HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-10-15, Page 12ST,Aft, THURSDAY, CCTQBM 15,1970 b: • a Woman; to Wornun With Sh`irleq J. Keller Of Interest To Women stuffed toys,. dolls dressed in Theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed I. know.that Thanksgiving will' all three performances last year be. past when you read this; but homemade ;fashions, smart . and I'm looking forward to this as I write it, we're still waiting _ hand -knitted items, mittens, winter with real anticipation..• for the traditional . holiday. I shawls, ponchos, ' mufflers in my mind thinking, well, just about anything you can't help;- The Sunday morning worship how„truly grateful we should all would care to mention along service at Knox eresbyterian be for the blessings . which arethose lines. • • ' Church was something quite • ours. I was going to ask Mrs. Hardy "different than most members of My father wasn't a if it was difficult to convene an the„,,. congregation expected, I particularly wise man — event as popular as the think, I, knewt,.of' course, that • certainly not any wiser than the Christmas Country Fair ” at the Service would be entirely average father, I suppose, except Carlow, upcoming Wednesday,, programmed and carried off by that I had the benefit of his October 21 and Saturday, the youth who were in town.for knowledge and I considered it October 24. Shy answered my the youth rally at Knox, but I something special. But myfather question before I asked it. .wasn't quite prepared for the, used to tell me that things never • "Everyone co-operates at, our type of worship service in which got so bad that they couldn't get show," smiled Mrs. Hardy. "Oh, I found myself involved., worst. we have a few little problems I am not suggesting that I was He'd caution, "Whenever you. ,but for the most part, the- disappointed. I think the term think you have things tough, • craftsmen are wonderful. people surprised is more' appropriate. look around you for a while and . who give us'very little trouble." And I'm not saying that ' I was you'll see somebody who is I asked her if there would be unmoved by the form the service worse off than you are. Then-- buses again this year 'from took because a couple of times I give thanks for your blessings." Goderich as were -advertised •last felt hot tears welling up in my That's the way I look at it year. She told me there •would eyes. around '• Thanksgiving time. My not be because it seemed last' I think I would have to agree .life. -has its -ups -and its downs: I Year that people preferred to with the..majority of.adults (I'm. cave° ny no%iems—and-some" '.`drive.out,toLC riow-rat theirsown ;,really'° sorry abort this Akids!). days, believe it' or not, I sit down leisure. • who felt that the service was an and actually wonder whether it But there will bebuses interestirtt experiment which is worth all the struggle. coming to Carlow. Loads of had some merit but that . the Then ..look around me ..... at customers from Kitchener, format of the service^was just a folks..,who have lost their homes , Corunna . and Dresden are little too "urfusual't to be put (maybe even their families) expected at the show, hated into use Sunday after Sunday: through fire or other calamity; Mrs. Hardy. Other bus loads are, To say it another way; 1 at parents with' children who are welcomed, she 'added, but must didn't come away. from the crippled or otherwise distressed; be initiated by, someone other service refreshed and' at peace. at children who show no regard than the Christmas Country Fair Instead I was perturbed and ' for their parents or other' adults executive. • disturbed, which I suspect was in . authority; at families who I'm hoping to get ' out to . ' the whole ' purpose behind the, cannot be together . because of Carlow for the