HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-24, Page 7From the. Minister's study REV. LEONARD °W.ARR.. V COr ,,Vii* -•,Seam. �iller Churah. ar. The .Human Face "For God Who commanded the light to shine .out of darltness, hath shined in, dur hearts, to give the •light of , the glorious IP knowledge of the glory of, God in the .face of Jesus Christ" (2. Corinthians 4:6) The human face mirrors so much of the human soul.We look not 'at' but `into and. behind' a face and glimpse the inner life. When the spirit has flown, the face is but a vacant, empty mask. ° One ,of the` touching stories from the pew of that famous Edinburgh, Dr. ' John Brown concerns a friend of his father, who, after, two short years lost by death- his beautiful and beloved wife. Shortly after the funeral, he purchases from, an Edinburgh art store eight prepared ivories and the necessary pigments, and with no previous training to guide him, 4 retired to the privacy of his study. For- fourteen days, he shut himself away from everyone, but at the end of the time emerged haggard and weary but triumphant, holding in his hand the one remaining ivory on which was a •mdst life -like likeness—.of.....his •' -deeply-beloved wife. • What about the face of Jesus? It, too,. was a human face, reflecting many moods° . and mirroring, varied emotions. His ti face' was ever changing. With righteous indignation it could look on the Pharisees and Temple ° desecrators. Little children were caressed by its tenderness. Anchorless -multitudes-_ found peace" -under...: the shadow of its compassion.- At the grave of Lazarus it was wet with tears. At Gethsemane °and Golgotha it was drawn with bitter anguish. On Hermon and on Olivet it was .transfigured with an unearthly glory. It is the Divine ordering that q4 as we look onthe face of Jesus a• veil hides' much from our eyes. .Also the portraits of our Lord extant are not precisely so. We are to walk by faith and not by sight. We are to have heart fellowship with the Unseen. Furthermore in the wisdom of God the reflection of Christ's blessed face is to be seen in the faces of those who truly love and live with Him. ' There is the Light of "Truth" from the face of Jesus. The human face may be only a farce — a veneer or a deception. But in the face of Jesus who said "I am the 'Truth" there is the precise light concerning that which was, is now, and which shall. be. Thomas• Nast,, the American cartoonist, attended a party. 'It was suggested he draw a caricature of all present. He did' this with a few swift strokes of his pencil. The .sketches were given to the guests • for identification. . All recognized everyone else but hardly anyone +k recognized. himself. All of us have a blind spot when we turn. our eyes inward. He who, knows us altogether, opens - our eyes , to see and our hearts to know God, Others and ourselves. - There is that light of "Transformation" from His face.6 In one sehse the words of the hymn :writer 'are perfectly true: "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face; And the things of earth will grow strangely dim , In the light of His glory and grace.' Andre Gide, the French novelist, in his lovely short story "The Pastoral Symphony" tells of a young girl, Crtrude, who had been .blind from 'birth. The picture which she had .of folk around her neither her friends nor family tried to upset. An operation oh. her eyes enabled. her . to see. She made two crushing discoveries: one was that Nature was more beautiful than she had imagined; the other was that the faces of people were sadder than she imagined — lined with care, inner anodety and, restlessness. She almost v ished' her eyes had never been opened. The finest inscription in the Harvard Chapel is the one to the memory of Dr. Peabody:, "For 36 years he walked among the professors and students of Harvard Unilrersity and Ovist not that is face did shine." The a 1 4 LIONS' .Peanut Drive-- M ,D 11RININ011111llllll)flll Huron. MRS, FI..QI3A ADELINE KINGSWELL,. Mrs. Flora Adeline Kingswell died at Huronview Sunday, September 20. She was 81. ° She was the daughter . of Angus McLeod and the former Mary Campbell, both deeeased, and was born. January 27, 1889' in Sault Ste. Marie. She has lived in Goderich and area for most of her life. She was a member of North, Street United Church, the Light from the face' "of