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The Exeter Advocate, 1893-2-16, Page 5
• "It Sutpl Se Pain" -AT-- GEO. AT----G • ANSON'S People will study their own interests and buy the best for the least money. No other dealer in town will dare to show you boots and shoos such as tho following: - Men's Hepburn Shoe $3.00, worth 3.25. Ladies' Fine Dongola Kld $2.00 worth 2.25. Gents' shoes $1.75 which are sold anywhere at 2,50 Xi''All Boots and Shoes bought at Manson's, rip sewed free. O JJ jfl J Noxt Door South of Posfoifloo, Beer w tl be sold in every building on the Woriu's Fair grounds at Chicago, and it is expected 50,0000 barrels, or $500,000 worth, will be consumed. There will be S7 booths. Ir HAS'NO EQUAL. Dear Sirs. -1, have used Hagyard's Y a d s Yel- low Oil for many years, and have found it unequalled for burns, scalds, cuts, etc. Mary 1 1. Collett, Erin, Ont, In the House of Commons Tuesday :the government announced that they intend to have a revision of the voters' list this year. D'B. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP positively cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and. Bronchitis. The house of °fever Pattie at Belaire, Mich., was burned Monday night, and three children were roasted to death. Pettit works at night and hiswife was attending a religious meeting. ENDORSED BY THE LEADERS. When a remedy is endorsed by ministers, editors, merchants farmers and leading men. of ail class, it is strong evidence that that. remedy has great merit and does what is claimed for it. Spd.h a remedy is Burdock, Blood Bitters, its wonderful success as al cure for dyspepsia, bad blood, etc., is well known to old and young. Mr. Robt. Larmour, formerly assistane. superintendent of the southern division; of the G. T, R. has been appointed super'intend; ent of the London & Port Stanley railroad. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Car ter's Little Nerve, Pills which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic suffers. Price 25 cents. Wm. Tomlinson. of Windsor was Tues- day sentenced to one year in Central prison for stealing a horse from Hubert Wigle of Kingsvil le. A HEALING SOOTHING SALVE for cuts, burns, bruises, wounds and sores, Vic- toria Carbolic Salve. There is great misery in Queensland ow- ing to the ftoods. The damage is estimated at $15,000,000. WHEN IN DESPAIR. When in despair of being curedof lung troubles, there is still a hope, and a strong hope of perfect cure in Dr. Wood's Norway PineSyrup. This medicine cures even af- ter all othershave'failed, and no one suffer- ing frons Soughs colds, asthma bronchitis hoarseness, etc,, need despair of cure while Norway Pine Syrup is obtainable. Thos. Kenny, a convict from Guelph, sui- cide. in Kingston penitentiary Tuesday by ' cutting his throat. w"i?l;iS�CO ra .:CUR E::,�,0•1� r �;�' GIMES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good tree in time. Sold by druggists ie,ic ; N.5', 11:1u1 l? T'1l0 N '. The drain of gold from the "United States for Europe is causing some agitation among the New York bankers. There is no one one article in the line of medicire that gives so large a return for the money as a good porus strengthening plas- ter, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Bel ladonna Backache Plasters.., Mrs. Japerson, wife of Lewis Japerson, of Kingsville, Ont. was killed by her horse running away, Tuesday. NOT A PARTICLE. Aliditorals Report for the Village of Exeter, Report of the Auditors for the Muniojpal, sty o the Y111ego of Exeter for the year end- ing t11v 31st of a.Jeeembcr,1892.. 'e, the undersigned, the Auditors for the above Municipality for the year 18921 report as follows: - We have carefully examined the Reeeilits and ]Expenditures of the Corporation of said Municipality, the aecounts-or the `Treasurer thereof, the securities fi.rntshcd by him for the due performance of the duties of his office, and the sAsets and Liabilities of the said Corporation for the year ending the Stet December, A.D 1892, with the following re- sult. Asswrs 916x` Dso.,. 1892. 1. 'Bal. on hand $740.08 2. Un collected Taxes on General Assessment 3. Uncollected Poll Tax 4. Uncollected Street Watering 5. Town Hall property 6, Fire Engines and hose 7. Scales and Buildings. 