HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-24, Page 164^. PERO SIONM;STAlt. TatinsriA.Ystruivw4 24 19lO„ Ann Landers •,• Ai H�wlinq ,g0000 time - DEAR ANN LANDERS: I mere and more. God alone ani 14 years old and I love knows how much I have aninials., Last night I.' saw suffered. I am tortured by something that made me sick. It man mentaiveevhnnageser even met, Ymlevtit. e: and a was just about the cruelest, most inhumane treatMent of ' dogs I How can I get these have ever witnemd. ever-present thoughts out of my '' Some kids ,mind? Please don't Suggest in our neighborhood were holding a ' counseling because I can't bear' "music contest for 'dogs.” Ttiey4-..19).„et_anyone itnow my wife did were singing as loud, as they Ct hHlAsRLOarrwlEu,1 N.tCh. inHg.E-AR; could, right in the dogs' ears, which, of course made the dogs TROUBLE howl. I tried to tell them this is DEAR TROUBLE: Thanks extremely painful to animals and for additional testimony in ' that the dogs were norsinging, .suPP°rt theorYthat a they were crying. The kids laughed at me and said I was crazy. Please say I am right, Ann, because they read your column all the thne and I want them to kno.w the truth sq they won't' do it any more. Thank you. -7 pp: LOVER DEAR PET: ,Of course you're right. Dogs can't sing. They were howling because their ears hurt. I hope those ithpid kicjs see this and decide on another forth of entertainment the next tithe they get bored. DEAR ANN I,ANDERS: I need help. I have a wife and children, a good job and a better than average financial .situation. The problem as follows: Before -we were married my wife had an affair with another man. They were intimate only once and then he dropped her. My wife told me about it before we were married because she wanted to start our life, together.-witluaxiewscieng&„, I was hurt, naturally, and secretly wished she had kept it to herself. She asked me to put it out of my mind and pretend it -never -happened. _I said I would -try and t -was 'surevist-the-time tkat could do it. I was wrong, Ann. We have been married, ten years and instead of forgetting, I find myself thinking about it ,‘ of 'my Ict.W141.0041M0•%e0.'*%%. 1.7:414,*45\ • • .-\\.•••-• ROnny's disposition is reflected in his picture. This little boy is 20 months old, a most appealing laddie of Anglo-Sax- on origin. A healthy young fellow, he has big, expressive brown eyes, light brown hair and fair skin. YOung.,,as:le is, Ronny has a good vocabulary and understands even more than he can say. Just. ask him to bring anything, from a cup to a pair of slippers, and he's away to the proper, cupboard to bring back the wanted article.' Ronny is a„ bright, affec- tionate child Who loves attention. He needs a relaxed, lovivag• i. family, preferably with other children. To inquire about adopting Ronny please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toron- to 182. For general adoption information ask your Children's Aid Society. , Stwtsri., - woman should kevp her mouth shut about premarital indiscretions. I want to help - but 1 cirn't if you tell me what not to tell you. The only solution I see is for you to ventilate your feelings to a minister if% a counselor. There's something pathological about a situation that gets worse with time, instead of better. Pm sure you realize ,this, which is why ,,yo n wrote to, me. I urge you 'to gel -some help before this obses.sion ruins your life. DoNtr isr -rfiE -rELEPHOM POOREIELl- • DISTRACT • yoU WW.M YOUR CHILI? 15 A pAI44E1?.. SI -NATION. SiMMONS sImm econ Peanut Drive SEPT'. 24 ,o• 10'12 1,vp0, A 0141(.12 014Afft`11°P twrogit---5‘10, fog A MONIPIT-1 , oai„ is :‘ .000:400NomommaiwomminomintwAssioNio-0-10-mumwommogia.. And whathave.. you got to tell? . ° by Bill SmileY I don▪ 't advocate taking the law into your own hands, but can't .help feeling fa, glow of satisfaOtion when a human bejng, in this age of anonymity and conformity, reacts to. an intolerable .situation with a fine individual rage. We all have a wild streak in Us, a spark ready to catch fire, but we usually manage to smother it under the wet blanket of society's manners and morals. And a good thing, too, but soMetimes a pity. There is no better purge of tension than a good biaze of anger once in a Sometimes this streak is warped, and it comes out in vandalism, sadism or blind violence. But within ° every man, however humble and unassuming, bides a black panther. And within every woman, behind those smiles and make-up and hairspray . and deodorant, lurks'a leopardess. Just recently, I ,went out to get some corn at a roadside stand. There were two bushel baskets and this god -awful woman 'and her slob of a husband were going through every ear of corn, ripping down the husks and throwing the discards back. This is the epitome of bad taste. I stood behind them, waiting, blood coming to a boil. Just as I 'was ready to hurl a searing bolt of invective at them, the farm kids rolled up with a wagon loaded with big, green, luscjpus 'cobs, fresh off the stalk. I walked-tALIbe wagon, grabbed a " ••. fsindwilunkettlheirjuicreareasset -right down • beside old greedy -guts, who had just paid for a much inferior dozen. The look on her face poured oil. on my troubled waters*. --,-.