HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-11-05, Page 13
123rd. YEAR - . 4S .._...._..__.THU_..RSD,,.AY NOVEMBER 5, 1970
nopIIm111Nlhtlllml1111mllml111111IIIiIiIiIIhllllhll111A11111m1t1111111111111111IlllmIi 1111nim 1111111FIFN111urintFltI Iuno ioftsem. NiMonINm
Levis *111
not seek'
Chairman of the Huron
• County Board of Education,
John ,avis, announced Monday
evening in Clinton he would not
be a candidate for the 1971-72
term of office.
"I decided to make 'my
intentions ' known before the
municipal elections;" stated
Lavis. "I • am this year
completing 18 years as a school
board member. I know I will'
miss, air the associations, with .the
work that has become a part of
mY life."
No other board member
accepted Mr. Levis' invitation to•
declare his or her intentions for
the coming school -board
Max Malpass, reporting on the
caretaking supply tenders, said
' the saving this yearwould be "in,
the thousands of dollars".
"I'd be quite interested to
know exactly how many
thousands," said Chairman
Lavis. "This is one area a
county board of education .can
justify its,]existence --- by
purchasing in' quantity."
Malcolmcuvi d'orkilled
while crossing highway
MVlalcolm Davidson, 36, a
prominent Brucefield fanner and
a leader in the com;rnunity, was
-killed early Tuesday evening
when struck by a car as he
attempted to cross Highway 4
° south of Clinton.
Goderich Ontario Provincial
Police, who investigated, said it
appeared as though Mr.
Davidson was trying to cross the
highway from a truck he had
just filled with corn to another
vehicle parked on the east
Mayor advises Cambridge University before
voters to coming ,to Canada, was owner of
' • a large farm at RR 1, Brucefield.
check Iist. for omissions He had also taken active part in
farm organizations.
shoulder of the highway when"
he was struck by a car driven by
22 -year-old Joanne Cook of
Goderich: Police said visibility
was extremely poor at the time.
Mr. Davidson was pronounced ,
dead, at the scene. by Huron
County Coroner, Dr. N. C.
Jackson, of Goderich.
Mr. Davidson is survived by
his wife, the former Jane M.
Lodge; by two sons, Matthew ,
and Andrew; by three daughters,
Karen, Elizabeth .and -Clare; and
-by two brothers, Zan and Angus,
both in England:•
Memorial services wille'be hpan.ld
Friday at 2:30 . p,. from the
Bonthron Funeral Home in
Hensall, In place'of• flowers,
those wishing" to may send
donations to the , Darjeeling
School for Boys, Father
Abraham, in care 'of the Jesuit
Mission, 68 Broadview, Ave.,
Toronto 8.
Mr. Davidson, who was born
in England and attended
Goderich Mayor Dr. G. Frank
Mills this week asked the Signal
Star to advise voters to check
the preliminary voters' list to
make sure their names have been
included. ,
Dr._ Mills said changes in the
way the list is being set up have
resulted in some names being
• inadvertantly left `off. If a name
is not included an affidavit must
be sworn before :a -provincial-
judge before the name niay be
Mr. Malpass assured Mr,. Lavis added, Dr. Mills said. is taken early, voters may find
a more detailed 'report of the
provincial assessment
department. By using assessment
roles, the town discovered a
considerable amount of time and
money could be, saved in
preparing the list.
So, to repeat: voters are
advised to ` check the lists now
available at the town hall on
West Street, to make sure their
names have been included. For a
provincial ljudge to hear an
affidavit takes time. .and. unless
action to have a name included
Goderich council this .year. themselves in the position° of not
ings could The expected at an - agreed to have the list prepared being able to vote at the
—� .. ti . -... _ _ .. -� - ---b• om-use h&farihties ame _
— _u coma -i7iee ng - -- - - y-Deceitilaererrtion.„
One hundred and twenty _compete
At the time of his death .he
was a member of the executive
committee of the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture and
was on the board of directors of
the Canadian Federation of
He was also a former member
of the Huron County Hog
Producers and the Huron
County Bean Marketing Board.
Mr. Davidson was a member
of Ontario's _special' committee
on farm income which authored
the report Challenge of
Abundance in 1969.
kit. One of the principal and most
First inter -town bicycle rodeo
The first inter -town bicycle
• rodeo between Goderich and
Clinton public schools was held
ori Friday, October 30, at
Victoria Public School,
Goderich, under the sponsorship
, of the Goderich Lions Club and
the direction of Constable T. F.
