HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-10-01, Page 16•
IJRSDAY, 'actOBER 1,b 197O
It's - disheartening to hear or
toad about some child being
burned by.fge, Many lives
could ° be • s arrrd if parents dis-
c ss fire "�fj rev niion and what,
to- .do in .case of fire With ,their
families. •
Good safety habits are pick=
ed up just as 'iquickly as bad
ones, A step in the right direc-
tion `is to have youngsters
memorize the fire department's
phone number or print it in
.large bright letters near the
phone. It will' be a constant
reminder of the need for care.
It takes only a few minutes
to show their)` stories in news-
papers of ,the harm that comes
from fires.
They should be shown how
baking soda can become an ef=
fective home fire. extinguisher
in the event of a grease fire.
A flashlight is another life
saver if a fire breaks out at
night and electricity has been
cut off. .
A fire drill from time to time
is very important, whether you
live in. an apartment .or house.
Make sure you show a safe
alternate 'exit,. if :available.
If a fire' does occur, have
the children shout "fire" to
alert, the household. Call. the.
fire department, if- there -is
time. If not,- use the exits as
rehearsed in the fire' drill.
—Once outside the building don't
go. back inside until it is safe.
Parents should always re-
member to keep matches, light.:
ers and inflammable material`.
away from children. Do not
encourage -them to 1i4ht things
for grownups. .
Children can help make -a
regular check and remove
rags, papers and other things'
that burn easily.
To complete this lesson in
fire, safety, make a trip to your
local ' firehall. ,
L. Little visitors are, usually
captivated by ,the shiny tire -
trucks and other ,equipment and
enjoy meeting .the firefighters
and learning about their duties.
The use,. of„ -the fire. alarm box
and,how it works will be one of
the many things pointed out.
Fire prevention. bureaus in
your area provideectures and
sometimes include visu=al- aids
and slides. Martha furan,
Toronto Daily Star.
What_ d.o_-- you—do—about
fuses? " Do you cheat? Use
a 30 instead of a 15., even
some foil when there's no
fuse handy! . That's a smart
idea, very smart, you'll have
a dandy fire. Please remem-
ber to use only 15 ampere
fuses in ordinary lighting
Surefire combination: one child, one mat -ch
next time
you blowafuse
remember these
facts before
you blow-
your top.
1 When a fuse blows it is
a signal that" you have
overloaded part of your electri-
cal system ... a circuit.
2 If your home's electrical
system is not adequate
to serve .1r1 your needs you'll
notice other symptoms: Light
may dim from time to time, your
Master will take longer to toast,
and epplianceswith motors may
appear sluggish.
3 - If your home is more
than 10 years old, the
chances -are your electrical sys-
tem requires up -dating to take
care of today's requirements.
There are now more than twice
the number of appliances used
in the home than ten years ago.
It is not necessary to put up with
the inconvenience caused • by
an out -dated electrical system;
.. Have your household wiring
examined soon, See how easily
2 You can add any num-
ber of new time -saving
appliances to your home.
Your appliances will
. operate moreefficiently
and 1vith less strain'on motors.
4 You can enjoy the con-
venience of having aIi
the electrical outlets you desire.
You will avoid the inconven-
ience of unsightly extension
cords and the attendant risk of
overloading the outlet.
'Additional comforts
such as electric heat-
ing and air-conditioning can be
easily accommodated.
Modernizing your wir-
• ing system will make
an important difference to the
y.opr home can be•,modernized..- tafetranthesale value of,your•
..,.•electrri•caIly ...,--home.
Ria -wiring can be handled
with little disturbance to your
1 You use as many home and at a cost far less
appliances as you wish r than you mar think. Contact
at the same time ° .. without a qualified electricaLcontractor,
............giving : fuses-a-secor di.t a ught.- soon. Or'eefd•yrour Hydro.
• .1-
Fire-41s—frightening at any.
time. Fire on a boat is that
much worse. And even though
water is only inches away,
tragedy car' result. Suitable
fire extinguishers are a must.
under the 'Small Boat Regula-
After re -fueling, wipe and
wash down, any • spillage with
water, cleaning the bilge. Open
up the boat for . thorn gh
ventilation. Use Jour nose to
test for gasoline vapor. •
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Singly, his hat- is that of a serviceman,
a sportsman, a man of the sea, a scout-
master, a businessman; a cowboy, a farmer,
a construction worker. -
t Put .the hats together — and what have
you got?
Your Fire, Fighter.
Goderich Fire,
Every week fire strikes at more than one ,
thousand -Canadian homes.
:1n terms of 'dollars that means a yearly Toss of
below $30,000,000, although the typical house
fire averages under $500 in damage.
But the truth is that three quarters of all fire
.damths occur in those homes. And not only
death, for hundreds of Canadians are horribly
burned and often permanently scafred in these
Fires r•f.ely just "happen"! Nine out .of every
ten fires are the.....t,esult of carelessness- and
neglect. Dori't let neglect and carlessoess cause
fires in Goderich.
- Make every week •
Each and every year tkere :are thousands of people who lose their
lives in fires and there are six millions of dollars worth of property
damage'. Don't give fire a place to start in youlr ihome. Check and make
Replacement Values Are High
` So (heck -and....
Make Sure. Your
Insurance 1
It costs more today to replace things than it did 10. years ago but
have you increased your insurance to keep abreast of the ' change?
Lthese•...fxcpeOancedsinsurance—men—check yourmh'on a -tom
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