HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-10-01, Page 10omintvii SIGNAL STA , HDR$DAY,, SERVICESAVAI,ABLE 5,TORENT rt ATTRACTIVE, medium sized, insulated house for rent: Broadloom; fireplace, TV aerial, fridge and 4tove supplied; Apply Box 23, Signal -Star. — 3$tf HEATED apartment overlooking the lake, two bedrooms, frig and stove if required. Phone 524-8344. After" 5 p.rn. 524-8170. — 3Stf C s'` STRUCTION MEN — Of -season accommodation, large, self contained units, showers, frig, gas range. Maple Leaf Motel, 54 Victoria ,• Street North. — 39tf DOWNSTAIRS two-bedroom apartment, $65.00 monthly. ' Phone 524-7014. --- 39,40 .e COMFORTABLE, .bright, three-room apartment, near Square, self contained. Reasonable, rent. Phone 524-7568. — 39 THREE-BEDROOM house; - oil heat, at Benmiller,$65.00 per month. Apply M. Chisholm, 26 Sterling ° Street, Lo'hdon, Ontario: = 39,46'' TARGE building' on Hamilton Street now occupied - 'by Canadian Tire Service Centre available for rent October 1.5. Suitable.io ,.garage, workshop or ,4V .: small ,...,n anufaciurang. Parking. For information phone 524-7855. — 39tf ., •1 SIX -ROOM house in. Nile, two acres of land and small barn. Immediate possession. Phone 529-•7531. — 40 - HERE'S YOUR KEY- TO A,BIG INCOME — MAIL TODAY THE W..T.-RAWLEIG'H CO. LTD Dept, J-216-HY, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, P.Q. .Gentlemen. I am interested iri the yvorld-famous Rawleigh Line ( ) part-time basis. ( ) full-time basis. )' Please send me Free. your Catalogue and full details. NAME........ ..,«.... , .... ADDRESS .0 ITY PROV TWO-BEDROOM . apartment, self contained, hot water heating, newly decorated; : fully furnished, TV hook-up. Adults only. No pets. 59 North Street, phone 524-9303. — 40tf • 1 ONE -BEDROOM apartment, furnished. Call 524-8180 after 4 p.m. _'40,41 FOR SAFE- OR RENT — New modern house on Park Street. Tsfio bedrooms, full basement, oil furnace, on large lot. Terms. ,Phone 524-7739. — 40 8. HELP WANTED CAREER OPPORTUNITY Dominion Automobile Association has openings for both male - and female representatives in this area. The • successful 'applicants will be fully trained, receive top eornmgss-ions, guaran-teed renewals and comprehensive group benefits. Reply in confidence to Box 26, Signal -Star. • .1-r ' • WAITRESS — We want a first class waitress to begin work anytime. We will pay top dollar for the right person. If you feel you are a good waitress and would like'to earn good money, apply in person to Gus Balkouras, The . Club Grill, Kingston Street. --37tf a 8, HELP WANTED IT'S EASY TO SE11E BEST — AVON will do a t! Territories available in ASHFIELD, .fHULLETT or GODERICH Tszwnships. For a fun and profitable business, call or write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury . Avenue, London, 451-0541 collect &' f'nings. — 38,40,42 SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's most progressive Real -Estate Broker, experience not • necessary. Excellent supervision and commission arrangements. High Advertising quota, call or write Len Girard, Manager, H. Keith Limited. Realtor, 924 Dundas St. E., London 672-3333. — 40,41',42,43 DRIVERS NEEDED Train now to drive semi truck, local and over the road. Diesel.or gas; experience helpful but not necessary. You can earn over $4.00 per hour after short training. • For interview and application, call 416-362-4002, or write Safety, Dept., Transport Training Systems of Canada, •Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, 'Canada. - 40,41 TOWN `OF GODERICH requires a ..:C''TFASR€R, '. The Town of Goderich, Ontario, population 6,800 requires . a qualified person to fill the position'of Clerk -Treasurer, Salary, -ange $9.,000-$12,000 per annum '. depending on qualifications and experience. Preference will be • given to. applicantsare who ' ad ates of • 'the Muniepal Clea s Treasurers Training Course. All applications confidential. • Application containing details of experience, qualificationsand references should be addressed AVON GIFTS FOR CHIISTMAS ARE: A ioy to give, a joy to receive, an " =' gree e'YYjo `k selt—Fir full information call collect evenings Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541. — 39, 41,43 Dr. Frank Mills, Mayor, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 12. TENDERS. WANTED 1 ,AUCTION SALE SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR