HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-10-08, Page 9x• 0 r� a A, !:!our the Minister'ssfrudy Aifr�d'°Pry. An 80.yeavold parrot known rDQnnyb�rvQk as roily died in the spectacular d ChtfrcheS'Q fire last Saturday morning which • levelled the Main hanger at SI Harbor. The bird „ was well-...now�. throughout this district and war' a be missed by the people who • frequented the airport. y . The Signal -Star �recelved word this week -of Ponies history, from someone• who knew the bird or listen to the true Gospel Message; it- is an invitation tc , believe in Jesus Christ (John 3, verse 16). Many 'People : fully,; intend to accept the -invitation; but. keep putting it off, 'and many go out , into Eternity. without accepting Christ. . The 10 virgins were told to be ready for the day of the wedding, they were not told the day . or hour, but to have their lamps trimmed;• and ready, meanwhile they slumbered and slept,; or went on as usual. The" �. word of God says "watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of Man cometh." Every time we attend a funeral service we are reminded of the call of God, • "Prepare to meet your u ron God." In .the parable, Jesus told, suddenly the cry was heard, it h 'was in the night, Behold the • at Bridegroom cometh, go • ye out .Pastor Atihur'n. • Unita? PrcIIna Folix trembled and answered "Go thy way for now, when .I v have a convenient season, I will call for you." Acts 24.25. With these words Felix dismissed the, Apostle Paul, who was trying -to. convince•Felix that it was wrong .to continue to live in a sinful manner,)'elix. knew . that he should change his ways, but he put it off, and there is -no % record ' of him ever changing his mind. Procrastination is the thief of time, and we are all guilty of this habit. We intend to repair that broken thing in the home or barn, or to have our car checked for faulty brakes, or to to to the Doctor when not feeling well, or write that overdue letter, but we put' it off until it is too late. If this is true in material things, how much more is it true of Spiritual things. In the twenty fifth chapter of Matthew, Jesus tells the- parable . of the 10 Virgins, five were wise, five Were fooli`sh..Jesus was teaching the truth concerning the end of the world, or when He Himself, as The Heavenly Bridegroom, would return for His Bride, (The Church). The true church. is .and will -134 ncomposed of -allmpeople whoa have .accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, and have' been washed in. His Precious Blood, which was so freely shed upon the cross of Calvary-. --''R.° These 10 virgins are a true picture of the world, there are those ' who are wise and are prepared to meet God, there are others who are foolish; who keep putting it off, these either scoff at the word of God, auit join the crowd who are so indifferent, or are too wrapped up • in material things that they have no time for the church or the things of God. We, like the 10 virgins, all look alike, bile the Christians are known by their life . and how 'they live. Like' the .10- virgins we have all been invited to the marriage supper, every time you read God's word Goderich area or anywbpre else, can • say "We never knew" for this Gospel message is being sounded forth in our churches, an4 over the ' air, .Dear reader, make no mistake, do not allow. anyone to tell you that this "old' " message, is riot true, or that God in Itis love will not turn any away, it is true. Tie will nod turn us away, but in, His .justice God has made a way, of escape ;by accepting the gift of His son. But if we willingly, and `wilfully, turn_ our back upon ,Him, He has no alternative but to turn His back upon us. Do not make the same mistake as'Felix, or the five foolish virgins, but make sure today that your life. is. in Christ. well. It was Mrs. Roy Finnigan; East Street, who gave the details on Polly. • '' . Polly was just one 'of four parrots brought to Canada by -an Auburn sailor, known only. as Mr: Stanley. As it turned out, Polly . was the only survivor -- the other three birds died soon after arriving in this country. Polly made his. home with Mrs. Laura -Fowler who at that time lived in Auburn. `Mrs. Fowler is Mrs: Finnigan's mother and • is presently" residing with her daughter. The bird had quite a vocabulary, according to Mrs. Finnigan, including some words that were better off ' not �....., , BY SHIRh,EY J. KIEI*,N. R This picture of -the famous -Polly Parrot; was taken only a short time before, the bird was burned to.death ' in a fire at Sky Harbour Airport. I is, believed that Polly was 85 years old and. quite a