8. Parks A feature worth noticing in regard to Burdock Blood Bitters is that it does not contain one particle of poisonous matter. It cures ancl cures quickly without the use of any injurious ingredients. B. B. B. is a purely vegetable specific for dyspepsia, con- stipation, badblood, headache, biliousness and all diseases of the stomach liver bowels and blood, James Magee, Q. C. has been appointed County Crown Attorney, of Middlesex, vice Charles Hutchinson, deceased. PURE IMPORTED WINE, Prime Can- ada Beef and soluble scale salts of Iron are combined in Milbutn's Beef, Iron and wine. The Quebec Government bill to put an end to the system of pensioning public offi- cers has passed itsfinal reading. REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. The treatment of disease is now almost reduced to a science. A scientific product of medical skill for the cure of all blood dis- eases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore which has held popular es- teem for years and increases steadily in fa- vor is avoris 'Burdock Blood Bitters. Its cures prove its worth. Bush fires arc doing great damage in many parts of Victoria, Australia. Crops and homesteads have been destroyed. The well known strengthening properties of Iaox, combined with other tonics and a host perfect neryine are found in Carter's Iron Pills, Which strengthen the nerves and. body, and improves the blood and complex. ion. • George Young has been found guilty by a coroner's jury of wilful murder for shooting Pre 1 Gloves et Lawrence station. IN STRENGTH GIVING and healing power Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, excels all others. ,Harold Hagen hos'aceepted Joe Donog. hue's challenge for a series of races at New- burg. Hagen names Peb. a5 as the date for the contests. B LMORAL Bur LFT1N. Srxs.-I had a troublesome cold which nothing would relieve until I tried Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam, and,; am ' glad to say that It completely cured ni"e. Robs' McQuarrie, Balmoral, Man. WM. V. Wriebt, a returned missionary from Japan. whose parents reside at Pick- egton Ont., has jest died at Denver, Col. Total L1anil s:1gs. 1. Railway Debentures 2, Interest on sante 3. Town Hall Debentures 4. Interest on same Brought forward Unpaid. Acoouuts 264,20 1.00 Tax 200, 52 600000 500.0000 1000.00 $8705.80 $10000,00 000.00 0500.00 102.50 16262,52 100.00 Total $17062.50 The assessable property within the limits of the Corpation was assessed at the slim of $4G5,180,00,'ancl on this was levied a rate of fourteen mills on the dollar, making, with taxes from all other sources: (exclusive of poll tax and street watering tax) the sum of $6689.02 of which on tho Sist day of De- cember there was collected and paid over, to the Treasurer the sum of $6875.72, leaving TeThereuncollected a balance of $264,28. here was levied for the purose of `street - watering during the year, the sum of $158.32 of which there remains unpaid 52 cents. There was $6 collected) of Poll Tax and other relnaine of the same uncollected $ t. The receipts of the. Corporation from all sources (asshown by, the underwritten ab - street) during the year amounted to the sum of$10190.07and the expenditure the sum of $9449.99,1eaviugg a balance on hand onthe said 3Lst day of December of $740.08. We have . examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find the same correct, with a balance due from him to the. Corporation on the said 31st day of. December as above of $740.08. Hereunder is exhibited an abstract of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Corporation for the said year as shown bythe •accounts of the Treasurer, chewing the aforesaid balance of $740.08. REcEIrTs. 1. Bal. from 1891 2. Uncollected taxes from 1891 3. Interest on same 4. Taxes collected 1892 5, Receipts from License fund 6. Rents and rolls 7. Poll Tax 3. County Boundary grant 9. Legislative Soh. grant 10. Fines and Fees 11. Rents Town Hall 12. Moneys borrowed 13. Street Watering Tax 14. Miscellaneous Total EXPENDITURES. Paid County Treasurer Paid Treas. Sch. Board Streets and Bridges ace. Town Hall roc. Salaries and Comm's T.oaris repaid Interest on Loans Water Supply and Fire Protector Election expenses Taxes refunded Charities Printing and postage Registrations Board of Health Lighting. &c. Railway Debs. (Interest ace.) Town Hall do (do) Law foes, Police, &c. Street watering Miscellaneous Total Total Receipts Total Expenditures $1039.83 112.62 8.03 6375.72 585 82 10.00 6.0U 31.31 200.00 10.50 37,00 1000.00 158.04 15.20 $10190.07 $555.95 2909.00 1780.35 40.60 578.00 1600.00 38.58 195.5U 18.50 53,80 132.95 10996 8.60 5.00 21.00 600.00 325.00 58.93 142.00 282.57 $9449 99 $i0190.07 9449.99 Balance on hand $740.08 THOS. GREGORY R. H. GOLL1N9 Auditors Centralia. Valentine's day here, howmanyare anxious to choose a mate? Many by the smiles, ono might judge. -Messrs Handford & Robinson left for Vancou• ver, B. C., with a large load of fine horses last week. Success to the enter prise. -Word has'beeu received that on Monday evening Rich Handford, sr., of Exeter, bad passed away. Another old tinier has gone and a much respected old couple are separated in this life - The :thaw here is improving the roads let it thaw then b all means. -We hear that the talked of chopping mill will be in operation next week. -The Royal