big event. I'm youth service in the first place. illness , or wars or keeping it a secret from my Yet I hasten to add that it did misunderstandings; at whole husband, but I'm interested in no harm at all "to stir up the countries under the thumb of the bake table. Maybe I can masses" for at least one Sunday ruthless officials caring only for stock up on some real tasty out of the year their own personal welfare and Christmas baking without too One fatt kept coming back to gain; at communities where --much -fuss or muss in my own me as• I sat in church Sunday natural disasters such as floods. kitchen. 'morning. The - bothersome and- gales and fires and* * * confinements of religion do not earthquakes have taken their I am one Goderich mother interest the young people at all. toll; at individuals who are alone who • is pleased naw that Lloyd They are not too concerned with and suffering their own and Evelyn Garland are back in doctrine and all the little finicky particular kindof hell for one business on The Square. My problems which keep Christians reason or another. four-year-old, particularly, needs apart- They want to get on with • , > And I give thanks to God for some fall outfitting and a the basic business of person to the blessings which are mine. children's speciality shop is one person :.contacts ' love ' thy And I realize once again what a of the nicest places to do it.neighbor, do good unto them very fortunate individual I really I had a little talk the other that persecute you, . have am day with Lloyd Garland compassion oir thosi who are Then itis easy to swing down concerning the difficult troubled etc. etc. • thee street with an extra bit of children's sizes. That jump' from, And that can't be all bad, now vigor and enthusiasm because 8x to Size "i, I told him, is one can it really? my lot in life isn't nearly ' as of the, first barriers to. be . I think the youth of our burdensome as I had thought hurdled: It isn't too bad if your church has something to say. I and • it is up to me to bring as child is big enough to go into a extend gongratulations to the much cheerand goodwill as Size 4 when he is the right age congregation at Knox for possible to the people with for the {older' stylings, but if allowing'them to have their hour whom I come in contact every your son or daughter happens to to do their thing. Adults with_an ' be small boned and tiny, it open mind would have learned day. becomes -a realproblem to dress P So if you see me with a big something from it, I think. smile on my face and if I wave a happy "hello" to' you, don't 'think of me as some kind of nut from another world. Just chalk it up to my sincere thankfulness for my own peculiar life ..... and all of the really good things which are mine everyday: • *. * * . Speaking of ,Thanksgiving, •I came across soiree information which was too late for Thanksgiving but in plenty of time for Christmas. I've known that food develop a little early or a little the most melodic of melodies. •'poisoning bacteria thrive on late, you are -bound to,. have Walter Gibbons is something stuffing in fowl that is wardrobe problems for a while. very special and according to improperly stored or prepared. I also mentioned to him that dozens of the young people who But I wasn't aware that cooking the gap between Size 6x and - `attended the rally at Knox, a stuffed bird at a low heat can Size 8 is a real headache.. Walter Gibbons carried . the be dangerous. • ; `Doesn't anyone make a Size whole' , thing himself with his M It is true though. According 7? I asked. great ability to "put it across.". to home. economists from the Lloyd told me that upuntil a Mrs. Lee McCallum, Ontario Department of couple of years ago, Size 7 well-known in Goderich 'music • Agriculture and Food, you clothes were difficult to