HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-24, Page 14• . ... .orb ,' u �...lV • -h!. lakwCQ)ERICg "SIGN,, IrSTAR, THURSDAY, S r BE , 24,1970 With Shirley J. Keller A Woman to Woman • What do you think of our Sally Sees column? I'm, really quite enthused about, it as I sincerely hope all of you will be when you have taken time to _think it over. The column is designed to put ALL the women's news in one place in the. paper. 'After awl, most events' planned by women are especially FOR women. If the event is of interest to men, it ivu.sually the woman who drags hinff to,4t. So it seems to me that Sally Sees will be a favorite spot'in the Signal -Star m which to advertise special events of interest to women (and maybe ', their husbands). It may be the ideal location to place your coming events." I know many . of ,you out' ,there have been. somewhat - dismayed by the regular' coming Yevents column which doesn't make any distinction • at all between women's events and others . upcoming in the ,, nu unity. . ' . hopp-ing —that. n• :wFiJi:,.be flooded with applications officials in Ontario about the services rendered by CAS in this province. • He called it ar "evaluation of services". I only hope that the outcome of this study will not strip away the.last remaining bits of personal concern, such as that displayed by so many fine organizations in Huron. • *" I still 'haven't -heard directly from the Kinettes concerning their babysitting course which is scheduled to begin early in October. I suppose though, that most interested parties have noted from Last week's newspaper that registration Is September 30 in St. Mary's School from 7:15 to 8 p.m. The course. will be eight weeks , long and boys and girls must be at least 11 years of age to register.' Registration fee „is 85 cents, a very reasonable cost indeed for such a fine 'course of instruction. I'm hoping that the Kinettes 'Sally Sees is the answer — a feminine looking comer in the women'ssection of the newspaper for the purpose •of advertising events of special interest to' women. • Why don't you try' it the very next time you have something to advertise? * *.* �I. was impressed by the information last week about the Goderich teenagers who went to • Orillia to' spend two days escorting, retarded youngsters -around a fall fair set up at the Ontario Hospital there. This outing was a direct result of the- plea last year by members of the local Association for the i*---1Vfentally Retarded.inGoderich, for young people to work with retarded children - in this community. ' I had a brief chat. with Mrs. Betty Reid the other day and she' told me that while there have been several young people ready and willing to assist in r - whatever ways they can to work with the retarded here, there" haven't been `" a great many opportunities. This Orillia trip, I understand, was one of the very rare chances local teens have had to show just what they - can do for -children not. quite as blessed as they . are. And„ they came through with flying colors. My ' personal commendation goes out to the five kids who went to Orillia and I'M sure I speak for the community when I say that it is effort like this which makes good citizens and responsible adults. * * * I've been waiting and waiting for Gil Rum.menie's column in the mail but I'm afraid I might, as well quit looking. Although I haven't spoken to Gil in the last few weeks, • it -seems apparent that he .is not /going to continue to write A Stitch In Time. • This 'might be a good time to throw out a line for any suggestions you may have for features which you. would like to see on the women's pages of the Goderich Signal -Star. I know some of you have very definite , ideas about what you would like to read. Let me know about them so I can see what can be done about including them in future weeks. * * * It was such a pleasure to meet and greet Bruce R Heath, the new• local director of the Huron County Children's, Aid Society. Bruce is a congenial type person who will undoubtedly make his mark on this community before he leaves it. u Bruce was telling me how " upea5er'i9he was To noe�ttiat`tocai" service and social clubs have so much interest in the GAS." "It seems to be a natural response," he remarked. • I'm sure he's right. I noted last week that the Beta. Theta Chapter of the .Beta Sigma Phi here in Goderich is again supporting the CASas one ' of their service projects;, `' Bruce agreed'„, that it was concern , ueh as this that makes the Huron County. CAS such -°a .tunique organization. Ile dimes here directly from Toronto wbete there isn't. such 'personal 'content for the, underprivilged and 'n f treated children "ire the community. ,r....14.Winterestedrtoo, to learn from 1ruee that many questions . ;ate toeing' b asked In 'government chtles as well as' among„CAS and that° their efforts --will '-be realized as worthwhile in the community. . * * *• I've been warned by my superiers here at the Signal -Star (and at other newspapers where I have been employed) that it is _ not necessary to apologize for errors which appear in the newspaper from time to time. .