Fortner of the Goderich Police
Department. ,
Teams .:fiorp- the _ tater,,.
elementary schools in each of
the towns competed, with
Clinton Public School topping
the points total :after a
"ride -off" with Victoria Public
School, Goderich.
Highest single points for the.
day went to a Goderich girl,
Wendy Thompson of Robertson
Memorial Public School. Wendy
dropped • only one point
throughout the event.
Wet weather hampered judges
and made the course tricky for
the youngsters, but the 1.•20
children competing were
finished by 4 p.m.
The members of the winning
team and the captains of the
other teams were treated to a
dinner during the evening when
prizes were presented.
Vic Pope of Goderich donated
the main trophy and also
supplied the Kentucky Fried
Chicken dinners for the team
members. Dignitaries were
hosted at dinner by the
Goderich Lions Club.
Among the distinguished
guests present were Goderich
Mayor Dr. G. F. Mills; Clinton
Mayor, Don Symons; Goderich
Police Chief ,Fred _Minshall;
Clinton Police Chief Lloyd
Westlake;•• Goderich Lions Club
President Ken Dunn; Raiph
Smith, principal of -Robertson
Memorial Public School, who
• chaired the program and who
also is -chairman of the boys and
girls committee of. the' Lions
Club; John Kane, principal of
Victoria Public School; Bert
Gray, principal of Clinton,Public
School and Ron Jewett,
vice-principal of Clinton Public
School; Stu Shanks of the
Goderich Community Safety
Council; Harold Larder, school
•�+glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllilllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllhtllllllhllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltlllllllluuuuuuulwuuuuuuuw,liiuuuuiliunquitittntlnuultttplttltllllllllllllllllltltlllllltlllllllllllt1111111111111tIllllllllllltnll111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU� rivers to permit a more even
crossing guard at Victoria Public
School and Constable Tom
Fortner, traffic safety officer
with the Goderich Police
Constable Fortner gave the
teams a briefing on,traffic safety
and a film was shown on the
.effects of a car striking a body.
The locally made film used local
.t, ent.." as `.`stars" and dummies
for victims. ° ..•
Addresses and congratu ations
were given by most of the
dignitaries present and during;
the evening the Elmer Safety
Awards were presented to
Goderich. elementary schools by
the Goderich Lions Club.
Dr. G. F. Mills, in his address,
paid tribute - to the efforts of
Constable Fortner in organizing
the event, noting the constable,
did something tangible rather
than just talk about doing
something. Dr. Mills noted
• 'safety in the schools is of great
'importance to the people of
Goderich and • Contributed
greatly to reducing the rate of
accidents in the' town.
Clinton Mayor Don Symons
The lIuewater Shrine Club received its official charter
Wednesday evening October 28 at a Founders' Night banquet
held in Grand Bend. Making the presentation was Mocha
Temple, 'London, The Bluewater Shrine Club was founded. in
1959. From .the left- are Bob Drysdale; Hensall, chairman of the
Founders' Night banquet; Arthur N. _Martin, St. Thomas, 197-0
potentate of Mocha Temple; John Parker, ' Clinton, past
potentate of Mocha Temple and first president of the Bluewater
Shrine Club; Joe Unger, London, 1959 potentate of Mocha
Temple who authorized formation of the club; Glen Webb,
Dashwood, president of Bluewater Shrine Club. -staff photo.
Santa's coming December 5-
--f-Sre-Page-414oeive), a te.�."117I�arth.
receive. further reservations for
from St.. Nicholas. His arrival is will participate in a mammoth ..float titles .while a good choice
parade dedicated to Goderich
and area children..The theme of
the parade will be a "fantasy'
theme and floats of a religious
nature are expected as well. .
Al this time, at least five area
schools are expected ..to
participate and work has already
begun on -some, of the floats.
Several clubs and organizations
have reserved their categories as
well and it looks like the 1970
parade will be even better than
last year's effort.
The parade, sponsored by the
Goderich Recreation and
Community Centre Board,_ will
offer $400 in prizes and the
u ;is::anliOU n.