SALE BY TENDER EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMBINED APARTMENT AND BUSINESS BLOCK OF THE LATE CHRISTY CAMPBELL CRAIGIE CQRNER OF THE SQUARE AND .MONTREAL STREET .GODERICH, ONTARIO Sealed Tenders, properly marked as' to contents, will be accepted _until -4:00 p.m., Thursday, October 15th, 1970, at the office of PR,EST and EGENER, 33 Montreal , Street, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for , the Estate, for: • Lands and .premises situated at the North-West corner of Montreal Street and The Square, in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, being part of 'Lot 69, Plan 7, for the said Town' of Goderich, with • a right-of-way over Lots 26, 68 and part of 69, and bearing Municipal' Numbers 56 and 58, The Square. Premises consist of a three-storey - bending, with first two storeys of solid brick and third.. of frame -shingle. Building contains two stores and three apartments: Municipal No. 56. Gift and Appliance Store„ >9 -.subject to ...Lease, expiring January- 31st,,..'n:9 2; :has :;a,. ground floor display area of approx ma e y square ee , with receiving and storage area of approxiruately' 300 square • feet;,gas furnace in basement. - Municipal No. 58. Combined poolroom and Smoke. Closing date for applications 12 /. Noon November 12, 1970. - 10. WANTED (General) • QUICK- Bash to pay bills or make a purchase.' Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, phone 524-8349. —36-49 COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231. — 23tf I'M. -GOING -to Hollywood, Florida. -Anyone willing to help drive car, pay part expenses. Leaving anytime • between October 15 and erid of month. Apply '73 Hamilton Street. — 39,40x - Shop 'currently operated by the Estate, has a total ground floor area of approximately 2000 square .feet;' a ' full basement, • excellent for storage, and is heated- by a-reeently--installed gas -- hot air furnace. , Apartments: All located on second floor, with access from The Square ' by private entrance located between the two stores. No. 1 — 'Two-bedroom, self-contained, with gas furnace. No. 2 — One -bedroom, self-contained, and heated from store N_ o. 58 unit. No. 3 — Two-bedroom, self-contained, heated from store No. 58 unit. �� - Terms - Ten (10%) per cent by certified cheque, payable to the Estate, at the time of submission of tender, and ' balance in. cash within ,thirty (30) days. _. Highest or any • tender not necessarily accepted. Inspection by appointment.' ' Apply to: - W. J. Hughes, Real Estate ' 38 East Street; Goderich, Ontario Telephone 519-524-810Q - 38,39,40 WANTED TO BUY, — Used English saddle. Phone 524-7302. — 38,39,4-0- WOULD 8,39,4.0 WOULD like to buy used set of men's right-handed golf clubs. Phone 529-7311. — 40x - WANTED — Middle-aged woman who needs a good home and will-�;i -be company for'an elderly lady. Must be willing to help with ordinary housework for room and board., Phone 524-7564. — 40 - WANTED — Small -type puppy. Phone 529-7464. — 40 11 • EMPLOYMENT - WANTED, WILL babysit in my home. Phone 524-8507. — 39,40 WILL do washing and ironing in my home Phone 524-8507. — 39,40 • - 12. TENDERS WANTED LADY to .clean place of business' Monday nights and to dean house- one half day per week. Apply Box 29, Signal -Star. -- 40 -- APPLICATIONS are invited for the ,,po:fiition of secretary and stenographer at Huron County Units headquarters office in Goderich, The work is interestfng►,and applicants should have had _- previous office - experience: Applications giving dutriculu:;nm vitae and the names of two persons to whom ..ireferenee may - be made should be aub�nitted 'to I Dr, 0, 1', A. w .ter, X A ,H,z T ' '1i►t► �" :° Lr iCII '' a" Health, Court Ho>ase, Goderich., ► Soon pt*aible, 40.