taltCer in his day. Polly's complete history is contained in the accompanyir ,story. (photo by M. Burndell) repeated." So Mrs. Fowler ' set Mrs. Finnigan even recalls one about to teach the bird new time when a child came to the speaking, habits -- and door. selling Christmas cards. succeeded. Someone called "Come ink" Mrs. • Finnigan claimed the , when the child knocked on the' bird• could at one time say the door. The child entered and Lord's 'Prayer perfectly. Polly, stood for a while waiting for also sang (in perfect tune - mind someone to.come into the room youj "God Save Laura" .to the . to greet him. No one came and Presbyter. ' ' melody of "God Save The •the child decided oto leave: As he .._ was goings out the 'door, Polly Queen. When it was- discovered. that shouted, "Well 'goodbye. It's . about time you were leaving." e to meet Him, the 10 arose and - started out to meet him, but the 1ve foolish virgins had put off attending to their lamps, having no oil or life, the light went out, they appealed tothe others who had • prepared by filling: their lamps with oil, to give some to ,them -but. they.,�couldw,not,.LasAt" -would-have-meant• darkness for them also. The Christian can tell others the story. of Salvation, but cannot give their salvation to others.e . W must accept for _ ourselves. - _....._._ __...� And .so Jesus says, the wise virgins arrived at the wedding and went in with the Bridegroom, and the door was shut. Meanwhile the foolish who had to go and buy oil for their lamps, because they had put off attending to this very -important matter, arrived also at the place of the wedding, but they found that the door was shut and it was too late. Knoc Mrs. Fowler had developed an r '1� The Huron Presbyterial held it's. fall meeting in -- Knox - Presbyterian Church, Goderich with the president, Mrs. John Pollock of. Goderich in charge. She opened the -meeting by reading an article entitled - .the-Lord!s.J rayer" =from: the 1950 Glad Tidings. The hymn "Thou shalt arise" was sung. Mrs. Donald Haines of Auburn was pianist. .Mrs. John Hallam .of Auburn was elected acting secretary due to the absence of Mrs. R. Dyke. Thedevotional period was taken by the Hensall Auxiliary and centred on the theme - Take My Hands. The , minutes were adopted .,as read by Mrs. John Hallam add the financial statement was given by -Mrs. Arnold McConnell. The offering was received by the Belgrave members and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Pollock. This story is so clear, no one can accuse God of being unjust, for He has given this invitation ,,to us all we are not in ,ignorance. No one in the rIIIIIIIIIll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111inia1111111111111Wlllll111111111111111m NV a Obituary `C_ MRS. CLARA (LANGFORD) 11 . ' BURNS Mrs. Clara (Langford) Burns, fluronview, died September -30 at Clinton Public Hospital following a short illness. She was 88. • - She was born April '13, 1882, in Middlesex County to parents Alexander Langford and the_ former Adeline Walker. She lived • in the Goderich area since she Was a child. She was married in Holmesville to David John Burns who predeceased her int 1944. She was a member of North Street United Church. She has lived at Huror#:view for the past four years. • Survivors include one son, William J. Burns, Islington; two • grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Ella Blackler, Stratford; three brothers, Charles, Langford, London; Percy Langford, Stratford; and Herbert Langford, Montreal. Funeral was from the Stiles Funeral Home Saturday, October . 3, with Rev: Robert= Raymont officiating. - Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews James • �Blackler, • Earl. Williams, Harry Williams, Percy. Lindgard, Frank Lindgard and .John Jepson. The guest speaker, Mrs. A. Mundell of Wingham, president of the Maitland Presbyterial, was mzroaucea . qy 1�!irs. c;layton Edward of Goderich. Mrs. Mundell-. chose for her topic "What Christ. has to -say tp:. Women," and based her remarks on - Luke 13th chapter. She challenged the ladies to be better witnesses for Christer , in their homes, churches and community. • Mrs.. ,Pollock thanked Mrs. Mundell ". . . for her inspiring -message. Mrs. R. Orr of Hensall invited the Presbyterial to hold the annual meeting in January in i-iensall- -and- the Auburn Auxiliary will he the •nominating committee. The report of the children' `department, prepared by .Mrs. Gordon Schwalm., was read by Mrs. Orr. Mrs. John ' Thompson of Seaforth gavetwo readings "My thanks come easily at times". and' "The Faithful Few". 