stock. It circles; spoke t� me about ' hhould not stuff turkey to be • is becoming easier now, he said. Walter. She, told me he "cradled cooked ina low 200 degree I suppose, though, the his audience ce i n the P al m of his .ovep, or large birds (18 pounds jhopkeeper . will, of necessity, hand." A hush, said Mrs. or over). They require too many • stock up mainly on those items McCallum, fell over the group hours of cooking, say the which will move most quickly. whenever Walter began to sing economists, and the slow,, He too will have to consider the and to play and everyone — temperature rise creates in the AVERAGE shopper and •the absolutely everyone -- was , stuffing an ideal medium for AVERAGE child. wrapped ' up in the soul and bacterial growth. If you do have any troubles depth of the music which ' Instead, the stuffing should be with regard to sizing of clothes poured from his fingers and his. baked separately, in a greased for your children, I suggest you mouth. n casserole or in aluminum foil for have a little talk with Lloyd or The kids who heard Walter on one-hour. Evelyn Garland. They will ' be' the weekend Were fortunate I just hope we,didn't lose any able to help you with ^most of indeed. Those who -missed his of our Goderich and , district your problems, I'm sure. performances are the losers; Mends over the holiday because * * * tha 's sure. SERVICE OF THE GODERICH SIG F*4 A L -STAR COLBORNE Township fifth annual Christmas Country Fair, sale of arts and crafts, Wednesday, October 21st and Saturday, October` 24th, froni l till 9 p.m. — 41. FLAN to attend the Fall Bazaar on' Saturday, November 14th, 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. at Knox Church Hall, sponsored by the •Arthur Circle. —41 Earn higher interest on our Guaranteed Investment Certificates now paying as high as eight and three quarter percent. tea: 4' thein in styles befitting their ' * * * • ages while their sizing may be 3x Highlight . of „the whole or less. - morning worship• service, of Lloyd agreed that there is a course, was the final "prayer change . in style as well as a service" with Walter Gibbons- in change in cut from the 3x to the charge: To say that the prayer Size 4. He didn't have any real portion was different would be solution for the problem except the understatement of the year. to state that mothers will just Walter is a terribly talented have to ` ' realize that the young -- man.: , His voice can AVERAGE child will go from thunder like the thousands of Size 3x to Size 4 without -too rocks crashing down from a •,much real difficulty. If your son mountaintop and, like the turn or daughter just happens to of a dial, croon in tender tones VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. VICTORIA and GREY ' _- y 4`'diT'R:i3: 'T ' D191:PA NY SINCE .1889 0 Lealand Hill, Manager 524-738 Elgin and Kingston ‘,Streets, Goderich lolil i'oliouioii iDig,Dtu11ces G► The Owners In the Stor" opt ester! �a customers incl and service, . Consumer r e nelyh�or !r Care Ser,Ice i iO^=Diner mora is on liar "Dawn -Dee eere o proeria0/wipe 4t '''' 11 Dawn -Dee FreSh I nathe top Produce! w vegetables end rushed 9from in' fruits ....bed to you, nearest') ,oF he r �t> Nr:r... IGA LOW REBELLION ilitcouiikpi'icDD TOP VALU ' -Li1N°CHEON EVAP.MEAT >Ia.°=. 4 MILK 2 tiny 33° KAM tin • MACARONI AND CHEESE --MAPLE -LEAF COOKED --- • ED !l/4 -o=. • KRAFT R >< -14 HAM ^Ib. 49 P9 . . HEINZ STRAINED-_ (IN TOMATO SAUCE) BABY°HEINZ FOOD , 4'a:°=" lel SPAGHETTI ' ' -"Iti• TOP VALU from TERRY ... APPLE concentrate g• DOG rs-°= JUICE 4&°=• ti" FOOD � tin BRIGHT'S FANCY • TOP VALU FROZEN TOMATO - 40-oz.2ORANGE 6 -oz. 17g. JUICE tin '• JUICE tin GREEN GIANT FANCY SOMERDALE CHOICE FROZEN NIBLET GREEN CORN ,�-°_. PEAS .,....... ba g 94.e LIBBY'S (IN•TOMATOjSAUCE). -•KRAFT. CANADIAN SINGLES DEEP BROWN CHEESE . e-°=. 