` WRITTEN TENDERS . will be received by the undersigned until October 10th, for the 'purchase and removal from the site of the stucco building located on the woutheast corner of Cayley and Wellington. Streets. Highest 'or any tender inot necessarily accepted. - Harold W. Shore, 38 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ontario. • •40,41 13. AUCTION SALE • _AUCTION SALE • worthy of your attendance with many important and valuable pieces - of vintage household furnishings as well as good general furnishings, the contents ,frgm . Goderich and Wingham households. . This .exceptional. sale is being conducted for the proprietresses in - . The Auction Centre ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES - 20 Water St., Wingham, Ont. On Monday Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. (Thanksgiving Monday) Special previews Fri. Oct. 9 — 9 • a.m. - 9 p.m." . Sat. *Oct. 10 — 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Auctioneer, - Jack Alexander. ,0 ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Administrators • ESTATE AUCTION SALE of property and household effects for the late Mr. Gordon 149 Bayfield Road, Goderich; on Monday,•Oe+tober 12, 1970 at 1 p.m. Gibson (frost -free) combination refrigerator and freezer; Beach electric stove; 251" Dumont color television; Singer electric sewing machine; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; • Westinghouse washing machine; radio; five -pied chrome ' set; couch•;,,, brown chesterfield and chair; hostess chair; swivel chair; eight -piece dining 'room suite and china- cabinet; piano and bench; two bedroom suites; fern stand; hall table; small table;, coffee ` table and end tables; telephone :table; fireplace screen; fireplace tools; brass wood basket; TV trays; magnajector; aquarium; lamps; electric fry -pan; toaster; mix -master; two ' rugs;. mats; •trunk; frames; drapes; dishes; colored glass; ' silverware; . pots and pans; lawn chairs; power lawn mower; garden tools;. etc. Also selling subject to reserve bid at 3 p.m. the seven -room stucco house •on a .82' x 135' lot, with gas furnace and- aluminum doors and screens. Terms on chattels _ cash. - Terms on property to be 10%' GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential CoMmercial Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. 27tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S .Goderich- Phone 524-8391 1i9tf F• OR your Antenna Sales .and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. •- 32tf Thinking about building MILK HOUSE or DRIVING -SHED? For free estimates call: ,RAY' LAMBERS Clinton 482-3305 36-47 Screened TOPSOIL CEMENT GFt,AVEL Lyle Montgomery 482-7644 Evenings Or 48-7661 our PProltals ' 2nd .81 3rd - IVItges, Arranged In the Convenience • of Your Home . LOW cost You can cal to 10 p.m. ' today for helpful Courteous' service. Prompt Investment Corp,' • Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto, Ont, CALL COLLECT 366-9586, EVGS. 239-4913 All pc rsons having claims.. ' against the $4,44,te of GORDON ALEXANDER ORR, late of the Town of . Q. oderich, . in the County of Huron', with died on or about the rd day . of August, 1970, are required' to file the sanie with -full particulars with the nil s neo by the 8th ,"cry Of -00 ber, 970, as after that date e ;assets of the estate will be diiir}buted. Goderich, Ontario this llth flay ' of Septernber, 1970. PRE,ST and EGENER,- - Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., "GODERICH, Ontario. 38,39,40 Dead 'and WAdisaNbledTE[ cattle -and horses, highest ,prevailing prices paid.. '" `N.,. 24 hour service 7 days a week Fast, Efficient .Service : Call Collect Brussels 877.9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD ' Supplies ° • 11/2 miles south of Brussels Lic. No. 273-,C-70 40tfn ST. COLUMBA/N -store handling singer parts; ;a1s-o taking service calls. Phone Dublin 345-2750 or 524-61'16 after 5 p.m. --- 40tf • r LAMBERT'S Tree -Cutting, building contractor and general maintenance. Phone Ripley 395-5424, RR 1, Kincardine. — 40x CORN shelling. Call Tim Hunter, Port Albert, phone 529-7561. — 40-43. : .. - 4t EXPERIENCED - movers will - move household effects -local or long distance. Packing and storage available. Phone Wingham 357-3221. — 40tf day of sale and balance in 30 ' CALL H: O. Jerry for all your days. ' _.SEPTIC•1 ANKS-.CLEANED heating "needs. ,Enjoy delivery .•.:. - Charl�ea l:r• ,•..A .'- . _--crm; rain''- e�c..,=netexesL.,fuel T�l'ODE t'T3'"`EF ti1fPNf£NT t 524-7032. truck. Free burner. se ce from WORK GUARANTEED rvrv.�� . a the man of your choicd; Prompt automatic or call delivery. H, O. Jerry Fuel & Hardware Ltd., •84 , Kingston St.,.d Goderich, Ont. Mike Cummings, Auction eir, 524-9064. 