battalion in the . First World War. Heis survived by, his wife, the: former Myrtle. Johnston wlto/n he _married June 1, 1943 in Goderich; two sisters, Mrd Walter (Ethel) Heltmen : ' Goderich and Mrs. v/m, (Mildred) Donaldson, Stratford; two brothers, Charles; Goderich; -and Frank, Toronto. Funeral .service was .. at. McCallum Funeral Home Tuesday, November 3 with Rev. G. L. Royal officiating. Interment was in Maitland' .Cemetery. Pallbearers were Frank McArthur, Stewart Knight, Les Riley, Dave McMillan, William Westlake and Wallace Duckworth. A memorial service under the auspices of the Royal .Canadian 'Legion Branch 109 was held at • the Funeral Home Monday evening. STANLEY PREVETT Funeral services for the late Stanley Prevett of Goderich will be held at, 11 o'clock this morning, Thursday, November 5, at St. George's Anglican Church. Reverend Garwood G. Russell officiating, Mr. Prevett died suddenly on Monday, November 2 at Alexandra Marint. and General Hospital. He was 59. - - A service also will be held at 3 p.m. at Christ Anglican Church, Petrolia, Reverend J: Menzies officiating. Interment will be in Hillsdale Cemetery, P,etrolia. A full obituary on Mr. Prevett will be carried in the . next issue of the Goderich Signal -Star, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square - A WELCOME TO -ALL — 10:00 a.m. — Adult Bible Class and Church School For All. a:m. - Morning Worship ,Supervised Nursery) Sermon:* "UNRECOGNIZED CREATOR" Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D.- Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliatedwith.the Pentecostal AssembliesofCanada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO, STS. I REV. R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th. 10:00 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE. nn 7:00 EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday — Prayer and Bible Study 8:00 Friday — Young People's Service. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1970 Holy•Communion at 8:30 a.m.. Church School at 10 and 11 a.m. (See ad on page 3) Morning Prayer and sermon. at 11 a.m. (Nursery) Organist•ChoirnTster: Mr. Paul C. Baker, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: REV. G. a..RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Victoria Street United Church. HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m. — Bible School For All Grades. • • 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service. Sermon: "THE CHRISTIAN'S RELATION TO WAR" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH, 1:30 p.m. — Worship Service and Bible School. — W -E -L -C -O -M -E — Mrs. "J.,Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Director m H M Mrs. Leonard -Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director North .. Street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT v �o SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th `►'� ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CHURCH PARADE . ;N 1 • - - 9:45 a.m. — Grades 4 and up. 10:55 a.m- — Grades .3 and under. 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship. 4. Sermon: L.. "REMEMBER" W -E -L -C -O -M -E -Supervised Nursery 'Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Director Phone Church Office and Study — 524.7631 Church I wilding — 524-6951