the Son Women's Institute, a former of .G+bd may kindle the human member of the Orange Lodge face . into iadiance. through a and for sometime en active great cause, a great Purpose, a volunteer in Red Shield work, great Faith, a great Love; a great Salvation ADrrhy, salvation! She ' is survived by her There is a strange portrait '.of husband, Walter Jacob the' face of Christ,' painted by Kingswell; ° one daughter, Mrs. Gahriel Max in 1840. It shows a George (Florence).McItwain, RR thorn -crowned head,but the 1. Clinton; two sons, Hector, -'eyes are closed. Underneath the. Clinton and Ralph, Goderich; face it is written: "If you watch five grandchildren and seven the eyes which are shut, you will greatgrandchildren; and two see them suddenly open" That is sisters, Mrs. Lillian " Roe, it; if you look ,upon Christ, He Plymouth, Michigan and Mrs. will look upon you• Annie Streib, Rodney.. , You may see the -picture in a `Sale was predeceased by twin shop window in The Strand sons, George and'Gerald. (London, England) and we are Funeral service was told how some folk who looked Wednesday, September 23 at the • into the window were for the - McCallum Funeral Home with most part concerned with the • Rev. Robert Raymont landscapes and the daughters of officiating. Eve; and the Christ remained Interment was in. Colborne blind. But when one man Cemetery. Pallbearers were Roy looked, then he saw, and the Meriam, Joe Moore, Jack Cook, eyes were opened,' and for a Ernie Good, Charles Moore and moment the eyes looked out Kaz Brudnicki. upon him. MRS. OMENTA GRACE ' And so it is with the Gospels WILES . of Matthew, Mark, Luke and 'Mrs. Omema Grace (Morris) John. Whether. you see Him or • Wiles, 219 Cambria Road, died not depends, =much—upon theme .September;; Al =in Alexandra" ,heart you bring. You must come Marine and General Hospital - ' Adam) (Elizabeth Helen)' rOd, Mrs Willy (Pearl) L wrencq and Mrs, Reg; (Elsie) Fraselr, ail; vy of (Qderich,' Funeral . service was at St., George's Anglican . chin* Saturday, Septemberi9. with Rev.. W. Craven in charge. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were S.A. Elliott, Sort Hw. S . on. s m d Ronald • •Trout and, McCabe. Stiles Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. MRS. W. HAROLD 'PROUSE . Mrs.W. Harold ?rouse, 611 Broadw.ay St., Ti)lsohburg died - suddenly. in Victoria Hospital Saturday, Sept. 19 iri her 44th year. She was the former Ruby A. She is survived by her husband, W. Harold Prouse of Tillsonburg, formerly of Goderich; two daughters, Karen and Carol Ann, and two sons, Gregory and Steven, all at home; three " sisters, Mrs.Wm.(Hazel) Cann of Yarmouth N.S.; Mrs: D.W. (Lillian) Bogie of Nanaimo, B.C.; and Mrs. Chester (Marion) Lawrence of Toronto; two brothers, ' Keith Critcher of Yarmouth, N.S.; and Ronald Criteher of Oshawa. The body rested at the Ostrander Funeral Home, Tillsonburg for service Tuesday, September ,22 conducted by Rev. Ross E. McCann of St. Pauls' United . church, Tillsonburg. Interment ' was in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Critcher. with ware:;'open—child-like, heart ,. follow:ing.=; iilness::of:nine„yea1s ready toobelieve in the duration. She was 91. immensity of goodness He is A daughter of William Norris able to reveal. You must" bring Morris and'the former Mary Thurlow, both now deceased, she. was born March 3I ,4879`in Colborne Township. She lived in' Colborne until she was 18 years of age when she moved to Joliet, Illinois. She was' married in Joliet to Arthur: Wiles -who -died -in' -1935: She was a. member of St. George's Anglican Church. Survivors include five sisters, Mrs. Arthur (Alice) Holmes, , Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. William (Helena)_ Weekes, London; Mrs. your imagination and -your lively fancy whereby you can get back to the days of His flesh. You must come, as Dr. McNicol sought to make it plain to us at the college, with earnest endeavour to see . Him . as His contemporaries saw Him; and as - you -thus --read the records there will be moments which glow " with the Presence Divine. "They . looked unto - Him` and' were radiartt" —,Psalm 34f5 "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth." Isa. 45:22. religious A story in the last issue of the Goderich, Signal -Star referring to a single fellowship that is to be started at Calvary .Baptist Church incorrectly stated the meetings would not .be of a .religious -nature. Rev. Kenneth Knight pointed out this week there would be religious connotations, but no formal sermon. . It was -intended. that readers' be made aware that the meetings 'would be _non denominational. - Huron ry fiord of Education EVENING CLASSES 1970-71 Evening classes for`adults are being planned to begin the week of October 13. If the enrolment justifies it (at least 15) the following courses will be offered. At;' Goderich District C011egiate Institute MONDAY CLASSES: 'ART ., ;ASIC DRESSMAKING. LADIES KEEP FIT GOLFING TYPING 3"PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHY ELEMENTARY WOOD WORKING BOOKKEEPING 11, TUESDAY CLASSES: - PHYSICAL EDUCATION (BADMINTON) ADVANCED DRESSMAKING - ° CROCHETING AND MACRAME (Knotted Belts, Etc.) o- I Classes will begin the week of October 13 and run for approximately 21 weeks. (Due to �MThanksgiv'ing, Monday, classes will be held on Wednesday, October 14 for that week only. Tuesday -classes will be held on the regu)ar date, October 13). Registration will take place in' the school on Wednesday,' October 7, from 7.9 p.m. If you plan to attend we would appreciate your mailing in the, form below or phoning the school. Late registration maybe accepted on opening -night of classes. Suggestions for other courses would be welcomed. Feed' $10.04`per course. Materials for projects must -be supplied by students. If a course is cancelled /fees will be refunded. J. B. Lavis . r.. ' D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director of Education ammo Clip and mail to Goderich District Collegiate Institute, attention Mr. C. Kalbfleisch: Do NOT mail to the Board Office. ` NAME _• ADDRESS • ?'HONE COURSE CHOSEN .... , 11. Ara >_ k. ty;• re field Sep Met Afthui Cixele of Knox Presby tertan hutch met on Monday evening in the church ' parlour ° . for the September meeting. Following the opening exercises; Edna Pollockread the Scripture from I Corinthians h C apter 13, and gave a Meditation on the thel'ne "Where Are Love's Limits?" pointing out that Christ's. love .,for us is limitless but not so with humans as shown with the religious anti, racial riots and the generation gap, to mentio'noonly a few of, the human struggles. A prayer was offered by Margaret MacKenzie, and - the offering was taken by" Makrgaret Fester and Helen Sager. Edna Pollock '.presented a very comprehensive ° report .of the council' meetings of ,1970 'held in May at Ewart College, Toronto. She urged the ladies to ,realize that the whole church 'is 1' their Mission — not to limit their effort to their own, society. It was announced that the M Huron,Presbyter al would •rneet in Knox Church, Goderich on Wednesday, SePtei bex,y 30 ' at 2 p.m. The guest speaker wilt be Mrs. Alvin Mundell of TiNifigham, and the Arthur Circle members will serve lunch following the • meeting. M'rs. _R Bell representing the women of the church put forth an urgent appeal for help for the big Thanksgiving weekend when, the Young People ;Societies of Hamilton and London Synod will hold a rally in Knox Church,, Goderich. All ladies are asked for a donation of food or money to help in this cause. Following ' the benediction, lunch was served by members of Helen McManus' group. --ovormell. 33t A ' " rIVR D Or1111 ER 44,170' dedicate Ca no • GOOD THINGS Sacred music planned RED CROSS HAPPEN WHEN ...,......�. YOU HELP Sunday evening, September 27 will, be an evening of sacred music at Calvary Baptist Church beginning at 7:30 pm. Mrs. Dorothy Scotland and her Youth Choir frora London will be at the church on Huron ?Load to entertain with solos,: duets, trios, quartettes and group numbers. With them will be Don . Vair, also ..of London, who will -provide instriameatal.-music. A. briefwimspirativnal=-�addess- 'will be given by Dr. Robert Dryburgh; London. • WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford — Ontario Ronalai- C.. McCollum 215 Wellington St, S., Goderich Phone 5246272"or 524-7345 Rev. E. a Ral man B:.A.:, D.D. executive ()facial of the Hamilton United° Church Conference ,and ' rapier superintendent • of missions of the London, Conference will be the guest 'speaker on —the Benmiller Anniversary ' Sunday, September 27th at'1.1 a.m. Following . the- service' 'a• luncheon will be served in the Bible School Room by the ladies of the congregation, Then. .at. 1:30 p.m. the dedicationof a new cairn with a memorial service will be held at the old c8 • 00.0111I1l L rlgelie " . 