40,41 _, MORNING AUCTION SALE • Estaite auction sale ofp roperty, antiques and household, effects __for__the_late_Miss:Mary.._. oll.inson,._. l G 424 Huron Road, Goderich, on Saturday, October ,10, 1970 at 11 a.m. - Antique kitchen cupboard; five pressed -back- .. chairs-; four commodes; iron beds; dressers; bureau; settee; :five -piece toilet set; table gramophone; antique platform, rocker; rocking chairs; kitchen clock; steeple clock; coil lamps; crocks; jugs; - sealers; frames;. blanket box; quilts;' mats; copper ° boiler; wooden washing machine; antique dishes, colored glass; seven -piece bronze suite; coal and wood stove; Quebec heater; power lawn mower;' ladder; garden tools; etc. Also selling subject to reserve bid at 2 p.m. the thr.e.e-bedroom insuf brick house__with two____. storage buildings. t7 - Terms Terms on •chattels — cash. - Terms on, property to. be 10% day- of sale and balance in 30 . days. • ' Prost 'and Egener, Goderich, Solicitors. Mike Cummings;" Auctioneer, 524-966-4: _, 40,41 Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton `PHONE 482-3320 27tf Phone 524-9671. 38,40,42 HAVE, 'your 'rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. ACE RADIO and TV Service, Call Superior Maintenance, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. M., phone 524-8892, Goderich. Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771 - 33t1. 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS' BACKHOE WORK FRONT END LOADER WORK . All kinds • of excavating,, . trenching, -levelling and backfilling, etc. GRAVEL & FILL Lyle Montgomery 482-7644 Evenings • - Or 482-7661 FOR all your %biking, runitif and tree removal needs, call Ivan's' Tree Service at Wingham 357-2578. Formerly Roy Tree Service of Teeswater. — 29tf ' IN THE ESTATE OF ANNA WOODS HOWARD, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All person'' having claims against' the',Estate of the above named deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of ° March, 1970, are' hereby notified to send to the undersigned on off°' before ° the 16th'. day of October, 1970, , their names and full-. particulars of their claims. Immediately aftef'"the said date the estate will be distributed having regard only tes the claims of which notice has been received. • LERNER, LERNER, BRADLEY, CHERNIAK AND GRANGER, 66 Carling Street, London, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 39,40;41 - ALL persons having claims against the - Estate of ETHEL BOGIE, Housewife, late of 'the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day .pf May., -:._1970.:..;are-required to _file_ the. same with full "particulars with • the; undersigned by the 24th day • of October, 1970, as after that. date theassets of the estate will be distributed. ' '1DATED - at - Goderich, .a0ntario, • this 23rd day of September,* A.D. 1970- PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 40,41,42 IN THE • ESTATE - , OF WILLIAM JOHN MAINES. • All persons having claims against the estate of William John Maines, - late of 217 Park Street, Goderich, Ontario, - deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of . May, 1970, are hereby notified to send in to the un d ersigned ,Personal Representative of • the id doe,eased on or before the 1 til, day of October, 1970, full particulars "of their claims. Immediately after .the said date' the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets' of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. ' Dated at Goderich this 17th • day of September, 1970. - VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY, 1 Ontario Street," Stratford, Ontario;i- Executor, By Prest and Egener, Their Solicitors herein. 39;40,41 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE. J. A. Currie, Maritger, .357-1011. (The only auction service of its ,kind in Western Ont. with an -• established - and proven market place.) 40 AUCTION SALE, of the Estate of George Fairservice and additions 'added Sewing Machines Servicing -All Makes New And Used Sales Satisfaction Guaranteed ALEX REED - -7197 Bayfigld Rd., Goderich ssa-saes Call FRANK TUTT For all your flooring needs. - Free Estimations Carp e`t Yard Goods, Ceramic 20 years experience 524-6804 ' Goderich, Ont. ' 36tf from other estates from 225 SANDBLASTING >.._Spencer Street,Clinton,Ontar-io; on Saturday, October 3, 1970 at 1 p.m. the following: complete bedroom suite; davenport; upholstered armchairs; side chairs; 10 beds complete with springs and mattresses; dressers, - washstands; commodes, 21 inch television; electric range and ref,igerator; washing machine; ,-• power lawn • :mower; kitchen 'cabinet; kitchen tables; kitchen. chairs; lamp ° tables; trilights;.. table lamps; some Mackey equipment, gloves, pads; etc.; shotgun; Cwo 22 rifles; antique dishes; fancy dishes; kitchen dishes; g1w'are.; five coal oil lamps; t& 1s; a full line of household effects; numerous other ;articles including a 1951' Console Sedan, 23,000miles. `exml -..y a --F u, ;^=`• *w • •s1tn,° r"»u- 'tM'Jh'4.i' �•�,:°'S,. Elf* ra Elliot; Auctioneer. .: r40 �` ��DtMOtTT1`OlT AN DERSQN.'S _'_ _ _Appliance Servicing, 186 Mary St., Goderich 524-6144. * Domestic Refrigeration * Electric Washers, Dryers, Stoves. — 27tf - BCU-LLDO:ZIN G Chas. Bruinsma RR 2, Goderich - 524-9804 Two miles east on Hwy. 8. 