Templars of Temperance intend giving an entertainment here about the 1st of March. Crediton Council be ing the propagators Giai;t has again began to crowd its way more flushing ly to the grain storehouse here. Dashwood'. The revival meetings are still going on here and are productive of :much good. There is usually a pretty well filled house, although the;weather;part of the time, has been very disagree' able. -Any one , finding $2, $5, $10 hills, pocl:ethandkerchiefs. gloves or men's overshoes. will please return them to the owner, or to No. 485, lst` St,, whore they will be applied to pur poses of charity. -The public general lv will please take notice that the butcher's residence I;is the first door east of the meat market. It is all right to call up laic butcher any hour of the night you may want him, but it is a e'rosy injustice to call up inoffensive citizens, who would not hurt either man or beast, at an hour of the morn ing that they have to hunt around for two hours to find daylight. AIS' ILLER quickV care. 1�ii(I IY4)h-therid,quitisie, Cad ��azds Qtid ►r ore %roe.• 3 stt Ifo"ttL a Brewster Mr. and Mrs Rohl:. Taylor were visit• ing friends iu Exeter on Sunday last Mr. S.Ross;is at present spending afew days with R. Jennison, nursing a sore foot -The wife of Mr. R. Jennison pre- sented her husband with a daughter on Friday 3rd inst. Mr. Wm. O'Brien is at present confined to the house with a very severe attack . of mumps, -Miss Emma O'Brien is at present spending, a few days with her sister, Mrs R. Jen- nison. -Mr. J. Curts is at present busily engaged hauling " saw logs to Mr. R Cook's i-.111 at Dashwood: Known in Hamilton. llanfii;Toat, Feb. 13th. -Mrs. Ellen Brown, of Toronto, who was so mar• vously cured of Bright's Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills, is well known in Hamilton, haying been in the hospital here with; the authorities, like those of the Toronto Institutions pronounced her case incurable. People who knew her here are surprised to learn that she is cured, as they thought she was in the tromeFrn incurables in Toronto, and never expected to see her outside that plate again. Mr. Geo. Parke, the popular druggist of this city says that the sales o'Todd's Kidney Pills are very large and increasing, as all those to whom he inns sold them' are receiv- ing a great benefit from their use. The success of Dodds Kidney Pills over all other kidney remedies . is ow ing to the fact that they never failed when used for Bright's Disease, Dropsy Backache, Rheumatism, and all diseas es of the ;kidneys and blood. Tne snow blockade out west has been broken, UNDERTAKING ING ROBERT '.i,� • ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (Ono Door' north Molson'.s Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS.. LOW PRICES, STYLES TO' SUITE EVERYBODY. • The balance of our, Xmas goods mast be cleaned out to make "room for a tarp consignment of Spring novelties. , Specialty Exeter P��a�ing Egui. Togs Wanted. Dressed or Alive. subject r sssd Hogs boughti ect to the Da following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt, 1 off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; , 3 lbs for either bung -gut or gullet, if left in, All Flogs . to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price ice aid for Hog s weighing from 100 to 200. pounds, dressed, SHELL RR OS & Co. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. $75,000.00. -All persons who want - CHEAP RIIONEY at 5i, 6 and 6i PER CENT should call -at the - Office of R. H. COLLINS Exetr .Jilosicat !trllhiiiiI Yi EMPORIUM. Officer .A. H. Braley of the Tall River Police Is highly gratified with Hood's Sarsaparilla. He was badly run down, had no (appetite, what he did eat caused distress and he felt tared all the aline. A few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla effected a marvellous change. The distress in the stomach' is entirely gone, he feels ]ilre a man, and can eat any- thing with old-time relish. For all of which. he thanks and Fri cordially recom- mends Hood's sarsaparilla. It is very important that during the months of Bards April l3Say the blood should be thoroughly' purified and the system be given strength to withstand"the debilitating effect of the changing season. For this purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar merit and it is the Best Spring Medicine. ei The following, just received, demonstrates riits wonderful blood- purifying powers: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: I have had salt rheum for a number of years, and for the past year one of my legs, from the knee down,: has been broken' out very badly. I took blood medicine for a long time with'no good results, and was at one time obliged to walk with crutches. I finally 'eon eluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken one bot- tle the improvement was so marked that I continued until I bad taken three bot- tles, and am now better than I have been in years. The In4amwatioa has all left my leg and itis entirely healed. I have had such benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla that I concluded to write this voluntary"state- lnent." F. J. TEMPLE, Ridgeway, Mich. HOOD'S PILLS sot easily, promptly and em• stoutly on the liver and bowels. Best dinner OM THE itEyT'hHEALTH, Thiloeks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the Sys, tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting,* Acidity of the Stoe curing' Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Eeadaehes, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision. Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all these and many other similar Com laints geld to the happy inttieneo of BURDOCK LO033 BITTERS. Por Nal© by adt DetAers. T.MILBU1 1 & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We Cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PxANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, ALSO BICYLES. C SEWING MACHINES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &o„ The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. ' GIVE US A (;ALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN Bargains in Harness, Trunks, Valises,'Whips, Rugs, Boots, Shoes9Bubbers &c. - AT_ John Treble's,Main- st NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half.fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00;, Felt Boot, Loose Soeks, Grain, 82,25; Men's Rubbers, 50c; Women's Rubbers, 30c; Misses' Rubbers, 25c; Skilled Workmen are em- ployed to manufacture the. goods, and the best of ma- terial is used. Prompt attention given to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satisfaction. The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE, Main Street, Exeter. CHRISTIE'S CcL) LvvE]) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'S'errim.m _ ineasoatia bee Telephone Connection Exkillmlltato Agany IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm Tr YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or. Lend Money IF :YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Ir. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly corn fidential. Intending purchasers `will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent.for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 TBE YG02LE'S ridaufi � FCC STORE, We keep on hand he largest stock of I ou 1 and ei:d 11 Town ca >~ x. Our $'1.'75 Flour takes the lead, • Any quantity of Sia iii Shorts At Mill, Prices. °•Farriers will find it to their ad- vantage to give us a call and see our Stock before purchasing elsewhere.. Iligltestle'>•iees Paid for Oats. R. S. Richardson, Opposite 'I own Hall. Man. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned e rsi .n d <hav1n handsolme- „ .y fitted up hic'parior• and restaurant -will serve ICE CREAM during' the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Eun Cakes ezc. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. A11 orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits sof , all kinds in heir season. D, fir, FOSS, Hensall. DR. WOOD'S a Norway ine'� Syrupe Rich in the lung -healing virtues ofthe Pine combined with the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks it PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness; Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. • Croup =tall THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasantpiay syrup, PR10E.250* AND BOC.PER 1307771X4 *OLD SYY' ALL.,DRUGGISTS a:..:TIII A. iii .SNELL. 1 ail st.. EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock Liltuta Wintill IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trona. Brings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, :at best Rates. A. J. SIIIELL PrisTEINITT.27 E! *arm' :ME! 11 Never was there known such low price in '° -M mn,itu.re before, as you will find. at Firr FU r„,,1 TU WA urchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to Having p the people of Exeter and surrounding Country that, I am offering all kinds inform P p greatlyreduced rates. All Goods guaranteed to be my of furniture at � own hand make, of first-class dry material and put together in the the latest design and finish. All kinds of ordered stronmest possible manner and of work and repairing receives my prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex airin;� change for FURNITURE. ex- change e • ._ town where you can bu:. the The onlyplace �.n � _ . ,� . Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Yale's -- mattress Best 1n. the Market. . Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North Town Hall, Exeter.