0 •u After the closinghymn and • the benediction the Goderich, ladies served"lunch: Scouts to- meet in Kingsbridge Adults from Kintail and Kingsbridge are invited to attend, a' meeting. at the Kingsbridge School, October 15 at 8:30 pm. A group committee will be formed at ' . that time 'from representatives in the area. WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Ronald C McCallum Representative 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich Phone -524-6272 or 524-7345 T.PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS - MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING • CLINTON EXETER-- SEAFORTH • Goderich District Representative. FRANK McILWAIN a. 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. - 524-9465 REG. J. BELL 45 Cambria Road S. - 524-7464 SUPIR DISCOUNT FACELLE ROYALE REG. 43t. .RE/9 4 REG. 2.55 MAN=SIZE TISSUES Z FLUSHABYES - z.O9 'CLAIROL INSTANT REG.2.25 1.79 P$SSSST .SHAMPOO REGULAR & FLUORIDE KOLYNOS TOOTHPASTE REG. . t,. 4 Tubes tubes 1.19' 1.7'8 - CHOCK'S MULTIPLE VITAMINS Reg.4.49 3.x•9 Reg. & Super =- 40's- Reg. 1.97 TAMPAX REG, 1.98 ADORN.HAIRSPRAY REG. 2.29 4 'FDS SPRAY Fadelle Royale - idea. 2 Rolls 65c SUPPOSITORIES -*REG. 2.69 PREPARATION H PAPER TOWELS• Z rolls 49` FASHION QUICK - REG. 2.37 REG. 1.79 1.49 LYSOL SPRAY Menthol, Req. ,Or Leman -Lime Reg, 1.35 FOAMY Shave Cream 1.09 8.25 OZ, REG. 1.69 BROMO SELTZER • - 1.39 Gillette Spray Deodorant Reg. 1.89 RIGHT GUARD 1.9 Ira VALVES REG.95c 79t SCOPE MOUTHWASH REG. 2.29 ALBERTO VO5 SHAMPOO 1.49 LARGE SIZE REG. 98c POLIDENT TABLETS, , 794 100'S REG. 1.45 •�� ANACIN Facelle Royale Reg. 2 Rolls 39c 1.59 BATHROOM TISSUE 6.rous 99' 1.59 1.79 2.19 REG. & HARD.TO HOLD .PATRIC,1�1..-._..R:E•C,,._.1..� HAIR SPRAY 99' LARGE SIZE - REG. 1.49 DODD'$ KIDNEY PILLS - 129 e MENTHOLATUM - REG: 2.39' allergy to the' bird's feathers, It has been suggested that Polly became. the ,property of Polly was silent because he was the late Oz Slemin� whd_in.turn brokenhearted at being ousted donated Polly to the airport. frond the Fowler home and According to a column in The thrust into a whole new setting London Free Press (Wednesday, at such a ripe old age. Who will Oct. 7) by. Ric Wellwood, Polly ever really know now? - • was "a man of a few words." Mr_ Wellwood speculated the bird's silence. could have been because he was "a victim of the `wanna cracker' syndrome" and "had to be content with a female monicker, whether he liked it or got." Mrs. Finnigan feels this may have Thad very little to do with Polly's quiet nature in recent years. She said that when the bird resided at the Fowler household where he was the centre of•attention, he had to be covered to keep ' him from talking incessantly. RUB 1.89 REG. 1.69 NOXZEMA KODAK CAMERA OUTFIT -. RSG. 26.5Q' INSTAMATIC .124 ONLY 1.49 J9.9 ALL COLOURS REG. 2.25 NICE N - EASY, . thLOUR 1.29 '. CNa�rrel 168 THE SQUARE PONE '52417532 • • The cainP tor f' the 00 14110 National t ti for the Blind" begins today, ^ Thursday, October 8 " Therewi8 be a distinct ehange in the collection taetic s this year however, as the '►Paignwill be .conducted entirely" ; by trail. " Previously, canvassers Were sent. door-to,iloor during the appeal. Each household will receive an invitation to snake. l donation to CNIS. Supporters will be asked` to mall then contributions in during the montl-of October,. ,Peter Corless is co-ordinating the campaign. Local treasurer is. St. Iletens MR$;'ALt,.AN MILLER Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Lyons were Mr. - and Mrs..,. WilmeeNicholsen and family of Holstein and, Mr. and - Mrs, Eldon Miller of Lucknow. Miss Loree Campbell entered the Regional School of Nursing, Owen Sound, to train as a nurse on Tuesday. Mr: Wm. A. Humphrey, who has been a patient in . Victoria Hospital, London, • returned home on Saturday. ' Patients in Winghare Rand District Hospital from our community this week are John Lyons, Gordon McPherson,. Danny Pritchard and David • Pritchard. Several from out community, attended the 25th wedding' anniversary party on Saturday evening at Whitechurch Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morrison. NO of the Rank,• C►+p►�h. Siam :. the' *option of the CNIB'In 1.918, the nit I been to• made betterthe condition* of NW, „ and to prevent .blindness. Through its association with the Eye/Auk of Cana**, the. ONIE:has become involved in. what could, be called a cure for sonre`blindness. The rho, what, where, 'whin and why of the' Eye lank ate follows;... , • Who are the Eye Bank? or . Canada's eye .sPedaliStO working with the 'University .of Toronto , and the CNIB along: se with a research team of trained; and' sltiiledtechnicians in the. Ranting Institute are the people of the Eye Bank. L . What ' do they ,do? • Obtain .