- I._ know _this_ istrue. _Still I feel there are times when an explanation is just good business The picture in last week's women's sgaion of the Ladies Atudliary presentation of $1,000 to the Goderich Memorial Arena Fund was not one of our better _ efforts. I think the picture could be termed, "washed-out”. that these , things do happen occasionally. The difficulty arises in the technical end of things here. It seems there are times -whenthings go badly no matter how much you want everything to go well. I was " particularly disappointed in the appearance ofthis•, picture because it told the story of 1 • rnighty fine achievement on the part of the Ladies Auxiliary. I think Councillor Paul Carroll had it about right when he made a statement for the press: "The Ladies .Auxiliary deserves credit because it was the first service club to reco ' the need for some het the arena," said . Counci Carroll. "It speaks highly of the members who recognize the needs of young people in town." * *'* I'm pleased as punch with the number of + meeting reports which have been forwarded '-to- me the last couple of weeks. It has done my heart good to be flooded with local news from the various women's groups in itrS town. What's more, I think most of you enjoy ° reading these articles. ' Just one word of caution, if I may be -permitted the luxury. Please try to have your copy into my desk by the MONDAY following your meeting. If the „ copy arrives later..,than that; I. cannot guarantee that it will appear in the women's section of this newspaper before it is "`old stuff". That Monday deadline, incidentally, goes for ALL copy for the women's section. I know • it seems early - when the newspaper doesn_'..t hit the street until Thursday but we're on a rather rigid schedule around this 'office and it is necessary that the. deadline be Monday.' By. the way, I hope you are pleased with our new format for the front page of the second section (the women's segment). I'm attempting nowto make it•a page of mews items of interest to women — certainly some special .features—tout. whenevez -possible. -to. :have it- ontain -as—much LOCAL news as possible. . Your co,operation is 'absolutely essential if this ' section is to grow and ' -flourish into something every' woman in Goderich and, area will want to , read. * * * What about the social' column ladies? Surely you have items of ... _interest to_the. xeaders_which_you_ could share, 'The only way this newspaper can contain the kind of items you like to read is by everyone making some kind of a contribution news -wise. We like to hear about parties (all kinds); wedding anniversaries; holiday trips; - vrsitors in _ town; _ students ,enrolled in universities; .family get-togethers; and in fact, any of the social events which are happening' • in Goderich - all the time. Just call me at 524-8331. I'm more than pleased to .take your items down . and to see -that they are printed in the social column of the women's section. *, * *. Next 'month I`will have, been working at the Signal -Star for one year. I've been trying to decide whether I've made any impact at all on the newspaper ' here I suppose everyone will have his or her own opinion about things like that. I do know that I have made some wonde ul friends since coming to Goderich. And I'm not ready to agree with those people who complain that Goderich people are cold and Unfriendly. It just isn't so if you make some kind of an effort to • be friendly to them. So newcomers, take heart. Go out with a smile and a cheery ,greeting and you will find, Goderich folk as warm and friendly as they are anywhere else. Fin Your INSURANCE • see or call MacEwan ,T.&t. MacEwan 44 North St. .524-9531 Donald G.VlacEwan Peter S. MacEwan 6 �• a Let people know -what your group is doing! Use this special "calendar of events" column to advertise your Meetings or social events. The cost is only $I for 25 words. • Your announcement should 'include the name of the sponsoring organization, date, time and place. As this new service will appear in this section every . week, we must receive copy BEFORE 5 p.m. Monday. Let people know what your group is doing! Phone 524-8331 and tell everyone through"Sally Sees" -- Of Interest To Women. • Earn higher interest on our - Guaranteed Investment Certificates now paying as high al eight - and three quarter percent. VG The senior Trust. Co npany devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. WCflRI4 and GREK _ TRUST. COMPANY SINCE 1889 ..:eaia d—Hi l Manager 7524=7381 381_. Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER: (Cut to your own specifications) ' GOVT. INSPECTED BRANDED GRAIN FED BEEF: Cut Hobo Steaks of Roast — plus ground meats and stew . HINDS OF BEEF FRONTS .,OF BEEF- SIDES OF BEEF CHUCKS.I a OF BEEF - (Please allow 3.5 days' for processing) Aamosemeemma Cut Extra thick Coleman's Ready to Eat BLADE M1¢ Smokedo' .l7fg STEAKS 169 lb. HAM, L Ib• Economy Pack. 4.6 Chops UP Valu Butt Pork 1 -Ib. CHOPS go Ib. Wieners .c 550 Coleman's Boneless, Oven Ready (Wlth 0reislnpl FRESH PICNIC SHOULDER ROAST , Table Trirnmerj For Braising or Shoulder STEAKS MEATS RED BRAND TABLE TRIMMED GOVT, INSPECTED THE KING OF ALL ROASTS! WELL TRIMMED 12 -3rd Rib) CHEF STYLE PRODUCT Of SOUTH AFRICA, OUTSPAN 4. ORANGES - (Size 88'0 DOZ. eRAPES 2 Canada No. 1 Ontario WESTINGHOUSE SOFT WHITE 140, to on 100 WATT) LIGHT BUL Bs • rek 12-14 nide GREEN GTANT FANCY ST'D VEGETABLES z; 64, PEER FREAN ASSrD -BISCUITS 4,1;,.0 CHICKER.OR LIVER DOG FOOD TIM GAINES SPECIAL PACK 4•Ib, 85 gravy Train BOG,FOOD'IP COME SALMON 10.14. 3 Bag CASSI'D COLOURS) RYE THE SEA CHUNK LIGHT TUNA MEATS TABLE TRIMMED INO FAT ADDED) Blade or Blade Short Riba7. ROAST kr: t- 330 Tin ST. WILLIAMS ASSORTED sig JAMS, JELLIES, trisART, Houk GIANT ' ASSORTED COI.OURS BEfERGENT fin ULTRA (RITE TOOTHPASTE ORAL ANTISEPTIC COLGATE 100 FRUIT SALTS • • 0"117N4GuE JUICE 2 Tit 3 r COLOURED PARCHMENT lb. nttni kniniirt SPEC. 'PACK 2 1. 6•16, MARGARINE Kt, Zf' utmoN it. 3 JELLY ROLL tt7i, vimosolt 71" it 14" 11411