--.And_then-there-was a flying -- --instructor I was going to strangle as soon as we landed. However, he was about six -two to my five -eight, and I'd have needed a_ Joins Richardson 8i Sons Ltd •'Serving The Feed, Dealers of Western. Ontario •PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH ,•• Pail td.0 staid bn. So I settled by telling him to go to 'hell; Amazingly,r .be, sidled off and that's the last I heard of 'it. People in authority are often cowards, just show' them your teeth and claws, contemplated was that of a Anpther stranaling I German, sergeant who had put the boots to ine,-"Just as soon as I'm untied, I'll kill him, even if he kills me." But I wasn't untied for several days, and by that time we were buddies, I smoking his pipe and , the pair of us jabbering away in a stew of French, German and English. " hese 'were , comparatively. irifige- —0 -18@e -ills, but they happen to most people. (Let's hear abotit some of yours.) _ 'A couple of recent news stories convinced me that Man ' has not been turned into -a grey ' cypher, even in this smothering societY • A chap in Miami had sent his prize dog, via airline,- to Texas for 'stud purposes. The dog was • worth $25,000. The airline goofed, .arid somehow the dog was returned to Florida, where it was -found to be dead of heat • .N_ prostration...ow„t he logical, civilized thing to do would be to sue the airline. Of course, you might spend a •)",ear or two in the c.ourts, with a possibility of losing,the case and winding up with a mitt full of legal bills. .. This fellow • chose direct action. He went to the airport with 'an axe and started hacking at the underbelly of an aircraft. H,e did damage worth $100,000 before he was stopped. Foolish, ut sOmehow- admirable. This is azo...computerized..man. More Jike Iht-Charge.:of the ..tightlffigalliZ • Then there was his 84 -Year -01'd geritleman who was living with a 59-year.old lady in her trailer home. She threw him over Tor a 72.year-old rooster, who kicked him out of the trailer. What could he do? Go to the _police? Nope. There was no Qharge Te couldlay.The lady had transferred her favors to another, and that was that. • But he wasn't foiled. He • strudic back. He made a fireboilib and set tftre to the trailcr, causing $15,000 damage, Boy, I hope I can be as jealous and resourrful as that when I'm 84. rge roe waenvesee A-9-sser arra 70 ra. melee orit 19ED 11116! JOE'S BP Service Station and ° Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd., Goderiph • -7.5248871 FOR YOUR . 'FIREINSURANCE See or Phone _MALCOLALMATNERS wow*, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST .ST. 524-9442 SINE .DIRECT 1 • 5 DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE .OUTSTANDING .BIG SAVINGS VALUES __SINICO,PEDIC DELUXE Compare with any $89.95 mattress value. 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CERTAIN PHILIPS PHI Lco o Colour -Television SALESand ERVKE 524-9432 TRIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich- %, - • Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL • RAVVSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square,Goderich 0 For , 1 Pleasant Surrounding's' And Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE °and TA V E'RN STARTS- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 OIL U CAN'T TELL A IVIAT'TRESS BY ITS COVER SIMMONS GIVES -THE TRUE FACTS FOR SEVEN 'DAYS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT * -FFirdIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service . • nft 1.1 e4nw-itke74)0psatiS 494 (Adult Entertainment) - JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & 1V LTD. The Square - Goderich • DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE NMI • Now a good salaity- Opportunity-secur•ity for you in a business career Look0 15 and kel PER IECE what too $19990 get for rt -r The flew, Goderichi Business NIGHT SCI715PL Typing, Bdokkeep ing, Shorthand (fees. & Thurs. 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