- donated'eyes from those who no longer meed them and transplant the thin tissue on the 'front -of the eye , called .the ,cornea, to an eye' -that has .itad the cornea damaged or malformed. Where is this done? Eyes from all across the country are transported to ` some of the ; major medical centers where' the delicate surgery is performed; When does this happen; Whenever there are eyes available,• and to date the demand ' has , far exceeded the • -supply of eyes. Why is there an Eye Bank? Because some people like to help others. ew burger bar opens near Square --Ron-Malloch, owner of the Coffee Kart serviee here for the past . two years, , entered a new line of business last week with the .opening of the Burger Bar on the corner, of Kingston Street and St. David Street. The business' will cater to takert orders only and will be SUNDAY SERVICES 1110101 r • ,.. ++h :8011 �i r�llY..+�•� The family that prays together stays together UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North , SUNDAY,; OCTOBER 11th 9:50 a.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL ' 11:00a.m.--WORSHIP SERVICE 7:0Q p.m:- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wednesday, 7:30 - Mid -week Prayer Service "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" *Pastor: REV. O. H. LEE PHONE 524-6887 • WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH. THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street, at Victoria H. Ross -Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Hour 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD HURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A F.ELLOW. 'H1'P CHURCH" CALL US IF YOU NEED A RIDE! 524-9565 or 524-6445 PULL SCHEDULE OF SERVICES YEAR ROUND!' , 10:00a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "PLEASE AND THANK YOU" Regular Evening Service - 7:30• p.ni. Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT Knox Presbyteriaii- Church THE REV. G. LO.CKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister • WILLIAM CAMERON, Director.,of Praise, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th 10:00 a.m:y- Sunday School; 11 00 a.m. - Divine Worship. • • FALL RALLY OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY • SYNOD OF HAMILTON AND LONDON Enter to Worsh p "THAN SGIVINO" -Depart to- --Serio__.. A Managed. by Chris Knetsch. ' Located beside the car wash on Kingston Street the ' new business has. -plenty\ of `parking space for people picking up orders and should provide _a welcome addition to the take-out 'food service stores in Goderich. Y UR � X M1LY CAN YO R'1 GOIDE:R1CN. CREDIT U N ION. 3c1�-t�.N,,�•s�., S1.14-7931 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontar9` rl Quebec) MONTREAL` STREET nl'ar The Square - A WELCOME T ALL '- 10:00a.m. - Adult 'Bible Class and Church School. For All. '11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship and Communion. . 14 ,(Supervised Nursery) Minister: Rev. Arthur,Maybury, B.A., B.D. Rthei Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN'AND WATERLOO STS. REV.R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th 10:00 a.m. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SERVICES \.. Sunday, October 1 1 4 a.m. and 7 p.m. Guest Speaker • REV. GEORGE GRIFFIN ( of Eastern Pentecostal Bible College T. - GEORGE'S . CH-URCH-- NATIONALJHANKSGIVING SUNDAY, OCTOBER.. 1'Ith Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Church School at '10 and 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and ermon at 11 a.m. (Nursery) Orgnist-ChoirMaster: Mr. Paul C. Baker, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B,A., B.R. Victoria Street :JflitedChurch HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m. - Bible School For All Grades. 11:00 'a.ni. - Thanksgiving Worship ,Service. Sermon: "HARVEST JOY" .., BENMILLER UNITEp CHURCH - 10:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Warship Service Mrs. J. Snider, Victoria Street. Organist & Choir ,Director ort and Bible School. Mrs. Leonard Warr, Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director. t eel nite._ [With, REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT THANKSGIVING SUNDAY SUNDAY, OCTOBER .11th z 9:45 a.m. - Grades 4 and up. 10:55 a:'tn. -- Grades 3 and under. 11:00 a.ni. -- Morning Worship. Sermon: God It Great, and I Am Vivacious Supervised Nursery Mrs. Eldanor *Hetherington, A.T.C°:NI. Organist and Choir Director Phone Church Office and °Study - 524.7631 Churcfi .Buililing� 524•C95�1- e '1y ,b