1 rOthren CIA140 COM oeated about 11- lrllias, + ,. t of Benmiller on tho Jam 'Fisher :fsrnt. Pr, allman's lather mragii.:fi: former minister in .this ch4xeh. ° The average e0440 electricity +ctricity' t'o Ontario s, residential, municipal' customers 'in .1969 was the same as that in 1943, 1.2 cents a kilowatt -Lain fi PRYDE andS MEMORIALS -- MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING CLINTON -- EXETER SEAFORTH, GoderichxDistrict Representative FRANK McILWAIN , ,524,7861 or 20 Gibbons St.„— 524-9465 REG,. J. BELL 45 Cambria Roa1 S: --52417464 - DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE RECREATIONAL VEHICLES • ��. Year 'round lines of quality snowmobiles, all terrain vehicles, minibikes, campers, trailers, accessdries and parts available to qualifying dealers. Protected .territory, Generous discounts, Low investment For full profit informaion, contact: KENYEWCLES LIMITED 291.3klvnfinc ive, " Downsview 48Q, Ontario., - 4.16 630-7094 SUNDAY SERVICES St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church NORTH STREET -� Rev. Father R, Moynahan Sunday Masses: Phone 524-8174 8:30 a.rn. — 11:00 a.m. —x5:00 p.m. ' UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th 9:50 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. —WORSHIP SERVICE 1:00 p.m. — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wednesday, 8:00 —Mid -week Prayer Service' "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. -.0. H. LEE PHONE 524.6887, WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Hour .1 1 a.m.' Evening Service 7 p.m. WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" CALL US IF YOU NEED A RIDE! 524-9565 or 524-6445 i-ULL,SCHE"DOLE OF SERVICES YEAR ROUND! 10:00 a.m.— SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP "FACING FACTS —.FAITHFULLY!" Sacred Musical! Dorothy Scotland: --Recording Artist , Plus Youth Choir from London,— 7:30 p.m, Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. "KENNETH J. KNIGHT :Knox Presbyterian (hurcb r THE Rb./..G. LOCKHART ROYAL, 13.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th " 10:00 a.m. — Sunday .School. - 11:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. Sermon; ' "THE . CONTENT .OF A DREAM" • (Nursery and Junior Congregations REC-E 7R N OF NEW MEMBERS (Dialogue Time after Church) 7:30 p.m. --- Young ,People's Society. Enter to Worship Depart to Serve, The family- that prays together Rli 4d slays' together _. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and'Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square' — A WELCOME TO ALL -s ; Adult Bible Class ani Ch(trth' School For All. 11 a.m. - Morning Worship (Supervised Nursery) •- Sermon: "DIFFERENT" Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D. • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Cr Affiliated with the Peritecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER QF ELGIN' AND,WATERLOO STS. REV.'R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th 10:00 a.m:—»SU`NDAY_,SCHOOL - , 11:00 a.m. Worship Service - 7:O0p.m.--,EVAJNGELISTIC SERVICE 8:00 p.m Tuesday - Prayer and Bible Study 8:00 p.m. Friday — Young Peoble's Service ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th- . Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Church School Sessions at 10 and 11 a.m. Morningbythrmon e Prayer Rector atand Se11:00 Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C. Baker, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. P o ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Benmiller. United- Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER , 27 — Guest" Speak)pr: Rev. E. Hallman, B.A. 'Special Music by the McMillans •and 1:30 p.m. — Dedication of Cairn and Service at the former" E.U.B. cemetery ' -- 11 A.M. B.D.,. D.D. Choirs Memorial in Benmiller. North Street United Church REV: ROBERT L. RAYMONY SUNDAY,' SEPTEMBER 27th 9:45 a.m. — Grades 4 and up. 10:55 a.m. — Grades •3 and under. 11:00 a.m: — Morning Worship. Sermon: "The Fullness Of That Hour" Supervised Nursery Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Directbr Phone Church Office •and Study — 524-7631 Church Building 524.6951 mow' r, • r