354t '¢OZ'21 sum 'BEANS. ' PORK tin pkg CAMPBELL'S TQP'�VALU. QST. GRADE TOMATO r g CREAMERY i Ib 'O'°°`' 1c BUTTER print Va SOUP, ........ fin MONARCH TOP VALU White or Whole Wheat PASTRY Baa. SLICED 4 24.a=. �Qd FLOUR bag 7404 BREAD .... loovee TOP,VALU SHIRLEY GAY "FRESH" LIQUID 64-°=• APPLE_. BLEACH alar'33 PIE pie 39 f%a g 1 4,7. �Ib. 3 -Pol of the lack of• this information. I had 'a ?flee time • the other day visiting ,with Mrs. Wilmer Hardy. The lady and I „ have ',something, in common because we have both experienced' the hardships of polio. • • - ,asked me about my bolt with the disease and Y showed her one slightlysmaller, slightly shorter leg. ' "Oh, one of the lucky ones," she beamed, iiidieating. by het toilethat she also considered herself . - 4l kie 'to beone ot t�t�3 9Ic • polio vlctirn rel :too Hardy dining g. 100k almost like a department Arte `holt Friday when f oiled on let There were .:all; kinds of� I hope that as many of you as.. possible will get your tickets for the November 8 concert at GDCI by. the Sisters of . St. Joseph Concert Band. I must sound like a broken record, but I think you will enjoy ,the performance., Besides that, your presence will give. a .boost to the Goderich Town Band. I know many of you appreciated the Sunday evening: concerts in the park during the .sumtnet and this upcoming concert will be a kind of G� italaid ._ l.' r. � Hale f athe season to Oft,, of tidy up all the loose" ends., , Just as a passing: thought now, I m anxious ..tg;, get my seMOf'S tickets to the Goderich,Little • Red Brand Table Trlmm''''';;14453.*:::: •., �;� ,Beef! ed . At disaoui,l si W' P►lece Ihi �/ a GUarantFreshness!. torp really discount, k a ee Fr dines i Tibane.e 's ugronhe es s • meon,'toniee never O . has her meant Mora p aQualty and oll Your erer,do ~ en,ay di�arlety r Y recall o1 1GA! Cerin"�,on y BONELESS SHORT.RIB OR • (3 -LIS. OR MORE) FRESHLY COLEMAN'S (with droning) FRESH TONELESS •' TO VALU (i VARIETIES) PICNIC�.' 4'Oi' SHOULDER ROAST lb. 59$._ ¢ Cooked 'Meats . Pee 290 TOP VALU HYGRAOE (4 VARIETIES) •'+::`rj!l�:`.{F3. �:;fc:!':f.. •,f:f'•`•c•»;:>:+.':ikrfY::.i?i"i,�+:'•l!Js�+.y{.+:.............>:+.;:a``/.Y.•::fc.;i:<;...•.... r+'•+• `.°rk,+. ,f+'',..GY:::. (ASST'D. VARIETIES) JELLO JELLY •Pkg. Powders k, EAT' PIES 3 Z!. f:}„.;{ :::,++ff.+•frf!:•.... r, .?;;:!<<.:y .::f:%h`',., f,r, ,'�''>:a'4'< WEEKLY SAVINGS WITH IGAtS LOW REBELLION DISCOUNT PRICES MI r.;+..++fA✓r.''fff✓�:�:•'{...+•;.�; t;:• ;: <i :•,.. r.y:•::!: >'......:...::..:>r.;:::,+>r:1fS;fS:;if,:ij:.;::'.:......,>' < t•::;:�;; r:f' "/:•i::5r+•:':•:•:�•^�`.firx;:?t+.;.:;:.;:.:;�;,•:<;:3:::.::`fi,;5}S;:>::'�': .. �rie.`;;Ci::.....`i'+ �r �;: U.S. NO. 1 (REIN OR WHITE) EFIIUIT CARLTON 'CLUB (Asst'd Fling ) SOFTs Drinks" MAXWELL HOUSE InstantsI Coftee 'KELLOGG'S CORN Flakes 16 -oz. Pkg. PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 14.17 INCL. WE (IESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITI FOR SOMERDALE FROZEN French Fries" rS SNIRLEY GAY .SLICED, • White Br�Aud Qa 24:oz: PRODUCT OF SOUTH A%RICA ORANGES .. D°=.63 CANADA FANCY MAC APPLES, ; 59!. U.S. NO. y (SIZE 24'11 HEAD LETTUCE ea. 'Mg CANADA NO. 1 M.E.I. POTATOES .... >,94 FROM OUR FROZEN FOOD & DAIRY COUNTERS: HEALTH & BEAUTY MDS: GENERAL MERCHANDISE: CONFECTIONERY: w W , � IMP r itwi%i Sco.6140rr, r"-:I.S SCA..• str ae:sRiblet Coral Orrg ` r �N ice. .i.r r S`otcllD Kre, a ls " I. Ea►1L g., Cote. $ ur aM i ,� i iN. E li �I Tri I� r ...CRM tl :� � `i r" aslel�. A►�r .twrr Rozof Bl s�, 114S aIr praT a,, t I Lir. : td•rr.neit Dv, a 7 In � ' its, , to �, . E � °le Lie r�lw,,:..��yy 'cw7�awt•4 ti�r� :..k CUSHIONS I 'WIN , • ,. SNOW '.tslH lith `' r ii( Aniti4rse I (AuV4.1' JINN `LIND (A. V4) • CANDIES At MRI) w _ N 330r i6.ar. 7r CA, r • �, �� -.,CAyiDIES.41►. - m ' a a,.