... .. .. .,. • -Dates- are f�inalized�--forsecancii_r�lai�necl�:`for ®eariy ., I xnQan.,� _th�
annual two-day visit to Goderich Saturday, December 5 when he
a great success
gave his congratulations to the
winning team and urged the
riders to put into practice what
they had shown they ' knew
about riding bicycles.
Both chiefs of police also
urged the riders to apply what
they knew and so set an example
that would be followed by other
students. •
Lion President Ken Diann
presented. the, Eli ler Safety
Awards; the winning trophy -vas
presented by Vic Pope who
asked ' that Constable Fortner
'assist him; the runner-up' trophy
was presented by Dr. Mills and
the special. award to Miss
Thompson was presented by
Chief Westlake. Prizes of bicycle
lamps were presented to the
team captains. These prizes were
donated by local merchants.
The rodeo was the first
entered by the Clinton team
A sum of money, collected by
rodeo entrants during the
afternoon, -was- handed over -to
Mr. Symons and Dr. Mills during
the evening, for donation to the
Canadian Cancer Society.
The first elementary school inter -town bicycle rodeo between Goderich Police Department. Team Captain Steve Cook is
Goderich and Clinton was held qt Victoria Public School, shown receiving the winning trophy from Vic Pope, the donor,
Goderich on Friday, October 30 and was won by Clinton Public of Goderich who was assisted•by Constable Fortner. Runner up
'School. The event was sponsored by the Goderich Lions Club was the team from Victoria Public School. Three schools from
and was under the direction of Constable T. F. Fortner of the . each town took part involving 120 children. -:staff photo.
remains. Don Ruetz, parade
marshall, has announced that the
Kinsmen will be participating
once again to assist with traffic
and with arranging, the .floats
before the parade.
rens re -opening
set for Nov. 15
December C at the Goderich
Memorial Arena from 1 until 5
p.m. The children are welcomed
, to visit Santa at that time and
receive a small treat from one of
his elves. Plans have been made
to have free public skating from
2 until 5 the same afternoon.
1 •
plan for
Representatives from G. V.
Kleinfeldt andAssociates
(London) 'Ltd., were on hand
Friday morning in the Huron
County Council chambers at
-Goderich .. to • outline their
preliminary findings in their
quest to suggest an official plan
f tht
or e. coup y. .
The speakers made it plain to
council that theywere ``starting
with basically clean slate in
Huron County" - and they
indicated this was• an advantage
in most.respects since there were
no previous planning concepts to
consider or correct.
They reported that the
official plan would likely be
presented early in the new year .
and told council that its
presentation to the people of
Huron would be an all-important
Several hints were given as to
the, direction the plan would
take.` For instance, one speaker
noted that Huron should be able
to control its , lakeshore
property; another that there
May have to be some
consideration given soon to
controlling the- .run-off in the
A special salute to the omeownE
= Preliminary indications are
that the county should employ
_ = its ' own central planning
• A special "SALUTE" to the homeiliakers .of the Siinai-Star The Signal -Star trading area merchants are proud of the part they __ administration witha the various
�► g
• trading area! Your tasters homemaking would make any - municipalities working through
i and farm homes in the Signal -Star have had in making your homes more enjoyable. Therefore, it is with = p
• community. proud! The town great pleasure, that they honour you this week, with "GREATER
trading area, 'Would naturally depict the prosperity that the • GODERICH DAYS." _ continuity g
-� TO T1iE NOME �wN
-- . igtt ar trading g are ..
. �hec"k the "GREATER ... � . _. ed_ u
• r You, Mr. and Mrs. Homemaker, are indeed to be •. = di� ntifi t�was -' . wrr
E ▪ other communities. Y > omfort - scoura
adding to our'home's c edition of the Signal -Star and shop the store .displaying the � what direction the county would
congratulated for the way you keep a g Y
"GREATER GODERICH DAYS posters, for Special. Bargains, you take 'where land use planning is
and beauty. `' s ' ` can't afford to miss!