38tf' RUG And FURNITURE,. CLEANING By • • Call THE RESPONSIBLE SYSTEM Ser vice 'IlASTER LAKE CITY HOME CENTRE 'LTD. - Dial 524-6126 For Free Estimates 38tf WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS -' - Phone 529-74034... for estimates C & W•, Salvage 205 Nelson St. r a W -BU' --EN G- . CARS' For Scrap ,, at their yard GALL 524-9514 Also handling all types of new and used steel products. tf .11 WAITRESSES WANTED .DAYS Good Salary and Working Conditions Apply °ire Person, `Monday to Friday After 4:30 ,4430ERIPCH1E : . , • d WEsT,sTREET • 37'tf ALL persons • having claims against the Estate of ' DAVID LLOYD McWHINNEY, Farmer, TREASURER'S SALE . OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF'HURON PROVINCEOOF ONTARIO TO WIT: -BY. VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Corporation of::. the County . of Huron, bearing- date earingdate the 17th day of August, 1970, and to •me directed, • comm4andin : me o levy upon - -the - lands m =° tinned'.; - in the • following list, r arrears of taxes thereon "together with all costs incurred, ' I hereby give 'notice that -unless the arrears Pre sooner paid, I shall proce?d to • sell the said lands at my office in the Court House, Goderich, by - Public Auction,- on Tuesday, December 15, 1970, at thehour' of two o'clock in the afternoon, in . accordance With ,The Municipal Act,- R.S.O'. 1969 (Bill M 222) Section 576. - NOTICE IS . HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any of the said lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 22,-1970, at the same hour and,place. • • Lists of the properties involved may be secured at the' - Court House. GODER1CH, ONTARIO AUGUST 21, 1970 -JOHN 'G.-BERR--.,m. TREASURER COUNTY OF HURON 37-49 -, TOWNSHIP OF W.ESI WAWANOSH NOTICE ,1970 taxes in West Wawanosh are due on • - .4.CTOBER 30, 1970 . 4% penalty will be added to unpaid taxes' after OCTOBER 30,1970° 39&42 late of the Township of - Ashfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 20th day of-February,;1970, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 24th day of October, 1970, as after that date he. assets of the estate will be 71distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this- 23rd day of September, 1970. • PREST and ECIENER, . Barristers; etc., - 33 Montr-eal__$tireet, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 40,41,42 16.' PUBLIC NOTICE', I WILL no longer be responsible for any - -debts incurred by my wife; Dorothy McWhinney, on or after this date, September 29, 197 0. — Richard McWhinney. — 40,41,42 I WILL NOT be responsible for my wife's debts, Wilma Evelyn - Yake, after September 5, 1970, including hospitalization and '"` medical. — Oglar Yake. :�i�1SLNES: Nand' MEDICAL Massage, - Thermo -Therapy ani -I �• Ultra -Violet, 118 Anglese: _Street; phones, house 524-7617; office, .524-6231. W. C Breck'ow, Reg,' M. • • CALL Betty Hills at 52_4-752f - for your Fuller 'Bruer requirements. Christmas catalogues ' now available. — 40,41,43 FARM LOANS — $50.00 to , $5,000:00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit,- for special -farm repayment terms. Phone 524-8349. —36-49 - Gord, -Munroe St John Graf INVITE YOU TO' THE PREMIERE SHOWING OF .,THE .GREMLIN .JAVELIN .ALL NEW MATADOR .HORNET SPORTABOUT WAGON .AgSSADOR BROUGHAM rnerican I FROM AMERICAN A MOTORS .HORNET, .AMX GIVING WHEELS TO GREATER VALUE . We Anticipate Having Most Of. These 'Models Available by Our Official Announcement Date Of Oct. 5 ' If you're not thinking of new but would like a used car -- give Ps a try if we haven't got it on our lot -- We'll try to get it for you. FINA SERVICE ..t , SSD AUTO SALES. ' , Bayfield .St' .52 41 jY Id ,ti,d ..».., ORD MUN RAF p �''•, i ,t 44 . V .4 4 w :-• ,Y.