Some of you, fortunate enough to have ready cash to keep y, it t -w .s� ,,.j
homes the way you want them! Others have to operate their homes
forms will be handed out until Saturday, November 7, andyou then contained in the report showed
The local financial institutions can and will finance most types of-.�.... have unt'...aturday, November 1 1, to get all. your entry forms or that only the five towns in
home construction, or improvement. proofs of purchase in. The second winner was . with sewage
If feet ur home is not up to par, and in needdof repair, or -- � 1 'third '11 h � annoitiiced November 1' and the � treatment- systems
T h t
that office to maintain
throughout the
• - county. Local planning boards at
Plans are - being finalized for
the .official opening ceremonies
of the Goderich Memorial
Arena. The ceremonies and first
official programme will—be
conducted, Sunday afternoon
November 15, beginning at 2
Provincial government
officials, Munic.i.pa1
representatives and members of
the original 1950 Arena
Commission are expected to he
During the ceremonies, the
building will be re -dedicated as a
memorial to those men 'who
Signal Star area enjoys. � saw. ern _
e to >+ this = the municipal
S at St t din ial homes will --always stand as a•challeng ►PER (`CtDi'RICH DAYS as advertised in i kite
have fallen in both .Worid`~Wars
and tribute will be paid to clubs
and organizations who
participated in some phase of
the extensive -_- renovation
The ceremonies and open
'Wage are to be followed by the
first "official' hockey game
featuring the Seaforth,
Intermediates vs the Goderich
Oldtimers. It promises to be an
exciting afternoon.
Plan to attend; there is no
admission charge to the game.
Children mustbe accompanied
by adults. .
Short agenda
at Goderich
Council meeting
within a budget. But whether you run your home oil a budget; or
Sewage disposal is one of the
and of these
yo,, Goderich.
This is the last week in th'C "Greater Goderich Days" series. F.ntry = biggest problems. Charts
with unlimited,�capital, you can have the type of ho a you desire!
proofs of $50 J.M.Martin of;4„,'Huron are equippedg
rcwinner will c
you ee += i o
modernization; consult any local contractor, or building material= five, only the system n e
Bance dealer! Tell final winner on November l �l . of Wingham has sufficient
` ,fir"m interior deco,�atoir, paint store, furniture app
+ • = capacity to permit population
them your wishes and you'll be supplied with the latest material, = p Y
dependable labotir, and best ,possible service --- and all at a price to
Iflimttyour budget. •
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(See Page Twelve)
Goderich Town Council met still contains articles dealing
Thursday evening, .October 29 with a marketing committee.
for one of ' its shortest meetings
Coun. Paul Carroll presented a -
this ` year. The meeting which sumtoary of the .discussion on
started at 7 p.m. was over within Design for Development held in
one hour. • the county courthouse on
No major items • were' October 20 and asked if council
considered during the meeting would review the summary with
but council zareed to give the possibility of presenting it to
permission to the Goderich the next meeting on the design
Public Utilities Commission to concept that was to be held this
erect a large storage shed at its week. Council decided it would
compound in the Industrial need time to read the assessment
Park. The building will be. 64 of the town's findings with
feet by 32 feet and will cost regard to the growth of the area.
$3,300. An application fort a - taxi
A letter from the provincial licence was received from
department . of agriculture in William Swan of Britannia Road
reply to a letter from the town who asked council for a licence
has advised council a grant of to operate a taxi service with
$2,400 will be paid, toward._the one car, 24 hours per.day 'from
cost of work carried out at his home. Deputy Reeve Walter
Judith Gopderham Memorial Sheardown suggested the
Park When the filtration system application be . granted but
was- replaced this year. council felt the normal
Councillor Paul Carroll asked if procedure of placing the
the funds would be available for application in the hands of the
use by the Goderich Recreation special committee should, be
and Community Centre Board followed. It was suggested the
who, had carried out the work, use of the home for the service
but council decided the funds might contravene the town's
should go into the general town • zoning bylaw.
account. The Ontario Department of
Council will investigate the Trade and Development is
s ectal _.lockin seeking old motion picture
Cost. - _of. _ fitters p .. g ... �_... Goderich-
and footage of Goderich and the
bars to doors on municipal
buildings. Council took the surrounding area. 'life film
action as a result of the number would be used in the Ontario
of small fires that had occurred Place 'nowt under construction
in town in recent weeks . ~ off -shore at the Canadian
National Exhibition grounds,
Applications for dock' space at Toronto.
Snug Harbour have been • Public washrooms at the
received from three boat owners Court House -will be closed from
for the 1971 season, Cdun. haul p,m, this month due. to
Carroll reported. vandalism that has been found
ACoun. Ed. Geisbrecht asked if taking place in them. Council
council would do something has issued a reward for the arte&t.
about bringing the standing rules and •"cot►vietioii of' any person
of council up to. Cite. The book found daffiaging town ptropearty,